NAME MALLADI VEERA SHANKAR VARMA 218EC1384 LAB 4 Q1Jwrite a MATLAB code to find the partial derivative of a function by asking the user whether with respect to x and y. MATLAB CODE: k clear all format compact 8Y0 xY z= input('Enter the two dimensional function fix): "% x1 = input('enter the x value at which the derivative has to be evaluated: ' ; yl= inputf'enter the y value at which the derivative has to be evaluated: ); z1= subs(substz,xxl},vv1) ezsurttz,k1-2 x1+2]) f1 diffz) f1 - dif(zy) slopex substsubstf1,x.xl}yv1}; k2,22]-mesbgridk1-2:25x1+2,0:0.5:10); y2-y1"ones(sizet2); hold on hi=surfix2,y2,22); set{h2, FaceColor,10.7,0.7,0.71, EdeeColor none"') telinspacel-1,1); x3=x1 y3=y1"ones(size(t)); 23=z1+slopex"t linelx3,y3,23,color'blue'. Tinewidth ,2) OUTPUT:- COMMAND: Enter the two dimensional function flx -y^3 enter the x value at which the derivative has to be evaluated: enter the y value at which the derivative has to be evaluated: 3x2 1= 3y*2 JFind the partial derivatives of Flsy)-sint/(1+v) with respect to x at the point (1,2) MATLAB CODE: Ciear an format compact z=inputfEnter the two dimensional function fly): "% x1 = input('enter the x value at which the derivative has to be evaluated: ); yl = inputf'enter the y value at which the derivative has to be evaluated:); subs(subs{z.xxl)}My1) ezsuffz.xi-2 x1+2]) dif{z) slopex subslsubs[f1,xx1),Y.x1); *2,22}=mesbgrldix1-2:25xd+2,0:0.5:10); y2=y1'ones(size(z2); hold on hl=surf{x2,y2,22); set{h1, FaceColor,j0.7,0.7,0.7],EdeeColor'none) t=ipspacel-1,1; x3-x1t; y3=y1 "ones(sizeft); R71+stope linefx3,y3,23, color,'blue', Tinewidth', 2) OUTPUT: Figure 1 sin/ly 1 09 0.9 COMMAND: Enter the two dimensional function figy): sin/l1y) enter the x value at which the derivative has to be evaluated: enter the y value at which the derivative has to be evaluated: 1= sin(1/3) cos(/(y + 1)/(y + 1) Q5) Find the partial derivatives of Fl8y)=x*3*y"3+6xy-1 with respect to y at the point (1,1) MATLAB CODE: d dear all format compact 2 = input('Enter the two dimensional function flxy): " x1 = input('enter the x value at which the derivative has to be evaluated: ; y1= input 'enter the y value at which the derivative has to beevaluated:); subssubstxxl)yw1) ezsuffz k1-2 x+2]) 1 = difflzy) slopex= substsubs(f1,x,xl},Y.y1); x2,22)-meshgridx1-2:.25:x1+2,0:0.5:10); y2y1onessizefx2)}; hold on h1=surffx2,y2,22); set(h1,FaceColor,[0.7,0.7,0.71 EdaeColor' none") tjospacel-1,1); x3-x1+t; y3-y1 ones(size(t); 3z1+slopex*t line(x3,y3,23, color, blue, linewidth',2 OUTPUT:: COMMAND: Enter the two dimensional function flx x3+y*3»6"(*'v}1 enter the x value at which the derivative has to be evaluated: enter the y value at which the derivative has to be evaluated: y1 3*y^2+6"x Q4JFind the partial derivative of Flxyl= 4-*2-2y*2 with respect to x at the polint (1,1) and visualize it. MATLAB CODE: lear all format compact SYDSY z = input('Enter the two dimensional function flxy): "% xl = input('enter the x value at which the derivative has to be yl= inputf'enter the y value at which the derivative has to be 21 subs(substzxxl).y.vl1) SzSuffz,[x1-2 x1+2]) f1 difflzx) sloRex subs(subs{f1,x,x1)Y,y1); x2,22]-mestegridix1-2:.25:x1+2,0:0.5:10); y2=y1 onessize{x2); hold on hi=surf{z2,y2,22); set{hi,FaceColor',J0.7,0.7,0.71,EdeeColot'none) Tinseacef-1,1); x3-x1t; y3-y1onessizeft); 23-21+slopext; line(3,y3,23,color red', linewidth,2) COMMAND Enter the two dimensional function flsy): 4x2-2y2 enter the x value at which the derivative has to be evaluated: enter the y value at which the derivative has to be evaluated: 21 1 evaluated: '}; evaluated:"' 2x OUTPUT: Pigure 2 Q5JFind the partial derivative of Flsy)=4-x*2-2y*2 with respect to y at the point (1,1). MATLAB cODE clear al format compact z = input('Enter the two dimensional function flxy): ": xl = input('enter the x value at which the derivative has to be evaluated: } ; yl= inputf'enter the y value at which the derivative has to be evaluated:"); z1 = subsísubsiz,x,xl),v,y1) ezsufiz,k1-2 x1+2}) = diflzy) slopex subs(subs{f1,xx1),v.y1); k2,22/-meshgridfxl-2:.25:x1+2,0:0.5:10); y2=y1 ones(size(x2); d on h1esurfx2,y2,2]}; setth1, FaceColor", J0.7.0.7,0.7]1. EdeeColor, none) t-linseacel-1,; x3xl+; y3=yl "ones{size(t)}; z3=21+slopex*t linetx3,y3,23,'color, red, linewidth,2) OUTPUT Fgure 4.2. 15 COMMAND: Enter the two dimensional function flxy): 4-**22*y*2 enter the x value at which the derivative has to be evaluated: 1 enter the y value at which the derivative has to be evaluated: 1= A