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Insect Metamorphosis & Orders: Identification Guide

& Insect
Insects are the
most speciesrich group of
organisms on
earth as
indicated in this
The size of the
reflects the
number of
a rapid and complete transformation from an immature
larval life to a sexually adult form involving morphology,
function and habitat changes”.
It is when insects develop, grow and change form.
Metamorphosis infers "change." The term is of Latin and Greek
origins: meta means “change” and morphe means “form.”
Metamorphosis describes the series of changes through which an
insect passes in its growth from the egg stages, immature stages
to imago.
• The insects undergo
little or no metamorphosis
us (Gradual
• In the life cycle of these
insects there are three
stages, e.g., egg → nymph
→ adult. There is no pupal
us (Incomplete
• These insects also have
three stages in their life
namely, egg, young one and
adult. e.g., dragonflies,
mayflies and damselflies
us (Complete
• Complete metamorphosis
or holometabolous
development is a kind of
rapid morphological change
during post embryonic
transformation in some
forms of insects where larva
has no similarity with the
adult and there is always a
pupal stage.
Class Entognatha (3 order)
Class Insecta (29 order)
Characterized through the positioning of its mouthparts
Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, katydids)
Greek "ortho" = straight, "ptera" = wing
Spot ID
• Jumping legs
• parallel-sided structure
of front wings
Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, katydids)
Greek “orthos” = straight, “pteros” = wing
Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, katydids)
Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, katydids)
Spot ID
• Jumping hind legs
Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, katydids)
Spot ID
• Jumping hind legs
• Some with ovipositor at hind
Coleoptera (beetles)
Greek “koleos”= sheath, “ptero”= wing
Coleoptera (beetles)
Coleoptera (beetles)
Spot ID
• Chewing mouthparts
Coleoptera (beetles)
Spot ID
• Chewing mouthparts
• Forewings (elytra)
form hard shell
covering hindwings
Lepidoptera (butterflies, moths)
Greek “lepido”= scale, “ptero”= wing
Lepidoptera (butterflies, moths)
Greek “lepido”= scale, “ptero”= wing
• Coiling-sucking mouthparts
Lepidoptera (butterflies, moths)
Greek “lepido”= scale, “ptero”= wing
• Coiling-sucking mouthparts
• Four wings covered with scales
Diptera (flies)
Latin “di”= two, “ptero”= wing
Diptera (flies)
Latin “di”= two, “ptero”= wing
Spot ID
• Two wings
Diptera (flies)
Latin “di”= two, “ptero”= wing
Spot ID
• Two wings
– Hind wings reduced
to halteres
Diptera (flies)
Latin “di”= two, “ptero”= wing
Spot ID
• Two wings
– Hind wings reduced
to halteres
• Sponging-sucking
– Except mosquitoes
and some others
that pierce skin
Diptera (flies)
Latin “di”= two, “ptero”= wing
Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, ants)
Greek “hymen”=membrane, “ptero”=wing
Hymen, the Greek god of marriage
because the forewing & hindwings are joined
together with small hooks
Hooks not shown
Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, ants)
Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, ants)
Spot ID
• Chewing mouthparts
Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, ants)
Spot ID
• Chewing mouthparts
• Four membranous wings
Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, ants)
Spot ID
• Chewing mouthparts
• Four membranous wings
• Waist often constricted
Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, ants)
Spot ID
• Chewing mouthparts
• Four membranous wings
• Waist often constricted
• Females with ovipositor or
stinger at end of abdomen
(true bugs, also sometimes called Heteroptera)
Greek “hemisys” = half, “ptero” = wing
(true bugs)
Greek “hemisys” = half, “ptero” = wing
Spot ID
• A beak: piercing-sucking mouthparts
(true bugs)
Greek “hemisys” = half, “ptero” = wing
Spot ID
• A beak: piercing-sucking mouthparts
• Forewings covering hindwings
– Wing half membrane, half thickened
(hoppers, aphids, scales, cicadas)
Spot ID
• A beak: piercing-sucking mouthparts
• Forewings covering hindwings
– Wings all membranous
Dermaptera (earwigs)
Greek “derma” = skin, “ptero” = wing
Dermaptera (earwigs)
Greek “derma” = skin, “ptero” = wing
Spot ID
• Long skin-like hindwings folded
under very short forewings
Dermaptera (earwigs)
Greek “derma” = skin, “ptero” = wing
Spot ID
• Long skin-like hindwings folded
under very short forewings
• Pinchers off end of abdomen
Odonata (dragonflies, damselflies)
Greek “odon” = tooth
(referring to teeth on their mandibles)
Odonata (dragonflies, damselflies)
Odonata (dragonflies, damselflies)
Spot ID
• Long slender wings
Odonata (dragonflies, damselflies)
Spot ID
• Long slender wings
• Long thin body
Spot ID
• Pale, elongate body
• 2 pairs of membranous
wings of equal length only
present in reproductives
and shed after mating
• Mandibulate (chewing)
• Antennae about the same
length as the head
• Sometimes now classified
with Blattodea because
their DNA suggests that
they are specialized
Blattodea (roaches)
Latin “blatta” = cockroach
Blattodea (roaches)
Blattodea (roaches)
Spot ID
• Flat
Blattodea (roaches)
Spot ID
• Flat
• Spiny legs
Blattodea (roaches)
Also called Blattaria, Greek “Blatta” = cockroach
Spot ID
• Flat
• Spiny legs
• Long antennae
Neuroptera (ant lions, lacewings,
Greek "neuron" = nerve and "ptera" = wings
Spot ID
• four membranous netveined wings
• forewings and
hindwings about the
same size
Neuroptera (ant lions, lacewings,
Greek "neuron" = nerve and "ptera" = wings
Spot ID
• Larvae have elongated
mandibles adapted for
piercing and sucking
• Oliver the Owlfly
larva is an example
• Antlion larvae
Mantodea (praying mantises)
Greek “mantis” = prophet
Spot ID
• two grasping, spiked
forelegs often held in
“praying” position
• Triangular, swiveling
head with large
compound eyes
Phasmatodea (walking stick insects)
Also Phasmida, Greek “phasm” = phantom
Spot ID
• cylindrical stick-like
body or flattened,
leaflike shape
• long, slender antennae
• sometimes have wings
Thysanura (silverfish, bristletails)
Greek "thysano-" = fringed, "ura" = tail
Spot ID
• three long caudal (tail)
• Silverfish are so called
due to the silvery
glitter of the scales
covering their bodies
• flattened bodies, may
be elongated or oval in
Ephemeroptera (mayflies)
Also Ephemeroptera, Greek "ephemera"
Spot ID
• delicate bodies and
gauzy, fragile wings
• two or three long
threads (caudal
filaments) at end of
• Adults have no
functional mouthparts
Plecoptera (stoneflies)
Greek "pleco" = braided, "ptera" = wing
Spot ID
• complex venation of two
pairs of wings, which are
membranous and fold
flat over the back
• legs each end in two
• long, multi-segmented
Mecoptera (scorpionflies)
Greek “meco-” = long, “ptera” = wings
Spot ID
• abdomen is cylindrical,
and typically curves
upwards in the male,
superficially resembling
the tail of a scorpion
• wings are narrow in
shape, with numerous
Trichoptera (caddisflies)
Greek “trich” = hair, ptera = wing
Spot ID
• small moth-like with
two pairs of hairy
membranous wings
• Aquatic larvae, adults
usually found near
aquatic habitats
Siphonaptera (fleas)
Greek "siphon“ = tube or pipe, "aptera" =
Spot ID
• Wingless (adaptation to
• 1-10mm long
• Mouthparts are sucking and
• Hind legs are enlarged for
• Laterally flattened
Thysanoptera (thrips)
Greek "thysano-" = fringed, “ptera" = wing
• Very small insects
with a range of 1/32
to 1/8 inch in length
• Feed on plants,
considered crop
Some Common Insects