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Math Word Problems Worksheet for Elementary School

Rudy and Leila went to Sam’s club to
Analia and Aaron went for a bike
buy sodas for a party. They
ride around a park. Each week, they
purchased 25 packs of soda. Each
rode 11 miles. They rode for 12 weeks.
pack has 24 sodas. On their way to
How many miles did they ride during
the party, they drank 5 sodas. How
the 12 weeks?
many sodas were left for the party?
Jose Cardenas and Caroline each
Michael and Edgar are pilots that fly
read 37 books in the summer. Each
across the world. Everytime they fly
book had 19 chapters. How many
around, they travel 8,014 miles. If
chapters did they each read?
Edgar and Michael fly 9 times
around the world, ABOUT how many
miles did they fly?
Jose Medina and Jackeline buy rolls
of wrapping paper for Christmas.
Julianna and Nayeli baked cookies
for their classrooms. They baked 27
Jose bought 18 rolls. Each roll has 21
square feet of paper. Jackie has 378
dozen cookies. On their way to
school, Julianna ate 3 cookies and
square feet of paper. Who has more
Nayeli ate 4 cookies. How many
cookies were left?
Renzo and Kimberly are best friends.
Gisselle and Belen make and sell
They went to watch a movie
Astros shirts. The shirts cost $32
together and noticed the theater
each. Their sweaters cost $54 each.
they were in had 18 rows of seats.
If they sold 23 shirts, how much
Each row had 22 seats. They also
money did they make?
noticed 15 seats were empty. How
many seats were taken?
Fidel and Nelson own a restaurant.
Karla V. and Karla C. are
They sell hamburgers and pizza. They
classmates. They multiplied 96x94
sold 48 hamburgers for $12 each
and say their answer is 9,024. Are
they correct?
and 52 pizzas for $18 each. How
much did they make altogether after
selling their pizzas and hamburgers?
Yeicelyn collected 61 pages of
Enrique and Leonard bought 1 dozen
stickers. Each page has 92 stickers.
donuts for every school at Harvey
Kelly has 2,678 stickers. They girls
Brown. There are 42 classrooms.
combined their stickers. How many
ABOUT how many donuts did they
stickers do they have together?
Houston. This year, they grew
Pamela went to Ross and bought 3
shirts that were $12.96 each. Yancy
bought 5 shirts that were $7.49
each. How much more did Pamela
spend than Yancy?
Andy and Fernando are farmers in
watermelons and carrots. They harvested
31 rows of watermelons. Each row had
25 watermelons. Then they harvested 22
rows of carrots with 35 carrots in each
row. How many more watermelons did
they harvest than carrots?
X 78
Ms. Sanchez LOVES shopping. She
bought 2 chairs for $19.99 each and
curtains for $24.99. How much did
Ms. Sanchez spent?