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Cosmic Constitutive Theory: Matter-Antimatter

A Cosmic Constitutive Theory: MatterAntimatter
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.
A constitutive theory for the cosmos is presented, herein. It is explicated
that in order to form a body referred to as the Cosmos, the Prime
Creator converted a modicum of its sentient, intelligible, consciousness
energy to simultaneously generate constitution in form of matter and
antimatter that function as the fabric of a series of conjugate spacetimes epitomizing certain discrete energetic contours within the
Cosmos. And, these energetic contours are comprised of a form of
congealed energy that is referred to as space, and free-flowing quanta
of energy that are perceived as time. In this respect, due to the isotropic
and axisymmetric scheme of congealment together with a most
optimized topology for their existence, space is formed as a series of
discrete spherical surfaces each with their own characteristic
curvatures, with the innerspace between such nested spherical surface
domains epitomizing the realm of free flowing time, which is referred to
as the domain of innerspace. And, as such energetic contours are
formed in pairs conforming to the Dualism Principle of Creation, the
outer surfaces have the tendency to expand away and the inner
surfaces to contract towards the SOURCE. Thus, when viewed from the
point of view of sentient beings anchoring their states of consciousness
to such space-times, this gives rise to a scheme of torsional vibration of
a series of conjugate space-time dimensions that mirror oneself in terms
of time progression. And, commonly a sentient being that is anchored to
a particular space-time dimension, transfers its consciousness to the
innerspace above and below such energetic contours, vibrating in time.
Thus, an initial SOURCE comprised of STILL, NEUTRAL quanta of energy
with an infinite natural frequency of vibration that is seemingly STILL or
stationary, now manages to, once again, express ITSELF, experiencing
‘life,’ by our vernacular, through a series of self-similar fractilized
holographic fragments of ITSELF as ITS offspring, who are self-aware
and function as consciousness generating co-creators as ITS
Everything emanates from the pure consciousness energy of the
This form of intelligent, coherent, crystalline energy is of free flowing
nature in waveform, with an infinite frequency of vibration that
would appear as STILL and not moving to us.
In order to experience ‘life’ as we perceive it [2], and animate or
vibrate in our standard vernacular [3-4], the SOURCE explodesimplodes upon itself as to split its STILL and NEUTRAL quanta of
energy to form constituents that are of expansive and contractive
nature, respectively [5].
The expansive quanta are said to be of electric nature that further
split into positive and negative charged components.
Thus, there is a tendency for the negative charged quanta or
particles that are referred to as electrons to move towards the
positively charged quanta referred to as protons to settle a resulting
electric potential difference that exist between their two occupied
This is referred to as electricity.
Similarly, the contractive quanta split into components comprised of
positive and negative dipoles.
Generally, the like poles repel and unlike dipoles attract each other.
This is known as magnetism.
The advent of electricity and magnetism are symbiotic in nature with
the onset of one triggering the advent of occurrence of the other.
Electricity-magnetism epitomize a prolific example for the Dualism
Principle of Creation at work [6].
And, the electric-magnetic fields of energy collectively define what is
referred to as light of consciousness [7] that is of electromagnetic
energy [8].
Constitution and Conscious Vibrations
In order to be able to disseminate its energy of consciousness and
form self-similar fractilized hologramic versions of ITSELF, the
SOURCE undergoes a campaign of converting a modicum of its
crystalline energy that is sentient into a form of constitution that
represents non-sentient quanta of energy.
These non-sentient or constitutive quanta of energy are formed as a
result of progressive congealment of the free flowing sentient
quanta of energy as a way of energetic conversion that form discrete
energetic contours within what is commonly perceived as ‘space’ [910].
On the other hand, the free flowing action of the quanta of sentient
energy epitomizes what is commonly referred to as ‘time’ [11-12]
that shows the tendency of everything that is created to either
expand away from the SOURCE or contract and collapse towards the
SOURCE [13].
When seen from the prospective of a particular occupied point in the
Cosmos, time has a bidirectional nature.
It gives a sentient or conscious being occupying a point within the
Cosmos the propensity of sequentially expanding and contracting
about the central SOURCE.
Thus, envision a sentient being [14-15] as a harmonic oscillator [1617].
The expansive tendency of the sentient being gives it the
opportunity to deflect away from the SOURCE in a quest for selfdiscovery to get self-awareness through application of its endowed
Free Will.
This can lead to negative karma [18].
• The latter scheme of contraction towards the SOURCE epitomizes
the every fundamental or prolific nature of Creation that states
everything that is created must inevitably and eventually contract to
• The contractive or gravitational-attractive action of a sentient being
towards the SOURCE, is what described positive karma.
• This requirement ensures the integrity and the uniqueness of the
• The energetic contours are comprised of a curved surface of certain
characteristic curvature with their own radius of curvatures.
• Geometrically speaking, the surface epitomizes the space aspect and
the radius of curvature, the time aspect of what may be collectively
referred to as space-time, alternatively, referred to as a dimension
• In other words, with the advent of space-time and all its intricate
discrete dimensions of consciousness created, the overall or the
WHOLE that is referred to as the Cosmos [20], essentially represents
the created body of the SOURCE that we refer to as the God or Prime
Creator [21].
• Thus, the congealment of the quanta of energy by way of conversion
into constitution is what forms the fabric of the space-time [22].
• In this respect, the space aspect of the space-time that represents its
congealment serves as what may be envisaged as a source of
containment for all that is created, including a means for the
sentient quanta of energy to anchor their characteristic
consciousness energy.
• Thus, each particular space-time epitomizes a certain dimension of
consciousness with its own frequency of waves of consciousness
energy that may be anchored there [23].
• At the same time, by virtue of the free-flowing nature of time, each
space-time dimension of consciousness rotates-spin about the
central SOURCE with a characteristic frequency or rotationalspinning speed reflective of its specific curvature.
• In other words, both curvature and frequency are alternative means
of characterizing the speed or rate of progression of time
effectuated through its rotational-spinning velocity about the
SOURCE [24].
• Different quanta of energy occupying a point in a space-time
dimension of the Cosmos can spin-rotate about the SOURCE, an
event that was referred to as ‘time.’
• In this respect, they spin about an axis that represents a bidirectional
vector connecting the said point to the SOURCE that is referred to as
the cosmological time vector.
• Furthermore, through rotation of the vector of the cosmological
time about the SOURCE in a transversal plane to the spin plane that
itself is perpendicular to the cosmological time axis, a spherical
domain in the Cosmos is created that was referred to as a spacetime dimension.
• Note that akin to a pair of electrons occupying an energetic orbital
within the energetic contour of the space-time, each quanta of
energy undergoes a ½ spin counterclockwise and clockwise about its
cosmological time vector.
• At the same time, since the cosmological vector of time has the
propensity to rotate clockwise as well as counterclockwise about the
SOURCE, two circular contours may be identified.
• Thus, this phenomenon of expansion-contraction brings to mind two
very important concepts:
• 1. That a quanta of energy can occupy the very same space, yet
progress in time in a bi-directional manner.
• This is what the author has generally proposed as the ‘Essential
Cosmological Law of Spatial Cohabitation’ that simply states sentient
and non-sentient beings alike can occupy the same space, yet
progress in time differently [25].
• 2. That two space-time dimensions can occupy the same space, yet
differ in terms of their time progression, one being the opposite or
mirrored image of the other.
• This is what the author has introduced as the concept of ‘conjugate
or mirrored space-time dimensions’ [26].
• Clearly, conjugate space-time dimensions epitomize a very
significant example for the Dualism Principle of Creation [27].
• In fact, by virtue of the fact that the fabrics of the two conjugatemirrored space-times always spin-rotate in opposition to one
another about the same orientational axis that is referred to as the
cosmological vector of time, rendering one as counterclockwise and
one as clockwise about the central SOURCE, they are always
quantumly entangled with one another [28].
• This means, as soon as one quanta of energy ½ spins
counterclockwise about its cosmological time axis, another one as a
conjugate pair, immediately starts to ½ spin clockwise and in
opposition to the other.
• And, what is remarkable that these quanta of energy retain a
memory of their action that never truly ‘separates’ them from one
• So, even if you manage to artificially separate them from one
another and no matter by how far apart, as soon as you release one
quanta of energy and say it let is spin counterclockwise, immediately
the entangled quanta spontaneously begins to spin clockwise about
an axis of the same orientation in a clockwise manner, and vice
• This is what is referred to as quantum entanglement [29].
• And note, although herein we are speaking of two dimensional
space-times that mirror one another in terms of time progression,
referred to as conjugate-mirrored space-times, the ideology of
‘spatial cohabitation’ can apply to quanta of energy as fabrics of
space-times that form space-times of different cosmological
contours of energy or space-time dimensions with their own distinct
curvatures that spin at different speeds about the SOURCE.
• And, this is a phenomenon that gives rise to the advent of different
cosmological space-time dimensions of consciousness to which a
sentient being can anchor its characteristic extent of consciousness.
• Alternatively, different space-times may be conceived as occupying
the very same space of even the same curvature, yet spin-rotate
lagging or leading one another in their spin-rotation.
• It is then said that the two space-times have different phase angle of
spinning-rotation with respect to one another, introducing the
concept of what the author refers to as ‘local time.’
• Such distinct space-time dimensions by virtue of a phase angle
difference existing among them are referred to as the parallel
• And, although they possess the same curvature and spin-rotate at
the same cosmological speed or frequency about the central
SOURCE, they seem to have different apparent frequency
effectuated by virtue of their difference of phase angle.
• Note that time is synonymous with rotation [30].
• And, the advent of a different phase angle with respect to rotation
creates the illusion of a local relative time among them.
• For further details on parallel dimensions, the reader is referred to
papers published under the general title of ‘Parallel dimensions’ [3133].
• Thus, together with the two ½ spinning of the quanta of energy
about their cosmological time axis, the bidirectional rotational action
of the cosmological vector of time about the SOURCE collectively
give rise to a spherical contour that was referred to as the spacetime.
• Recall that, again, the surface of such a sphere represents the
congealed space and the radial vector epitomizes the cosmological
vector of time.
• Note that since the counterclockwise spinning-rotation gives the
surface of the sphere or the space-time an expansive quality away
from the SOURCE, while the clockwise spinning-rotation gives it a
contractive nature towards the SOURCE, it is logical to distinguish
between the outer and inner surfaces of the sphere to form two
distinct space-time dimensions.
• In this respect, the expansive quanta of energy form the fabric of a
space-time that has a concave curvature that is referred to as the
Outer World or the World Above with respect to the central SOURCE
• In contrast, the contractive quanta of energy form the fabric of a
space-time that has a convex curvature that is referred to as the
Inner World or the World Below when observed from the
perspective of the central SOURCE.
• Thus, broadly speaking, the quanta of energy may be of the sentient
kind that have a sense of coherency and precise crystallinity, giving
rise to intelligibility and consciousness, or define the fabric of the
space-time dimensions that are referred to as ‘constitution.’
• And, the underlying effect of constitution is that it retards the extent
of consciousness [35].
• In other words, the discrete contours of energy of consciousness by
a way of space-times are structured in such away in the Cosmos that
they diminish as one moves away from the center of cosmos where
the SOURCE is perceived as to reside.
This is what the author refers to as propinquity [36-37].
And, propinquity reflecting the quality of consciousness of a sentient
being having anchored its extent of consciousness to a particular
space-time dimension of consciousness, diminishes as one
approaches the outer dimensional bounds of the Cosmos.
Furthermore, these quanta of energy often form packets of energy
together that may be referred to as particles or antiparticles
depending on their direction of spinning-rotation about the SOURCE.
More specifically, the particles of energy spin-rotate
counterclockwise and the antiparticles of energy spin-rotate
counterclockwise about the SOURCE.
And, according to the Coriolis Effect [38], counterclockwise rotationspinning has the tendency to throw these particles away from the
SOURCE, while clockwise rotation-spinning has the tendency to
attract the antiparticles towards the central SOURCE.
The coalescence or integration of the particles result in the
formation of matter, while the congregation of the antiparticles
gives rise to antimatter [39-41].
Examples of particles and antiparticles are two electrons occupying
an orbital that rotate within well-defined contours about the central
These electrons often undergo a scheme of ½ spinning, with one
spinning counterclockwise and the other clockwise about their axis.
And, it is such that these electrons always remain quantumly
entangled with one another, no matter how far apart they are
separated from one another.
• The electrons have the magic (referred to as “spooky”) characteristic
retaining a memory about their mutual arrangement and history of
• Once one is released to spin about its axis, let us say
counterclockwise, the other one simultaneously and spontaneously
begins to spin about its axis with the same orientation as the former
but in the clockwise direction.
• And, this is what is commonly referred to as “quantum
• Generally speaking, a particle (or antiparticle) can rotate-spin about
the central SOURCE via spinning about its axis of time, or
alternatively, what is referred to as its time vector [42].
• Adopting the convention of a Euclidean form of coordinate system,
comprised of three mutually independent and perpendicular axes,
three angles of rotations may be identified.
• Each of the three components of rotations describe rotating about
one of these two mutually independent perpendicular axes,
identified with unit vector acting along that particular axis.
• These define rotations within planes that are perpendicular to that
particular axis.
• However, the resultant of two such ‘principal’ rotational vectors
renders a vector that defines the cosmological time vector
associated with a given point within a particular space-time
dimension of the Cosmos.
• As for the 3rd angle or principal rotational vector, one would have to
rotate the time vector within a transversal plane that is
perpendicular to the local spin plane in order to define the full locus
of the spherical surface generated that defines the space aspect of
the local (space-time) dimension, with the radius vector (time
vector) epitomizing the time aspect of that dimension.
• Thus, the mechanics of the Cosmos is defined through two
• 1. Spinning about the local time vector that defines a spin plane.
• 2. Rotating the local time vector within a plane perpendicular
(transversal) to the spin plane.
• Note that the particles-antiparticles (i.e., electrons) undergo a half
spin, each defining a particular hemisphere that may be referred to
as the ‘hemisphere above’ and ‘hemisphere below,’ when referred
to the central SOURCE.
• At the same time, according to the Coriolis Effect, the particles
spinning counterclockwise create a scenario that has the tendency to
throw everything away from the central SOURCE.
• Thus, this may be considered as the ‘outer’ contour of space defined
by a concave curvature.
• While, according to the Coriolis Effect, the particles spinning
clockwise create a scenario that has the tendency to throw
everything towards the central SOURCE.
• Thus, this may be considered as the ‘inner’ contour of space defined
by a convex curvature.
• In this respect, they create two worlds that are stealth to one
another, because they never meet.
• You can envision a particle starting to rotate counterclockwise about
the SOURCE by virtue of its cosmological time axis rotating about the
central SOURCE, while at the same time ½ spinning about its
cosmological time axis, occupying the outer surface denoted by the
‘World Above.’
• Then, at the same time, and spontaneously, an antiparticle form of
the particle begins to rotate clockwise about the SOURCE by virtue of
its cosmological time axis rotating about the central SOURCE, while
at the same time ½ spinning about its cosmological time axis,
occupying the inner surface denoted by the ‘World Below.’
In this respect, by virtue of the axis of the cosmological time rotating
about the SOURCE, the two hemisphere eventually replace one
another without ever meeting one another that are referred to as
the World of Matter (outer-above with concave curvature) and the
World of Antimatter (inner-below with convex curvature).
This way, a sentient beings with all its quanta of sentient or
consciousness energy, which is either anchored at the World of
Matter or the World of Antimatter, sequentially undergo a scheme
of quantum consciousness vibration, as matter converts to
antimatter, and vice versa.
Note that the terminology of matter or antimatter is somewhat
arbitrary as it depends on what perspective it is viewed from.
More specifically, when you are occupying the outer or concave
curvature side of the surface of the space-time (the World Above),
you see everything as being congealed that describes your Physical
World within the same hologram you are anchored at.
At the same time, anything that runs in opposite time is perceived as
stealth in the form of a subtle wave of energy that forms your
Ethereal World [43-44].
And, of course, the opposite is also true.
Namely, when you are occupying the inner or convex curvature side
of the surface of the space-time (the World Below), you see
everything as being congealed there, and that becomes your Physical
World, the hologram that you have anchored your consciousness at.
In this respect, anything that runs in opposite time to your
cosmological time (e.g. counterclockwise) is perceived as stealth in
the form of a subtle wave of energy that forms your Ethereal World.
• These describe two conjugate space-times in which one is the
mirrored form of the other as far as the direction of progression of
time is concerned.
• It is akin to being on two sides of a coin, so to speak.
• When you are on top side (World Above), you do not see what is
going on below, and everything is stealth to your senses.
• This is because you with your consciousness occupy one hologram
(say the World Above or the Outer World) and see whatever is there
and transpires there as ‘real,’ or tangible or physical, while the other
side (World Below or the Inner World) is stealth to you as it
constitutes a different hologram, one that your ‘physical’ senses are
impervious to its detection, and perceive it as being ethereal.
• In reality, your consciousness is of quantum nature [45-46].
• This means, you sequentially jump from one conjugate space-time to
• Thus, essentially your consciousness constantly time travels, going
back and forth (counterclockwise-clockwise) in time.
• Thus, essentially, your consciousness vibrate about a mean position
that represents the space-time you are anchored at, periodically
going back and forth (transfers) in time.
• And, the interval of time associated with this vibrational motion, or
alternatively, the wavelength of consciousness energetic wave, is of
quantum scale that closely approximates Planck’s constant of 10-43
earthly seconds.
• Note that perhaps the most profound equation of the quantum
mechanics, yet as simple it may seem to be, it is that of the Planck’s
Equation that relates energy 𝐸 to frequency 𝜔:
𝐸 = ℎ. 𝜔
• Where ℎ is referred to as the Planck’s constant.
• In this respect, considering also Einstein’s Photoelectric Effect, it is
postulated that the light energy may be perceived of as being
composed of a series of discrete integer number of harmonic
resonators vibrating in time.
• Although it was not perceived as such that had to do with the lack of
understanding of the nature of consciousness being a wave of
sentient-intelligible- coherent-crystalline light energy vibrating in
time, Planck’s Equation remarkably sheds light on the nature of
consciousness being characterized by its waveform frequency.
• And, when anchored to a particular space-time dimension,
necessarily described by a certain contour of energy with its quanta
simultaneously and spontaneously spinning counterclockwiseclockwise about their cosmological axis of time and forming the
fabrics of two conjugate or mirrored space-time, in essence, a
sentient being sequentially jumps between the Worlds of Matter and
• This way, consciousness is of quantum nature and epitomizes a free
flowing waveform of intelligible-coherent-crystalline energy [47].
• In this respect, it periodically or sequentially vibrates in time going
back and forth in time.
• What is more, at the end of each ½ cycle of its vibration, a conjugate
space-time collapses for a conscious being, creating a colossal form
of ‘zero-point free energy, before a new conjugate space-time,
being the ‘mirrored’ version of the former in terms of direction of
time progression, is generated.
• This way, essentially what was matter converts to antimatter.
• Note that this is facilitated through the advent of black-white holes
that connects the universes together, forming an open form of
• In this respect, the black holes gather stale energy and matter into
their wakes, and revert them to the a system of infinitesimal white
holes that serve the purpose of revitalizing the stale energies of
matter into the form of antimatter free flowing in time in the same
space-time dimension without disrupting the nuclei of the existing
matter, being essentially stealth to one another.
• And, of course, the very same mechanism is operation in a conjugate
universe, constantly converting what is perceived as physical or
tangible or matter there, to antimatter.
• This way, matter and antimatter constantly interconvert to one
another, constantly releasing a colossal among of free energy in both
universes, rendering an open loop of energy for both universes, at
the same time setting the pulses of vibration in both universes.
• And, such is the quantum nature of our consciousness that also sets
the pulse or rhythm of our existence through the synchronous
beating of our heart with that of our universes that we sequentially
jump into and out of them.
The Innerspace Above and Below
• Note also that apart from the congealed contour of energy that we
refer to as space, there is ‘innerspace above’ and ‘innerspace below.’
• Note that the Cosmos is comprised of a series of these consciousness
energetic space-time dimensions that are discrete in nature, with
space really having no depth.
• In fact, contrary to common belief, space has only two coordinates
or degree of freedom associated with it and NOT three.
• The third coordinate or degree of freedom is what defines its
curvature or speed of progression of time within its domain.
• In this respect, the domain between the consecutive energetic
contours of space-time dimensions is referred to as ‘innerspace’
• And, innerspace is a realm of pure time in which there is no
congealment (space) and has no fabric as constitution (matter or
antimatter) associated with it.
• In this respect, it describes a ‘void’ [49].
• Furthermore, it is where the magnetic repulsion zone exists that as a
gate of entry, separates different consecutive domains of
consciousness with different frequencies (light quotient and
• Thus, the ‘innerspace above’ refers the realm of time that transports
you to the next higher (inner) dimension.
• In contrast, the ‘innerspace below’ refers the realm of time that
transports you to the next lower (outer) dimension.
1. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The God-SOURCE: The Prime Creator and the
Foundation of Divine Creation Spiritual Science 101, wordpress.com
2. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Life: A Vibrational Existence Spiritual Science 101,
wordpress.com, republished in Eden magazine, October 2016
3. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi,, Ph.D., Soul-Body Vibration Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos,
4. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Unified Theory for the Conscious Vibration of a
Sentient Light Being Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
5. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., On the Quantum Mechanics of Creation of the
Electromagnetic Cosmos Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
6. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The Dualism Principle of Creation Quantum
Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
7. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part I:
Light of Consciousness Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
8. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., On the Creation of the Cosmos and the Advent of
Light Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
9. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The Space-Time Fundamentals Quantum Mechanics
of Cosmos, wordpress.com
10. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Space-Time-Revisited Quantum Mechanics of
Cosmos, wordpress.com
11. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Perception of the
Phenomenon of Time Part – I: On the Fundamental Blunder of the Theories of
Classical Physics Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
12. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., ‘On the Nature of Cosmological Time,’ Quantum
Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
13. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Consciousness Quanta of Energy, Matter-Antimatter
and Consciousness Vibration within the Innerspace of Space-Time
Dimensions Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
14. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Essays on Humanity -Part II: Sentience Spiritual
Science 101, wordpress.com
15. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Essays on Humanity Part V: Living as Sentient
Beings Spiritual Science 101, wordpress.com
16. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi,, Ph.D., Soul-Body Vibration Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos,
17. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Mathematical Model for the Quantification of
Consciousness [Soul Animation] Multidimensional Consciousness, wordpress.co
18. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The True Meaning and Purpose of Karma Spiritual
Science 101, wordpress.com
19. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Further Insights in Deciphering the Dimensional
Space-Time of the Cosmos Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
20. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The Mechanics of Cosmos – Part I: The Edifice of
Cosmos Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
21. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., An Overview of Cosmos Quantum Mechanics of
Cosmos, wordpress.com
22. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part III:
The Fabric of Space-Time Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
23. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Dimensions of Consciousness Multidimensional
Consciousness, wordpress.com
24. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., On the Concept of Frequency: The Proposed
Cosmological Law of Frequential Dimensional Shift Quantum Mechanics of
Cosmos, wordpress.com
25. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The Fundamental Essential Law of Spatial
Cohabitation Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
26. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The Phenomenon of ‘Conjugate’ or ‘Mirrored’ SpaceTimes Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
27. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation: The
Equation of Dualism Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
28. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., On the Cosmological Laws of Entanglement of the
Conjugate or Mirrored Dimensional Space-Time and the Conservative Law of
Cyclic Constitutional Conversion Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
29. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Quantum Entanglement The Human Physiology and
Energetic System, wordpress.com
30. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Void-Singularity-Vacuum, Generation of Torsion
Fields in Dimensional Continuums and its Relevance to the Spinning of the
Cosmos Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
31. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D. Parallel Dimensions Quantum Mechanics of
Cosmos, wordpress.com
32. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Parallel and Alternate Dimensions, the NOW, and the
Holographic Nature of Time and Space Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos,
33. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the
Phenomenon of Holographic Universe – Part I: ‘Dimensions’ and the
‘Parallels’ Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
34. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part II:
Cosmos- The “Above” and The “Below” Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos,
35. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., On the Cosmological Law of ConsciousnessConstitution Interaction Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
36. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Consciousness Multidimensional Consciousness,
37. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part X:
Consciousness Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
38. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part IV:
The Coriolis Effect Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
39. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Theory of Everything: Matter –
Antimatter Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
40. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Fundamental Laws of Cosmos Inter-relating
Consciousness, Constitution [Matter-Antimatter] and Energy Quantum Mechanics
of Cosmos, wordpress.com
41. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The Relevance of Matter-Antimatter Particle
Mechanics to the Dimensional Space-Times of the Physical Universe Quantum
Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
42. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Introduction to MerKaBa Mechanics Quantum
Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
43. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation: The
Physical and Ethereal Worlds Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
44. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Interpretation of Quantum
Mechanics: The Physical versus the Ethereal States Quantum Mechanics of
Cosmos, wordpress.com
45. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Mechanics of [Discrete-Quantum-Multidimensional]
Consciousness Multidimensional Consciousness, wordpress.com
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47. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Crystalline Consciousness and the Dawn of
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48. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XI:
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49. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Dimensional Space: ‘Void Singularity’ Quantum
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