LATIN ROOTS AND DERIVATIVES APPROACH The finest words in the world are only vain sounds if you cannot comprehend them. - ANATOLE FRANCH Be prepared to find Latin derivatives somewhat more difficult than the Greek because meanings may be less apparent and less sharply defined. In general, Greek roots provide keys and Latin roots clues to meaning. You have now had experience in recognizing word elements, however, an advantage you did not have in your approach to Greek roots a few weeks ago. Keep in mind that the derivatives of a single Latin root may have taken many directions and that some of them may have gone a long way, but that each is traceable to and influenced by the original root. The range of forms and meanings, confusing at first, can add immeasurably to our ability to communicate effectively. Prefixes: Memorize the meanings of the Latin prefixes below before beginning the study of roots. Make no attempt to list as yet words in which these prefixes appear. Instead, make it your practice to combine some of them each day with the roots of the lesson. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1 Prepositional and Adverbial Prefixes a-, ab-, absad- [ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, am-, ap-, ar-, as-] 1 ambi-, ambante- (rarely anti-) circumcon- [co-, col-, com-, cor-] contra-, controdedis- [dif-, di-] e-, ex- [ef-] extrain- [il-, im-, ir-, en-, em-] Meaning Example from; away to; toward; near; very avert; absent admit; annex both; around; on both sides before around; about together; with; very against down; from; away; very apart; in different directions; not; very out of; from; very outside of in; within; into; on; not ambidextrous; ambient antecedent; anticipate circumference convene; collect contradict descend; detract disperse; diffuse; digress exit; exclude extraordinary enclose; immeasurable The following prefixes sometimes serve merely as intensives: ad• (adept); con- (commotion); de- (declaim); dis- (disannul); ex(efficient); ob- (obdurate); per- (perfect); pre- (pre-eminent). The development of this force from the original meanings can be traced. For example: • con -- together; altogether; completely; extremely • per -- through; through and through; extremely • dis -- apart; in different directions; in all directions; in every way; completely • ex -- out; out and out; absolutely (Compare our outnumber; outdo.) 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 1 Prepositional and Adverbial Prefixes infrainter- [intel-] intra-, introjuxtaob- [o-, oc-, of-, op-] per- [pel-] postprepreterpro- [prod-, por-] re-, redretrosesub- [suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus-] 1 subtersupersupratrans-, traultra- Meaning Example beneath; below between; among within near; next against; toward; to; very through; badly; very after; behind; later before; very past; beyond before; instead of; on behalf of back; again; anew backward apart; aside under; below; up from below infrared interscholastic intramural juxtaposition object; oppose perennial; perfidy postscript premeditate preternatural project; pronoun; protect revise retroactive secede submarine secretly; beneath above; over; more than above, upon; more than across; beyond; through beyond; excessively subterfuge superabundant supragovernmental transcontinental ultramodern In words derived from Latin through French, the prefix sur is from super, No. 28 above. LESSON I Root voc, vok dic, dict dica, dicat duc, duct loqu, locut loc, locat garrul equ 1 Meaning voice; call say; speak; assert proclaim; set apart lead speak place chatter; talk equal; fair Prefix ben-, bonmalsoli-, sol- 2 magn- 3 Meaning good; well bad; ill alone; only great; large EXERCISE 1. vocal 2. predict 3. dedicate 4. introduce 5. loquacious 6. location 7. garrulous 8. equality 9. benediction 10. benign 4 11. malediction 12. soliloquy 13. magniloquence 14. equity 15. iniquity5 Do not list here derivatives of another equ, meaning horse. Another sol, in a later lesson, means sun. 3 Magnet and magnesium are not from Prefix magn-. 4 The gn in such words as malign or benignant is a shortening of gen, meaning kind, nature. 5 After a prefix an e or an a in a root frequently becomes an i (equity; iniquity). 1 2 16. maladroit 17. revoke 18. benevolence 19. dictatorial 20. malaise LESSON II Root son verb lingu langu 1 ver vor vir 2 virtu Meaning sound word language; tongue faint; weary truth eat man strength; virtue Prefix omnimultipaucilongbrev- [brief] 3 Meaning all many few long short EXERCISE 1. supersonic 2. verbal 3. lingual 4. languid 5. veracity 6. voracity 7. virile 8. virtuoso 4 9. omnivorous 10. multilingual 11. paucity 12. elongate 13. brevity 14. verity 15. verbose 16. languish 17. pauper 18. abbreviate 19. longevity 20. omnipotent Exception: The word language comes from lingu, not langu. Do not confuse derivatives with those of viru, meaning poison, or with those of virid, meaning green. 3 Some derivatives of Latin roots come into English directly, others indirectly, through the French, with spellings altered. French forms of roots will appear in brackets. 4 Let a wide range of meanings among derivatives of one root challenge your ingenuity. Reason out the stages by which meanings developed. A diagram is helpful. The meaning of virtuoso seems to have little in common with that of the root vir. To establish the relationship: vir – man: triumvirate (three), decemvirate (ten) manliness: virility ; virile courage, strength, effect: virtual any admirable quality, excellence: virtue skill, artistry: virtuosity ; virtuoso 1 2 LESSON III Root corpor carn sanguine, sangui cord capit, cipit cap, cip, capt, cept [ceive, ceipt] ped manu mand, mend digit dent 1 Meaning body flesh blood heart head take foot hand put in hands of; entrust; order finger; toe tooth EXERCISE 1. corporation 2. carnivorous 3. consanguinity 4. cordial 5. capital† 6. reception 7. incipient 8. multiped 9. manual 10. mandate 11. digital 12. dentate 13. reincarnation 14. expedite‡ 15. corporal† 16. sangria 17. pedestal 18. incarnate 19. capricious 20. recapitulate Do not mistake for derivatives of dent those words in which the suffix -ent is added to a root ending in d, as in accident, confident. † In both Exercises and Review Lessons, this symbol indicates words having an unusual range of meanings. ‡ From here on in Exercises and Review Lessons, this symbol marks words whose meanings seem remote from that of their roots. 1 LESSON V Root aur ocul vid, vis divid, divis aud, audit 1 gust ger, gest palp tang, ting, tag, tig, tact tac, tic teg, tect Prefix aur- 2 argentferrplumb- Meaning ear eye see separate hear taste bear; carry feel; touch touch silent cover Meaning gold silver iron lead Suffix -fer -ferous Meaning bear, carry produce EXERCISE 1. aural 2. oculist 3. invisible 4. indivisible 5. expect 3 6. audible 7. disgust 8. ingest 9. impalpable 10. tangible 11. tacit 12. detective 13. aureate 14. argent 15. ferriferous 16. palpate 17. palpitate 18. taciturn The words audacious and audacity are from another root, meaning dare. Aura comes from a third aur, meaning air, breeze. 3 A root beginning with s drops the s after the prefix ex (Ex + spect becomes expect). 1 2 19. aura 20. plumb line 21. plumbery LESSON VI Root sens, sent cern, cert, cret crim, crimin sci sap, sip sag fa, fat, fess 1 far fatu fac, fact, fect, -fic, -fy fing, fig, fict fig, fix, -fy simil, simul, sembl 2 Meaning feel; be aware sift; separate; distinguish; decide judgment; accusation; crime know taste; discern; be wise shrewd; wise speak divine law foolish do; make; cause form; shape; invent; imagine fasten; pierce together; likeness; pretense Prefix quasinon-, ne(rarely neg-) Meaning as if; seemingly not EXERCISE 1. sensitive 2. discern 3. discriminate 4. omniscient 5. insipid 6. sagacious 7. affable 8. nefarious 9. fatuous 10. factory 11. fiction 12. prefix 13. assemble 14. simulate 15. quasihistorical 16. incriminate 17. sage 18. ascertain 19. figment 20. infatuation From a given root a derivative may take any direction and may develop a meaning apparently little related to that of other derivatives. Yet each is clearly traceable to the common source and bears a reasonable interpretation of the root idea. Among the derivatives of fa, for example, an infant can’t speak; an affable person is a speak-to-able person; fame is what is spoken of one; ineffable beauty is un-speak-out-able or inexpressible beauty; the Fates were the speakers whose utterances the Romans considered final and unalterable; the Romans called a shrine or temple where they sought the utterances of the gods a fanum. From this came the word profane (before, or outside of, the temple; therefore, unholy). The Latin word far meant right in the sight of the gods, and nefarious, therefore, means unspeakably wicked. 2 When the meanings of roots vary considerably, it is helpful to list derivatives under the respective meanings. 1 LESSON VII Root anim vit, viv mort 1 mord, mors morb mor dorm somn torp para, par [pair] par [pair, peer] Meaning life; spirit; mind; soul live death bite illness custom sleep sleep; dream stupor; numbness prepare; ward off equal Suffix -parous Meaning bearing; producing EXERCISE 1. magnanimous 2. revivify 3. immortal 4. mordant 5. morbific 6. morality 7. dormant 8. insomnia 9. torpid 10. apparatus 11. parity 12. viviparous 13. animation 14. vitality 15. peer Distinguish carefully between derivatives of mort, mord, mors, morb, and mor. The word moratorium comes from still another root, meaning delay. 1 LESSON IX Root mir quer, quest, quir, quis queri, queru roga pet ora 1 preca preci pecu propr, proper lucr fisc merc Meaning wonder seek; ask complain ask seek; attack mouth; speech; prayer pray price; value one’s own; private property; money one’s own; individual gain; profit purse trade EXERCISE 1. admire 2. inquisitive 3. querulous 4. interrogate 5. petulant 1 6. oral 7. inexorable 8. imprecation 9. depreciate 10. peculiar 11. appropriate† 12. lucrative 13. fiscal 14. commerce 15. precious Caution: A Greek root oro, meaning mountain, appears in a few words, such as orogeny. 16. precarious 17. miraculous 18. query 19. mercenary 20. oratory LESSON X Root put Meaning cut; prune away; clear up; think; suppose reason; relationship test; prove loosen; set free consider; judge right; justice; oath judge; decide believe; trust deny faith league; alliance; bond teach doubt waver swing bone ratio, ration prob solv, solute arbitr jur, just judic cred, credit nega, negat fid feder doc, doct dub, dubit vacill oscill oss Suffix -ndum, 1 -nda (pl.) Meaning to be ___ EXERCISE 1. compute 2. ratiocination 3. probation 4. solution† 5. arbitrate 6. jurisdiction 7. judicial 8. credit 9. negative 10. fidelity 11. docile 12. dubious 13. vacillate 14. oscillate 2 15. osseous 16. rationale 17. incredible 18. doctrine 19. dispute 20. indubitably Experiment with -ndum, adding it to roots with which it may reasonably be combined. It is a serviceable word element. Practice with such phrases as “these memoranda are _____,” “this referendum is ____,” to ensure proper usage of singulars and plurals. Caution: Most words in -nda are neuter plural and require plural verbs and modifiers (e.g., “These addenda are to be proofread”). Propaganda, an exception, is singular because it was originally used with a feminine singular noun (e.g., “This propaganda threatens the security of the country”). 2 Do not confuse oscillate with osculate. 1 21. incredulous LESSON XI Root scrib, script liter litig leg, lig, lect 1 leg, lect leg 2 lig string, strict [strain, straint] stingu, stinct stimul pung, punct [point] pugn, pug Meaning write letter dispute; quarrel; sue choose; gather read law bind bind prick; prick out; quench goad; rouse point; prick fight; fist EXERCISE 1. inscription 2. literature 3. litigation 4. eligible 5. legible 6. illegal 7. ligature 8. stringent 9. restrict 10. distinct 11. stimulate 12. pungent 13. puncture 14. pugnacious 15. pugilist 16. punctilious 17. inscribe 18. legato 19. literati 20. stimulus Caution: Delectable comes from an unrelated root, lac, lic meaning entice, as do delicious, delicate, and elicit. 2 Can you explain how the meanings of read and law developed from gather, the meaning of the original root? 1 LESSON XIII Root ambul grad, gred, gress migr, migrat ced, cess err vag 1 curr, curs, corr [cours] cura, cur fug, fugit late lat later Suffix -late, -lation, lative Meaning walk step move; travel move; withdraw stray; wander wander run care flee hide wide side Meaning carry; bear EXERCISE 1. somnambulist 2. digress 3. migratory 4. recede 5. errant 6. extravagant 7. cursory 8. manicure 9. fugitive 10. latent 11. latitude 12. lateral 13. translate 14. elation 15. superlative 16. transgression 17. recession 18. erratic 19. vagrant 20. fugue Curr regularly becomes cur at the end of a word as in recur and occur. The double r is retained in other forms like recurred and occurrence. 1 LESSON XIV Root mov, mob, mot ven, vent 1 sta, stat, stit, sist sed, sid, sess cumb, cub clin, cliv verg jace jaci, ject, jacu mitt, miss, mise 2 misc, mixt Meaning move come put in place; cause to stand; stand sit; settle lie; recline lean; incline; slope tend toward; bend lie throw send; let go mix EXERCISE 1. mobility 2. convene 3. resist 4. supersede 3 5. recumbent 6. incline 7. divergent 8. adjacent 9. projectile 10. emissary 11. missile 12. miscellaneous 13. statue 14. stature 15. statute 16. incumbent 17. motile 18. proclivity 19. verge 20. mission Caution: List derivatives of ven and vent with care. Ven also appears in roots meaning poison (venom), vein (venous), pardon (venial), and hunt (venison). The words vent and ventilate come from a root meaning wind. The root meaning come has more derivatives than all these others combined, however. 2 Mitt regularly becomes mit at the end of a word, as in remit and admit. The double t is retained in other forms like remitted and admittance. 3 Supersede is the only word in the English language ending in -sede. Only three (exceed, proceed, and succeed) end in -ceed. All other similar words end in -cede (accede, concede, precede) except, of course, derivatives of seed, such as hayseed. 1 LESSON XV Root pend, pens pend, pens, pond pend, pens pand, pans, pass pati, pass pon, pos, posit 2 [pound, post] tend, tens, tent tenu tempt, tent ten, tin, tent [tain] her, hes Meaning hang 1 weigh pay spread; extend suffer; feel; endure; permit put; place stretch thin try out; test hold stick; cling EXERCISE 1. depend 2. ponderous 3. expensive 4. expansive 5. impassive 6. opponent 7. transpose 8. extensive 9. tenous 10. tentative 11. retentive 12. contain 13. adhere 14. cohesive 15. incoherent 16. pensive 17. impasse 18. preponderate 19. recompense 20. pendant Trace the probable steps by which pend/pens acquired the meanings of its offshoots. A few words apparently from this root actually came from a root paus, meaning to bring to rest, to put. Derivatives of the two roots are so similar in form and meaning that for purposes of vocabulary building they may be listed together. 1 2