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PMI Application Form

Project Management Institute
Global Operations Center
14 Campus Blvd., Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA
Tel: +1 610-356-4600, Fax: +1 610-482-9971
E-mail: CustomerCare@pmi.org, Internet: www.pmi.org
Name for correspondence from PMI
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Preferred Phone Number
Preferred Email Address
1 (609) 2189740
Contact Information (Home)
Address Line 1
602 Dover Street
Zip/Postal Code
Southern Pines
United States
Person: 7115098/Application: 5872741
Page 1 of 15
Generated: Sep 02, 2021 10:09 PM
Project Management Institute
Global Operations Center
14 Campus Blvd., Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA
Tel: +1 610-356-4600, Fax: +1 610-482-9971
E-mail: CustomerCare@pmi.org, Internet: www.pmi.org
Name as it should appear on Certificate
Name on Certificate
Daniel O'Connell
Attained Education
Highest level of education attained
Year degree was started
Year degree was awarded
PMI Accredited?
Name of High School, College or University
Saint Joseph's University
Field of Study
Person: 7115098/Application: 5872741
Page 2 of 15
Generated: Sep 02, 2021 10:09 PM
Project Management Institute
Global Operations Center
14 Campus Blvd., Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA
Tel: +1 610-356-4600, Fax: +1 610-482-9971
E-mail: CustomerCare@pmi.org, Internet: www.pmi.org
Project Management Experiences
Redeployment (Coming Home) from Afghanistan
Redeployment (Coming Home) from Afghanistan
Organization Name
HHT 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Job Title
Operations Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
Traditional (Waterfall)
20 or more
$25M or More
Date Started
Date Through
Oct 2017
Dec 2017
The objective was to ensure 330 Soldiers, nine equipment connexs and 42 vehicles were transported from AFG to NC.
Assisted in developing project charter, defined high level risks and requirements. Coordinated with Leaders in Afghanistan on
the schedule, multiple risk responses, identify variances, and report status and metrics to key stakeholders. Developed the
plan and made coordinations for when the equipment connexs and vehicles arrived back to Fort Bragg, NC. Ensured the
necessary manpower and resources were briefed on objectives, priorities, and given support to minimized choke points.
Created the plan and coordinated the arrival of the Soldiers back from Afghanistan, ensured all systems were operational in
order to create a smooth transition. Results were all vehicles, equipment, personnel arrived in NC on schedule but over
budget, final approval received, and lessons learned documented and archived.
Squadron (SQN) Gunnery
Squadron (SQN) Gunnery
Organization Name
B TRP 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Job Title
Operations / Project Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
20 or more
Person: 7115098/Application: 5872741
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Generated: Sep 02, 2021 10:09 PM
Project Management Institute
Global Operations Center
14 Campus Blvd., Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA
Tel: +1 610-356-4600, Fax: +1 610-482-9971
E-mail: CustomerCare@pmi.org, Internet: www.pmi.org
Date Started
Date Through
Dec 2017
Feb 2018
The objective was to train all Soldiers using live ammunition and maneuvering trucks. Provided feedback to project charter
and refined stakeholder list. Assisted in developing schedule, budget, ammo requirements, and assigned resources to tasks.
Managed risk responses, and implemented approved changes. Identified variances, reported to executives and requested
resource distribution change requests. After the Initial Plan was created, was given direct management of 34 personnel.
Created vision, direction and motivation during the Gunnery. Ensured all members of the team qualified on their weapon
systems, had a productive truck crew and had a shared vision. Results for the Squadron were 90% of Soldiers trained using
live ammunition, creation and distribution final project report and lessons learned.
Section and Platoon Situational Training Exercise
Section and Platoon Situational Training Exercise
Organization Name
B TRP 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Job Title
Project Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
20 or more
Date Started
Date Through
Mar 2018
Apr 2018
The objective was to qualify and build small teams into an integrated larger team. Developed scope, schedule and based on
stakeholder requirements. Created WBS, resources allocation, resources acquisitions and distribution. Ensured resources
were ready to use, including trucks, training aids and logistical and maintenance support. Created an easily to use progress
report for the teachers and ensured they understood how to use it. Conducted incremental and iterative checks on the
teachers products and classes they were going to teach. Ensured metrics were achieved in order to easily integrate systems,
plans and future execution with the larger unit. Results were a highly functioning team at the Platoon level. Devolved strong
culture and documented systems, lessons learned and areas to still improve. Stakeholders approved of training and
recommend we continue to train and coordinated at a higher level.
Troop and Squadron Situational Training Exercise
Troop and Squadron Situational Training Exercise
Organization Name
B TRP 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Person: 7115098/Application: 5872741
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Generated: Sep 02, 2021 10:09 PM
Project Management Institute
Global Operations Center
14 Campus Blvd., Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA
Tel: +1 610-356-4600, Fax: +1 610-482-9971
E-mail: CustomerCare@pmi.org, Internet: www.pmi.org
Job Title
Project Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
20 or more
Date Started
Date Through
May 2018
May 2018
The objective was to qualify and build teams into an integrated larger team. Helped critique scope, schedule and
stakeholder requirements. Created WBS, resources allocation, resource acquisitions and distribution. Ensured resources
were ready to use, including trucks, training aids and logistical and maintenance support. Ensured my leaders in my team
understood the priority of requirements and the defined parameters to achieve them. Conducted incremental and iterative
checks to ensure the whole team understood our objective and the priorities. Ensured highest priorities were met with
metrics to easily integrate systems, plans and future execution with the larger unit. Results were a highly functioning team
at the Squadron level. Devolved strong culture and documented systems, lessons learned and areas to still improve.
Stakeholders approved of training and recommend we continue a coordinated and train at a higher level.
Pre Ranger Qualification and Training
Pre Ranger Qualification and Training
Organization Name
B TRP 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Job Title
Project Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
5 to 9
Date Started
Date Through
Jun 2018
Jun 2018
The objective was to train, assess and make recommendations of which Soldiers should attend the US Army's Ranger School.
Developed charter, scope, schedule and implemented stakeholder requirements. Also, created WBS, resource assignments
and resources acquisition and allocation. Listened to many stakeholders requirements and implemented a plan that
achieved the highest priorities. Created an easily to use progress report for the teachers and ensured they understood how
to use it. Conducted incremental and iterative checks on the teachers products and classes they were going to teach. Did
intermediate checks during execution to ensure quality products and to record findings. Results were a smooth and
Person: 7115098/Application: 5872741
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Generated: Sep 02, 2021 10:09 PM
Project Management Institute
Global Operations Center
14 Campus Blvd., Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA
Tel: +1 610-356-4600, Fax: +1 610-482-9971
E-mail: CustomerCare@pmi.org, Internet: www.pmi.org
educational training for junior enlisted Soldiers. Out of the 20 Soldiers, 3 were approved to go to Ranger School, and 2 of
them passed. The program was well documented, approved by stakeholders and was successfully conducted two more
Brigade (BDE) Training and Certification Exercise (Devil Storm I)
Brigade (BDE) Training and Certification Exercise (Devil Storm I)
Organization Name
B TRP 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Job Title
Project Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
20 or more
Date Started
Date Through
Jul 2018
Aug 2018
The objective was to conduct our yearly certification with our higher level military unit. This training would prove to the
larger Army that our unit could conduct operations against a near peer threats. Developed schedule, and resource and
logistics plans. Create WBS for my 32 Soldier team, to prepare trucks, weapons and equipment. Managed risk and
coordination of training plans ensuring milestones and quality objectives per Army standards met, providing status and
progress reports to key stakeholders. Created iterative higher level plans for our cross-functional team, due to the multiple
changes in scope and resource allocation. Results were preparedness, training and quality objectives met, lessons learned
collected, certification was achieved.
Squadron (SQN) Range Density Week
Squadron (SQN) Range Density Week
Organization Name
B TRP 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Job Title
Project Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
20 or more
Person: 7115098/Application: 5872741
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Generated: Sep 02, 2021 10:09 PM
Project Management Institute
Global Operations Center
14 Campus Blvd., Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA
Tel: +1 610-356-4600, Fax: +1 610-482-9971
E-mail: CustomerCare@pmi.org, Internet: www.pmi.org
Date Started
Date Through
Oct 2018
Nov 2018
The objective was to train all 350 Soldiers using simulators, blank ammunition and live ammunition, on all weapon systems
in our possession. Helped create project charter, refined stakeholder list and in charge of acquiring, distributing and
coordinating resources. Assisted in developing schedule and assigned resources to tasks. Managed risk responses and
implemented approved changes. Identified variances, reported to executives and made adjustments to resource distribution.
Created WBS for my team, ensured they had proper maneuver space to request additional resources, change requests and
preparation of equipment. Ensure they were proficient in training and conducted retrospectives to talk about positives and
negatives of the past block of training. Results were all Soldiers progressively improved and did qualify using live
ammunition, creation and distribution final project report and lessons learned.
Deployment Training and Training Exercise (NTC)
Deployment Training and Training Exercise (NTC)
Organization Name
B TRP 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Job Title
Project Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
20 or more
Date Started
Date Through
Nov 2018
Dec 2018
The objective was to conduct a simulated Joint Forcible Entry (JFE) from NC to the National Training Center (NTC) in CA.
This exercise simulated conducting an airborne operation from our homebased into a hostile area. Provided feedback on the
project charter, created schedule and lead incremental product delivery meetings. Lead a cross-functional team in all
aspects of planning, WBS, training execution and logistics. Conducted conflict resolution with subordinate who was not
performing his job to the standard and did not want to do the training. Results were a successful JFE, with no serious injuries,
mission accomplishment, many lessons learned and documented and Soldiers gained valuable experiences.
Deployment Training and Training Exercise (Atterbury)
Deployment Training and Training Exercise (Atterbury)
Organization Name
B TRP 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Person: 7115098/Application: 5872741
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Generated: Sep 02, 2021 10:09 PM
Project Management Institute
Global Operations Center
14 Campus Blvd., Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA
Tel: +1 610-356-4600, Fax: +1 610-482-9971
E-mail: CustomerCare@pmi.org, Internet: www.pmi.org
Job Title
Project Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
20 or more
Date Started
Date Through
Jan 2019
Feb 2019
The objective was to train all Soldiers using live ammunition, from small stationary weapon systems to large maneuver
systems. Provided feedback to project charter and refined stakeholder list. Assisted in developing schedule, ammo
requirements, and assigned resources to tasks. Managed risk responses, and implemented approved changes. Identified
variances, reported to executives and requested resource distribution change requests. Created WBS for my team, ensured
they had proper maneuver space to request additional resources, change requests and preparation of equipment. Ensure
they were proficient in training and conducted retrospectives to talk about positives and negatives of the past block of
training. Results were all Soldiers on my team were trained using live ammunition, creation and distribution final project
report and lessons learned.
Airforce Partner Exercise
Airforce Partner Exercise
Organization Name
B TRP 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Job Title
Project Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
20 or more
$25M or More
Date Started
Date Through
Mar 2019
Apr 2019
The objective was to conduct an Air Land and Airborne exercise with the Airforce in order to reassess components of
strategic operations. An event like this has not been conducted in decades, so understanding gaps in knowledge, limitations
and assessing stakeholder requirements were critical. Provided feedback to project charter, refined stakeholder
requirements and scope, and conducted progress reports to stakeholders. Created a new reporting and communication
system because we were in a new territory, a short timeline and were with limited experts. Empowered all 65 Soldiers to
make critical decisions on their own and report concisely to myself. Results were a successful cross-functional operation
Person: 7115098/Application: 5872741
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Generated: Sep 02, 2021 10:09 PM
Project Management Institute
Global Operations Center
14 Campus Blvd., Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA
Tel: +1 610-356-4600, Fax: +1 610-482-9971
E-mail: CustomerCare@pmi.org, Internet: www.pmi.org
with the Airforce. Techniques, systems and plans were documented and distributed to higher executives.
Immediate Response Force Preparation and Assessment
Immediate Response Force Preparation and Assessment
Organization Name
B TRP 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Job Title
Project Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
20 or more
Up to $1M
Date Started
Date Through
May 2019
May 2019
The objective was to prepare resource packages in order to assume responsibility of the Army's Immediate Response Force.
Developed scope, systems and helped determined stakeholder requirements. Managed schedule, WBS for subordinates,
resource acquisitions, maintenance requirements, systems creation and progress reports to stakeholders. Used an
incremental and iterative approach to manage subordinates work and progress. Ensured they had deployment paperwork
created properly, systems to quickly pack equipment, health records up to date and a communication plan. High level
executives inspected our systems, quality of maintenance, and overall packages. Results were were accepted packages from
executives with only minor changes and lessons learned documented and distributed to sister units.
Brigade (BDE) Training and Certification Exercise (Devil Storm II)
Brigade (BDE) Training and Certification Exercise (Devil Storm II)
Organization Name
B TRP 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Job Title
Project Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
Traditional (Waterfall)
20 or more
Date Started
Date Through
Jun 2019
Jul 2019
Person: 7115098/Application: 5872741
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Generated: Sep 02, 2021 10:09 PM
Project Management Institute
Global Operations Center
14 Campus Blvd., Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA
Tel: +1 610-356-4600, Fax: +1 610-482-9971
E-mail: CustomerCare@pmi.org, Internet: www.pmi.org
The objective was certify our higher level military unit for large emergency operations. Meaning if certified, the Army could
activate our unit to a hostile area within a 5 day timeline, to go anywhere in the world. Developed schedule, resource
requirements and assigned resources to tasks. Create WBS for my 32 Soldier team, to prepare trucks, weapons and
equipment. Managed risk and coordination of training plans ensuring milestones and quality objectives per Army standards
met. Interpreted stakeholders intent and devolved cross-functional plans, while providing status and progress reports to key
stakeholders. Results were preparedness, training and quality objectives met, lessons learned collected and certification for
emergency operations received.
Training Rotation Vehicle and Personnel Movement
Training Rotation Vehicle and Personnel Movement
Organization Name
B TRP 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Job Title
Logistics / Project Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
20 or more
Date Started
Date Through
Aug 2019
Sep 2019
The objective was to move 80 personnel, 16 vehicles and 3 equipment connexs from LA to NC in support of a training
rotation. Then conduct a 30 day training operation. Developed schedule, communications, risk, and resource plans with
cross functional teams. Managed schedule, assigned resources to tasks, implemented multiple risk responses, and reported
status and metrics to key stakeholders. Lead a forward party to ensure resources, training aids, housing and logistics were
emplace or planned for the main body. During the operation ensured my team understood their missions, acquired
additional resources for them and answered stakeholders requests. Results were all 80 personnel, 16 vehicles arrived and 3
equipment connexs arrive 2 days ahead of schedule and on budget, final acceptance received and lessons learned
Change of Command and Internal Compliance
Change of Command and Internal Compliance
Organization Name
B TRP 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Job Title
Project Manager
Person: 7115098/Application: 5872741
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Generated: Sep 02, 2021 10:09 PM
Project Management Institute
Global Operations Center
14 Campus Blvd., Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA
Tel: +1 610-356-4600, Fax: +1 610-482-9971
E-mail: CustomerCare@pmi.org, Internet: www.pmi.org
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
20 or more
Up to $1M
Date Started
Date Through
Sep 2019
Sep 2019
The objective was to ensure our organization pasted inspections in environmental compliance, physical security and
deployment readiness. Developed charter, scope, schedule and WBS. Used an iterative and incremental approach to conduct
inspections of teams work. Inspected their paperwork, systems, physical equipment, and made corrections until complete.
Higher executives inspected all 3 categories, had minor adjustments, but gave approval on the initial inspection. Results
were fully operational sectors in environmental compliance, physical security and deployment readiness, and we were ahead
of schedule in support of combat operations. Documentation, policies and memorandums were saved, approved by
executives and distributed to the whole organization. Also, due to the success of compliance the Commander, my manager,
was able to give command to his successor. Systems were in place for a successful transition and the same systems are still
used today.
Troop Gunnery
Troop Gunnery
Organization Name
A TRP 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Job Title
Project Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
10 to 14
Date Started
Date Through
Oct 2019
Nov 2019
The objective was to update crew teams and train all Soldiers using live ammunition, while maneuvering trucks and conduct
reconnaissance and security operations. Critiqued project charter and scope, developed schedule, budget, land and ammo
requirements, all other logistical requirements and assigned resources to tasks. Managed risk responses, and implemented
approved changes. Created vision, direction and motivation for subordinates. Ensured leaders created incremental and
iterative products for training. Forecasted and coordinated logistics and maintenance requests. Ensured all members of the
team qualified on their weapon systems and work well as a truck crew. Results were every truck crew qualified with live
ammunition and lessons learned were documented.
Person: 7115098/Application: 5872741
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Generated: Sep 02, 2021 10:09 PM
Project Management Institute
Global Operations Center
14 Campus Blvd., Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA
Tel: +1 610-356-4600, Fax: +1 610-482-9971
E-mail: CustomerCare@pmi.org, Internet: www.pmi.org
Deployment to Kuwait
Deployment to Kuwait
Organization Name
A TRP 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Job Title
Logistics / Project Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
10 to 14
Date Started
Date Through
Dec 2019
Jan 2020
The objective was to have all 104 Soldiers, an equipment package and vehicle package ready to deploy anywhere in the
world within 5 days. Assisted in the scope, systems and stakeholder requirements. Worked with my manger to create 3
different overall packages, due to changing priorities and requirements from executives. Ensured that managers properly
understood the intent, equipment package, and made preparations at their level. Acquired resources and information to the
managers. Managed the schedule and preparation during the 5 days after alerted. Tasked organized the maintenance and
movement of our vehicles, the packing of equipment and the tracking paperwork of men, equipment and vehicles. Results
were the organization was prepared for deployment and did successfully deploy on time. There were many lessons learned
and documented. The biggest lessons being a need for more logistical resources and that Military and Civilian employees
worked almost non-stop for 7 days straight (not a sustainable process).
Deployment Training
Deployment Training
Organization Name
A TRP 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Job Title
Logistics / Project Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
10 to 14
$25M or More
Date Started
Date Through
Feb 2020
Apr 2020
Person: 7115098/Application: 5872741
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Generated: Sep 02, 2021 10:09 PM
Project Management Institute
Global Operations Center
14 Campus Blvd., Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA
Tel: +1 610-356-4600, Fax: +1 610-482-9971
E-mail: CustomerCare@pmi.org, Internet: www.pmi.org
The objective was to be trained and ready to go into hostile areas of operation anywhere within CENTCOM region. Assisted
in development of charter, schedule, resource and logistics plans, noting constraints. Created systems, communication
channels and made outside connections to prepare my organization in the chance of being activated. Developed and
managed schedule, issues and execution of training plans ensuring milestones and quality objectives per Army standards
were met, providing status and progress reports to key stakeholders. Devolved systems to track mission essential
equipment that would be used in combat areas. Made connections with experts to ensure broken equipment was only down
for a maximum of 1 day. Results were all 104 Soldiers were trained proficiently and ready to enter a combat area, and
equipment was always functional.
Redeployment from Kuwait to NC
Redeployment from Kuwait to NC
Organization Name
A TRP 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Job Title
Logistics / Project Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
20 or more
Date Started
Date Through
May 2020
Jun 2020
The objective was to move 104 personnel, 3 equipment connexs and 9 vehicles from Kuwait to NC. Assisted in developing
project charter and scope, defined high level risks and requirements. Developed risk plan, budget and assigned resources.
Managed schedule, implemented multiple risk responses, identified variances, and reported status and metrics to key
stakeholders. Assigned responsibilities and tasks to leaders in my organization and checked their work. Due to weekly
changes in priorities of equipment use after redeployment, create encompassing plans and disseminated it to leaders.
Ensured leaders understood the purpose of the changes and the actions to take. Results were all vehicles and personnel
arrived in NC on ahead of schedule, equipment that needed to be used no later then 2 weeks after redeployment was
available and lessons learned documented and archived.
Equipment Acquisition
Equipment Acquisition
Organization Name
A TRP 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Job Title
Person: 7115098/Application: 5872741
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Generated: Sep 02, 2021 10:09 PM
Project Management Institute
Global Operations Center
14 Campus Blvd., Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA
Tel: +1 610-356-4600, Fax: +1 610-482-9971
E-mail: CustomerCare@pmi.org, Internet: www.pmi.org
Project/Acquistion Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
Traditional (Waterfall)
5 to 9
Date Started
Date Through
Jul 2020
Jul 2020
The objective was to access my teams Reconnaissance abilities and physical fitness, to find areas were acquiring resources
would enhance our abilities. With management, we developed the scope of the acquisition, the metrics it needed to achieve
and a budget. Conducted interviews with experts and stakeholders across the whole organization to better understand
priorities of the end users. Used the MoSCoW method to pick the new reconnaissance optic and gym equipment. Managed
the schedule, progress reports to stakeholders, acquisition documentation, contract services and delivery of equipment.
Results were both groups of equipment matched our needs and were used daily in garrison and in the field. The equipment
matched our budget, quality and was conducted on schedule.
New Radio Installation and Integration
New Radio Installation and Integration
Organization Name
HHT, 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Job Title
Project Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
10 to 14
$25M or More
Date Started
Date Through
Aug 2020
Sep 2020
The objective was integrate a new radio system into our organization and act as a product test group for the entire Army.
Was responsible for the role out, operations and the documentation of use for over 400 new radio systems. Managed
schedule and acquisition of the radios with progress reports to stakeholders. Manage a cross-functional team, that ensured
the radios were delivered in a timely manner, individuals become subject matter experts and prepared classes for over 120
Soldiers, and stakeholders received the necessary metrics in order to plan operations accordingly. Coordinated the schedule
and resources with the maintenance team, civilian contractors and sister organizations to install the new radios in our
trucks. Results were that the radios were issued to their proper user in a timely manner, users could operate the radio
effectively and technical and user data were successfully gathered during an airborne field training.
Person: 7115098/Application: 5872741
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Generated: Sep 02, 2021 10:09 PM
Project Management Institute
Global Operations Center
14 Campus Blvd., Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA
Tel: +1 610-356-4600, Fax: +1 610-482-9971
E-mail: CustomerCare@pmi.org, Internet: www.pmi.org
Vehicle and Equipment Redistribution
Vehicle and Equipment Redistribution
Organization Name
HHT, 3-73 CAV 1BCT 82 ABN
Job Title
Project Manager
Functional Reporting Area
Organization Primary Focus
Armed Forces
Team Size
5 to 9
Date Started
Date Through
Sep 2020
Nov 2020
The objective was to realign the unit's vehicle and equipment structure to benefit future organizational goals. Assisted in
developing project charter, vision and requirements. Attended executive meetings discussing the vehicle and equipment
structure, task organization and the functionality for future operations. Provided expertise and knowledge of what
equipment we are supposed to have on hand, what we do have on hand and the pros and cons with equipment on hand
compared to future operations. Assisted in the coordination and operation of transferring 12 vehicles and over 100 pieces of
equipment out of our organization. Devolved a plan, task organized my team and met the timeline of receiving four new
trucks. Results were all unnecessary vehicles and equipment were successfully transferred out of our organization. Increased
efficiency by reducing service and maintains time and effort. Lessons learned were documented and archived for the next
time old equipment needs to be transferred out of our organization.
Project Management Education
Project Management: Education Course
Project Management
Skillsoft Corporation
Date Started
Date Ended
Apr 2021
Jul 2021
Person: 7115098/Application: 5872741
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