Uploaded by John Renzo Molinar

Career Guidance Speech for High School Students

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” (Confucius)
My courtesy to our very inspiring school president Atty. Aleta L. Tolentino, In behalf of the faculty and
staff of Saints John and Paul, parents, students. Ladies and gentlemen. Good morning.
Career guidance is a comprehensive, developmental program designed to assist individuals in making and
implementing informed educational and occupational choices. ... This career decision then results in their
social, financial and emotional well-being throughout. It is the most important tool that we can use to
develop our education system.
This programme will help you students in to see a variety of available academic options that would help
you through your preferred learning styles, and be helped to find how to develop plans to reach your
educational and occupational goals,”
Believe it or not, since you're in high school right now, you're at the best point in your life. You have your
whole life in front of you. And now is a good time to start thinking about your future, to make some initial
plans; just remember that plans can be easily changed. Remember too, that experts predict that the
average person will change careers -- not just jobs -- more than five times in his or her lifetime.
So better be wise in your career preference.
Thank very you much and God bless us all!