Uploaded by Maggie O'Keeffe

Plant Propagation: Rooting Cuttings Guide

Propagation from cuttings
Plants can be propagated in a number of ways, each species with different methods. Rooting plant
cuttings is one of the simpler techniques and you need not be an expert horticulturist
The process of starting plant cuttings is very straightforward and only requires a good soil/compost,
clean and sharp knife and rooting hormone to help jump start root growth.
The soil mixture should be loose, well draining and have plenty of oxygen movement for newly
forming roots. You can add perlite, vermiculite, sand or a combination of peat moss and any of the
previous items.
Softwood cutting: The time a cutting is taken depends upon what type of plant you are propagating.
Most plants will root well from a softwood cutting, which is this season’s new growth. It hasn’t had
time to harden and the interior cells are very active and generally easy to reproduce.
Semi-softwood cuttings are taken in summer when the new growth is nearly mature and hardwood
cuttings are very mature material and generally quite woody. Rooting a plant from cutting can be as
simple as a leaf or several inches long with numerous growth nodes and full foliage.
The first aspect of propagation from cuttings is to use a healthy plant. The plant should also be well
hydrated. The cells in the tissue will need moisture to begin creating a root system but not so much
as it will rot.
The knife should be clean and sterile to avoid infecting the new cutting with any bacteria or virus or
fungi. The cut has to be made a certain way to get a good growth surface.
rooting hormone. The container should be deep enough to support the new root depth. Plant the
cutting with the cut end buried in premoistened media by 1 to 1 ½ inches. Place a plastic bag over
the container and put it in a 55 to 75 F. (13 to 24 C.), indirectly lit area. Open the bag daily to
encourage air circulation and keep the media moist. Check for roots in two weeks. Some plants will
be ready and other will take a month or more. Repot the new plant when the root system is well
Read more at Gardening Know How: Starting Plant Cuttings – How To Root Cuttings From Plants