PREPARATION OF GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (GPFS) 1. Which of the following is not among the other reports required to be submitted by government entities to the COA? A completed 14 column worksheet in yellow paper 2. Statement 1: The condensed statement of financial position presents only the line items. Statement 2: The detailed statement of financial position presents all the asset, liability and equity accounts in the RCA. Both statements are true 3. Which among the following does not require a separate disclosure in the notes to financial statements? All of these 4. Closing entries ________ Remove the balances from the agency’s temporary accounts 5. The following are responsible for the preparation of financial statements except Cashier 6. According to the GAM for NGAs, government entities shall present expenses in the statement of financial performance according to the Either function or nature of expenses as a matter of accounting policy choice 7. Which of the following is a peculiar general purpose financial statement of government entities? Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts 8. Which of the following is an adjusting event? Sale of inventories that evidences the correct NRV of inventories at the reporting date 9. Financial statements are free from material error and bias and can be depended on by users to represent faithfully that which it purports to represent or could reasonably be expected to represent. Reliability 10. These are financial statements that are required to be prepared at any given period or at a financial reporting period without closing the books of accounts. Interim reports 11. Statement 1: According to the GAM for NGAs, government entities shall present financial statements annually. Statement 2: However, government entities are also required to prepare interim financial statements on quarterly basis. Both statements are true 12. The closing of the ‘Cash – Treasury/Agency Deposit, Regular” account to the “Accumulated Surplus (Deficit)” account is presented in the statement of changes in equity Under the “Adjustment of net revenue recognized directly in net assets/equity” line item 13. Which of the following is not one of the components of a complete set of general purpose financial statements? Statement of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances 14. Which of the following does not lead to the classification of a liability as a current? It is cash or a cash equivalent, unless it is restricted from being exchanged or used to settle a liability for at least 12 months after the reporting date 15. These refer to financial statements intended to meet the needs of users who are not in a position to demand reports tailored to meet their particular information needs General Purpose Financial Statements 16. This is also termed as the adjusted trial balance Pre-closing trial balance 17. Finance lease payments pertaining to the reduction of the outstanding finance lease liability are classified in the statement of cash flows as Financing activities 18. According to the GAM for NGAs, the statement of financial position is presented in comparative form and in All of these 19. The NCA is least likely to be reported in which of the following financial statements? Statement of financial position 20. A government entity presents payments for purchases of items of PPE in the statement of cash flows Net of withholding taxes 21. Entity A presents its cash flows from operating activities using the direct method. Entity A holds foreign currencies. These are appropriately translated to the spot exchange rates at the reporting date. How should entity A present the translation difference in the statement of cash flows? As a reconciliation of the cash and cash equivalents at the beginning and end of the period, presented separately from the operating, investing, and financing activities 22. Statement 1: Government entities present information on other comprehensive income just like business entities. Statement 2: Under GAM for NGAs, correction of prior period errors is recognized directly in equity. Only statement 2 is true 23. Statement 1: In the statement of financial position of a government entity, current assets include those held primarily for trading. Statement 2: In the statement of financial position of a government entity, current liabilities include those due to be settled within 18 months after reporting date. Only statement 1 is true 24. The GAM for NGAs requires all of the following information to be displayed prominently and repeatedly on the face of the financial statements, except Name of the related registries used 25. A government entity recognizes the effect of this item in surplus or deficit rather than directly in equity. Receipt of notice of cash allocation 26. Which among the following are included in the computation of surplus or deficit for a period? The effect of changes in accounting estimates 27. Additional disclosures shall be made in the notes if an entity presents expenses by Function 28. A government entity presents payments for purchases of inventories in the statement of cash flows Net of withholding taxes 29. Changes in accounting policies are accounted for Any of these 30. Which of the following is an objective of the general purpose financial statements of government entities? To demonstrate the accountability of the entity for the resources entrusted to it 31. Which of the following is most likely applicable to a government entity but not to a business entity? Presenting a statement of financial position in a detailed format 32. It serves as the covering letter in transmitting the agency’s financial statements to the COA, DBM, and other oversight agencies and parties. Statement of management responsibility 33. According to the GAM for NGAs, the responsibility over financial statements rests with the entity’s management, particularly the Head of the entity and head of finance/accounting 34. Amounts in the statement of financial position show Cumulative balances from the formation of the entity up to the reporting date 35. Statement 1: The statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts shows the variances between actual results of the current and previous years. Statement 2: The inclusion of statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts in a complete set of financial statements of a government entity enhances the transparency of financial reporting of the government. Only statement 1 is true 36. When an entity presents expenses in the statement of financial performance by function, it shall provide additional disclosures in the notes that include all of the following except Capital outlays 37. These differences between the ‘actual amounts on comparable basis’, presented in the statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts, and amounts presented in the other components of financial statements occur when the approved budget is prepared on a basis other than the accounting basis. Basis Differences 38. Which of the following cash flows is presented in the financing activities section of a statement of cash flows? Amortization of a finance lease liability 39. The statement of financial performance of a government entity differs from the statement of profit or loss of a business entity in which of the following respects? The use of the term “surplus or deficit” rather than “profit or loss” 40. Which of the following information is not reported in the statement of changes in net assets/equity? Effects of changes in accounting estimates 41. Statement 1: Non-adjusting events are never recognized but are always disclosed. Statement 2: Prior period errors are corrected by retrospective restatement. Only statement 2 is true 42. Statement 1: The statement of financial position is dated as at the reporting date. Statement 2: The government entity has the prerogative of choosing either condensed and detailed statement of financial position. Only statement 1 is true 43. Statement 1: The statement of changes in net assets/equity shows in comparative form the changes affecting “Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit)”. Statement 2: The statement of changes in net assets/equity shows the effects of changes in accounting policies and corrections of errors. Both statements are true 44. The effect of which of the following is recognized directly in equity rather than in surplus or deficit? Gains or losses on remeasuring available-for-sale financial assets 45. Statement 1: The GAM for NGAs requires government entities to present expenses in the statement of financial performance according to the function of those expenses. Statement 2: The statement of financial performance is presented in comparative, condensed, and detailed formats. Only statement 2 is true 46. The presentation requirements for statement of cash flows of government entities differ from the requirements of a business entity in which of the following respects? The presentation of cash flows from (used in) operating activities using the direct method only; the choice of using the indirect method is not available. 47. The GAM for NGAs requires which of the following methods of presenting cash flows from operating activities in the statement of cash flows? Direct method 48. Statement 1: The statement of financial performance of a government entity is the exact equivalent of the statement of comprehensive income of a business entity. Statement 2: The statement of financial performance of a government entity is prepared for different fund clusters. Only statement 2 is true 49. The inclusion of a degree of caution in the exercise of judgments needed in making the estimates required under conditions of uncertainty, such that assets or revenue are not overstated and liabilities and expenses are not understated. Prudence 50. Omission or misstatement of information could influence the decision of users or assessments made on the basis of the financial statements. Materiality 51. Statement 1: The objectives of general purpose financial reporting in the public sector should be to provide information useful for decision making, and to demonstrate the accountability of the entity for the resources entrusted to it. Statement 2: Financial statements have a predictive or prospective role, providing information useful in predicting the level of resources required for continued operations, the resources that maybe generated by continued operations, and the associated risks and uncertainties. Both statements are true