Uploaded by Davide Pujatti

translation Mooney

Traduzione testo Mooney
Mooney's communication path began in November 2020 with the announcement of the new
brand, following the launch of the Mooney Charter with the branded content "The Mooney
Show" in January, along with a pivotal flight in February / March and a recall in June.
This strategy has made it possible to achieve encouraging levels of awareness considering
Mooney’s few months of life as a new brand after the Wirecard scandal in July 2020, following a
successful recovery plan.
The total awareness value of the Mooney brand measured by a research by Kantar is
57% *
The monitoring activated with Nexplora showed that the campaign proved capable of
fulfilling its awareness objective, strengthening the awareness of the brand in the
prepaid cards perimeter. TV and the press are confirmed as the means that contribute
the most to the creation of awareness with a higher market benchmark contribution for
such newly established brands.