Nabila Nurrahma (063) & Agastya Pandu (075) Introduction Core Policy Elements Development Cooperation as Central Domain of Engagement Limits of Korea’s Middle Power Ambition Introduction Secara singkat, New Southern Policy adalah kebijakan luar negeri Korea Selatan yang digagas oleh Presiden Moon Jae-In dengan tujuan mengurangi ketergantungan ROK terhadap AS, Tiongkok, Jepang dan Rusia dengan memperluas hubungan dengan negara-negara Asia Tenggara serta Asia Selatan, terutama negara berkembang. Seoul’s new regional strategy to diversify its economic and diplomatic alignments in search of greater strategic autonomy, has been well received by Southeast Asia and India, and quite successful in producing substantial deliverables over the last three years. — Wongi (2021) Seoul’s desire to pursue it middle-power ambition has been limited by external geopolitical constraints as well as internal limitations inherent in the design of the NSP itself. — Wongi (2021) Central Domain of Engagement? “The attempt to influence the political behavior of a target state through the comprehensive establishment and enhancement of contacts with that state across multiple issue-areas (i.e. diplomatic, military, economic, cultural)” (Resnick, 2001) Central Domain of Engagement? Seoul chose deliberately to prioritize development cooperation as the central domain of its NSP engagement in order to capitalize on its developmental experiences and … maximizing its comparative advantages in the area of development cooperation. (Wongi, 2021) Across multiple issue-areas, why cooperation development? ● ● ● Strategic autonomy ambition: economic diversification, realignment, and rebalancing Unique leadership assets and comparative advantages: development assistance, share know-how in economic development, and engage in need-based development cooperation Soft power: successful development experiences And increasingly influential cultures influences What kind of economic cooperation? 1 2 3 Strong Economic Pillar Increasing ODA by 2023 Engagement Areas “building a base for mutually beneficial, future-oriented economic cooperation” from 87 billion won in 2019, to 180.4 billion won by 2023 digital economy, higher education, Mekong cooperation, smart cities, and transportation infrastructure development CORE POLICY ELEMENTS 1 2 3 Economic Diversification Diplomatic Rebalancing Regional Cooperation Menyelaraskan kembali dan memperluas portofolio ekonomi eksternal Seoul dan menghubungkannya dengan ekonomi yang tumbuh cepat di Asia Tenggara dan India. Upaya baru Seoul untuk penyeimbangan kembali diplomatik dengan Asia Tenggara dan sekitarnya serta India Upaya kerja sama regional dengan menggabungkan kekuatan dengan negara-negara yang berpikiran sama dalam berkontribusi pada arsitektur regional yang multilateral dan inklusif. Limits of Korea’s Middle Power Ambition Sensitive security issues left aside Limitations of a “balanced diplomacy” External constraints NSP tidak memiliki elemen strategis dan keamanan dalam program operasionalnya. Ambisi NSP Seoul untuk memainkan peran regional yang lebih besar dan untuk memperluas scope diplomatiknya lebih jauh dikompromikan oleh kendala yang dihasilkan dari pendekatan “balanced diplomacy”. Kemampuan Seoul untuk mencari sinergi antara NSP dan inisiatif regional oleh negara-negara seperti AS dan Jepang semakin diperumit oleh hubungannya yang memburuk dengan Tokyo