History of electromagnetism William Gilbert: not only shown by amber. Electricus = “amber-like” Certain substance show the effect after subjected to friction “effluvium” was removed.. 'electret' . Gilbert found electroscope. Nicollo Cabeo, Robert Boyle: Electricity repel as well as attract Joseph Priestly 1767 attraction of electricity follow the same law as gravitation: inverse square law Gray: electric fluid Charles Franxois DuFay: two fluid: resinuous and Vitreous Benjamin Franklin one fluid theory. Surplus + vs deficit Franklin's conservation of electric charges and Priestley's law of attrction bring electricity into an exact science Henry Cavendish rediscover inv sq law. Electrostatic capacity, specific inductive capacity. Virtually introduce the notion of electric potential Aepinus: effluvium around electrical bodies vs action at a distance (Franklin and others) Coulomb 1785 verified Priestley's law. Action at a distance prevailed... until Faraday. Coulomb Did not accept one fluid theory but of Robert Symmer 1759: positive and negative Simeon Dennis Poisson accept two fluid theory. Materials in whic the fluids move freely are called conductors. Inspired by Laplacian = 0 in the case of gravitation, Poisson replaced zero by density of electric fluid. Green gave the name potential. Green connect surface integral and volume integral: the Green theorem Petrus Peregrinus. Lodestone made spherical, small needles align like meridians.... Poles Gilbert: north and south. Attraction and repulsion between different and like poles John Michells 1750 : inverse sq law for magnetism.. earlier than the law for electric force Franz Aepinus 1759 poles : where magnetic fluid concentrates Anton Brugmans:two-fluids: boreal and austral Coulomb: no magnetic monopole. Magnetization is separation of boreal and austral to opposite ends in a molecule A tradesman of Wakefield dicovered that a number of knives and forks in a box struck hy lightning can attract nails Franklin 1751 magnetized sewing needle by means of discharge of a Leyden jar. Hans Christiaan Oersted: connection between galvanism and magnetism. "Electric conflict" around a wire.. a circle.. magnetic needle direct in opposite direction when placed above and below wire. Jean-Baptiste Biot and Felix Savart quantifed the magnetic field (originally called force) Oersred thought a current-carrying wire should be moved by a magnet..he showed experimentally Andre Marie Ampere: two current carrying wires atrract or oppose each other. .. electrodynamics . ponderomotive force. Ponderomotive force also exerted by magnet on such currents. Weakness: force directed along the lines joining two current elements Ampere: magnetism is really an electrical phenonemena. It is current rather than magnetic fluid thas is the fundamental quantity. 1822 Thomas Johann Seebeck: current generated by heat. 18 55: Faraday: Induksi elektromagnet Cavendish: conductance power of metal Humphrey Davy: conductance inversely proportiinal to length, directly proportional to sectional area. Davy: conductance varies w temperature. 1826 George Simon Ohm compared elcteeic flow to caloric. The magnitude of flow is proportional to difference in electroscopic forces, just as in the theory of heat the flow of caloric proportional to temperature difference.