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Hark Bahadur Ayer - Qty Surveyor

Position Title and No.:
Name of Expert:
Hark Bahadur Ayer
Date of Birth:
Country of
10 October, 176
 Bachelors of in Civil Engineering from Advance Engineering Collage under IOE, Pulchowk Campus T.U. 2004,
 Diploma in Civil Engineering (3 Years Course) from IOE, Pulchowk Campus T.U.-1997
Other Trainings:
3.5 Months 2005 Computer Training (Excel, Word, Auto CAD, FORTRAN, SW_DTM)
7days Training 2014 Local Road Network Training by RAP3.
3 days Training 2015 Road Safety Training by RAP3.
15 days Training 2015 Roadside Bio- Engineering works for Landslide stabilization by RAP3.
On the Job Training6 weeks training on site were compaction of soil aggregates, bitumen and bituminous mixtures; road
defection survey and design of overlays, cement and concrete, soil and aggregates in RIP Project (Construction of Basantapur –
Maglung-Tehrhthum Road Sector ICB package, 2010.
Employment record relevant to the assignment:
Employing organization and your title /position, Contact
info for references
 Employer: Kalika construction Pvt. Ltd., RUDP, R- PIU,
March 2021  Title/Position: Project Manager
Till Date
 For References:
Mr. Prakash Kharel, Authorised representative.
Mob. No. 9851158488
 Employer: MGCE Iran and in association of ECoCoDE,
 Title/Position: Construction supervision
January 2020
To March 2021  For References:
Mr. Prakash Adhikari, MD.
Mob. No. 9851130538.
2017 To
Employer: GEO-DATA Italy / Sidef (P) Ltd. Nepal
Title/Position: Construction supervision Engineer
For References:
Gobind N. Mallik (Director)
Mob. No. 9851066909
April 2016 To 
Aug 2017
Employer: ERMC (P) Ltd.
Title/Position: Water Resource Engineer
For References:
Uddab Chaulagain, Managing Director
August 2014 
To February
Employer: North Star Engineering Consultancy (P) Ltd.
Title/Position: Assistant Residential Engineer.
For References:
Dhurba Tripati, Managing Director
August 2011 
Employer: MMM Group Ltd (Canada) in JV with SAI India
Summary of activities performed relevant
to the Assignment
Worked as a Project manager in RUDP project
and performed task, as PM in RUDP Project is
Under the Department of Urban Development &
Building construction. Gov. of Nepal.
Worked as a CSE in Bheri-Babai Diversion
multiple projects and performed task,
Construction supervision of Headworks and
powerhouse of 46 MW and 51000 irrigation
command area. Project is Under the department
of irrigation, Gov. of Nepal.
Worked as a CSE in Bheri-Babai Diversion
multiple projects and performed tasks are,
Construction supervision of 12.2 km tunnel
construction by TBM Technology, Segment
erecting, Grouting and quality control of
segment casting (M50 grade). Project Under
department of irrigation, Govt. of Nepal.
Worked as a WR Engineer: - Planning and design
of water supply and irrigation scheme by using
SPPR software. Layout of structure; Construction
supervision of structure works i.e. retaining
structure; check, prepare bill, etc., of project
under BCRWME.
Rural Road Program (RAP3); District Road Core
Network (DRCN); Total 220 KM (PokharaBelapur 30km, Bagbazar-bhagesor45km, BudarLipna 70 km, Ugratara-agaimeru 20 km, GairaGangkhet 15 km, Raduwa- Badal 25 km,
Bhatkada-Rel 15 km); Construct internal hill
roads, Finance by Dept. for International
Development, UK Aid, DFID/DoLIDAR.
Road Sector Development Project-II (RSDP-AF);
TECH– 6: Curriculum Vitae (CV)
TECH 6: K1 - 1
Employing organization and your title /position, Contact
info for references
To July 2014
Limited Int'l Consultants, ITECO Nepal and TMS
 Title/Position: Assistant Residential Engineer
 For References:
Tuk Lal Adhikari, Managing Director
March 2010 To
June 2011 
July 2008 To
January 2010 
March 2005 To 
May 2008 
Employer: GEOCE Consultants (P) Ltd.
Title/Position: Assistant Residential Engineer.
For References:
S.L. Joshi, Managing Director
Employer: Full Bright Consultancy (Pvt.) Ltd.
Title/Position: Civil Engineer
For References:
Min Bahadur KC, Director
Employer: GCE/MULTY – JV Food for Work RPN,
Dadeldhura, Nepal
Title/Position: Civil Engineer
For References:
April 2004 to 
February 2005 
Employer: Amargadhi Municipality Dadeldhura
Title/Position: Construction Supervision Engineer
September 
1999 to March 
Employer: Loyal Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.
Title/Position: QA/QC Engineer
For References
Employer: QS. Consultancy/WFP/GTZ, Nepal
Title/Position: Site Supervisor/Sub Engineer
September 
1997 To July 
Employer: NEA/Lalpur - Gaddachuki Transmission Line,
Kanchanpur, District.
Title/Position: Site In-charge
For References
Tehrhthum (26 Km DBST) under Road
Improvement Project, Finance by EXIM Bank of
 Contract Amount: 250 million.
Khodpe–Deulek, Bajang (50Kms) under Road
Sector Development Project RSDP) / DoR,
World Bank.
Construction of Pokhara-Belapur (7km),
Bagbazar- Bagarkot (7km) and Bhatkada-Rel
“Green Road Concept” (5Km).
Amargadhi Municipality Urban Road upgrading
Project, Bagbazar- Khalanga (5Kms) district
Road, Dadeldhura Finance by World Bank.
Real State - Road and Building Construction
Kamabinayek, Punnepata-Turkhand Rural Road
(32KM) in Achham District.
NEA/Lalpur- Gaddachuki Transmission Line,
Kanchanpur, District.
For References
September 
1998 To July 
Summary of activities performed relevant
to the Assignment
Construction of Kalangagad- Chainpur Road,
Bajhang (45 Km) ICB Package, World Bank
funded IDA Grant No.: H339-NP, IDA Credit No.:
 Contract Amount: NRs. 350 million
For References
Membership in Professional Associations and Publications:
 Membership of Nepal Engineering Council Registration No. Civil 4771"A"
 Membership of Nepal Engineering Association, Registration No. 7944
Language Skills (indicate only languages in which you can work):
Mother Tongue
Adequacy for the Assignment:
Detailed Tasks Assigned on Consultant’s Team of Experts:
Reference to Prior Work/Assignments that Best Illustrates
(List all deliverables/tasks as in TECH-5 in which the Expert will be involved) Capability to Handle the Assigned Tasks
Name of assignment or project: Regional Urban Development
Assist Chief Resident Engineer, Construction supervision Engineer,
Quality Control/Material Engineer and Contract Engineer as applicable project (UDP)
Year: Mar. 2021 To till date;
Location: Kailali District;
 Surveying and setting out
Client: Ministry of Department of Urban Development and Building
 Construction Management
Construction, Nepal;
 Supervision of works & Quality Assurance
Main project features: Construction and Rehabilitation of road,
 Site Recording
Drainage, Footpath and Road Furniture in Godawari Municipality,
TECH– 6: Curriculum Vitae (CV)
TECH 6: K1 - 2
Kailali District of about 16.5 km long road.
 Special tests of materials, etc.
Position held: Project Manager;
 Verification of completed works
Activities performed: Handling the Project as a project Manager.
 Review of contractor’s work program
 Safety Measures
 Carry Out or Attend of Measurement of Quantities
 Construction Supervision during extended working hours
 Analyze, Evaluation and Monitoring Progress of Work
 Inspect Contractor's Establishment
 Maintenance of Site Records
 Inspect completed works during defects liability period
 Rectification of defect works
 Updating/revisions of cost estimate
 Assist the Employer in replying to audit observations.
 Supervise maintenance on regular basis during construction
Name of assignment or project: Bheri-Babai diversion multiple project (BBDMP)
Year: Jan. 2020. To Mar. 2021
Location: Surkhet District
Client: Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation of Nepal
Main project features: Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project (BBDMP). Based on that report, the tunnelling works using Tunnel Boring
Machine (TBM) for the construction of about 12.2 km long diversion tunnel to connect Bheri and Babai Rivers was initiated. The project to
irrigate about 51,000 hectares of the command area and Babai River at its terminal point, about 46.80 MW of power output can be
harnessed by utilizing this head difference by constructing a hydropower station.
Position held: Construction supervision Engineer;
Activities performed: Supervision of Headwork construction (cofferdam, Barrage, desander etc.) and powerhouse for 46 MW. Checking and
verification of Design, drawing, MS. Work schedule etc. Preparing and submitting report and checking IPC etc.
Name of assignment or project: Bheri-Babai diversion multiple project (BBDMP)
Year: Sep. 2017 to Dec. 2019
Location: Surkhet District
Client: Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation of Nepal
Main project features: Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project (BBDMP). Based on that report, the tunnelling works using Tunnel Boring
Machine (TBM) for the construction of about 12 km long diversion tunnel to connect Bheri and Babai Rivers was initiated. The project to
irrigate about 51,000 hectares of the command area and Babai River at its terminal point, about 46.80 MW of power output can be
harnessed by utilizing this head difference by constructing a hydropower station.
Position held: Construction supervision Engineer (CSE)
Activities performed: Supervision of 12.2 Km tunnel excavation by using TBM technology , Lining and quality control of precast
segment(M50 grade), Back filling by pea gravel and grouting behind segment, Preparing and submitting report and checking IPC etc.
Name of assignment or project: Building climate Resilience of watershed in Mountain Eco-Regions Project
Year: April 2016 to Aug. 2017
Location: Dadeldhura District
Client: NDF/ADB
Main project features: Design, Implementation, Construction supervision and quality control of civil works
Position held: Water Resources Engineer
Activities performed: Planning and design of structure for water supply and irrigation by SPPR soft wear Plan, Design, Estimate, Assist for
Procurement; Prepare Bid document; Evaluate Bid; Lay out of structure; Construction supervision of structure works, i.e., Retaining
structure; Check, prepare of bill etc.
Name of assignment or project: Rural Road Programme (RAP3), District Road Core Network (DRCN)Total 220 Km Maintenance and new
construction of internal hill roads
Year: Aug 2014 to Feb 2016
Location: Dadeldhura District
Client: Rural Road Programme (RAP3), Department for International Development, UK Aid, DFID/DoLIDAR
Main project features: Construction supervision and quality control works
Position held: Assistant Residential Engineer
Activities performed: Survey, Design, Estimate, Procurement; Prepare Bid document; Evaluate Bid, Set out alignment of road, bridge;
Construction supervision of structure works, grade improving, Road maintenance (Routine, specific, emergency and periodic) by labour base
as well as by contract, New cutting, Bio-engineering; Prepare bill etc.
Name of assignment or project: Road Sector Development Project – II (RSDP-AF) Construction of Kalangagad – Chainpur Road, Bajhang (45 Km,
hill road) ICB Package, World Bank funded IDA Grant No.: H339-NP, IDA Credit No.: 4832-NEP
Year: Aug 2011 to July 2014; Location: Bajhang District
Client: Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Department of Roads, Nepal
Main project features: Detailed Engineering survey, design, preparation of Bid document, IEE and Social study, Land acquisition and
compensation with construction supervision and Quality control works of Road; ICB Contract as per FIDIC based contract, (Lead
TECH– 6: Curriculum Vitae (CV)
TECH 6: K1 - 3
International Consultant: MMM Group Ltd, Canada)
Position held: Assistant Resident Engineer
Activities performed: Overall construction & contract management; Review quantity, work scheduling, quality control, technical
management, coordination with different stakeholders; Target & progress monitoring; Evaluate, report for Upgrading works of Kalangagad –
Chainpur Road, Bajhang (45 Km);Joint survey; Prepare detail profile and cross sections by using road design software by CAD; Prepare
revised cost estimate; Assist in preparation of variation order to suit the site condition and provision of FIDIC Guidelines; Effective contract
management and supervision through approved quality assurance plan (QAP) for successful and timely completion of road project; Prepare
As Built Drawings, Final Project Report etc.
Name of assignment or project: Construction of Basantpur-Maglung, Tehrhthum (26 Km, hill road, DBST) under Road Improvement Project,
Finance by EXIM Bank of India
Year: March 2010 to June 2011
Location: Tehrathum District
Client: Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Department of Roads, Nepal
Main project features: Upgrading of survey, design, Social and IEE study, Land Acquisition and composition, construction supervision,
procurement of works, quality control of works, contract management / administration, reporting; ICB Contract as per FIDIC based contract;
Position held: Assistant Resident Engineer
Activities performed: Contract administration, Construction supervision and Quality Management of ICB Contract Package; Road pavement
works such as Sub-grade, Sub-base, Base course, Ottaseal works; Verify field layout survey& construction supervision of retaining structures,
pipe/slab culvert, surface/sub-surface drainage including water management, bio engineering technique for embankment slope
stabilization; Quality control, quantity measurement of completed works; Verify and issue interim payment certificate submitted by
contractors; Evaluate, monitor progress of works by conducting monthly progress meeting with client, consultant and contractor; Prepare
monthly progress report; Assist to Resident Engineer for design and schedule review; Manage, plan lab testing for road materials as per
specification (AASHTO, BS and IS), monitor and evaluate environmental management action plan adopted by the project In-charge of DoR to
complete the road project works effectively and efficiently; Prepare As Built Drawings and Final Project Report, etc.
Name of assignment or project: Khodpe – Deulek, Bajang (50Km, hill road) under Road Sector Development Project RSDP) / DoR, World Bank
Year: July 2008 to Jan 2010
Location: Bajhang District
Client: Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Department of Roads, Nepal
Main project features: Detailed Engineering survey, design, preparation of Bid document, IEE and Social study, Land acquisition and
compensation with construction supervision and quality control works of Road; ICB Contract as per FIDIC based contract, (Lead International
Consultant: ICT, India)
Position held: Civil Engineer
Activities performed: Construction supervision and quality control of hill roads; Construct pipe culvert, road structures, slab culvert, box
culvert, vented causeway, gabion wall works, masonry works, RCC & PCC works, sub-base, base course, bio-engineering works for landslide
stabilization works, quality control; Check Interim payment Certificate (IPCs); Prepare working drawings, site management; Set out center
line of road and construction survey; Include environmental friendly team work during the construction period with team works; Prepare As
Built Drawings and Final Project Report, etc.
Name of assignment or project: Construction of Pokhara- Belapur (7km), Bagbazar- Bagarkot (7km) and Bhatkada-Rel (5Km)
Year: March 2005 to May 2008
Location: Baj Bazar- Bagarkot, Dadeldhura and Bhatkada-Rel, (Dadeldhura)
Main project features: Cutting of New Road by Labour base through green Road concept and Maintenance of existing Road by food for work
program, includes: Design Layout and construction supervision of roads structure works.
Position held: Civil Engineer
Activities performed: Detailed survey, geometric design, cost estimate and rock splitting; Set out alignment of road, layout and construction
supervision of structure works, gravelling, grade improving, bio-engineering including preparation of interim bill etc., Pokhara-Belapur (7
km), Bagbazar- Bagarkot (7km) and Bhatkada-Rel(5Km) in Dadeldhura district, Nepal.
Name of assignment or project: Amargadhi Municipality Dadeldhura, Amargadhi Municipality Urban Road upgrading Project, Finance by
World Bank
Year: April 2004 to Feb 2005
Location: Dadekdhura District
Client: Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Department of Roads, Nepal
Main project features: Structure works preparation of base and sub base with gravel works
Position held: Construction Supervision Engineer
Activities performed: Survey, Construction supervision of grade improving, drainage works (cross and longitudinal) structure works; Prepare
base and sub base with gravel; Prepare billing works of Bagbazar-Khalanga (5Kms) district Road, Dadekdhura.
Name of assignment or project: Real State - Road and Building Construction Project
Year: Sept 1999 to March 2004
Location: Nepal
Client: Private Sector
Main project features: Overall site supervision, as per consultant drawings construction supervision, management re-cost estimation,
measurement, calculation of quantities survey, construction material monitoring with quality control works
TECH– 6: Curriculum Vitae (CV)
TECH 6: K1 - 4
Position held: QA/QC Engineer for Building Construction
Activities performed: Overall site supervision, as per consultant drawings; Construction supervision, management re-cost estimation,
measurement, calculation of quantities survey, construction material monitoring with quality control works in new buildings constructions
of Multi Storage Complex Building and new modern building construction supervision of different activities performed in re-construction
survey, re-levelling, revised estimating, revised quantity survey, variation, approved, pavement, corridor footings, foundation, pillars, beams,
slabs, structures, finishing works, and preparation of running bills etc. including construction labour management safety worked and
environment friendly team works in the construction period.
Name of assignment or project: Punnepata -Turkhand Rural Road
Year: Sept 1998 to July 1999
Location: Achham District
Client: WFP/GTZ
Main project features: Quantities survey, cost estimate and construction supervision
Position held: Site Supervisor/Sub Engineer
Activities performed: Quantities survey, cost estimate and construction supervision; Layout of alignment design, estimate and supervision of
masonry, dry and gabion structure; Layout of drainage, grade improving, bio-engineering and billing of Kamabinayek, Punnepata -Turkhand
Rural Road (32Km) in Achham District which were constructed under Green Road Approach.
Name of assignment or project: 11kV. Lalpur- Gaddachauki Transmission Line
Year: Sept 1999 to July 1998
Location: Kanchanpur, District
Client: Govt. of Nepal. NEA
Main project features: Construction supervision and Layout
Position held: Site In-Charge
Activities performed: Construction supervision and Layout of 11kV, Lalpur- Gaddachauki Transmission Line for Lalpur-Gaddachuki
Transmission Line for Kanchanpur, District- Nepal.
Expert’s contact information: (e-mail: hariayer833@hotmail.com / phone: 9848851632, 9848662674)
I, the undersigned, certify to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my qualifications and my
experience, and I am available to undertake the assignment in case of an award. I understand that any misstatement or
misrepresentation described herein may lead to disqualification or dismissal by the Client, and/or sanctions by the Bank.
Hark Bahadur Ayer
Name of Expert
Name of Authorized Representative of the Consultant
Date: 21 June 2021
Day / Month / Year
Day / Month / Year
Full name of authorized representative:
TECH– 6: Curriculum Vitae (CV)
TECH 6: K1 - 5