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The Secrets of Manifesting with the Angels
In this booklet I am giving away my vital tips to manifesting, usually not
discussed by other authors. I share my own personal experiences and the tips
and ideas which work for me and my clients.
In this book you will discover how to raise your frequency for successful
manifesting and clear some of the barriers that are holding you back, such as
negative beliefs, mindset issues. Through these teachings you’ll learn how to
focus your mind and energy on what you need to succeed at manifesting with
the Angels.
Everyone has different ideas about abundance at different times-for you it
might be: good health, success, inner peace, career, prosperity, happiness,
love, peaceful family, a wonderful place to live or a creative project!
Ultimately, we all want to feel empowered, loved, abundant, connected,
worthy, a sense of flow and purpose and that our endeavours are possible
and supported.
Before we begin, I suggest you choose at least one goal to work
Angels for Manifesting
The Angels we work with for manifesting are: Archangel Raziel for Spiritual
understanding and past lives, Archangel Metatron- who carries the sacred
geometry the cube or flower of life which represent the building blocks of
energy, Archangel Michael who keeps us safe and keeps us in integrity and with
Rachel Scoltock Manifesting Secrets
the courage to ask for what you want, and who helps you to clear away the
saboteurs and blocks to success and happiness.
We’ll also invoke Archangel Raphael for healing emotionally from trauma and
helps us with our thought patterns and vision.
You can call on any angels and beings of light who you want to. Refer to my
Archangel eBook for information about the Archangels and how they help.
Let’s begin with a prayer to open you to the help of God and these powerful
Archangel and angels.
Dear Angels, thank you for being with me and helping me to
manifest this intention for the Highest Good.
Thank you for helping me to see what I need to change in order to
receive my desires in an aligned and Divinely guided way. I
surrender all that I know and think I know to you and I ask you to
work closely with me and through me to teach me this powerful
natural skill of manifesting.
Light the flame of passion within me so I stay focused on my goals
and my intentions and give me the energy and enthusiasm to
follow through on my guidance
. Infuse me with courage to step away from excuses and my
comfort zone, open my heart and mind so I may receive what you
give me and be open to new ways of doing things.
Release me of all energy relating to trauma, pain, fear and
negativity. I let go of all that blocks me from Joy and Divine
Switch me out of my ego into my higher self and guide me
forward. I am ready to stand in my power and claim my worth and
value during this life time. I let go of all fears and beliefs in
limitation, scarcity, lack, disease, disharmony, powerlessness and
Rachel Scoltock Manifesting Secrets
I surrender each intention and desire to you for cleansing and
purification , so that I never take a step without your Love and
Guidance, I know Divine Law is in charge of all that is and that by
aligning my thoughts, actions and prayers with the Divine I will
experience wholeness and success. I step away from my ego and
doubt and I open to the magic of Love and miracles.
I now receive Divine Abundance For the highest good of all,
According to Divine Will, under Grace and in perfect ways.
And so, it is. AMEN.
Useful Crystals for Manifesting
Selenite, citrine, clear quartz, turquoise, apophyllite, fluorite, pyrite, amethyst,
green crystals and Tigers eye. Avoid dyed or manmade crystals for manifesting
as they don’t have a natural vibration.
The Steps to Manifesting:
Step one is always to Invoke the Angels and Pray for help with your
manifesting. Angels will protect your manifestations, and guide you forward,
keeping you aligned with your intentions and with the higher power.
Manifesting means: to Make Real, to take the idea out of your mind into the
physical and energy world to become an experience in this life time.
When you try manifesting alone you engage only your ego which is the core of
all human pain and suffering.
Ego is Edging God Out. This means that you are likely to create Karma, because
you are engaging only will- power not your Divine Power, and this way can
misalign your manifestations. I believe this is the reason why money is seen
wrongly, as the root of evil, because some people have resorted to EGO to
manifest their money. Abundance is not and cannot be evil by itself, it’s an
energy, something necessary to living on earth at this time. If you give it power
above other things like your health, your relationships, your integrity and your
self-care then of course it becomes a negative force. This is all a part of Soul
Rachel Scoltock Manifesting Secrets
learning, to understand that nothing has power over you unless you GIVE it
your power.
With Ego in charge you can struggle because you think you have to use YOUR
energy to manifest, it feels hard, you worry HOW it will happen, you over work,
you strain, you start to come from FEAR… which is why many people use low
integrity to create what they want!
Think: Hard sales techniques, con men and women, fear-based employers,
stealing, hustling, competition, comparison to others, giving up, feeling less
than, suffering, over work. These are all fear-based ways of creating
When you engage Spiritual help and align with your Soul and God given inner
power, you automatically trust more. you surrender and let go, you listen to
guidance, you allow yourself to be guided to new ways of doing things. You
don’t suffer on the path; you still work hard and do what it takes within reason.
We always must take some physical action for we are physical beings! Your
guided aligned action generally feels better and more aligned.
You also don’t create Karma because you are aligned with what you want and
It becomes a spiritual journey where you learn lessons. Everything on your life
path has the potential to teach you spiritual lessons if you are open. You are
human you will always go through periods when you get disconnected from
Spirit, and you will remember to reconnect again. Abundance is a huge lesson
and teaches you about non grasping, surrender, faith and turning to Divine
Source for help.
• Prayer directs spiritual help towards you – remember free will, you
always must ASK!
• When your angels are gathered then set your intention- what do you
want? Focus what you DO want, not what you don’t want.
• Don’t try to manipulate Spirit- set goals that are achievable and smart
but say “for the highest good, and according to Divine Will” Let the best
• Call in your power- means that you need to bring your presence,
enthusiasm, passion, faith and conviction- When you are present, out of
victim mode, and connected you are in your place of power.
Rachel Scoltock Manifesting Secrets
• You can do anything! Be willing to accept your worth and know you are
• Be clear, positive and optimistic, while being open.
Clear the blocks
Step two: I could write endlessly on this subject. Everyone is different,
everyone has personal issues to work through. It is useful to have a private
session with me to work through these blocks, and on a personal level this is
powerful work that will change your life.
Generally, your blocks to receiving good are usually entrenched in beliefs you
have created or inherited that disempower you. These beliefs, experiences and
fears block and redirect your energy and sabotage your attempts to create
positive change.
Beliefs are thoughts, subconscious and conscious that have become a way of
thinking/ living and effect the way you see yourself and the world.
Fear is dark energy; these energies sit in your mind and body / aura effecting
you. Thoughts become emotions, emotions become energy, energy eventually
becomes a physical experience.
Beliefs also have energy of course, these energy cords can be removed so the
belief and the fear dissolve forever. Your energy will immediately shift when
you release a limiting belief.
Other blocks can be experiences that upset you, low self-worth, cords to
people who put you down, hurt you or limited you in some way, resentments,
fears, traumas, and even past lives and wounds from lifetimes that are up for
healing this life time.
Anything that is not Love, that is not Divinely aligned creates an energy block
which can be dissolved by the angels and energy therapy.
Angels are great healers, alchemists they TRANSMUTE (change the energy) all
fear into love.
These fear-based energies misalign you and can keep you stuck in a negative
You are always manifesting. You are never NOT manifesting.
You are always thinking and feeling, always creating energy. Your energy
attracts like energy towards you. The more you work on clearing negative
Rachel Scoltock Manifesting Secrets
experiences and beliefs the clearer you become and the easier it becomes to
think positively and manifest consciously what you want.
Surrender the Outcome
Step 3. This is important to the process of manifesting. When you surrender
your desires to the Divine, life falls into place without the interference of ego.
This is a conscious and spiritual act of letting go and staying balanced between
wanting but not needing, desiring but not suffering or struggling.
When you surrender you allow your ego fear mind to unclench its grip on what
you are praying for. Gripping, panicking, worrying, controlling, nagging are all
emotions that are both torturous and self-sabotaging. You leave no room for
anything to manifest when you hold too tightly to it. You also run the risk of
creating some Karma or blocking yourself completely.
Surrender means to hand over, to detach from the outcome and to give your
wishes, desires, emotions, and all the fear surrounding your desire or any
situation to the Divine and the Angels. It is the only way to effectively manifest.
The Surrender process means that you are willing to step back and sayingOkay, this is what I want, I can’t hold onto this because I know that will block it
from coming to me, I trust that God and the Angels know the BEST WAY to bring
me what I want.
I am open, I am detached, I am trusting, now show me what to do next- when
you are ready!
Then all you need to do is RECEIVE- be open to the guidance, be
open to signs, open to the gifts coming your way in miraculous and
serendipitous ways!
Setting Intentions
Rachel Scoltock Manifesting Secrets
Write your intention based on the outcome that you want, not the HOW.
Many people get stuck and waylaid when they think they know how to get
where they are going.
Example. You might want to manifest a car, but you need $10k to buy it, focus
on the car not the money. The money is an important step, but you are limiting
the possibilities of how that car can find you!
You may believe the only way you will be successful, or wealthy is via the
lottery or being discovered as a celebrity. This can block you from all the
infinite possibilities and Divine intelligence bringing that success to you
another more aligned and happy way!
It is my intention to….
Write how you want to feel and include details as much as you want about
what this success/ happiness/ prosperity looks and feels.
I intend to be healthy, fit, energized, look youthful, enjoy my life and feel free
and light!
I intend to be a successful, amazing and well-paid healer, I see myself as joyful,
with a good life work balance, people seek my services and pay me well. I love
my work.
Put emotion into your intentions, explore them and the outcome of what you
are manifesting.
Then write an affirmation: I AM a successful, amazing, well-paid healer.
I am that I am a successful amazing, happy well-paid healer
Rachel Scoltock Manifesting Secrets
Tips and suggestions for powerful manifesting with the Angels
Believe you can have what you want, and that it okay to ask without guilt. Guilt
is the lowest vibration of all! Guilt needs to be released and let go, forgive
yourself and others.
Belief is faith, how much faith do you have in creating what you want? Give it a
/10 number and then ask how you can increase that faith?
Faith feeds your passion, it creates power, and it directly affects the outcome
and speed of manifesting. Without Faith you are back to the EGO and grasping,
worrying, holding too tightly which blocks you and the angels.
A lack of faith will always block you.
Don’t get stuck in the HOW- us humans can’t help always wanting to know
HOW… but we must trust the answer will come, just because you can’t see
how, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go ahead. Often the steps are so miraculous,
ingenious and creative, you couldn’t have possibly worked it out. Let go and Let
God. Surrender is called for.
Where there seems to be no way, a way will be shown!
PS Of course, if you know how, then go for it.
Release negative emotions, unforgiveness, blame, shame, trauma, resentment
and unworthiness- all of these will hold you back and down indefinitely. You
deserve to be free and to unlock the gates of abundance, you can’t hold onto
these thoughts and emotions.
Be honest with yourself, avoid asking for things you think you SHOULD want or
what other people want.
This is about you, your life, your Divine connection, and between you and the
angels no one else.
Be in integrity avoid envy and jealousy. Don’t chase things that belong to
other people (What is for you will not pass you by) We get shown what we
want through others! It is a wonderful way to know what you want when you
see someone else with it! This is an Abundant Universe, there is enough for
Rachel Scoltock Manifesting Secrets
Bless and prosper others and the Universe will bless and prosper
Always ask, this or something better, for the Highest good. I love the
“What God does for others She does for me and more”
Let go of Fear- fear and faith are opposites- what fears do you have that could
sabotage you manifesting what you want? What Prejudices could hold you
Examples: fear of being too busy, fear of being judged, fear of jealousy, fear of
loss ,fear of failure?
Maybe you think all men are cheaters or all local people can’t afford your
services, or that you’ll never sell your house in this economy. (ALL False ideas
that can hold you back if you buy into them, remember you create what you
Identify those fears and false ideas and release them. Replace them with
something affirmative and positive. I was once told my business wont work in
Winter! I accepted that for 1 year, then I analysed it and realised it was a load
of bull dust. I changed it to an affirmation, I am busy and have plenty of clients
all year round! And that is what I created!
GET so clear and determined about your goals and YOU and your growth that
you can’t be side swiped or held back.
Face failure- take the risk of failing else you will never get off the ground, step
into your power and don’t let other people’s bad news, false beliefs and myths
hold you back.
When someone tells you why something won’t work, repeat
What is true for you is not true for me.
Rachel Scoltock Manifesting Secrets
Face fantasy, delusions sabotage- thinking you will be overnight success is not
a complete impossibility but if you are attached to it then you’ll give up if you
are not! If you buy into that idea you won’t do the work you need to do to
build faith, and success. It’s the journey not the destination!
I am so grateful now looking back for the ups and downs of
building this business, it shaped me, I learned SO much and I
gained so much confidence, wisdom, and experience! Rachel x
Be Clear- super-duper clarity is so important. Airy fairy vague indecisiveness
won’t get you anywhere. If you aren’t clear ask for guidance and even affirm, “I
am clear, I know what to do”
Allow room for Spirit but vague intentions are often fear or lack of faith.
Or you don’t really want it.
Action creates passivity blocks- show up, act it out, do what you want to do,
grow where you are! Give it your all and keep doing that till you get a result.
Bring your best self and refuse to give up.
The Universe loves Action
Language is important- asking what you want with words that are clear and
specific- an example is that years ago A client was asking to be united with her
Spiritual Soul mate- she believed it to be a man she had a strong connection
with, Whenever they met there were fireworks but nothing romantic ever
happened. They never got together. The angels showed me that she was asking
for a Spiritual soul mate- they were connected spiritually but no other way- her
energy and his were entwined but it was going nowhere!
Avoid general or fear based in language- like non-violent, non- judgmental, or
not like my old boss etc. The Universe reads the strongest energy so if your
energy is fearful it will bring you what you fear. Non violent may manifest
Violent. Better to say “Peaceful”
Visualize it has already happened- this is wonderful and powerful. Each time
you visualize the goal as achieved you’ll create it in the ethereal field and
eventually in the physical. You also create new brain cells, and emotional
energy, which is the most powerful way to manifest!
Rachel Scoltock Manifesting Secrets
Visualizing the outcome can bring guidance too, you may notice something in
your imagination showing you what to do or an important element. Please stay
detached from timing with all these steps. Just make sure you state you want
to experience it this life time.
This powerful way to manifest was shown to me by the angels.
All you need is LOVE, love and appreciation always manifest more
of what you want!
Rachel Scoltock Manifesting Secrets
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