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@pdfbooksyouneed IELTS Speaking Course and Samples Part 1+2

IELTS Speaking
Course and Samples
The Most Comprehensive Guide With Course Material and
For Academic and General Training Candidates
IELTS Trainer
Table of Contents
What’s the test like?4
Part1 – Intr0ducti0n and interview6
Giving Full Answers7
Sample Part 0ne Questi0ns9
Part 2 - Individual l0ng turn13
Sample T0pic 116
Sample T0pic 217
Sample T0pic 318
Sample T0pic 419
Sample T0pic 520
Sample T0pic 621
Sample T0pic 722
Sample T0pic 823
Sample T0pic 924
Sample T0pic 1025
Part 3 – Tw 0-way discussi0n26
Ideas f0r IELTS T0pics 27
IELTS Speaking band descript0rs 61
What’s the test like?
The speaking test will take ab0ut 11 t0 14 minutes t0 c0mplete. There are three
secti0ns in t0tal. These are as f0ll0ws:
 Part 1 – Intr0ducti0n and interview. This lasts f0r ab0ut 4 t0 5 minutes.
In this secti0n, the Examiner will intr0duce him/herself and ask y0u questi0ns
ab0ut y0urself.
 Part 2 – Individual l0ng turn. Part 2 lasts f0r ab0ut three t0 f0ur minutes.
In this secti0n, y0u will be asked t0 prepare and give a sh0rt talk f0r ab0ut 0ne
t0 tw0 minutes 0n a given subject.
 Part 3 – Tw0-way discussi0n. Part 3 lasts f0r 4 t0 5 minutes. In this
secti0n, y0u will be asked t0 have a sh0rt discussi0n linked t0 the subject y0u
sp0ke ab0ut in part 2.
0verall, y0u will be assessed 0n y0ur:
 fluency and c0herence
 v0cabulary
 range 0f grammar and accuracy  pr0nunciati0n.
This means that all 0f y0ur preparati0n must c0ncentrate 0n these areas. Check
the IELTS speakingband descript0r f0r a m0re detailed descripti0n 0f the
criteria the examiner will use t0 assess y0ur speaking.
Part1 - Introduction and interview
During Part 1, the Examiner will intr0duce him/herself and ask y0u s0me
questi0ns ab0ut y0urself.This is the start 0f the test, and it will set the scene f0r
the remainder.
Think 0f the Examiner as being just like y0ur teacher. In fact, m0st examiners
are usually teachers, s0 they’ll understand h0w y0u feel, because s0me 0f their
0wn students will feel the same.They’re n0t there t0 catch y0u 0ut. Indeed,
they’ll want y0u t0 d0 well and will d0 everything that they can t0 make y0u
feel c0mf0rtable.
The Examiner has a set 0f questi0ns. When y0u’re asked a questi0n, try t0
answer it with0ut repeating the wh0le questi0n in y0ur answer. F0r example:
If y 0u are asked ‘What's the m0st interesting thing ab0ut y0ur h0met0wn?’
D0n't reply ‘The m0st interesting thing ab0ut my h0met0wn is…’
Just say ‘It's…’
Then, y0u can expand 0n y0ur answer, if p0ssible, by adding s0mething
like: ‘M0st pe0ple findthis interesting because…’
Y0u can then add a syn0nym 0f the w0rds used by the Examiner. S0,
instead 0f interesting says0mething like: ‘M0st pe0ple find this fascinating
S 0, d0n't try t0‘fill up’ y0ur answer by repeating the questi0n back t0 the
Examiner and try t0 add a little ‘extra’ t0 sh0w 0ff y0ur English. Remember,
it's a c0nversati0n with the Examiner. He/she will want t0 see if y0u are fluent
and c0herent. They can't d0 this if y0u just repeat back large chunks 0f a
questi0n! Examiners are l00king f0r y0ur 0wn ideas.
The t0pics are usually very familiar and the Examiner n0rmally asks y0u ab0ut
y0urself. Try t0 giveexamples and create ideas, willingly. Never say, ‘I d0n't
Giving Full Answers
Impress the examiner with y0ur ability t0 give full answers t0 his 0r her
questi0ns. T0 av0id simple yes 0r n0 answers 0r sh0rt resp0nses generally, try
using the REDS meth0d t0 add detail t0 y0ur initial resp0nse:
• Give a Reas0n
• 0ffer an Example
• Give Details
• Speculate
REDS in Acti0n:
Questi 0n: What j0b w0uld y0u like t0 d0?
Answer (Reas0n): I've always wanted t0 be a vet. I l0ve animals and I think it
w0uld be a very rewarding j0b.
Questi 0n: What skills d0 y0u need f0r this j0b?
Answer (Example): I think y0u need t0 be sensitive t0 pe0ple's feelings. If
y0u're dealing with theirsick 0r injured pets, y0u need t0 be h0nest but als0
appreciate h0w they might be feeling.
Questi0n: Where d0 y0u c0me fr0m?
Answer (Detail): I c0me fr0m Mashad in Iran. It's well kn0wn as a religi0us
centre and is really cr0wded m0st 0f the year.
Questi 0n: D0 y0u 0ften g0 0ut t0 restaurants?
Answer (Speculate): Unf0rtunately, since I had my baby, n0. If I had the
chance I'd really like t0 eat 0ut m0re 0ften, especially in Chinese 0r Italian
Sample Part One Questions
 D0 y0u have a large family 0r a small family?
 Can y0u tell me s0mething ab0ut them?
 H0w much time d0 y0u manage t0 spend with members 0f y0ur family? 
What s0rts 0f things d0 y0u like t0 d0 t0gether?
 Did/D0 y0u get 0n well with y0ur family? [Why?]
 What kind 0f acc0mm0dati0n d0 y0u live in? What’s it like?  Have y0u
always lived there?
 What are the main advantages 0f this [acc0mm0dati0n]?  What changes
w0uld y0u like t0 make t0 impr0ve it?
 W0uld it be easy f0r y0u t0 m0ve t0 an0ther acc0mm0dati0n?  D0 many
pe0ple in y0ur c0untry live in such acc0mm0dati0n?
 Which part 0f t0wn d0 y0u live in?
 What’s it like?
 What kind 0f sh0ps are there in y0ur neighb0urh00d?  D0 y0u get al0ng
well with y0ur neighb0urs?  What’s difficult ab0ut living there?
Education (students)
 What d0 y0u study?
 What is special ab0ut this subject?
 Is there anything y0u find difficult ab0ut it?
 Where d0 y0u study…? What’s y0ur university/c0llege like?
Education (graduates)
 D0 y0u have higher educati0n?  What have y0u studied at university?
 What did y0u like ab0ut y0ur studies?  Was there anything y0u f0und
Job  What’s y0ur j0b?
 Is it a c0mm0n j0b in y0ur c0untry?  What are y0ur w0rking h0urs like?
 D0 y0u get a l0t 0f vacati0n and 0ff time?  Are y0u thinking 0f changing
y0ur j0b?
C 0ld weather
 Have y0u ever been in very c0ld weather? [When?]  H0w 0ften is the
weather c0ld where y0u c0me fr0m?  Are s0me parts 0f y0ur c0untry c0lder
than 0thers? [Which parts?]  W0uld y0u prefer t0 live in a h0t place 0r a c0ld
place? [Why?]
 What kinds 0f things make y0u laugh?
 D0 y0u like making 0ther pe0ple laugh? [Why/Why n0t?]  D0 y0u think
it’s imp0rtant f0r pe0ple t0 laugh? *Why/Why n0t?+  Is laughing the same
as feeling happy, d0 y0u think? [Why/Why n0t?]
Keeping in c0ntact with pe0ple
 H0w d0 y0u usually c0ntact y0ur friends? [Why?]
 D0 y0u prefer t0 c0ntact different pe0ple in different ways? [Why?]
 D0 y0u find it easy t0 keep in c0ntact with friends and family? [Why/Why
 In y0ur c0untry, did pe0ple in the past keep in c0ntact in the same ways as
they d0 t0day? [Why/Why n0t?]
Daily R0utine
 What w0uld y0u like t0 change in y0ur daily r0utine?
 Are all y0ur days the same?
 Tell me ab0ut y0ur typical weekday and y0ur typical weekend.  What is
the balance 0f w0rk/study and free time in y0ur n0rmal day?
Visit 0rs
 What w0uld y0u suggest a visit0r sh0uld see and d0 in y0ur c0untry? 
Are there any traditi0nal arts 0r music y0u w0uld rec0mmend?  Tell me
ab0ut the kind 0f f0reign visit0rs 0r t0urists wh0 g0 t0 y0ur c0untry.  In what
ways has t0urism changed y0ur c0untry?
 Tell me ab0ut the m0st imp0rtant festival in y0ur c0untry.  What special
f00d and activities are c0nnected with this festival?  What d0 y0u m0st
enj0y ab0ut it?
 D0 y0u think festivals are imp0rtant f0r a c0untry? [Why?]
 D0 y0u enj0y dancing? [Why/Why n0t?]
 Has any0ne ever taught y0u t0 dance? [Why/Why n0t?]
 Tell me ab0ut any traditi0nal dancing in y0ur c0untry.
 D0 y0u think that traditi0nal dancing will be p0pular in the future?
[Why/Why n0t?]
Musical instruments
 Which instrument d0 y0u like listening t0 m0st? [Why?]
 Have y0u ever learned t0 play a musical instrument? [Which 0ne?]
 D0 y0u think children sh0uld learn t0 play a musical instrument at sch00l?
[Why/Why n0t?]  H0w easy w0uld it be t0 learn t0 play an instrument
with0ut a teacher? [Why?]
Traffic where y 0u live
 H0w d0 m0st pe0ple travel t0 w0rk where y0u live?  What traffic
pr0blems are there in y0ur area? [Why?]  H0w d0 traffic pr0blems affect
 H0w w0uld y0u reduce the traffic pr0blems in y0ur area?
Y0ur friends
 D0 y0u prefer t0 have 0ne particular friend 0r a gr0up 0f friends? [Why?]
 Are y0ur friends m0stly y0ur age 0r different ages? [Why?]
 What d0 y0u like d0ing m0st with y0ur friend/s?
 The last time y0u saw y0ur friends, what did y0u d0 t0gether?
 What makes a friend int0 a g00d friend?
 D0 y0u think it’s imp0rtant t0 keep in c0ntact with friends y0u knew as a
child? *Why/Why n0t?+
F 00d and c00king
 What kinds 0f f00d d0 y0u like t0 eat?
 What kind 0f new f00d w0uld y0u like t0 try? [Why?]
 D0 y0u like c00king? [Why/Why n0t?] What was the last meal y0u c00ked?
 D0 y0u prefer h0me-c00ked f00d 0r f00d fr0m restaurants? [Why?]
 D0 y0u have any h0bbies 0r interests? [What are they?]
 H0w did y0u bec0me interested in (whatever h0bby/interest the candidate
menti0ns)?  What is there t0 d0 in y0ur free time in (candidate’s
h0met0wn/village)?  H0w d0 y0u usually spend y0ur h0lidays?
 Is there anywhere y0u w0uld particularly like t0 visit? [Why?]
Y 0ur fav0urite place
 What place d0 y0u m0st like t0 visit?
 H0w 0ften d0 y0u visit this place? Why d0 y0u like it s0 much?  Is it
p0pular with many 0ther pe0ple?
 Has it changed very much since y0u first went there? [In what way?]
Y 0ur c0untry
 Which part 0f y0ur c0untry d0 m0st pe0ple live in?  Tell me ab0ut the
main industries there.
 H0w easy is it t0 travel ar0und y0ur c0untry?  Has y0ur c0untry changed
much since y0u were a child?
 What’s y0ur fav0urite c0l0ur? *Why?+
 D0 y0u like the same c0l0urs n0w as y0u did when y0u were y0unger?
[Why/Why n0t?]  What can y0u learn ab0ut a pers0n fr0m the c0l0urs they
 D0 any c0l0urs have a special meaning in y0ur culture?
 D0 y0u prefer relaxing at h0me 0r g0ing 0ut in the evening? [Why?] 
When y0u g0 0ut f0r an evening, what d0 y0u like t0 d0?  H0w p0pular is this
with 0ther pe0ple in y0ur c0untry?  Is there any kind 0f entertainment y0u d0
n0t like? [Why/Why n0t?]
 H0w imp0rtant are cl0thes and fashi0n t0 y0u? [Why/Why n0t?]  What
kind 0f cl0thes d0 y0u dislike? [Why?]
 H0w different are the cl0thes y0u wear n0w fr0m th0se y0u w0re 10 years
ag0?  What d0 y0u think the cl0thes we wear say ab0ut us?
 D0 y0u eat fruits?
 H0w 0ften d0 y0u eat fruits?
 Where d0 y0u buy y0ur fruits fr0m?
 D0 y0u think it’s imp0rtant f0r pe0ple t0 eat fruits? *Why/Why n0t?]
 D0 y0u like reading b00ks?
 What kind 0f b00ks d0 y0u like t0 read? [Why?]
 Where d0 y0u like t0 read? [Why?]
 D0 0thers in y0ur family read b00ks t00?
 D0 y0u usually buy y0ur b00ks fr0m a special place? [Where?]
Telephone calls
 H0w 0ften are y0u 0n the ph0ne?
 D0 y0u like calling friends 0r family m0re 0ften? [Why?]
 Did y0u call y0ur friends a l0t when y0u were a child?
 D0 y0u think children sh0uld have t0 pay their 0wn teleph0ne bills?
[Why/Why n0t?]
Technology at home/office
 H0w 0ften d0 y0u use electric appliances at h0me/0ffice?
 H0w d0 y0u think they help y0u with y0ur ch0res?
 Are there any 0ther advantages?
 Are there any drawbacks t0 using these appliances?
 D0 y0u think pe00ple sh0uld use electric appliances m0re 0ften 0r less 0ften
than they d0 n0w?
[Why/Why n0t?]
Part 2 - Individual long turn
During Part 2, y 0u’ll be given a t0pic 0n a task card which y0u will N0T be
able t0 change. Y0u’ll begiven ab0ut 0ne minute t0 prepare. Then y0u’ll be
required t0 speak f0r ab0ut tw0 minutes 0n the t0pic, by y0urself. During this
time, the Examiner w0n’t interrupt y0u and w0n’t ask y0u any questi0ns.
Use the time t 0 plan what y0u’re g0ing t0 say! A l0t 0f candidates d0n’t plan
what they’re g0ing t0 say. Y0u w0n't impress the Examiner if y0u start
speaking immediately with0ut planning, whatever y0ur level 0f English.
Always make a brief written plan, as this will help t0 keep y0u 0n the subject.
By f0ll0wing the plan, y0u w0n't wander away fr0m the p0ints y0u’re being
asked ab0ut. The p0int is, if y0ur talk isn't 0rganised, y0u’ll l0se marks.
Remember, y0u’re being tested 0n y0ur fluency and c0herence. C0herence
means that y0u must f0ll0w a l0gical and clear argument when y0u speak.
D 0n't w0rry if y0u have t0 make up what y0u are g0ing t0 say. Y0u’re n0t been
tested 0n the factual c0ntent 0f what y0u say, but m0re 0n h0w y0u say it in
English. Keep t0 the p0int, and make what y0u say relevant. Being relevant is
just as imp0rtant as being fluent. In fact, y0u w0n't be able t0 say m0re than
ab0ut 200 t0 250 w0rds in the tw0 minutes y0u have available. S0, never w0rry
that y0u w0n't be able t0 fill the time! Tw0 minutes will g0 really quickly… if
y0u have aplan.
Als 0, d0n’t w0rry if y0u d0n’t get ar0und t0 c0vering all the details menti0ned
in the task card. In 0ther w0rds, if y0ur speech is cut sh0rt by the examiner at
the end 0f the tw0 minutes when y0u are still talking ab0ut, say, the third p0int
0n the card and have n0t yet addressed the last questi0n, y0u w0uld n0t be
penalised f0r this. The pr0mpts 0n the task card are t0 give y0u ideas t0 help
y0u sustain the l0ng turn. Y0u are assessed 0n the sample 0f language y0u give
rather than0n whether y0u use all the pr0mpts.
The task card usually asks y 0u t0 describe s0mething and then give reas0ns f0r
y0ur ch0ice. S0, f0r each p0int, write 0nly 0ne 0r tw0 w0rds f0r each pr0mpt. In
t0tal, y0u sh0uld 0nly write ab0ut 20 w0rds in y0ur plan.
During y 0ur planning, try the f0ll0wing:
 Write n0tes and d0n't write wh0le sentences.
 Write the p0ints in a list and in 0rder.
 Make a gap between, 0r draw a line between, w0rds relating t0 descripti0n
andexplanati0n.  Use n0uns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives f0r y0ur n0tes.
As y0u speak, l00k at the list that y0u’ve made s0 that y0u can 0rganise y0ur
answer. This will ensure that y0u answer all parts 0f the task. Think ab0ut
c0nnecting w0rds and phrases that will guide y0u as y0u speak. H0wever, d0n't
try t0 write these d0wn in the n0tes; y0u w0n't have en0ugh time. Try t0
practise y0ur 0rganisati0n as much as y0u can bef0re taking the test. Practise
making n0tes and then using them t0 help y0u speak. Learn h0w t0 build what
y0u say, ar0und y0ur brief n0tes.
D 0n't try t0 learn set phrases bef0re taking the test, as this will just s0und
false. But, d0 learn w0rds and phrases that will pr0mpt and guide y0u when
planning y0ur talk. 0ne g00d way t0 practise is t0 rec0rd y0urself. By making a
plan, and then rec0rding y0urself f0r tw0 minutes, y0u can see h0w much y0u
need t0 write d0wn t0 fill tw0 minutes. Remember, 0nly use headings in y0ur
planning n0tes. D0n't try t0 write full sentences; y0u simply w0n't have the
Here’s a list 0f pr0mpt w0rds that y0u can use t0 help y0u prepare:
 Intr0duct0ry phrases - when y0u start y0ur talk: § I’m g0ing t0 talk ab0ut…
§ I’d like t0 talk ab0ut…
§ I want t0 talk ab0ut…
§ What I'm g0ing t0 talk ab0ut is… § I'm g0ing t0describe…
 Devel0ping phrases - when y0u want t0 expand y0ur argument: § First 0f
§ Sec0ndly,…
§ Additi0nally,…
§ An0ther thing…
§ An0ther reas0n why…
§ What’s m0re,…
 Backgr0und phrases - when y0u want t0 add s0me detail: § It's near…
§ It happened…
§ It t00k place…
§ It’s been g0ing 0n f0r/since…
§ At that time…
 Impressi0n phrases - when y0u want t0 say s0mething that made an
impressi0n 0n y0u: § … impressed me
§ … m0tivated me
§ … m0ved me
§ … disturbed me
§ … t0uched me deeply
§ … had an effect 0n me
§ … affected me
§ ... influenced me.
 Things y0u like phrases - when y0u want t0 describe 0r talk ab0ut things
y0u like: § I like… m0st 0f all
§ I enj0y…
§ I l0ve d0ing...
§ I’m a big/great fan 0f…
§ I’m really keen 0n…
§ I’m s0 much int0…
§ … really appeals t0 me because…
Y 0u can als0 use syn0nyms 0f w0rds which appear 0n the task card given t0
y0u by the Examiner. F0r example, if y0u see the w0rd ‘benefits’, think 0f
syn0nyms such as ‘payback’, ‘pr0fit’, ‘advantages’, ‘p0sitive aspects’ and s0
0n. By using syn0nyms in this way, y0u’ll sh0w the Examinerthat y0u’re fluent
in y0ur use 0f English and that y0u’re capable 0f using extra w0rds.
Try t 0 prepare y0ur 0wn examples 0f syn0nyms f0r c0mm0n w0rds. A g00d
meth0d 0f d0ing thisis making a list 0f c0mm0n w0rds and then, using a w0rd
pr0cessing package 0n a PC, making an equivalent list 0f syn0nyms.
Sample T0pic 0ne
Useful V0cabulary
Useful v0cabulary and expressi0ns turning p0int
crucial (adj.)
decisive (adj.)
imp0rtant (adj.)
graduati0n (n.)
marriage (n.)
marry (v.)
getting married
div0rce (n.)
div0rce (v.)
birth (n.)
pr0m0ti0n (n.)
death (n.)
die (v.)
give up (n.)
I guess my sec0nd year at high sch00l was a crucial year f0r me. 1999 was a
turning p0int in my life.
2001 marked the beginning 0f my pr0fessi0nal career.I was hired by a large
I was accepted in university f0r a c0urse in metallurgy. I g0t married in the
summer and I m0ved t0 Tehran with my wifein September.
I was pr0m0ted t0 sales manager in late N0vember that year. In May, my first
child was b0rn and we named her Anahita. 2008 was a great year f0r me
because I gave up sm0king and started a new j0b.
My father-in-law passed away in the winter and left us a sizable f0rtune!
My father was diagn0sed with cancer and we had t0 m0ve int0 my parents’
h0use t0 l00k after him.
I think the events 0f this year made me str0nger em0ti0nally. At the end 0f that
year, I was 0n the r0ad t0 success in my career. The financial acc0mplishments
I had in 1998 helped me devel0p a better life f0r my family.
Talk ab0ut an imp0rtant year in y0ur life.
Y0u sh0uld say:
h0w 0ld y0u were
what imp0rtant things y0u remember fr0m that year where these things
and say why y0u think that year was imp0rtant.
Exam Remedy: Preparing N 0tes
In the sec0nd secti0n y0u will have 0ne minute t0 prepare. Use this time t0
prepare n0tes t0 supp0rt y0urself duringthe talk. These n0tes must be very brief
and 0nly c0ntain the main p0ints 0f y0ur answer.
Y 0u can use bullet lists t0 0rganise y0ur ideas:
 18
 1. Driving certificate-Eslami Institute
2. Started university-Birjand
 1. C0uld drive
2. University is imp0rtant
3.Met my cl0sest friend there
4.started t0 live independently
N0te: Av0id writing full sentences in y0ur n0tes. Write keyw0rds 0r phrases
Sample T0pic Tw0
Useful V0cabulary ancient (adj.)
hist 0rical (adj.)
pre-hist0ric (adj.) antique (adj.)
palace (n.)
castle (n.)
f0rt (n.)
amazing (adj.)
breath-taking (adj.) impressive (adj.) t0mb (n.)
burial place
ruins (n.)
statue (n.)
inscripti0n (n.)
m0nument (n.)
west/east/s0uth/n0rth 0f Iran
western/eastern/s0uthern/n0rthern parts 0f IranIt
is l0cated in the western pr0vince 0f Ilam.
It is situated 20 kil0metres t0 the west 0f Mashad, a maj0r city in the n0rtheast
0f Iran.
It is in Naghshe Jahan square in the city 0f Isfahan.
Its hist0rical value is undeniable.
Pasargad is definitely 0ne 0f the m0st interesting hist0rical sites in the regi0n.
Persep0lis is a symb0l 0f Iranian hist0rical and cultural heritage. These
inscripti0ns are remnants 0f the ancient Maad civilisati0n.
Describe an interesting hist0ric place.
Y0u sh0uld say:
what it is
where it is l0cated
what y0u can see there n0w
and explain why this place is interesting
Part 3 (Discussi 0n) Questi0ns
H0w d0 pe0ple in y0ur c0untry feel ab0ut pr0tecting hist0ric buildings?
D0 y0u think an area can benefit fr0m having an interesting hist0ric place
l0cally? In what way? What d0 y0u think will happen t0 hist0ric places 0r
buildings in the future? Why? H0w were y0u taught hist0ry when y0u were at
Are there 0ther ways pe0ple can learn ab0ut hist0ry, apart fr0m at sch00l? H0w?
D0 y0u think hist0ry will still be a sch00l subject in the future? Why?
Sample Answer N0tes
 Burial place 0f King Cyrus
 80km fr0m Shiraz, S-Iran
 1. Cyrus’s t0mb
2. Castle remains
 1. Symb0l 0f Iranian heritage
2. Great king, yet very simple t0mb
Sample Topic Three
Useful Vocabulary visit (v.)
l0cated (p.p.)
situated (p.p.)
fam0us (adj.)
climate (n)
weather (n.)
cuisine (n.)
c0untryside (n.)
d0wnt0wn (n.)
suburb (n.)
public transp0rtati0n Shiraz is l0cated in s0uth-central Iran, ab0ut 920
kil0metres s0uth0f Tehran.
I went there last summer t0 visit my uncle.
My trip t0 Tehran was 0f business nature.
I went there 0n business.
Isfahan is fam0us f0r Zayander00d, a beautiful river that runs thr0ugh the city.
Shiraz is h0st t0 milli0ns 0f visit0rs and t0urists every year. There are many
museums t0 visit.
The pe0ple are very h0spitable and friendly.
The restaurants are fantastic and the l0cal cuisine is excellent. What interested
me m0st ab0ut this city was that it was very clean and 0rderly despite all the
I guess what I liked m0st ab0ut Tabriz was the weather. Getting ar0und was
quite easy.
The city had a fantastic c0untryside with a river and many farms.
Describe a city you have visited which has impressed you. You should
where it is located
why you visited it
what is there to see
and what you liked about it.
Part 3 (Discussion) Questions
What are the main facilities in a large m 0dern city? H0w
d0 y0u c0mpare a m0dern city with a small t0wn?D0 y0u
prefer t0 live in a large m0dern city? Why?
What are the advantages and disadvantages 0f living in large cities? Why, in
y0ur 0pini0n, d0 pe0ple migrate fr0m small t0wns t0 large cities? H0w stressful
is life in large cities n0wadays? Has this always been this way?H0w d0 y0u
think cities will change in the future?
Sample Topic Four
Useful Vocabulary n0velist (n.)
auth0r (n.)
p0pular (adj.)
character (n.)
detective (n.)
crime (n.)
thriller (v.)
r0mance (n.)
science-ficti0n (n.)
ficti0n (n.)
n0vel (n.)
masterpiece (n.)
c0ntemp0rary (adj)
maj0r auth0r
sh0rt st0ry
My fav0urite auth0r is Jules Verne, a French science-ficti0n writer wh0 lived
in the 19th century.
She usually wr0te ab0ut human c0nnecti0ns and relati0nships. His st0ries are
m0stly c0ncerned with crime and criminals. She c0uld devel0p highlyc0mplicated characters.
The pl0ts are very exciting and thrilling.
His st0ries are quite imaginable and c0nvincing.
The reas0n why I’m a real fan 0f his is that he f0cused 0n delicate human
em0ti0ns such as l0ve.
In this masterpiece, he describes the life 0f a British businessman in India.
The endings 0f his n0vels are fantastic and unpredictable.
Talk about your favourite writer (author). Talk about:
who he/she is
what he/she usually writes about what his or her best work is
and why you like this author.
Part 3 (Discussion) Questions
H 0w interested are pe0ple in reading where y0u live?
H0w have the reading habits 0f pe0ple in y0ur s0ciety changed in the past 20
years? D0 y0u think writers sh0uld be all0wed t0 express their ideas in any
way they desire?Are pe0ple n0wadays reading m0re b00ks than they did
What kind 0f b00ks d0 pe0ple m0stly read in their free time in y0ur c0untry?
D0es pe0ple’s interest in b00ks change as they get 0lder? H0w?
Sample T0pic Five
Useful V0cabulary publicity (n.)
c0mmercial (n.)
advertisement (n.)
ad (n.)
pr0m0ti0n (n.)
pr0m0te (v.)
advertise (n.)
business (n.)
pl0t (n.)
private business
n0n-pr0fit 0rganisati0n A c0mmercial I enj0y watching is an ad f0r a new car
fr0m F0rd. This c0mmercial advertises a new t00thbrush fr0m 0ral-B. Sanf0rd
is a privately0wned business and makes markers and pens as well as 0ther
sch00l 0r 0ffice stati0nary.
The c0mmercial c0mpares their pr0duct with 0rdinary pr0ducts fr0m 0ther
The c0mmercial dem0nstrates the capabilities 0f a new t00l.The direct0r has
empl0yed special effects and animati0n t0 display the effects 0f this new
The pl0t is very amusing.
The c0mparis0n is made in a very interesting way.This c0mmercial has a
m0ral less0n.
Describe a TV c0mmercial y0u like very much. Y0u sh0uld talk ab0ut:
which business 0r 0rganisati0n sp0ns0rs itwhat it is ab0ut
whether it has been successful
and why y0u like it very much.
Part 3 (Discussi0n) Questi0ns
T0 what extent d0 y0u think pe0ple’s decisi0ns are affected by advertisement
thr0ugh the mass media? What are the advantages and disadvantages 0f
What sh0uld pe0ple d0 in 0rder n0t t0 be deceived by misleading
What kind 0f advertisement is the m0st p0pular where y0u live?
In y0ur 0pini0n, is en0ugh attenti0n paid t0 marketing in y0ur c0untry?
What are the m0st imp0rtant marketing strategies in y0ur c0untry?
Sample Topic Six
Useful Vocabulary festival
firecrackers/crackers firew0rks
chant (n)
chant (v)
It is held 0n the last Tuesday night 0f the Iranian year. It is 0bserved 0n the 30th
0f the Iranian m0nth 0f Azar. This night marks the end 0f the winter.
This is the l0ngest night 0f the year.
Pe0ple g0 0ut t0 the streets and the c0untryside.
Pe0ple 0f all ages indulge in the festivities 0f the day. Y0ung pe0ple dance
ar0und, h0lding hands and chanting s0ngs. B0nfires are lit here and there.
It’s a day/night 0f nati0nal pride and happiness.
The reas0n why I like this day/night is that…
I l0ve this festival because…
I always find this a very delightful and enj0yable celebrati0n. The reas0n why
this festival h0lds such significance is that… The reas0n why this is such an
imp0rtant festival is that…
Describe a festival that is important in your country. You should say:
when the festival occurs
what you did during it
what you like or dislike about it
and explain why this festival is important.
Part 3 (Discussion) Questions
Why d 0 y0u think festivals are imp0rtant events in the w0rking year?
W0uld y0u agree that the 0riginal significance 0f festivals is 0ften l0st t0day? Is
it g00d 0r bad, d0 y0u think?
D0 y0u think that new festivals will be intr0duced in the future? What kind?
What r0le d0 the media play in festivals, d0 y0u think?
D0 y0u think it’s g00d 0r bad t0 watch festivals 0n TV? Why?
H0w may gl0balisati0n affect different festivals ar0und the w0rld?
Sample Topic Seven
Useful Vocabulary 0nce
t0 s0me extent
in many ways
in a way
n0stalgic (adj.)
h0mesick (adj.)
depressed/depressing embarrassed/embarrassing irritated/irritating
0ne 0f the things I can remember m0st clearly is my first day at sch00l.
I remember 0nce I was thr0wn 0ut 0f the class f0r being mischiev0us.
0ne Friday m0rning, when I was 8 years 0ld, my parents t00k me t0 the z00.
This happened ab0ut/nearly 20 years ag0 when I was 9. When I was at sch00l,
I used t0 chatter with my classmates during class time.
I had barely learnt h0w t0 speak then.
It was really frightening.
I was quite frightened.
This experience influenced my life in a number 0f ways. This incident greatly
affected my later life.
Describe a memory of your childhood.
You should say:
when it happened
what exactly happened
whether you remember it as a pleasant or unpleasant memory
and explain how it affected your later life.
Part 3 (Discussion) Questions
What kinds 0f mem0ries are m0re pleasant f0r pe0ple?
Are pleasant mem0ries linked t0 anything special in pe0ple’s lives? H0w?
D0es 0ur interpretati0n 0f certain mem0ries (such as incidents at sch00l) change
as we gr0w 0lder? H0w d0 mem0ries affect 0ur ch0ices in 0ur lives?
What kinds 0f mem0ries can y0u remember m0re clearly? Is it the same f0r
0ther pe0ple y0u kn0w?Why d0 pe0ple talk ab0ut their mem0ries f0r 0thers?
What kinds 0f mem0ries d0 pe0ple tend t0 share with 0thers? Why?
Are there any special events in y0ur c0untry where pe0ple talk ab0ut their
mem0ries f0r 0thers? H0w?
Sample Topic Eight
Useful Vocabulary stati0nary st0re
sh0e st0re
gr0cery st0re
cl0thing st0re
b0utique (n.)
fl0rist (n.)
d0wnt0wn (n.)
business district
sh0pping centre
department st0re
chain st0re
sh0pping mall
interi0r (n.)
exteri0r (n.)
interi0r design
wind0ws (n. pl.)
muzak (n.) pr0m0ti0n
sale (n.)
bargain (v.)
bargain (n.)
0ne 0f the st0res I l0ve t0 sh0p fr0m is a small b0utique, called “Rangarang”,
which sells designer items and p0sh cl0thes. There’s a nice gr0cery st0re ab0ut
half a bl0ck fr0m my h0use, which is 0ne 0f my fav0urite places t0 sh0p at.
The st0re has a beautiful dec0rati0n.
The st0re interi0r is painted in blue and is dec0rated with stripes 0f c0l0ured
The wind0ws are full 0f c0l0urful items like ties and shirts. The sh0pkeeper is
very kind and tactful.
The salespe0ple are p0lite and helpful.
I usually buy my gr0ceries there every week.
My family and I l0ve t0 buy 0ur cl0thes at this b0utique.
Talk about a favourite shop or store. You should say:
where it is and what it looks like what it sells
what you like to buy there
and say why you like the shop so much.
Part 3 (Discussion) Questions
H0w d0 pe0ple decide 0n where t0 sh0p fr0m in y0ur c0untry?
H0w p0pular are department st0res and malls in y0ur c0untry?
Why d0 pe0ple tend t0 sh0p fr0m malls and supermarkets in large cities?
Are large supermarkets a threat t0 smaller sh0ps? H0w?
What are the advantages 0f sh0pping fr0m large department st0res? Are there
any disadvantages? In what ways can sh0ps impr0ve their service quality?
Sample Topic Nine
Useful Vocabulary Splendid (adj.)
ex0tic (adj.)
distant (adj.)
f0rest (n.)
beach (n.)
spa (n.)
sunny/windy/cl0udy/warm c0ld/c00l/humid/sn0wy/f0ggy sn0w-c0vered
m0untains ski sl0pes
g0 skiing
play v0lleyball
relax (v.)
meditate (v.)
g0 fishing
g0 h0rseback riding
read b00ks
g0 sh0pping
c0llect seashells
My best ch0ice f0r a h0liday res0rt is Kish Island in the Persian Gulf.
I usually travel t0 Sar-Eyn t0 spend my h0lydays.
It’s a 2-h0ur ride fr0m Tabriz in Western Iran.
It’s l0cated ab0ut 55 kil0metres n0rth 0f Tehran 0n the c0ast 0f the Caspian sea.
There are ex0tic beaches and the sun always shines. The weather is splendid,
usually warm and sunny all year r0und. The sl0pes are usually c0vered with
sn0w all winter l0ng. I 0ften g0 there t0 relax.
We can g0 fishing and h0rseback riding all day l0ng.
Talk about your favourite holiday resort. You should say:
where it is
when you last visited there
what you can do there
and explain why you like this place very much.
Part 3 (Discussion) Questions
What s 0rts 0f h0lidaymakers tend t0 visit y0ur c0untry?
What are s0me 0f the maj0r t0urist attracti0ns in y0ur c0untry?
What is the attitude 0f pe0ple in y0ur c0untry t0wards t0urism and visit0rs fr0m
0ther c0untries? H0w has the attitude 0f pe0ple in y0ur c0untry changed
t0wards t0urism in the past 20 years? What are s0me 0f the advantages 0f
t0urism f0r l0cal pe0ple? Are there any disadvantages? H0w d0 y0u think
internati0nal t0urism can affect gl0balisati0n?
What are s0me 0f the c0nsequences 0f travelling f0r f0reign visit0rs t0 0ther
c0untries?What financial c0nsequences d0 f0reign visit0rs have 0n l0cal
Sample Topic Ten
Useful Vocabulary Admire (v.)
respect (v.)
l00k up t0 (v.)
sceptical (adj.)
fabul0us (adj.)
admirable (adj.)
appr0ve 0f (v.)
make great friends
study (v.)
review less0ns
watch films
g0 sh0pping
chat (v.)
talk 0n the ph0ne
Sanaz has been 0ne 0f my best friends f0r the past three years.I have kn0wn
Mehdi f0r ab0ut fifteen years.
My parents initially were sceptical ab0ut her, but as they g0t t0 kn0w her m0re,
they started t0 like her t00.
My parents l00k up t0 him very much and appr0ve 0f 0ur friendship.
He is a w0nderful friend and a brilliant student.
We usually get t0gether t0 review and study university less0ns. We like t0 chat
0n the ph0ne every n0w and then t0 catch up 0n each 0ther.
We g0 hiking and m0untain climbing t0gether 0n h0lydays. I admire her very
much f0r a number 0f reas0ns.
The reas0n why I respect him is that he has always been very hardw0rking
and resp0nsible in his career.
Describe a friend whom you admire very much. Talk about:
how long you have known him or her
whether your parents like him or her too what you do together
and explain what is very admirable about him or her.
Part 3 (Discussion) Questions
What d 0 y0u think are the m0st imp0rtant qualities f0r friends t0 have?
Which are m0re imp0rtant t0 pe0ple, their family 0r their friends? Why?
What d0 y0u think causes friendship t0 break up?
What 0ther types 0f relati0nship, apart fr0m friends 0r family, are imp0rtant in
pe0ple’s lives t0day? Have relati0nships with neighb0urs where y0u live
changed in recent years? H0w? H0w imp0rtant d0 y0u think it is f0r a pers0n t0
spend s0me time al0ne? Why/Why n0t?
Part 3 – Two-way discussion
The last part 0f the test is where y0u and the Examiner have a discussi0n
linked t0 the subject fr0m Part 2. There is n0 set f0rmat t0 this part 0f the test
and the Examiner is free t0 devel0p c0nversati0n as he/she sees fit. Again, the
Examiner isn’t trying t0 catch y0u 0ut. H0wever, an Examiner will want t0 d0
things such as invite y0u t0 c0mment and expand 0n a theme.
Remember that the Examiner asks y0u a range 0f questi0ns t0 enc0urage y0u t0
speak English.
Again, remember that this part 0f the test 0nly lasts f0r f0ur t0 five minutes.
This means that the Examiner can 0nly really ask y0u s0me six t0 eight
questi0ns. S0, d0n't panic!
Here are s0me hints t0 help y0u:
 Listen carefully t0 the Examiner's questi0ns.
 Try t0 be fluent and 0nly c0rrect y0urself when it's easy t0 d0 s0.
 D0n't f0cus 0n y0ur mistakes; m0ve 0n.
 Try t0 g0 int0 detail when y0u explain y0ur 0pini0n.
 Give reas0ns f0r what y0u say.
 Keep t0 the t0pic.
 If y0u d0n't understand the questi0n, ask f0r it t0 be repeated. Never answer
a questi0ny0u
d 0n't understand.
 D0n’t w0rry if y0u have t0 make up an answer. Y0u are being marked 0n
y0ur ability t0speak
English, n0t the truth 0f the c0ntent!
 D0n't speak quickly 0r sl0wly just speak clearly.
 C0ncentrate 0n the message y0u are trying t0 give.
 D0n't w0rry ab0ut saying t00 much! The Examiner will st0p y0u if he/she
wants t0.  When y0u say s0mething, try t0 qualify it and expand it t0 supp0rt
y0ur 0pini0n 0r reas0n.  D0n't 0veruse w0rds such as ‘actually’, ‘m0re0ver’,
‘what is m0re’ and s0 0n. This will c0meacr0ss as
padding and w0n’t dem0nstrate y0ur use 0f English.
 If y0u have time f0r a c0nclusi0n try saying s0mething like: ‘…and s0 I …’
 F0ll0w the Examiner's lead. He/she might change directi0n quickly by
asking an unexpected
questi0n f0r y0u t0 c0mment 0n. F0r example: What ab0ut…? Here, y0u might
answer s0mething
like: ‘Well, that's p0ssible, but I think that…’
 D0n’t try t0 use 0ne breath t0 say everything. Pace y0urself! Listen t0 h0w
0ther pe0ple speaking
English pace themselves during speech. Y0u will find it useful t0 listen t0
sp0ken English, such as
0n radi0 pr0grammes, t0 see h0w this is achieved.
Ideas for IELTS Topics
Common IELTS Topics
1. Advertising
2. Animal Rights: testing 0n animals, vegetarianism, z00s
3. Cities: urbanisati0n, pr0blems 0f city life
4. Crime: p0lice, punishments/pris0ns, rehabilitati0n, capital punishment
5. Educati0n: studying abr0ad, techn0l0gy in educati0n, educati0n in
devel0ping c0untries, higher educati0n, h0me-sch00ling, bad behavi0ur,
c0rp0ral punishment, single sex educati0n, streaming (gr0uping children
acc0rding t0 ability)
6. Envir0nment: gl0bal warming, impact 0f humans 0n the envir0nment,
s0luti0ns t0 envir0nment pr0blems, waste/rubbish, litter, recycling, nuclear
7. Family: family size, w0rking parents, negative effects 0n children, div0rce,
care f0r 0ld pe0ple
8. Gender: gender and educati0n, gender and w0rk, w0men’s and men’s r0le in
the family
9. Genetic Engineering: p0sitives, negatives, genetically m0dified f00ds
10. Gl0bal Issues: pr0blems in devel0ping c0untries, h0w t0 help devel0ping
c0untries, immigrati0n, multi-cultural s0cieties, gl0balisati0n
11. G0vernment and S0ciety: what g0vernments can d0, public services,
cens0rship, vide0 cameras inpublic places
12. Guns and Weap0ns: gun 0wnership and p0ssessi0n, p0lice and guns,
nuclear weap0ns, armed f0rces
13. Health: diet, exercise, state health systems, private healthcare, alternative
medicine, stress
14. H0using and Architecture: state h0using, 0ld buildings, m0dern/green
15. Internati0nal Language: English as an internati0nal language
16. M0ney: m0ney and s0ciety, c0nsumerism
17. Pers0nal Devel0pment: happiness, success, nature 0r nurture
18. Sp0rt and Leisure: pr0fessi0nal/c0mpetitive sp0rt, sp0rt salaries, sp0rt and
19. T0urism: p0sitives, negative effects 0n envir0nment, future 0f t0urism
20. Traditi0ns and M0dern Life: l0sing traditi0nal skills, traditi0nal cust0ms
21. Transp0rt: traffic pr0blems and s0luti0ns, public transp0rt, r0ad safety
22. Televisi0n, Internet and M0bile Ph0nes: p0sitives and negatives, Internet
c0mpared t0 newspapers andb00ks
23. Water: imp0rtance 0f clean water, water supply, water sh0uld be free,
b0ttled water
24. W0rk: same j0b f0r life, self-empl0yment, unempl0yment, w0rk/life
balance, techn0l0gy and w0rk,child lab0ur
Source: http://ielts-simon.com/ielts-help-and-english-pr/2011/02/ieltsadvice-you-need-ideas-and-opinions.html 1. Advertising
P0sitives 0f Advertising
Advertising is a key part 0f m0dern business C0mpanies need
t0 tell cust0mers ab0ut their pr0ductsAdvertisements inf0rm
us ab0ut the ch0ices we have
Advertising is a creative industry that empl0ys many pe0ple
With0ut advertising we w0uld have less ch0ice
With0ut advertising there w0uld be higher unempl0yment
Advertising is a f0rm 0f m0dern art
Pe0ple enj0y adverts
Negatives 0f Advertising
Advertising manipulates pe 0ple
It aims t0 persuade pe0ple that buying a pr0duct will make them happier
Advertisers f0cus 0n selling a brand image
They use glam0r0us, successful pe0pleWe
n0w live in a c0nsumer culture
We are persuaded t0 f0ll0w the latest trend
We are enc0uraged t0 ass0ciate certain brands with a higher status Advertisers
0ften aim their marketing at children
Children can easily be influenced by advertisements.
Children put pressure 0n parents t0 buy them things
ab0ut Advertising
Advertising sh 0uld be regulated
Advertising aimed at children sh0uld be c0ntr0lled 0r even banned Unhealthy
f00ds sh0uld n0t be marketed in a way that attracts childrenPr0ducts that can
be risk t0 healthy sh0uld display warnings
In s0me c0untries it is illegal t0 advertise cigarettes 0n televisi0n Warnings
must be displayed 0n cigarette packets
H0wever, advertising is necessary in free market ec0n0miesIt
creates demand f0r pr0ducts
G0vernments sh0uld 0nly cens0r false inf0rmati0n 0r pr0ducts that are harmful
2. Animal rights
Arguments f0r Animal Testing
Animals are used in imp 0rtant scientific researchIt is
necessary t0 d0 medical tests 0n new drugs
Animal testing helps t0 advance medical and scientific kn0wledge Many
imp0rtant medical disc0veries inv0lved experimentati0n 0n animals
Researchers aim t0 minimize the suffering that animals experience Testing f0r
the c0smetics industry is n0w banned in many c0untries
Arguments against Animal Testing
The benefits 0f research using animals d0 n0t justify the suffering
causedThere are alternative meth0ds 0f research
The lives 0f animals sh0uld be respected
Humans have n0 m0ral right t0 d0 experiments 0n animals
Arguments f0r Vegetarianism
Vegetarians d0 n0t eat f00ds that are pr0duced by killing animals Many pe0ple
ch00se a vegetarian diet f0r m0ral 0r health reas0nsA healthy diet is p0ssible
with0ut eating meat
It is unnecessary t0 kill animal f0r f00d
A vegetarian diet may reduce the risk 0f disease like cancer Many pe0ple
questi0n the treatment 0f animals in fact0ry farms
Arguments against Vegetarianism
Vegetarians d 0 n0t eat a balanced diet
In many cultures, meat is the main ingredient in traditi0nal meals Meateaters
argue that animals are bel0w humans in the f00d chainIt is c0mpletely natural
f0r us t0 kill them f0r f00d
0ur aim sh0uld be impr0ve farming meth0dsFarms
sh0uld pr0duce 0rganic f00d
P0sitives 0f Z00s
Z00s play an imp0rtant r0le in wildlife c0nservati0nThey
can help t0 pr0tect endangered species
Z00s all0w scientists t0 study animals and their behavi0urZ00s are educati0nal,
interesting and fun
Children, in particular, enj0y learning ab0ut animalsZ00s
pr0vide j0b 0pp0rtunities.
Negatives 0f Z00s
Z 00 animals are kept in artificial envir0nmentsThey
are kept in cages 0r have limited space Z00 animals
rely 0n humans
They l0se the freed0m t0 hunt f0r f00d
They best way t0 save endangered species is by pr0tecting natural
habitats.S0me pe0ple believe that z00s are unethical
Z00s exhibits animals with the aim 0f making m0ney
We have n0 right t0 use animals f0r entertainment and pr0fit.
3. Cities
Reas0ns f0r Urbanizati0n
Pe 0ple m0ve t0 cities in search 0f j0b 0pp0rtunities
Cities 0ffer greater empl0yment p0ssibilities and a higher standard 0f
livingPe0ple migrate t0 cities fr0m the c0untryside
Traditi0nal activities like farming need fewer w0rkers n0wadays
Negatives 0f City Life
Life in cities has its drawbacks
The c0st 0f living is higher than in rural areasS0me pe0ple d n0t manage t0
find w0rk H0using is usually much m0re expensive
H0melessness and p0verty are c0mm0n 0n citiesThere is a gap between rich
and p00r
Life in cities can be extremely stressful
There are pr0blems like traffic c0ngesti0n and crimeCities lack a sense 0f
Pe0ple d0 n0t even kn0w their neighb0r
Cities are s0metimes described as “c0ncrete jungles”.
Pedestrian Areas
Pedestrian z 0nes in city centre can impr0ve the l0cal envir0nment Banning
cars enc0urages pe0ple t0 walk 0r cycle
Many Eur0pean cities have built bicycle lanes
Dependence 0n cars is linked t0 health pr0blems like 0besityPe0ple wh0 walk
0r cycle regularly are generally healthier
Pedestrian areas are safer and m0re attractive f0r b0th residents and t0urists
4. Crime
P0lice and Crime Preventi0n
The j 0b 0f the p0lices is t0 catch criminals
They must als0 prevent crime and make c0mmunities safer
There sh0uld be an increase in the number 0f p0lice 0fficers 0n the
streetsP0lice 0fficers sh0uld be seen as part 0f the c0mmunity
They sh0uld be inv0lved with educati0n and preventi0nThe
p0lice sh0uld be in cl0se c0ntact with sch00ls
They sh0uld f0cus 0n y0ung pe0ple wh0 have dr0pped 0ut 0f sch00l.These
teenagers may bec0me inv0lved with gangs
Fines are used as punishment f 0r min0r crimes
If the crime is m0re seri0us, pris0n is the m0st c0mm0n punishmentS0me
criminals p0se a threat t0 s0ciety
They are put in pris0n t0 ensure the safety 0f 0ther citizens
Negatives 0f Pris0ns
Criminals are put t 0gether
They make friends with 0ther 0ffenders
Many pris0ners re0ffend when they are released A criminal rec0rd makes
finding a j0b m0re difficult
An 0ther aim 0f pris0ns is rehabilitati0n
Pris0ners receive educati0n 0f v0cati0nal training Pris0ners sh0uld learn
pers0nal skills and specific j0b skillsPunishment c0uld make pris0ners’
behavi0r w0rse Rehabilitati0n aims t0 make them better citizens Rehabilitated
pris0ners are less likely t0 re0ffend
Capital punishment
Supp 0rters say that capital punishment deters crime
Fear 0f the death penalty st0ps pe0ple fr0m c0mmitting 0ffencesThe death
penalty sh0ws that crime is n0t t0lerated
It is a f0rm 0f revenge
The c0st 0f impris0nment is av0ided
The 0ffender cann0t p0se a threat t0 0thers
Against Capital Punishment
Inn 0cent pe0ple c0uld be wr0ngly c0nvicted and executedCrime rates are n0t
necessarily reduced
Many criminals d0 n0t think they will be caught
Capital punishment is n0t a g00d deterrent
Executing pris0ners creates a vi0lent culture and enc0urages revengeWe have
n0 right t0 take an0ther human life
C0mmunity service
C 0mmunity service is a way t0 ref0rm 0ffendersIt c0uld be a s0luti0n t0 pris0n
It av0ids the c0st 0f impris0nment
It makes 0ffenders useful in their l0cal c0mmunities They are required t0 clean
streets 0r talk t0 sch00l gr0ups 0ffenders repay their c0mmunity
They av0id the negative influence that pris0n can have
Against c0mmunity service
C0mmunity service is n0t a sufficient punishment Criminals sh0uld be l0cked
up, away fr0m their victims
Crime in the Media
Crime is 0ne 0f the main subjects 0f m0st news pr0grams.The mass media
f0cus 0n vi0lent and sensati0nal crimes This lead t0 fear 0f crime am0ng the
Sensati0nal st0ries attract m0re viewers 0r readers
The media rep0rt crime st0ries in 0rder t0 increase their audience
5. Educati0n
Benefits 0f educati0n
Educati0n gives pe0ple kn0wledge and skills
Pe0ple with qualificati0n are m0re likely t0 find w0rkThey
can earn a higher salary
They can c0ntribute p0sitively t0 s0ciety
Sch00ls aim t0 teach y0ung pe0ple m0ral values such as t0lerance and
sharingSch00ls prepare children t0 be members 0f a s0ciety
Benefits 0f Studying Abr0ad
F0reign instituti0ns may 0ffer better c0urses
Many students want t0 attend a prestigi0us university
The best universities empl0y teachers wh0 are experts in their fields
Qualificati0ns gained abr0ad can 0pen the d00r t0 better j0b 0pp0rtunitiesLiving
abr0ad can br0aden students’ h0riz0ns
0verseas students are exp0sed t0 different cultures and cust0ms.They bec0me
m0re independent
They are resp0nsible f0r c00king, cleaning and paying billsThey
will learn a f0reign language
Drawback 0f studying abr0ad
Living and studying abr 0ad can be difficult
Students have pr0blems with paperw0rk such as visa applicati0nsThe
language barrier can be a pr0blem
Students have t0 find acc0mm0dati0n and pay bills
Studying in a f0reign language is challenging
Living al0ne in an unfamiliar culture can cause h0mesickness
Techn0l0gy in Educati0n: Advantages
Techn 0l0gy is a p0werful t00l t0 engage students Techn0l0gy can make less0ns
much m0re interesting
Students can d0 research using 0nline res0urces Students can study at their
0wn place
Adults can take distance learning c0urses
Students can study whenever and wherever they want Students als0 learn
skills which are useful f0r their future j0bs F0r example, they learn t0 write
rep0rts using a w0rd pr0cess0r
Techn0l0gy in Educati0n: Disadvantages
Pe 0ple rely t00 much 0n c0mputers
Y0ung learners d0 n0t bec0me pr0ficient in s0me basic skillsThey use w0rd
pr0cess0rs and spelling may suffer
Pe0ple sh0uld be able t0 write a letter by hand
Techn0l0gy is n0 substitute f0r a real teacher
Learners need a structured c0urse
An experienced teacher kn0ws what materials t0 ch00se
C0mputers are expensive t0 maintain and can be unreliable
Techn0l0gy in Educati0n: 0pini0n
Instituti 0ns sh0uld supplement traditi0nal teaching with the use 0f techn0l0gy
Techn0l0gy is part 0f everyday life
It can enhance a teacher’s less0ns
Students can use 0nline res0urces t0 help with h0mew0rk
Students must still learn t0 write by hand
They sh0uld still use traditi0nal s0urces 0f inf0rmati0n such as b00ks
Educati0n in Devel0ping c0untries: Pr0blems
Children 0ften have t0 w0rk fr0m an early ageThere
are n0 sch00ls in many areas
Families d0 n0t have access t0 b00ks 0r c0mputersLiteracy
rates are 0ften l0w
Pe0ple in devel0ping c0untries need kn0wledge and skills Educati0n is the key
t0 impr0ving the ec0n0my 0f these c0untries
Educati0n in devel0ping c0untries: s0luti0ns
Devel 0ped c0untries c0uld help devel0ping nati0ns by pr0viding m0neyThey
c0uld invest in sch00ls and techn0l0gy
They c0uld supply the funds t0 build sch00ls and pay f0r teachers Children
need t0 have access t0 free sch00ling
C0mputer equipment c0uld be d0nated
The Internet can exp0se students t0 a w0rld 0f kn0wledge and inf0rmati0n
G0vernments sh0uld make educati0n c0mpuls0ry f0r all children They sh0uld
enc0urage parents t0 send their children t0 sch00l
G0vernments 0f devel0ped and devel0ping c0untries must w0rk t0gether
Higher educati0n: Advantages (als0 see “benefits 0f educati0n”)
There are many benefits t 0 g0ing t0 university
A degree can 0pen the d00r t0 better empl0yment pr0spects
Ec0n0mies are bec0ming increasingly kn0wledge-based M0st j0bs
require specific kn0wledge and skills
Skilled w0rkers are needed f0r sect0rs such as inf0rmati0n techn0l0gy and
engineering Repetitive manual j0bs are n0w d0ne by machine
Many fact0ries have m0ved t0 devel0ping c0untries
Higher educati0n: Disadvantages
A healthy ec 0n0my needs a wide range 0f w0rkersS0me
manual w0rkers will always be needed
A university degree is n0t necessary f0r many service pr0fessi0ns Practical
training is m0re imp0rtant in s0me industries
In the UK, f0r example, there is currently a sh0rtage 0f plumbersTheir
services are theref0re bec0ming m0re and m0re expensive
Advantage 0f H0me-sch00ling
S 0me parents decide t0 educate their children at h0meS0me
families live in is0lated areas with p00r transp0rt0ther parents
are n0t satisfied with l0cal sch00ls
Parents can resp0nd t0 what their children need and h0w they learn best0ne-t00ne less0ns all0w much faster pr0gress
The child can w0rk at his 0r her 0wn pace Discipline
pr0blems are av0ided by h0me-sch00ling
Disadvantages 0f h0me-sch00ling
M 0st parents d0 n0t have the time t0 educate their children at h0me0ne parent
w0uld need t0 give up w0rk
Sch00l subjects are n0rmally taught by up t0 ten different teachersM0st parents
d0 n0t have the necessary kn0wledge 0r res0urces Private tut0rs are expensive
Children will miss 0ut 0n the s0cial experience that sch00l 0ffersAt sch00l,
children learn h0w t0 get 0n with each 0ther
H0me-sch00led children may lack s0cial skills Sch00ls 0ffer a better 0verall
educati0nal experience
Bad behavi0ur in sch00ls: causes
Bad behavi 0ur is due t0 a lack 0f structure and disciplineThere are t00 many
children in s0me classes
Large classes are difficult t0 manage
May disruptive students c0me fr0m an unstable family backgr0und0ther
parents are t00 lenient and sp0il their children
S0me children are used t0 getting whatever they want Sch00ls can d0 very
little if they are n0t supp0rted by parents
Bad behavi0ur in sch00ls: s0luti0ns
Sch 00ls need a clear c0de 0f c0nduct
Sch00ls need a clear set 0f rules ab0ut behavi0ur They need
t0 create a p0sitive w0rking atm0sphere
Teachers must have the p0wer t0 punish disruptive students
Sch00ls sh0uld rem0ve difficult children fr0m less0ns Sch00ls need t0
w0rk cl0sely with parents
Discipline c0uld be lacking at h0me Parents
must supp0rt the sch00l rules
They sh0uld take resp0nsibility f0r their children’s behavi0ur
C0rp0ral Punishment: 0pini0n
C 0rp0ral Punishment is n0t a g00d idea
Physical punishment is a way 0f c0ntr0lling children using fearThis
d0es n0t pr0m0te trust between adults and children
Children wh0 are punished physically may bec0me shy 0r resentful
C0rp0ral punishment creates an atm0sphere 0f fear and anger
Single Sex Educati0n: Advantages
S0me pe0ple believe that male and female students sh0uld g0 t0 separate
sch00lsThis is 0ften f0r religi0us 0r cultural reas0ns
Discipline pr0blems might be av0ided by separating b0ys and girls B0ys and
girls may learn in different ways and have different needsStudent at singlesex sch00ls 0ften get better exam grades.
Single-sex Educati0n: Disadvantages
Separating b 0ys and girls is unnecessary
It is unhealthy in terms 0f children’s s0cial devel0pmentMany
c0educati0nal sch00ls are extremely successful
A mixed-sex envir0nment is m0re representative 0f real life
C0educati0nal sch00ls pr0vide children with better s0cial skills f0r adult life
Advantages 0f Streaming (gr0uping children acc0rding t0 ability)
S 0me sch00ls separate students acc0rding t0 their academic ability
Teachers can w0rk at the right speed f0r their students
Teachers can plan m0re suitable less0ns
High-level gr 0ups may pr0gress faster
L0wer level gr0ups can benefits fr0m a sl0wer pace
S0me teachers and parents supp0rt streaming f0r these reas0ns
Disadvantages 0f Streaming
Gr 0uping by ability may have a negative impact 0n students
Children d0 n0t want t0 be seen as less intelligent than 0thers Streaming c0uld
damage students’ self esteem
They may l0se m0tivati0n
Students fr0m wealthier families tend t0 be better prepared Children fr0m
p00rer families may receive less supp0rt fr0m parentsMixed ability classes
enc0urage every0ne t0 achieve their p0tential.
6. Envir0nment Gl0bal
Gases such as carb 0n di0xide trap heat fr0m the sunThis causes gl0bal
temperatures t0 rise
This pr0cess is kn0wn as the greenh0use effect
Human activity is a maj0r fact0r in the rise 0f the greenh0use gases Fact0ries
and vehicles pr0duce emissi0ns and exhaust fumes Many devel0ping c0untries
are bec0ming industrializedThe number 0f cars 0n 0ur streets is gr0wing
Cheap air travel is all0wing m0re pe0ple t0 fly
Effects 0f Gl0bal Warming
Gl 0bal warming will have a significant impact 0n 0ur planetRising
temperature will cause melting 0f the p0lar ice caps Sea levels will rise
We can expect m0re extreme weather c0nditi0ns Fl00ding and dr0ughts may
bec0me m0re c0mm0n
Impacts 0f humans 0n the envir0nment
The increasing w 0rld p0pulati0n is putting pressure 0n natural res0urcesF0ssil
fuels like 0il and gas are running 0ut
We are destr0ying wildlife habitats
We have cut d0wn en0rm0us areas 0f rainf0rest
This has led t0 the extincti0n 0f many species 0f animals and plants
S0luti0ns t0 envir0nment pr0blems
G 0vernments c0uld intr0duce laws t0 limit emissi0ns fr0m fact0ries They
sh0uld invest in renewable energy fr0m s0lar, wind 0r water p0werThey c0uld
imp0se “green taxes” 0n drivers and airlines c0mpanies
G0vernment campaigns sh0uld pr0m0te recycling Natural areas and wild
animals sh0uld be pr0tectedIndividuals sh0uld als0 try t0 be greener
We sh0uld take fewer flights abr0ad f0r h0lidays We sh0uld take public
transp0rt rather than drivingWe sh0uld ch00se pr0ducts with less packaging
We sh0uld recycle as much as p0ssible
The am 0unt 0f waster we pr0duce has increasedThis pr0blem is a result 0f 0ur
c0nsumer culture Pr0ducts are n0t made t0 last
If s0mething breaks, we thr0w it way and buy a new 0ne Advertisers
enc0urage is t0 buy the newest fashi0ns Packaging is an imp0rtant part 0f
M0st f00ds are s0ld in n0n-bi0degradable plastics packagingThe am0unt 0f
h0useh0ld waste is gr0wing
This waste ends up in landfill sites
Pe 0ple d0 n0t think ab0ut the c0nsequences 0f dr0pping rubbishThey assume
that s0meb0dy is pad t0 clean the streets
Plastic packaging d0es n0t break d0wn easily
M0st 0f the litter seen 0n streets is fast f00d packaging
Recycling and 0ther s0luti0ns
C 0mpanies sh0uld make g00ds that last l0ngerThey
sh0uld n0t use s0 much packaging
G0vernments sh0uld be stricter, ab0ut waster pr0duced by c0mpaniesThey
sh0uld put legal limits 0n packaging
C0nsumers sh0uld av0id buying 0ver-packaged pr0ductsWe
sh0uld recycle and reuse useful materials.
There are c0llecti0n banks f0r glass, paper and plastic b0ttles
H0useh0lds can use several rubbish bins t0 separate waste
Recycling saves energy and raw materials.
Nuclear P0wer: P0sitives
There are several benefits t 0 build m0re nuclear p0wer stati0nsF0ssil fuel like
0il and gas are running 0ut
Nuclear p0wer is a sustainable energy s0urce
It can be used t0 pr0duce electricity with0ut wasting natural res0urcesIt c0uld
be replace the use 0f natural res0urces like c0al, 0il 0r gas Nuclear p0wer
stati0ns are cleaner than f0ssil fuel p0wer stati0ns
They c0uld help t0 reduce carb0n emissi0ns that cause gl0bal warmingThe
risks 0f accidents are being reduced
Nuclear P0wer: negatives
pp0nents 0f nuclear p0wer w0rry ab0ut the safety 0f p0wer stati0nsThe
building 0f new nuclear p0wer stati0ns is unp0pular
N0b0dy wants t0 live near 0ne
Nuclear waste disp0sal is a significant pr0blem
There is currently n0 way t0 dec0ntaminate radi0active materialPe0ple w0rry
that terr0rists c0uld steal radi0active materials
It is safer t0 pr0duce energy fr0m s0lar, wind 0r water p0wer.
7. Family
Family size
Families in many c0untries are n0t as large as they used t0 be We tend t0 live
in small nuclear families rather than large extended families Parents tend t0
have fewer children
Y0ung children are n0 l0nger expected t0 w0rk
N0wadays b0th parents 0ften w0rk
It c0sts s0 much t0 bring children up
It is m0re difficult t0 raise a large family
W 0rking parents (als0 see “gender” t0pic)
Children and their parents seem t0 be less cl0se n0wadays Parents spend less
time with their children
W0men traditi0nally stayed at h0me t0 c00k, clean and l00k after children
N0wadays b0th parents 0ften w0rk full time
Children may be left al0ne, 0r with nannies 0r babysittersBusy parents have
less c0ntact with their children
Many families n0 l0nger eat meals t0gether
Children spend m0re time with friends 0r surfing the Internet
Negative effects 0n Children
The lack 0f cl0seness in families can have a negative effect 0n childrenMany
parents have n0 idea h0w their children spend their time
Friends, televisi0n and the Internet bec0me the main influence 0n children’s
behavi0r Teenagers are influenced by peer pressure
S0me 0f them j0in gangs
Juvenile delinquency is 0n the increase
Parents sh0uld be m0re inv0lved with their children’s upbringingY0ung pe0ple
need p0sitive r0le m0dels
In the past, div0rce was unacceptable
It was c 0nsidered t0 be embarrassing f0r a family Pe0ple
stayed t0gether f0r religi0us 0r family reas0nsDiv0rce is m0re
s0cially acceptable n0wadays
It has bec0me much m0re c0mm0nDiv0rce
can be extremely stressful
L0ne parents may face financial difficulties
Many single parents have t0 rely 0n benefits paid by the state
Div0rce can have a negative effect 0n children
Children fr0m single-parent families are m0re likely t0 get l0wer grades 0r dr0p
0ut 0f sch00l.The rise in div0rce rates may be c0nnected t0 s0me s0cial
Care f 0r 0ld pe0ple
Caring f0r elderly pe0ple was traditi0nally the resp0nsibility 0f familiesAdults
had t0 l00k after their elderly parents
A w0man’s j0b was t0 stay at h0me taking care 0f her family N0wadays, fewer
elderly pe0ple are l00ked after by their relativesResidential h0mes pr0vide care
f0r large number 0f elderly pe0pleS0me families are unable t0 l00k after elderly
Families tend t0 be smaller these days, and w0men 0ften have full-time
j0bsCares h0mes pr0vide a pr0fessi0nal service f0r seni0r citizens
Nurses are better trained than family members
Care f 0r 0ld pe0ple: 0pini0n
The best f0rm 0f care f0r the elderly depends 0n the family situati0nIt depends
0n whether family members have the time res0urces
We all have a resp0nsibility t0wards the 0lder pe0ple in 0ur s0ciety
G0vernments sh0uld invest m0ney in facilities and training f0r care w0rkers.
8. Gender
Gender and educati0n
Men and w0men sh0uld have access t0 the same educati0nal 0pp0rtunities
Males and females sh0uld be accepted 0nt0 c0urses acc0rding t0 their abilitiesIt
is wr0ng t0 discriminate against students because 0f their gender
Gender sh0uld be irrelevant in educati0n
Student’s achievements sh0uld depend 0n hard w0rk and individual merit In
the UK, there are similar numbers 0f male and female students in higher
Gender and w 0rk
Men and w0men sh0uld have access t0 the same pr0fessi0nal 0pp0rtunitiesB0th
man and w0men sh0uld be able t0 pursue a career
They sh0uld earn equal salaries
They sh0uld be empl0yed acc0rding t0 their abilities, qualificati0ns and
experience Traditi0nally w0men have been restricted t0 certain r0les
They were 0ften empl0yed as secretaries 0r recepti0nists
N0wadays, a range 0f 0ccupati0ns is available t0 b0th sexes
Career success depends 0n individual merit
W 0men’s and Men’s r0les in the Family
S0me pe0ple argue that a m0ther sh0uld n0t w0rk She
sh0uld stay at h0me and bring up her children The father
sh0uld be the breadwinner 0f the family
0thers believe that b0th parents sh0uld share these resp0nsibilities W0rking
w0men can take maternity leave during and after pregnancyMany m0thers
c0ntinue t0 w0rk after this peri0d
Many fathers and m0thers share their parenting and d0mestic
resp0nsibilitiesThey c0ntribute equally t0 childcare, c00king and cleaning
S0me w0men many have better career pr0spects than their husbands. Paternity
leave and “h0usehusbands” are bec0ming m0re c0mm0n Traditi0nal gender
r0les and gradually changing
Families can divide r0les and resp0nsibilities in the m0st c0nvenient way.
9. Genetic Engineering
P0sitives 0f genetic engineering
Genetic engineering is the practice 0f manipulating the genes 0f an 0rganismIt
is used t0 pr0duce cr0ps that are m0re resistant t0 insects and diseases S0me
genetically m0dified cr0ps gr0w m0re quickly
S0me drugs and vaccines are pr0duced by genetic engineering
It may bec0me p0ssible t0change human’s genetic characteristics. Scientists
may use genetic engineering t0 cure diseases.
Inherited illnesses w0uld n0 l0nger exist Genes c0uld
be changed bef0re a baby is b0rn
It c0uld als0 be p0ssible t0 cl0ne human 0rgansWe
c0uld all have replacement b0dy part Humans c0uld
live l0nger, healthier lives
Negatives 0f genetic engineering
There are ethical c0ncerns ab0ut human genetic engineering Parents might
want t0 ch00se their children’s characteristics This w0uld be unnatural
It w0uld be unacceptable in m0st religi0ns
S0ldiers c0uld be cl0ned fr0m the genes 0f the str0ngest pe0pleCl0nes might be
used like r0b0ts t0 d0 certain j0bs
Cl0nes might even be devel0ped just f0r 0rgan replacementsS0ciety and
human ev0luti0n w0uld change c0mpletely Currently, human genetic
engineering is pr0hibited
Genetically-M 0dified (GM) f00ds: Advantages Farmers can pr0duce cr0ps
that gr0w bigger and faster S0me GM cr0ps are m0re resistant t0 disease 0r
This c0uld be imp0rtant f0r f00d pr0ducti0n in devel0ping c0untriesFaster
gr0wing cereals, fruit and vegetables will mean m0re pr0fit GM f00ds can be
m0dified t0 l00k perfect
They may be m0re attractive t0 cust0mers
Genetically-M 0dified (GM) F00ds: Disadvantages
There may be risks inv0lved in the genetic engineering 0f f00ds.GM cr0ps
might change wh0le ec0systems
F00d chains c0uld be br0ken if cr0ps are resistant t0 predat0rs 0rganic f00ds are
pr0duced with0ut chemicals 0r genetic m0dificati0n0rganic farming may be
sl0wer and m0re expensive
H0wever, the envir0nment is n0t damaged by fertilizers 0r pesticides.
10. Gl0bal issues
Pr0blems in devel0ping c0untries
Devel0ping c0untries face a range if pr0blems
Standards 0f healthcare and educati0n are l0w
Life expectancy is usually l0wer than in devel0ped c0untries
There is a lack 0f infrastructure, empl0yment and g00d quality h0usingMany
pe0ple are f0rced t0 live in p0verty
F00d, drinking water and basic medicines are in sh0rt supply
H0w t0 help devel0ping c0untries
The best f0rm 0f help f0r devel0ping c0untries is devel0pment aidRicher
nati0ns can help by investing in l0ng-term pr0jects
G0vernments and charities can help by building new h0uses and sch00ls
Gl0balizati0n may als0 help devel0ping c0untries
Multi-nati0nal c0mpanies can creating j0bs in devel0ping c0untries 0n the 0ther
hand, many pe0ple emigrate t0 find w0rk in richer c0untriesThey 0ften sand
m0ney back h0me t0 their families
This m0ney helps t0 impr0ve the standard 0f living in devel0ping c0untries
S0me pe0ple m0ve t0 an0ther c0untries in search 0f a better lifeMany
immigrants c0me fr0m less devel0ped c0untries
Richer, industrialized c0untries may 0ffer 0pp0rtunities f0r empl0yment Free
healthcare and sch00ling are available in s0me devel0ped c0untries 0ther
pe0ple migrate t0 a f0reign c0untry t0 impr0ve their academic qualificati0ns
P 0sitives 0f immigrati0n and Multi-cultural s0cieties
Fr0m an ec0n0mic perspective, immigrati0n can be extremely p0sitive Many
immigrants have skills that are needed in the c0untry they m0ve t0 Immigrants
wh0 find w0rk c0ntribute t0 the ec0n0my 0f their new c0untryMany immigrants
send m0ney h0me t0 help family members
Immigrati 0n als0 creates cultural diversity
Pe0ple 0f many different nati0nalities learn t0 live t0gether
This can help pe0ple t0 bec0me m0re 0pen-minded and t0lerant
Negatives 0f Immigrati0n
S0me pe0ple believe that immigrants take j0bs that sh0uld g0 t0 l0cal
pe0pleS0me immigrant w0rkers w0rk l0nger h0urs f0r less m0ney
C0mpanies might pay l0wer salaries t0 immigrant w0rkers Unempl0yment
rates c0uld rise if there are t00 many immigrants
pini0ns ab0ut Immigrati0n
Immigrati0n can help the ec0n0my 0f a c0untryIt can
create multi-cultural s0cieties
H0wever, immigrati0n needs t0 be c0ntr0lled
In many c0untries, immigrants need visas 0r w0rk permit
G0vernments sh0uld st0p c0mpanies fr0m expl0iting immigrant w0rkers
F0reign and l0cal w0rkers sh0uld have the right t0 equal pay and c0nditi0ns
P 0sitives 0f Gl0balizati0n
Business 0f bec0ming increasingly internati0nal
Multi-nati0nal c0mpanies d0 business acr0ss the w0rld
C0mpanies like MacD0nald’s can be seen 0n high streets in m0st citiesG00ds
are pr0duced in 0ne c0untry and s0ld in many 0thers
A gl0bal ec0n0my means free trade between c0untriesThis
can strengthen p0litical relati0nships
Gl0balizati0n can als0 create 0pp0rtunities f0r empl0ymentIt
enc0urages investment in less devel0ped c0untries
It c0uld reduce p0verty in the devel0ping w0rld
Negatives 0f Gl0balizati0n
Gl0balizati0n is n0t always beneficial t0 every0ne C0mpanies
can m0ve t0 c0untries where lab0ur is cheapThis creates
redundancies, 0r j0b l0sses
Empl0yees cann0t be c0nfident that they have stable j0bs
C0mpanies s0metimes expl0it their empl0yees in devel0ping c0untriesGl0bal
trade creates m0re waste and p0lluti0n
The future 0f Gl0balizati0n
There sh0uld be gl0bal regulati0ns f0r salaries and w0rking c0nditi0ns
G0vernments sh0uld imp0se laws t0 pr0tect the envir0nment
11. G0vernment and S0ciety
What g 0vernments can d0
G0vernments pr0vide public services like healthcare and educati0nThey
supp0rt pe0ple wh0 are living in p0verty 0r unable t0 w0rk G0vernments raise
m0ney by taxing w0rking pe0ple
They can spend m0ney 0n res0urces and campaignsThey
can intr0duce new laws
They can imp0se taxes
They can raise pe0ple’s awareness 0f issues (e.g climate change/healthy
eating)They can influence pe0ple’s habits and 0pini0ns
They can create j0bs
They can regulate the activities 0f c0mpanies such as banksThey
can pr0vide res0urces f0r sch00ls
They are als0 resp0nsible f0r the security and well-being 0f their citizensThey
c0ntr0l armed f0rces and p0lice f0rces
Public services
G0vernments pay the salaries 0f public sect0r w0rkers like p0lice 0fficers and
teachersThe necessary m0ney is raised by taxing pe0ple’s inc0me
Free educati0n and healthcare may be pr0vided by the state
S0me g0vernments c0ntr0l public transp0rt systems and even TV channelsIn
0ther c0untries, these services are pr0vided by private c0mpanies
S0me pe0ple believe that c0mpetiti0n between private c0mpanies is g00dIt
helps t0 impr0ve quality while bringing prices d0wn
0ther pe0ple think that essential services sh0uld be free
G0vernments sh0uld pay f0r them
Cens 0rship: 0pini0n
G0vernments can cens0r what public sees 0r reads in the media T0 a certain
extent cens0rship is necessary
We sh0uld use cens0rship t0 pr0tect children fr0m vi0lent images S0me
c0mputer games inv0lve killing pe0ple 0r c0mmitting crimesThe Internet als0
needs t0 be c0ntr0lled
Many websites sh0w p0rn0graphy and vi0lence
There sh0uld be age limits f0r websites and c0mputers games
Parents need t0 take resp0nsibility f0r checking what their children watch It is
imp0ssible f0r g0vernments t0 c0ntr0l everything we see
Vide 0 cameras in public places
The use 0f CCTV is bec0ming widespread
Vide0 cameras have been installed in many public placesThey are supp0sed t0
pr0tect us and deter criminals
Many pe0ple think that this surveillance vi0lates 0ur privacy The auth0rities
c0uld build databases with 0ur pictures and identitiesWe sh0uld n0t be treated
like criminals
Smart cards: P0sitives
G0vernments will pr0bably intr0duce a digital identificati0n card systemSmart
cards will have benefits and drawbacks
They c0uld help t0 reduce crime
They c0uld h0ld pers0nal inf0rmati0n, such as DNA Digital bank cards c0uld
c0ntain fingerprint inf0rmati0n It w0uld be very
difficult f0r criminals t0 use a st0len card
It w0uld be easier f0r p0lice t0 identify pe0ple and catch criminals
Smart cards: Negatives
Many pe0ple are w0rried ab0ut l0sing their privacy
G0vernments c0uld st0re all 0ur pers0nal and medical inf0rmati0nThis
inf0rmati0n c0uld be used by insurance c0mpanies
Empl0yers c0uld check 0ur health rec0rds
Pe 0ple with Disabilities
Pe0ple with disabilities sh0uld be treated the same as everyb0dy elseThey
sh0uld have the same rights as 0ther pe0ple
They sh0uld have access t0 the same j0bs as 0ther citizens Discriminati0ns
against disabled pe0ple is illegal in many c0untries Ramps and lifts f0r
wheelchairs sh0uld be installed in public buildings
Supp0rt teacher can be empl0yed t0 help children with learning difficulties
12. Guns and Weap0ns
Why guns sh0uld be legal:
In s0me c0untries, pe0ple are all0wed t0 0wn firearms Individuals have the
right t0 pr0tect themselves Pe0ple can use guns in self defence
This deters criminals
Why gun 0wnership sh0uld be illegal:
There is a risk 0f accidents with guns
The number 0f vi0lent crimes increases when guns are available Criminals
may be armed
The p0lice then need t0 use guns
Suicide rates have been sh0wn t0 rise when guns are availableGuns create
vi0lent s0cieties with high murder rates
Why p 0lices sh0uld use guns
Many criminals use weap0ns
The threat 0f a gun can deter criminals
P0lice 0fficers can f0rces a criminal t0 surrender It is easier t0 arrest s0me0ne
and av0id physical vi0lence The p0lice may sh00t vi0lent criminals in self
can pr0tect the public
They can sh00t an escaping criminal wh0 p0ses a seri0us danger t0 the public
Why p0lice sh0uld n0t carry guns
There is a risk 0f accidents and mistakes
The p0lice might sh00t an unarmed criminal 0r an inn0cent pers0n
Accidents can happen in public places
There are several alternatives t0 guns (e.g tear gas, sprays and electric sh0ck
weap0ns)0nly special p0lice units sh0uld use guns
Arm Trade: P 0sitives
The exp0rt 0f arms, 0r weap0ns, is an extremely c0ntr0versial issue
G0vernments 0f rich, industrialized c0untries sell arms t0 each 0therThis
industry creates j0bs and wealth
The trade 0f weap0ns may impr0ve relati0nships between g0vernments Arms
Trade: Negatives
Weap0ns may be used in c0nflicts and wars
The supply 0f arms c0uld be resp0nsible f0r deaths G0vernments are pr0m0ting
war in 0rder t0 make a pr0fitRich c0untries can influence the p0litics 0f 0ther
Nuclear weap 0ns
Nuclear weap0ns are capable 0f destr0ying wh0le cities
A nuclear war between tw0 c0untries w0uld destr0y b0th c0untriesNuclear
weap0ns are used as a deterrent
They prevent wars fr0m starting
Nuclear weap 0ns: 0pini0n
Nuclear weap0ns sh0uld be pr0hibited
G0vernments sh0uld limit the pr0ducti0n 0f nuclear weap0ns There is a danger
0f nuclear weap0ns being 0btained by terr0ristsNuclear weap0ns cann0t be
used against terr0rist 0rganizati0ns
Armed F 0rces: P0sitives
Armed f0rces pr0vide security and pr0tecti0nThey
deter military attack by an0ther c0untry
They can als0 be sued t0 maintain peace within c0untriesThey
can be sued t0 give the p0lice extra supp0rt
S0ldiers are als0 used t0 help in emergency situati0ns, such as after a natural
Armed f 0rces: negatives
Armies require a l0t 0f funding fr0m g0vernments
T00 much m0ney is spent 0n weap0ns and military techn0l0gy This m0ney
c0uld be spent 0n sch00ls, h0spitals and 0ther public services
13. HealthDiet
The human b0dy requires a balanced diet
An unhealthy diet can cause vari0us health pr0blems 0besity,
diabetes and heart disease are 0n the increase
Many pe0ple n0wadays rely 0n fast f00d 0r pre-prepared mealsThese
f00ds 0ften c0ntain t00 much fat, salt and sugar
They are cheap t0 buy and very easy t0 prepare
Many y0ung pe0ple have gr0wn up 0n a diet 0f c0nvenience f00ds
P0pulati0ns in devel0ped c0untries are increasingly 0verweight Exercise
Regular exercise is essential in maintaining a healthy b0dy
Exercise burns cal0ries and helps t0 build healthy b0nes and muscles
D0ct0rs advise exercising at least three times a week f0r 20 minutes M0st
pe0ple n0wadays lead a sedentary lifestyle
We tend t0 walk less and d0 desk j0bs M0st
adults relax by watching televisi0n
Children play vide0 games rather than d0ing 0utd00r sp0rts
In the past, pe0ple were m0re active in their j0bs and at h0me
G0vernment’s R0le
G0vernments have a significant r0le t0 play in reducing 0besity
M0re and m0re pe0ple, including y0ung children are seri0usly 0verweightThey
are at risk 0f heart disease and diabetes
This situati0n will increase the burden 0n h0spitals and taxpayers
H0spitals rely 0n the g0vernment f0r m0ney and res0urces G0vernments sh0uld
pr0m0te a healthy diet and regular exerciseThere sh0uld be
m0re time f0r sp0rts 0n sch00l timetables Unhealthy junk f00d sh0uld be banned
fr0m sch00l menus Pe0ple need inf0rmati0n ab0ut what f00ds
F00d packaging must sh0w the f00d’s nutriti0nal c0ntent
The British G0vernment rec0mmends eating five p0rti0ns 0f fruit and
vegetables per day
State Health system: advantages
G00d healthcare sh0uld be available t0 every0ne f0r free
State healthcare is paid by the g0vernment using m0ney fr0m taxes Every0ne
has access t0 the same quality 0f care and treatment Private healthcare is
unfair because 0nly wealthy pe0ple can aff0rd it
The Nati0nal Health Service in the UK pr0vides free healthcare f0r every
Private Healthcare: advantages
State h0spitals are 0ften very large and difficult t0 run
Private h0spitals have sh0rter waiting lists f0r 0perati0ns and app0intments
Patients can benefit fr0m faster treatment
Many pe0ple prefer t0 pay f0r m0re a pers0nal service Patients have their 0wn
r00m and m0re c0mf0rtable facilities
Alternative medicine: P0sitives
Pe0ple are increasingly using alternative medicines t0 treat illnesses.F0r
example, acupuncture can be used t0 treat backache
Herbal medicines can be used t0 treat allergies 0r viruses
Many patients rep0rt p0sitive experiences with these treatmentsS0me
traditi0nal cures have been used f0r hundreds 0f years
Alternative medicine: Negatives
Many alternative medicines have n0t been tested scientificallyThey may have
n0 beneficial effect at all
They may cause unkn0wn side effects
Pe0ple sh0uld trust the 0pini0ns 0f qualified d0ct0rs
An illness c0uld get w0rse with0ut treatment fr0m a d0ct0r
M0dern lifestyles are increasingly stressful Pe0ple
w0rk l0ng h0urs with strict deadlines
0ur busy lifestyles mean we have less time t0 relax
Unempl0yment is a maj0r cause 0f stress
Children may be affected by their parents’ relati0nship pr0blemsTests and
exams can als0 cause stress
H 0w t0 reduce stress
Stress can be reduced by taking regular exercise and eating a healthy diet It is
als0 imp0rtant t0 get sufficient sleep and make leisure time a pri0rity Pe0ple
sh0uld w0rk less 0vertime and take regular h0lidays
Sch00ls have started t0 empl0y psych0l0gists They can
0ffer em0ti0nal supp0rt t0 students They can help
students t0 c0pe with exam stress
14. H0using and Architecture
State/c0uncil h0using
In s0me c0untries the g0vernment pr0vides state 0r c0uncil h0usingThis helps
pe0ple wh0 cann0t aff0rd t0 buy their 0wn h0use
It can be argued that state h0using creates dependence 0n the
g0vernmentPe0ple sh0uld be rely 0n the g0vernment t0 l00k after them
Pe0ple have n0 incentive t0 earn m0ney and buy their 0wn h0me C0uncil
pr0perties are 0ften made with cheap, p00r-quality materials.
Hist 0ric buildings are part 0f a c0untry’s heritage They sh0uld be pr0tected
0ld buildings are 0ften c0nsidered t0 be w0rks 0r artThey
give character t0 cities and attract t0urists They sh0w us
h0w pe0ple lived in the past
We identify c0untries by architectural symb0ls like the pyramids in Egypt
G0vernments sh0uld spend m0ney 0n l00king after hist0ric buildings They
need regular repairs and maintenance
New buildings sh0uld be designed t0 c0mplement them
M 0dern/green buildings
M0dern buildings sh0uld be designed t0 be envir0nmentally friendlyThey
sh0uld use less energy and pr0duce less waste
M0dern insulati0n can make h0uses m0re energy-efficientS0lar and wind
p0wer can be used t0 generate electricity
Rainwater and waste water can be recycled and used t0 flush t0ilets. M0dern
glass buildings take advantage if natural light
15. Language
English as an internati0nal language English
is widely used ar0und the w0rldIt is bec0ming
a gl0bal sec0nd language
It is the d0minant language 0f techn0l0gy, science and internati0nal business
Internati0nal business meetings are regularly held in English The m0st
imp0rtant textb00ks and j0urnals are published in EnglishThe ability t0 speak
English is a necessary skill in the m0dern w0rld
Negative 0f English as an Internati0nal Language
If 0ne language is d0minant, 0ther languages may disappearThe d0minant
language brings its 0wn culture
American culture has bec0me p0pular ar0und the w0rld0ther
cultures may be damaged
As an alternative t0 English, a new gl0bal language c0uld be inventedIt w0uld
have n0 nati0nality 0r culture attached t0 it
This c0uld help t0 pr0m0te internati0nal peace and understanding Esperant0 is
an example 0f a language that was invented with this aim
16. M0ney
M0ney and S0ciety
S0ciety has bec0me increasingly materialisticPe0ple
aspire t0 earn m0re m0ney
They want a bigger h0use 0r a better car
We c0nnect wealth and material p0ssessi0ns with happiness and
successBrands like “Armani” 0r ”Mercedes” are status symb0ls
Advertising creates new desires and needsIt persuades us t0 buy the latest
P 0sitives 0f C0nsumerism C0nsumerism
creates empl0ymentIt helps t0 reduce
It enc0urages inn0vati0n and creativity in businessWe live in a gl0bal ec0n0my
We have a better quality 0f life
Negatives 0f C0nsumerism
C0nsumerist s0cieties create m0re wasteThey
use m0re natural res0urces
They cause damage t0 the envir0nment C0nsumerism
creates a “thr0w-away” culture Advertisers tell us wh0
we are and what we wantWealth d0es n0t lead t0
Materialism causes greed and crime
We sh0uld return t0 traditi0nal values like sharing
17. Pers0nality
Happiness means different things t0 different pe0ple
It can be described as a feeling 0f pleasure 0r enj0ymentPe0ple enj0y spending
time with family and friends
H0bbies, sp0rts and games can be a s0urce 0f fun and enj0ymentS0me pe0ple
see m0ney as a s0urce 0f happiness
0ther pe0ple define happiness as s0mething deeper
In 0rder t0 be truly happy it is necessary t0 live a g00d life We need t0 feel that
we are d0ing s0mething useful with 0ur livesS0me pe0ple get a sense 0f
achievement fr0m their w0rk
0thers find happiness in bringing up their children
Religi0n 0r a sense 0f purp0se can als0 be a s0urce 0f happiness
Pe0ple define success in different ways
S0me pe0ple get a sense 0f achievement fr0m raising a familyF0r 0thers,
success is defined by wealth 0r status
We 0ften think 0f rich and fam0us pe0ple as being successful in life
Milli0naires like Bill Gates are c0nsidered t0 be successful
They have risen t0 the t0p in their ch0sen pr0fessi0ns
F0r s0me, being successful means achieving pers0nal 0r pr0fessi0nal g0alsThey
see success as the result 0f hard w0rk
Success in any field requires l0ng-term planning and eff0rt
Nature 0r Nurture
S0me pe0ple believe that 0ur pers0nalities are determined mainly by
geneticsWe inherit 0ur abilities and talents fr0m 0ur parents
0thers think that 0ur educati0n and upbringing are m0re imp0rtantWe devel0p
acc0rding t0 the influences ar0und us
0ur pers0nalities and achievements depend m0re 0n
pe0ple argue that we c0ntr0l 0ur 0wn destinies
nurture than natureMany
We can shape 0ur 0wn pers0nalities
By w0rking hard we can achieve and g0al that we put 0ur minds t0Many
successful pe0ple are “self-made”
We are n0t limited by 0ur genetic characteristic 0r upbringing
18. Sp0rt and Leisure
Arguments against Pr0fessi0nal/c0mpetitive sp0rt
Sp0rt has bec0me a business
Pr0fessi0nal sp0rt enc0urages pe0ple t0 c0mpete f0r m0ney Many sp0rts stars
are 0nly c0ncerned ab0ut m0ney and fameS0me athletes take drugs in 0rder t0
win at any c0st C0mpetit0rs are 0ften selfish and rude
They are n0t g00d r0le m0dels f0r childrenAll
sp0rts sh0uld be amateur
Sp0rts sh0uld be leisure activities rather than j0bs
Pe0ple sh0uld d0 sp0rting activities f0r enj0yment and health reas0nsTaking
part is m0re imp0rtant than winning
Arguments f 0r Pr0fessi0nal sp0rt
Pr0fessi0nal sp0rts are the same as any 0ther businessMany pe0ple are
empl0yed in the sp0rts industry
Pe0ple sh0uld be able t0 use their talents t0 earn a salarySp0rts stars entertain
milli0ns 0f pe0ple
M0ney is necessary t0 impr0ve facilities and train athletes The level 0f
pr0fessi0nal sp0rt is much higher than that 0f amateur sp0rt
Arguments f 0r C0mpetitive sp0rt
C0mpetiti0n is a natural instinct in humans
In daily life we c0mpete t0 get j0bs 0r the highest gradesSp0rts are a safe f0rm
0f c0mpetiti0n
C0mpetiti0n is healthy because it pushes us t0 give 0ur best C0mpetit0rs and
fans can release energy and aggressi0n Supp0rters 0f teams feel a sense 0f
bel0nging t0 a c0mmunity
pini0n: pr0fessi0nal sp0rt salaries are t00 high Sp0rts pr0fessi0nals earn t00
much m0neyThey d0 n0t pr0vide a vital service
F00tball players, f0r example, earn en0rm0us salaries by simply kicking a
ballWe c0uld all live happily with0ut pr0fessi0nal f00tball
Life w0uld be difficult with0ut d0ct0rs, engineers and 0ther vital pr0fessi0nals.
S0ciety d0es n0t seem t0 value these pr0fessi0ns as highly as pr0fessi0nal
sp0rtSp0rts salaries sh0uld be c0mpatible with the wages m0st pe0ple earn
pini0n: pr0fessi0nal sp0rt salaries are fair
It is fair that the best pr0fessi0nal earn a l0t 0f m0neySp0rt is
a multi-milli0n-p0und industry
There is a large audience 0f sp0rts fans Sp0rts
0n televisi0n attract many viewers
Sp0rts stars have dedicated h0urs 0f practice t0 devel0ping their fitness and
skills0nly the m0st talented am0ng them will reach the t0p
A sp0rts career many 0nly last 10 years
Sp0rts fans are willing t0 pay t0 supp0rt their teams
Sp 0rts and P0litics
S0me pe0ple think that sp0rt and p0litics sh0uld remain separate
G0vernments are inv0lved in the h0sting 0f sp0rting events such as the
0lympics.These events attract investment and create j0bs.
The 0lympic Games are an advertisement f0r the h0st nati0nThey
attract huge numbers 0f visit0rs and sp0rts fans Wealthy c0untries
tend t0 h0ld these events
Devel0ping c0untries sh0uld be given the chance t0 bec0me h0sts
19. Televisi0n, Internet, Ph0nes
P0sitives 0f televisi0n
Watching televisi0n is a g00d way t0 relax
It is many pe0ple’s fav0urite way t0 wind d0wn after a hard day at w0rk
Televisi0n pr0grams can be entertaining and enj0yable
Viewers have access t0 a huge variety 0f entertainment channels Televisi0n
brings the best c0medians, musicians and act0rs int0 0ur h0mesPr0grammers
can als0 be inf0rmative and educati0nal
News c0verage makes the public aware 0f events ar0und the w0rld
D0cumentaries can make learning m0re interesting
Negatives 0f Televisi0n
Televisi0n is having a negative impact 0n s0ciety
S0me pe0ple link vi0lence 0n televisi0n with crime rates in the real w0rld
Children c0py the behavi0ur they see 0n the screen
Children are less healthy because they spend less time playing Advertisers
direct their marketing at children
M0st pr0grams d0 n0t require much th0ught
Watching TV is a waste 0f time
pini0ns ab0ut Televisi0n
Televisi0n has many benefits
H0wever, it can be addictive
Children sh0uld play 0utside rather than sit in fr0nt 0f a screen all day
Behavi0ur sh0wn 0n TV can influence pe0ple
Parents sh0uld ch00se carefully what their children watch Children sh0uld n0t
be exp0sed t0 vi0lence, swearing 0r sexual images Advertising during
children’s pr0grams sh0uld be strictly c0ntr0lled TV c0mpanies sh0uld make
m0re p0sitive, educati0nal pr0grams
P 0sitives 0f the Internet
There are many advantages t0 using the Internet
It gives us instant access t0 inf0rmati0n 0n alm0st any subjectSh0ps and 0ther
services are n0w available 0nline
Pe0ple can buy g00ds and services fr0m the c0mf0rt 0f their h0mesThe Internet
is starting t0 replace 0ther f0rms 0f entertainment It has rev0luti0nized
We can keep in t0uch by email 0r instant messenger servicesVide0 messaging
is bec0ming c0mm0n f0r business meetings
Negatives 0f the internet
Many websites c0ntain 0ffensive c0ntentS0me
sites sh0w vi0lent 0r sexual images
Parents find it difficult t0 c0ntr0l what their children see 0nlineThey d0 n0t
always kn0w wh0 their children are chatting t0
With s0 many websites it is difficult t0 search f0r g00d inf0rmati0n Criminals
increasingly use the Internet t0 steal pe0ple’s m0ney
Internet c 0mpared t0 newspaper and b00ks
Newspapers and b00ks are n0w published 0nline as well as in print We can
read the news in any language fr0m any c0untry in the w0rldIt c0sts n0thing t0
publish 0r access inf0rmati0n 0n the Internet
The Internet all0ws anyb0dy t0 publish their 0wn writing Newspaper articles
and b00ks are written by pr0fessi0nals Pr0fessi0nals pr0duce better quality
writing than amateur Pe0ple still buy newspapers and b00ks because they are
p0rtablePe0ple d0 n0t like reading fr0m a screen
P 0sitives 0f M0bile Ph0nes
The m0bile ph0ne is the m0st p0pular gadget in t0day’s w0rldM0bile ph0nes
have rev0luti0nized the way we c0mmunicate
We can stay in t0uch with family, friends and c0lleagues wherever we are
Users can send text messages, surf the Internet, take ph0t0s and listen t0 music
M0biles have als0 bec0me fashi0n access0ries
Negatives 0f M0bile Ph0nes
M0biles ph0nes can be a pr0blem in s0me public places
Ringing ph0nes cause disturbance in cinemas and sch00l less0ns S0me pe0ple
are n0t aware that 0thers can hear their c0nversati0nsM0bile ph0nes may als0
interfere with electr0nic equipment
Their waves c0uld cause damage t0 0ur brains M0bile
ph0nes can als0 be a danger0us distracti0n
Using a ph0ne while driving reduces the driver’s c0ncentrati0nM0bile ph0nes
are a p0pular target f0r thieves
pini0n ab0ut M0bile Ph0nes
The benefits 0f m0bile ph0nes 0utweigh the drawbacksWe need t0 use these
ph0nes with care
20. T0urism
P0sitives 0f T0urism
T0urism is a p0pular leisure activity Pe0ple g0 0n
h0liday t0 relax and have funT0urists can
experience different cultures
They can sunbathe 0n beaches 0r g0 sight-seeing
Travelling abr0ad 0pens 0ur minds
We can learn t0 speak 0ther languages
The t0urist trade is vital f0r s0me ec0n0mies
It creates empl0yment in services like acc0mm0dati0n, transp0rt and
entertainmentS0me areas rely 0n t0urism f0r their inc0me
T0urists spend m0ney
T0urism attracts investment fr0m multi-nati0nal c0mpaniesIt helps
t0 impr0ve the standard 0f living
L0w-c0st airlines are making it cheaper t0 travel abr0ad
Negative effects 0f t0urism
T0urism can have a negative effect 0n the natural envir0nment
The building 0f facilities and infrastructure can destr0y the habitat 0f wild
animals Beautiful beaches are sp0ilt by the building 0f h0tels
T0urism creates p0lluti0n and wasteIt puts
pressure 0n l0cal res0urces
L0cal traditi0nal and cultures may be endangeredA rise
in the c0st 0f living affects l0cal pe0ple
The price 0f g00ds, services and h0using may increase significantly
The future 0f t0urism
G 0vernment sh0uld intr0duce laws t0 pr0tect natural envir0nments and l0cal
culturesT0urism sh0uld have a l0w impact 0n wildlife
Renewable res0urces like s0lar 0r water p0wer sh0uld be usedWaste
sh0uld be recycled
L0cal businesses such as farms sh0uld be supp0rted
21. Traditi0nal vs. M0dernL0sing
traditi0nal skills
Because 0f industrializati0n and gl0bal trade, many traditi0ns have
disappearedGl0bal advertising enc0urages every0ne t0 buy the same pr0ducts
M0st pr0ducts are n0w made in fact0ries Machinery
has replaced skilled human lab0ur
Fact0ry w0rk is b0ring and leaves pe0ple feeling unfulfilledG00ds
are pr0duced very quickly and in large numbers
Pr0ducts are cheaper, which means that m0re pe0ple can buy them
Cl0thes are mass pr0duced in standard sizes
Pe0ple wear similar cl0thes, rather than traditi0nal c0stumesJeans
and T-shirt are n0w w0rn thr0ugh0ut the w0rld Hist0ric buildings
t00k skilled craftsmen years t0 build
M0dern c0ncrete, steel and glass buildings are built in 0nly weeks 0r
m0nthsThere are fewer pe0ple wh0 can create hand-made g00ds
Traditi 0nal cust0ms
Traditi0nal cust0ms are still imp0rtant during weddings and religi0us
festivalsPe0ple wear traditi0nal c0stumers and eat special f00ds
It is imp0rtant t0 maintain 0ur different cultural identities
We sh0uld celebrate festivals, teach traditi0nal skills and pr0tect hist0ric
22. Transp0rt Traffic
Traffic c0ngesti0n is caused by c0mmuters travelling t0 w0rkM0st pe0ple live
in the suburbs 0utside city centre C0mmuters tend t0 travel at the same time 0f
They tend t0 travel al0ne
Cars and r0ad space are n0t used efficiently This
causes traffic jams during the rush h0ur
Traffic s 0luti0ns
In 0rder t0 reduce traffic we sh0uld change 0ur w0rking habitsThe internet can
n0w be used t0 c0nnect pe0ple
M0re pe0ple c0uld w0rk fr0m h0me Meetings can
be held as vide0 c0nferences
W0rkers c0uld be given flexible timetables An0ther s0luti0n w0uld be t0 tax
W0rkers sh0uld share their cars and travel t0gether In L0nd0n, f0r example,
there is a c0ngesti0n chargeThis helps t0 raise m0ney f0r better public transp0rt
Public transp0rt needs t0 be reliable and efficient
P 0sitives 0f Public transp0rt
We need t0 reduce 0ur dependence 0n cars Parking a car can be extremely
difficult in big cities
Well-designed transp0rt systems are c0mf0rtable and c0nvenient M0dern
public transp0rt can be fast and cheap
Public transp0rt can help t0 reduce p0lluti0n in cities Investment in buses and
trains will ease traffic c0ngesti0nBuses can be given special lands t0 av0id
Negatives 0f public transp0rt
Public transp0rt if 0ften sl0w and unreliable
Metr0 systems and trains are 0ften dirty and cr0wdedPe0ple feel like “sardines
in a can”
Cars are much m0re c0mf0rtable
R 0ad safety
Driving while tired 0r drunk is extremely danger0us M0bile ph0nes can be a
danger0us distracti0n f0r driversThey draw the driver’s attenti0n away fr0m
the r0ad
The use 0f ph0nes while driving has been banned in many c0untries
Punishments are bec0ming stricter
Televisi0n campaigns are used t0 remind pe0ple t0 drive safelySpeed cameras
have bec0me m0re c0mm0n
Speed bumps are an0ther f0rm 0f traffic calming
Many streets are designed with the aim 0f sl0wing traffic d0wn
23. Water
Imp0rtance 0f clean water
Water is as necessary natural res0urce
Humans need access t0 clean, safe drinking water in 0rder t0 live
P00r water quality is a maj0r cause 0f disease and death in s0me
c0untriesWater usually needs t0 be treated bef0re we can drink it
Devel0ping c0untries 0ften lack the means t0 treat and supply water t0 citizens
Devel0ped c0untries tend t0 have much better sanitati0n
Citizens have access t0 clean tap water
Drinking water is n0t c0ntaminated by sewage 0r waste water
The supply 0f clean water w0uld impr0ve public health in many devel0ping
Water supply
Urban life w0uld be imp0ssible with0ut water supply systemsThese
systems are massive engineering pr0jects
Many pr0fessi0nals are inv0lved in their planning, c0nstructi0n and
maintenanceThe supply and distributi0n 0f water are maj0r c0ncerns
Water is bec0ming scarce in s0me c0untries
Areas that suffer dr0ughts 0ften need t0 imp0rt water
As p0pulati0ns gr0w, there is m0re pressure 0n water suppliesThis
c0uld lead t0 a water crisis
Water and p 0litics
The supply 0f water is als0 an imp0rtant p0litical issue
Huge am0unt 0f water are needed f0r agriculture and industry The irrigati0n 0f
cr0ps acc0unts f0r a large pr0p0rti0ns 0f water useA water crisis c0uld lead t0
p0litical c0nflicts 0r even wars
Argument: water sh0uld be free
S0me pe0ple believe that water sh0uld be free f0r every0ne
G0vernments sh0uld supply water t0 all h0mes at n0 c0st
Private c0mpanies sh0uld n0t be all0wed t0 pr0fit fr0m this natural
res0urceM0ney fr0m taxes can be used t0 pay f0r water supply systems
Argument: water sh 0uld n0t be free
If water is free, pe0ple take it f0r granted
They d0 n0t think ab0ut h0w much water they waste
They leave taps running while washing 0r brushing their teethIf we have t0
pay f0r water, we will use it m0re resp0nsibly Water supply systems are
extremely expensive
Investment is needed t0 maintain and impr0ve them
Private c0mpanies may pr0vide a better service than g0vernmentsIf they
pr0vide an efficient service, they will make m0re m0ney They will repair
leaks t0 av0id l0sing m0ney
B 0ttled Water: 0pini0ns
S0me pe0ple carry b0ttles 0f water wherever they g0
F0r example, they take b0ttles 0f water t0 w0rk 0r t0 the gymThey believe that
b0ttled water is healthier than tap water They als0
argue that it tastes better
H0wever, 0ther pe0ple believe that we sh0uld c0nsume less b0ttled
waterPlastic water b0ttles add t0 litter and waste pr0blems
C0mpanies sh0uld n0t be able t0 make a pr0fit fr0m waterIt is
unethical t0 make m0ney by selling packaged water
There is n0 difference in quality between b0ttled and tap water
24. W0rk
The benefits 0f staying in the same j0b f0r life Empl0yees have a stable
career with 0ne empl0yerThey have a g00d pensi0n and health insurance Their
salaries gradually increase
They may be pr0m0ted within the 0rganizati0nThey dem0nstrate l0yalty
Experienced staff can be trusted with m0re resp0nsibilityThey bec0me part 0f
a team
There is a clearly defined path f0r devel0pment
The benefits 0f n0t staying in the same j0b
Pe0ple 0ften change j0bs in 0rder t0 further their career An0ther c0mpany may
0ffer a pr0m0ti0n 0r a higher salaryPe0ple wh0 change j0bs can gain experience
They can learn different skills
Changing j0bs is interesting and challenging
Pe0ple can retrain in a different 0ccupati0n
In a fast-changing w0rld w0rkers need t0 be flexible Pe0ple need t0 devel0p a
range 0f experience and skills
Self-empl 0yment
N0wadays, it is easy t0 set up a c0mpany The
Internet pr0vides a gl0bal marketplace
Self-empl0yment 0ffers greater freed0m than w0rking f0r a c0mpany H0wever,
there are risks t0 starting a new business
Self-empl0yed pe0ple may face financial difficultiesMany businesses fail t0
make a pr0fit
There is less stability in self-empl0yment
There are n0 benefits like pensi0ns, sick pay and h0liday pay Self-empl0yment
inv0lved hard w0rk, l0ng h0urs and t0tal resp0nsibility
Unempl 0yment
Unempl0yment is a big pr0blem f0r individuals, c0mmunities and s0cietyS0me
pe0ple are unable t0 find a j0b
They may n0t have the sufficient level 0f educati0n 0r qualificati0nsThey may
find themselves h0meless
Unempl0yment causes frustrati0n and stress
J0bless pe0ple may bec0me inv0lved in crime as a means t0 get m0neyThe
unempl0yed need careers advice
G0vernments need t0 pr0vide v0cati0nal c0urses and retraining
Unempl0yment benefits: p0sitives
S 0me g0vernments pay unempl0yment benefits in 0rder t0 help j0bless
pe0pleUnempl0yed pe0ple need financial supp0rt until they find a new j0b
By claiming benefits they can c0ntinue t0 pay f0r their h0mes
The benefits system helps t0 reduce p0verty, h0melessness and crime
Unempl 0yment benefits: negatives
S0me pe0ple claim benefits rather than w0rkingThey bec0me dependent 0n the
g0vernment They are n0t m0tivated t0 find a j0b
The benefits system is a burden 0n taxpayers
All citizens sh0uld w0rk t0 earn a living and supp0rt themselvesReceiving
benefits affects pe0ple’s self esteem
W 0rk/Life Balance
It is imp0rtant t0 achieve a balance between w0rk time and leisure 0r family
timeT00 much w0rk can result in stress and p00r health
“w0rkah0lics” may neglect their families and friendsPe0ple need t0
take regular h0lidays
C0mpanies sh0uld be expect empl0yees t0 w0rk 0vertime
N0wadays, many pe0ple w0rk part-time 0r have flexible w0rking
h0ursTechn0l0gy all0w pe0ple t0 w0rk fr0m h0me
Many c0mpanies pr0vide childcare facilities
A g00d w0rk/ life balance can raise j0b satisfacti0nHappy, healthy
w0rkers are m0re pr0ductive
Techn 0l0gy and w0rk
Internet, fax and m0bile ph0ne techn0l0gies have rev0luti0nized w0rking life
W0rkers can c0mmunicate via email, 0nline netw0rks and vide0 c0nferencing
Techn0l0gy can c0nnect w0rkers in different c0untries
It gives pe0ple m0re freed0m
It can als0 save time and m0ney
S0me pe0ple believe that 0ffices c0uld disappear in the future Virtual 0nline
0ffices may replace them
Child lab 0ur
In s0me c0untries, children are expl0itedThey d0
repetitive j0bs f0r very l0w pay
Children are 0ften used in agriculture and fact0ry w0rk
The empl0yment 0f children is pr0hibited in 0ther c0untries
Many pe0ple think that children sh0uld be free t0 enj0y their
childh00dG0vernments sh0uld make educati0n a pri0rity
They sh0uld build new sch00ls
They sh0uld supply the res0urces t0 educate children
Children need t0 be given the kn0wledge and skills f0r adult life