2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2015, Dec. 18-20,2015, Sri Lanka Crackle Separation and Classification from Normal Respiratory Sounds Using Gaussian Mixture Model Syed Osama Maruf, M. Usama Azhar, Sajid Gul Khawaja, M. Usman Akram College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan. maru(jr1991@hotmail.com, usamaazhar32@gmail.com, sajid.gu1.2009@gmail.com, usmakram@gmail.com Abstract-Analysis of Respiratory sound signal is helpful in detection of adventitious lung sound which are an indication of disease. This helps in classification of normal respiratory sounds from abnormal respiratory sounds and this can be used to accurately diagnose respiratory diseases as is done by a medical practitioner via auscultation. This process has subjective nature and that is why simple auscultation cannot be relied upon. A computer aided diagnostic system which analyzes respiratory sounds can be very helpful in detection of various respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis and tuberculosis. In this paper we present a novel method for automated detection -0.3 of crackles which indicate severity of a respiratory disease. The proposed system consists of four modules i.e., pre-processing in which noise is filtered out, followed by feature extraction. The proposed system then performs feature selection based on rank tests and finally classification to separate crackles from normal breath sounds. I. 0.6 I N T RODUCTION Millions of people die due to respiratory diseases all over the world and according to World Health Organization (WHO) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) will become the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030. In Europe, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease effects about 10% to 25% of the adult population [1]. Latest studies also show that Pneumonia alone accounts for about a million deaths in children annually. This represents 18% of all annual under­ five worldwide mortality [2] and about 98% of these deaths occur in developing countries. The economic cost of asthma, COPD, and pneumonia was $106 billion in 2009: $81 billion in direct health expenditures $25 billion in indirect cost of mortality [3]. The high mortality rate can be attributed to the fact that there is a scarcity of trained medical health professionals as compared with the number of patients and also due to lack of awareness about health facilities in people of backward areas. The diagnosis of these diseases is conducted by recording of a detailed history of the patient followed by a physical exam in which detection of adventitious lung sounds as well as abnormal breath sounds is undertaken with the help of a stethoscope; a process called auscultation. Adventitious lung sounds are additional respiratory sounds superimposed on breath sounds [4] and are divided into two types 1) stationary and 2) non-stationary. Stationary adventitious lung sounds are wheezes and rhonchi whereas non-stationary sounds include crackles. Crackles are discontinuous explosive sounds which occur usually during inspiration [4]. Figure 1 shows the waveforms for normal breath and crackles. 978-1-4799-1876-8/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 0.8 267 X 10!o Fig. I. Breath sound waveforms. Top: Normal breath sound waveform; Bottom: Crackle sound waveform The occurrence of crackles is an indication of the severity of the pulmonary disease [5] and simple auscultation cannot be relied upon as auscultation with a stethoscope is a subjective process since it depends on the individual's own hearing, ex­ perience and ability to distinguish different sounds patterns[l]. Thus there is a need for a system which accurately detects the presence of crackles in the respiratory sound of patient. This system would not be able to replace the doctor but would be valuable for countries where the doctor to patient ratio is low. This article consists of five sections. Section 2 highlights existing methods and related work for respiratory sound anal­ ysis. Section 3 describes a brief overview and all steps of the proposed system. The results are presented in Section 4 followed by conclusions in Section 5. 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2015, Dec. 18-20,2015, Sri Lanka II. RELAT ED WORK Respiratory Sound Analysis is a relatively new area of interest for researchers and not many methods of detection and classification of crackles have been formulated. Presence of crackles is strong indicator of pathological illness and it is imperative that methods should be devised for its detec­ tion to help in clinical diagnosis. The existing methods are broadly categorized as the non-linear separation stationary non-stationary filter (ST-NST) [6] and its several modified version [7], [8], the wavelet transform-based stationary-non­ stationary filter (WTST-NST) [9] and the generalized fuzzy rule-based stationary non-stationary filter (GFST-NST)[10]. Mohammed Bahoura and Xiaoguang Lu [11], [12] pre­ sented a model WPST- NST method based on double thresh­ holding in wavelet domain by using time domain features which separates crackle's coefficients. Unlike simple wavelet transform, wavelet packet transform is obtained by applying wavelet transform at every level which is equivalent to multi­ channel filtering. Using this model an accuracy of 93.9% is achieved [12].Fatma Ayari et al. [13] has discussed two methodologies to classify crackles and their extraction from the lung signal. The first one is statistics based methodology and the second is fuzzy nonlinear classifiers. Nine features have been selected to enhance behavior of crackle. These features relate to amplitude, time and waveform. Sensitivity of 98.34% and positive predictive value of 97.88% have been achieved. Martinez-Hernandez et al. [14] used lung sounds which are acquired by multi-channel microphone array on which feature extraction is done by multivariate AR model and after dimensionality reduction techniques like PCA and SVD are applied, the classification was done by SNN (Super­ vised Neural Network) using back-propagation method and Levenberg-Marquardt rule a.k.a. damped-least square. They classified DIP (diffuse interstitial pneumonia) characterized by crackles (100-2000 Hz). SNN is then applied and gave best results at 20 nodes for SVD and 25 nodes for PCA. MAR in conjunction with PCA is superior it gave an accuracy of 92.86% in the testing phase. III. N o rm al Fig. 2. A. PROPOSED M ET HOD 268 Flow diagram of proposed system Preprocessing Pre-Processing of the lung sound is done with two objectives in mind, i.e., reduction of background noises and the other is to enhance the quality of the recorded sound. To cater for the former objective pre-filtering using a band-pass filter with cut-off frequencies at 100 Hz to reduce heart sounds and 2500 Hz to eliminate high- frequency noise is applied [15] as it is within these frequency ranges that the lung sounds are present [16]. B. Over the past few years computerized methods of respi­ ratory sound acquisition and analysis have overcome many shortcomings of simple auscultation [l].Computer aided di­ agnostic systems have brought new horizons in detection and treatment of many diseases. Thus, many different techniques have been used to acquire and then use respiratory sounds for diagnosis of pulmonary diseases. Figure 2 shows a complete flow diagram for all the phases of the proposed system start­ ing from sound acquisition to classification of crackles. The proposed system is divided into four phases, i.e., acquisition of the lung sound and preprocessing, feature extraction and wavelet decomposition with removal of the silent phase, and finally feature selection and classification. A Gaussian Mixture Model based on a Bayes decision rule is used to differentiate crackles from normal respiratory sounds. Cra c k l e s Feature Extraction A feature set is formed to distinguish between normal respiratory sounds and crackles. The formation of the feature vector was done by the following method: The pre-processed sound files are used to calculate three spatial-temporal features namely, pitch, energy and spectrogram. These features are extracted from the entire spectrum after which the wavelet decomposition is done using Daubechies-8 wavelet for 5th level decomposition tree. The levels containing silent phase are then discarded and the level with the most information, i.e., the last level is then used to calculate other 9 features. The entire feature vector contains 12 features which are of the form Iv Xl, X2, X3, ........., X12. The features which we have used are Pitch(xl), Spectrogram(x2), Energy(x3), Shan­ non Entropy(x4), Mean(x5), Range (x6), IQR(x7), MAD(x8), Moment(x9), Skewness (x10), Kurtosis(x11) and PSD(x12). = 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2015, Dec. 18-20,2015, Sri Lanka The description of the features in the feature vector is given below: 1) Pitch(Xl) is associated with the frequency of sound wave and allows its ordering based on it [17], i.e., high pitch is attributed to sound having a high frequency and low pitch is associated with sound having a low frequency. 2) Spectrogram(x2) is a visual representation of the spec­ trum of frequencies in a sound or other signal as they vary with time. 3) Energy(x3) is the energy of wavelet or wavelet packet decomposition. 4) Shannon Entropy(x4) is measure of diversity or ran­ domness of the sound wave [18]. 5) lvIean(xs) of the sound is calculated for each candidate region in order to differentiate between crackles and normal respiratory sounds. 6) Range(x6) is the difference between the maximum and minimum of the sound sample. 7) IQR(x7) is the inter-quartile range of the sound in time­ domain. 8) !vI AD(xs) is the median absolute deviation of the sound. Moment(x9) central sample moment of sound specified by the positive integer order. 9) Skewness(xlO) is a measure of the asymmetry of the probability distribution of a real-valued random variable about its mean. 10) Kurtosis(Xll) is a descriptor of the shape of the prob­ ability distribution of the real- valued random variable [19]. 11) PSD(X12) the power spectrum density is the average power of the sound spectrum. TABLE I ANALYSIS OF FEATURES FOR FEATURE SELECTION USING RANKSUM TEST ";' . r' .. 05 . . ... . . � o 3 . . .... . . " . . nd Iq, .. ' . '"1"' . . .. Ansari Bradley Test P Value Score 292 0.9305 0.397 275 0.567 280 252 0.034 0.422 305 260 0.09 252 0.034 0.0517 255 314 0.19 341 0.005 324 0.062 0.051 255 M d • 15 . ··· · .. . . : ...... . . . r·- .... " : ..... , 0 - • · " . "' . . 'l1"" �.. ;. •• : . . . . '.: • •• ,. IS o 0 KurtoStS • Mad and Iqr .... 15 r •. .... .. 05 ': . . ,'- . . . . . ..... "0f"' _.' .. o 3 C. Feature Selection 269 Test Score 219 228 215 295 302 361 293 278 323 342 441 278 R nSt Feature extraction phase extracts different features out of which best features are selected by feature selection phase using rank tests. Feature selection phase selects a feature set from complete feature vector using two rank sum tests i.e. Wilcoxon Rank­ Sum and Ansari-Bradley Tests. Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test is a non-parametric test of the null hypothesis that two populations are the same against an alternative hypothesis that the two dis­ tributions differ only with respect to the median. It has higher efficiency on non- normal distributions such as a mixture of normal distributions [20]. Ansari-Bradley test compares two independent samples which come from the same distribution against the alternative that they come from same distributions having the same median and shape but different variances [21]. Table 1 shows the results obtained when Wilcoxon Rank-Sum and Ansari-Bradley tests are applied to different features. The features showing the least P -value are selected based on the results of rank sum tests. Top four common features with minimum p - value are selected which are Range(x6), IQR(x7), !vI AD(xs) and Kurtosis(Xl1). They are then used to classify crackles from normal respiratory sounds. Figure 3 shows the plots for top four features Wilcoxon P Value 0.0405 0.0717 0.0309 0.989 0.8366 0.0675 0.989 0.67 0.433 0.191 0.00005 0.67 Features Pitch Spectrogram Energy Entropy Mean Range IQR Mad Moment Skewness Kurtosis PSD t:: . . . . . :!:: , . . . . . . • '- .!It." :���. .... ... . . :, '. � . '1" : ro., • •: . ' : . . . .. " . "'1' ' ' . . . �� 150 " o 0 Fig. 3. 3 dimensional scatter plots. Top plot shows the scatter plot for range, MAD and IQR. Bottom plot shows the scatter plot for kurtosis, MAD and IQR. D. Classification For the purpose of classification, we use a Bayesian classi­ fier using Gaussian functions known as the Gaussian Mixture Model [22]. The Gaussian Mixture Model offers fast and accurate performance in the testing phase while being trained extensively in the training phase. In our context, each sound class is modeled by a Gaussian Mixture Model obtained by training [23]. The training is done by using a training data set with the respiratory sounds labeled as crackles and normal after which the Bayes decision rule is used in the 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2015, Dec. 18-20,2015, Sri Lanka estimation of a decision criteria from the training set. Two classes Xl cr-ackles and X2 nor-mal have been defined. The parameters for GMM are optimized using Expectation Maximization (EM) which is an iterative method and it chooses optimal parameters by finding the local maximum value of GMM distributions for training data [24]. Bayes decision rule is stated as [24] = = Choose iJ,p(vIRl)P(Rl) Rl other-wise choose R2 > accuracy as figures of merit. These parameters were calculated using equations 1-4 respectively. Sensitivity(Sen) SpeciJicity(Spec) p(vIR2)P(R2) PPV ACCUTacy(Acc) = p(vIRi) = L N(vlJ.Lj, �j)Wj j=l (3) Expectation Maximization is done to select an optimum value of k where in the estimation step PE of each point of the Gaussian is calculated using PE(n,J ) . _ wjN(vnI/Lj, �j) " L... i=l N(vnIJ.Li, �i)Wi "", 1 = NTo!."l �j � PE(n,j)(vn -,Lj)(Vn - J.Ljf Wj - �j --- NTotal (6) (7) L;:�'(Ol PE(n,j) and NTotal are the total number where �j candidate regions. = IV. (10) (TP+FP) (TP+TN) = (9) (TN+FP) (TP+TN+FN+FP) (11) • • • TP are true positives, meaning crackles are correctly classified. TN are true negatives, meaning normal respiratory sounds are correctly classified. FP are false positives, meaning normal respiratory sounds are wrongly classified as crackles regions. FN are false negatives, meaning crackles are wrongly classified as normal respiratory sounds. Table-2 shows the evaluation results of proposed system and its comparison with other classifiers like support Vector Machine (SVM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) consisting of 10 nodes in the input layer. TABLE II PROPOSED SYSTEM EVALUATION RESULTS Classifier GMM SVM ANN TP 13 13 10 TN 27 25 25 FN I 1 4 FP 0 2 2 Sen 92.85 92.8 85.3 Spec 100 92.5 7l.2 PPV 100 86.6 92.5 Acc 97.56 92.6 85.3 (4) In the final step maximization of the likelihood function is achieved by re-calculation of covariance matrix, mean and weight of the jth Gaussian by using the equations given below: �j TN = where • where v and J.L are feature vector containing m number of features and mean vector containing mean of each feature respectively. � is a m x m covariance matrix. In our case m 3. Then the likelihood function of the Gaussian is calculated as (8) (TP+FN) TP = (I) where p(vIRi) is the class conditional Probability Density Function (pdt) also known as likelihood and P(Ri) is the prior probability of class Ri which is calculated as the ratio of class Ri samples in the training set. The conditional probability density function of the feature vector for the two classes is calculated using TP = EXPERIMENTAL RESULT S The evaluation of proposed system is done using respiratory sound files. We use a sound repository of 41 files out of which 14 have been categorized as crackles by a human grader. The performance of the proposed system has been evaluated using sensitivity, specificity ,positive predictive value (PPV) and 270 Gaussian Mixture Model out performs the other classifiers and is thus selected as the classifier of choice in our proposed method. The effectiveness of GMM can be ascertained from the high accuracy shown in the testing phase. For performance comparison with existing methods, we present the values of sensitivity, specificity, PPV and accuracy of the methods of Xiaoguang Lu et al. [11] , Martinez­ Hernandez et al. [15] and Fatma Ayari et al. [13]. The results of these comparisons are shown in table-3. TABLE III PERFORMANCE COMPARISON OF PROPOSED SYSTEM WITH EXISTING METHODS Method Lu, Xiaoguang et al. [11] Martinez-Hernandez et al. [15] Fatima Ayari et al. [13] PM Sen 92.9 91.38 98.34 92.85 Spec PPV 94. 4 94.34 100 97.88 100 Acc 93.9 92.86 97.56 The table shows that the proposed system outperforms in terms of accuracy of classification. The reason for the improve­ ment can be accredited to the fact that in the proposed method a detailed feature set and classifier have been employed which is not done by the above mentioned authors. 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2015, Dec. 18-20,2015, Sri Lanka V. CONCLUSION Digital signal processing techniques can be applied to study lung sounds as an aid to clinical diagnosis [23]. New methods for identifying and measuring adventitious lung sounds are being developed in various research institutes [25]. We have introduced a new classification tool for Crackles analysis as their detection is important for the evaluation of the severity of the respiratory disease. The proposed system consisted of four phases i.e. preprocessing, feature extraction, feature se­ lection and finally the classification. We have used sensitivity, specificity, PPV and accuracy to evaluate our proposed system. The system has achieved specificity of 100%, sensitivity of 92.85%, PPV of 100% and accuracy of 97.56% which are better than the recently published methods. It is evident from the comparison with previous systems that the proposed method has outperformed them and has classified crackles form other respiratory sounds with good accuracy. REFERENCES [I] A.R. A. 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