Lab 4 SIMULATION OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS USING MATLAB (AMPLITUDE MODULATION) Objectives: The main objective of this session is to learn the basic tools and concepts for simulating communication systems design using MATLAB and analyze it Description: Our focus in this session will be on using MATLAB for simulating communication systems. How to use full wave rectifier and filters on MATLAB. A filter in MATLAB is represented by its transfer function. The transfer function is in general in the form of the division of two polynomials. The filter is completely defined by the coefficients of the polynomial at the numerator and the polynomial at the denominator. These are the vectors a and b respectively in the program. There are many realizations for designing filters. One common realization is Butterworth, which is the one used here, hence the function name butter. The butter function has two arguments. The first argument is the order of the filter. The larger the order the sharper the filter (closer to ideal), but more processing is required. For most of our applications an order of 3-5 should be sufficient. The second argument is a coefficient related to the cutoff frequency. Without going into the details of the derivation, to design a LPF filter of cutoff frequency W, the argument should be set to 2*W*ts, where ts is the time step size of the program. For more details about the command butter , type: >> help butter ; in the MATLAB prompt To apply the filter to a given signal, we use the function filter. This function has three parameters: the coefficients of the filter a and b, and the vector to be filtered. Note that although we think of the filter operation in frequency domain, the filter function operates on a timedomain vector. Lab task Matlab code for communication link %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Program for AM transmitter and Receiver <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<% clc clear all close all; %AM TRANSMITTER % %AM TRANSMITTER % %AM TRANSMITTER % %ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Modulating Signal Generation ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ A=5; % Amplitude of fa=50; % Frequency of T=1/fa; %Period of t=0:T/1000:2*T; ya=3*sin(2*pi*fa*t); % Equation for figure(1); subplot(3,1,1); plot(t,ya); % Graphical representation of title ( ' Modulating Signal ' ); modulating Signal modulating signal modulating signal % Variable time Modulating signal Modulating signal xlabel ( ' time(second) ') ylabel (' Amplitud(volt) '); %ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Carrrier Signal Generation ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ A=5; % Amplitude of Carrier Signal fc=2000; % Frequency of Carrier signal yc=A*sin(2*pi*fc*t); % Equation for carrier signal figure(1); subplot(3,1,2); plot(t,yc); % Graphical representation of carrier signal title ( ' Carrier Signal ' ); xlabel ( ' time(second) '); ylabel (' Amplitud(volt) '); %ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ AM modulated Signal Generation ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ym=(A+ ya).*sin(2*pi*fc*t);% Equation for AM modulated signal which will be % transmitted figure(1) subplot(3,1,3) plot(t,ym) % Graphical representation of AM modulated signal title ( ' AM modulated Signal ' ); xlabel ( ' time(second) '); ylabel (' Amplitud(volt) '); %AM RECEIVER% %AM RECEIVER% %AM RECEIVER% %ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Recived signal ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ym=(A+ ya).*sin(2*pi*fc*t); % Equation for Recived signal figure(2) subplot(4,1,1) plot(t,ym) % Graphical representation of recived signal signal title ( ' Received Signal ' ); xlabel ( ' time(second) '); ylabel (' Amplitud(volt) '); %ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Carrrier Signal Generation ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ A=5; % Amplitude of Carrier Signal fc=2000; % Frequency of Carrier signal yc=A*sin(2*pi*fc*t); % Equation for carrier signal figure(2) subplot(4,1,2); plot(t,yc); % Graphical representation of carrier signal title ( ' Carrier Signal ' ); xlabel ( ' time(second) '); ylabel (' Amplitud(volt) '); %%ZZZZZZZZZZZZ Multiply Carrrier Signal with Received Signal%%%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ymm=ym.*sin(2*pi*fc*t); %Multiply Carrrier Signal with Received Signal figure(2) subplot(4,1,3); plot(t,ymm); title(' Received signal after Multiplication of Carrrier Signal '); xlabel ( ' time(second) '); ylabel (' Amplitud(volt) '); %ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Filtering to Findout Modulating Signal ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ wc=200/50000; % Normalization Cutoff Frequency [a b]=butter(2,wc,'low'); % butterworth Low Pass Filter design sig=filter(a,b,ymm); % Apply given signal to Low pass filter figure(2) subplot(4,1,4); plot(t,2*sig -5);% Graphical representation for outpot signal of AM receiver title (' AM Demodulated signal '); xlabel ( ' time(second) '); ylabel (' Amplitud(volt) '); Post lab questions Q1 Which other type of filters can be used for the filtering other than Butterworth filter Q2 Design a communication link using frequency modulation in Matlab N=30 n=-N:1:N; if(n<=2) b=1; else(n>=10) b=6; x = [zeros(1,N),1,zeros(1,N)]; stem(n,x) xlabel('Sample'); ylabel('Amplitude'); title('Unit Impulse Signal'); end