EXPERIMENT # 7 FOURIER ANALYSIS OF PERIODIC SIGNALS USING TRIGONOMETRIC FOURIER SERIES OBJECTIVE Decomposition of a periodic signal into its Trigonometric Fourier series coefficients Plotting of magnitude and phase spectra using trigonometric coefficients TRIGONOMETRIC FOURIER SERIES A periodic signal with a period can be expressed as a sum of a sinusoid of frequency and its entire harmonics, as shown in equation below: Trigonometric Fourier series coefficients can be computed using following formulas Exercise 7.1: Find the Trigonometric Fourier series coefficients and plot the magnitude and phase spectra for the periodic signals shown in MATLAB Fourier series coefficients for the periodic signal shown above are: The code for plotting the magnitude and phase spectra for the given co-efficients is given below using for loop: n=1:7; a0=0.504; b0=0.504*(8*0/(1+16*0^2)); % b0=0; Cn=a0; theta0=atan(-b0/a0); thetan=theta0; den=(1+16*n.^2); N=length(den); for i=1:N an(i)=0.504*2/den(i); bn(i)=0.504*8*n(i)/den(i); cn=sqrt(an(i)^2+bn(i)^2); Cn=[Cn cn]; theta=atan(-bn(i)/an(i)); thetan=[thetan theta]; end n=0:7; subplot(211),stem(n, ,'o'),grid,xlabel('n'),ylabel( ),title( ) subplot(212),stem(n,thetan,'o'),grid,xlabel('n'),ylabel('\theta_n (rad)') Exercise7.2: If is defined as below Find the trigonometric Fourier series coefficients for the periodic signal given below and use them to plot the magnitude and phase spectra in MATLAB using vector method. Exercise 7.3: For the periodic signal given below, mathematically compute the trigonometric Fourier series coefficients and plotthe amplitude and phase spectra (in degrees). POST LAB QUESTIONS: Q.1 Write MATLAB code to plot the co-efficients an, bn computed in lab with respect to ‘n’ for ‘n’ ranging between 0 – 20. Also include the figures in your report.