Uploaded by Taylor Shoemaker

Digital Marketing to Gen Z: Strategies & Social Media

Digital Marketing and Generation Z
Taylor Shoemaker
November 14, 2021
MBA 645: Optimizing Brands
Southern New Hampshire University
A unique aspect about marketing to Generation Z is that they are consistently searching
for the truth and grew up in the digital age (The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2021). They value
individual expression and tend to avoid labels. Additionally, they make decisions in a highly
analytical and pragmatic way (The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2021). This means that we need
to market our product in a way that shows our individual identity and ethical/environmental
initiatives. This generation is also technologically advanced as they grew up being exposed to
social media, the internet, and mobile networks (The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2021). Based
on these observations, the best digital marketing approach for this generation would be social
media marketing and optimizing our mobile experience.
The two social media platforms preferred by Generation Z are Instagram and YouTube
(Boucher, 2019). Generation Z is using these platforms for entertainment, creating communities,
and learning more about products and services. According to a Pew Research Center Study, 71
of 18-29-year-old say they use Instagram (Pew Research Center, 2021). Generation Z is selfreported to spend 4.5 hours on social media daily, while millennials spend about 3.8 hours on
social media (Pew Research Center, 2021). Generation Z is a video driven generation, which is
why they are primarily on Instagram and YouTube. This generation is known to catalogue their
lives through their digital records and these platforms make it easy to share among their friends
and followers (Boucher, 2019). These influencers are able to share things that reach millions of
people worldwide. Generation is more likely to be influenced by online ads than millennials or
baby boomers because they grew up during the digital age (Francis & Hoefel, 2021). This is
good news because we can make our ads relevant and personalized.
Traditional marketing methods won’t work on Generation Z. They grew up in the digital
era and are more aware of environmental issues such as pollution and deforestation (American
Marketing Association, 2021). This generation might see mailers as wasteful and create a bad
reputation for our company. This generation is also one that listens to their music and watches
videos on streaming services such as Spotify, Pandora, Netflix, Hulu, etc. This is why traditional
marketing methods won’t be effective in attracting this group of consumers. If we are able to
market on these platforms we will be able to reach Generation Z.
The pro’s to using TV and radio marketing are that we will reduce our emissions and
waste. These forms of marketing don’t require an excess of resources to achieve. Additionally,
using these forms of marketing reaches a very large audience including baby boomers and
millennials. The cons to using TV and radio to market are they are can’t personalize them to
everyone’s wants. Digital marketing allows us to use customer data and find ads that are more
likely to attract them (Saars, 2021). Selecting our audience with TV and radio marketing is
American Marketing Association. (2021, October 4). What is Digital Marketing? American
Marketing Association. Retrieved November 14, 2021, from
The Annie E. Casey Foundation. (2021, January 13). What are the core characteristics of
generation Z? The Annie E. Casey Foundation. Retrieved November 14, 2021, from
Boucher, J. (2019, January 16). What are generation Z's social media preferences? The Center
for Generational Kinetics. Retrieved November 14, 2021, from https://genhq.com/whatare-generation-zs-social-media-preferences/.
Francis, T., & Hoefel, F. (2021, July 2). How gen Z, Millennials & Boomers really feel about
online ads. Criteo. Retrieved November 14, 2021, from https://www.criteo.com/blog/genzmillennials-boomers-online-advertising/.
Pew Research Center. (2021, April 26). Demographics of social media users and adoption in the
United States. Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech. Retrieved November 14,
2021, from https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/fact-sheet/social-media/.
Saars, S. (2021, October 7). Generation Z Marketing Strategies: Parallel Interactive. Digital
Marketing Agency San Diego | Parallel Interactive. Retrieved November 14, 2021, from