Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Limits of the adiabaticity assumption and conditions for improving laser focusing of atomic matter wave Journal: Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Manuscript ID B-21-PC-370-A Wiley - Manuscript type: Article Fo Date Submitted by the 25-Oct-2021 Author: Keywords: rR Complete List of Authors: Lee, Chang Jae; SunMoon University, Division of Basic Tecnology iew ev The adiabaticity assumption (AA) and the resulting concept of optical potential in the context of atom focusing with lasers were examined numerically for various experimentally controllable laser parameters. The Schrödinger equations for the atomic center-of-mass dynamics in a laser field were calculated using with or without the AA, and the results were Abstract: compared. The validity of the AA was tested over a wide range of the Rabi frequency to detuning ratios and the optical potential depths. From the analysis several specific guidelines were provided on choosing laser parameters that sustain the validity of the AA and improve atom focusing outcomes. ly On Page 1 of 20 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society RESEARCH ARTICLE Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Limits of the adiabaticity assumption and conditions for improving laser focusing of atomic matter wave Chang Jae Lee Division of Basic Technologies, Sunmoon University, Asan 31460, Korea E-mail: coolcjl@sunmoon.ac.kr a substrate rely crucially upon the atoms to remain in the lower state throughout the light-atom interaction time and to evolve in the relevant optical potential—a concept resulting from the adiabaticity assumption (AA). Several types of optical potentials have been used in many other applications,16-18 but without giving much thought on their validity other than simply assuming that the Rabi frequency to drive the transitions is much smaller than the detuning. Successful demonstrations of the atom deposition method were possible by setting out suitable experimental conditions under which predictions based on the concept of optical potential is applicable in manipulating atomic motion with lasers. However, it is impractical to find a wide range of such suitable conditions with expensive and time-consuming experiments alone, or from particle optics approaches19 that ignore wave nature of matter. To our knowledge such conditions have not yet been systematically explored despite continued interests in the problem.20-22 For such investigations, in silico approaches based on accurate numerical simulations would be much more efficient. Adiabaticity is a key assumption in atom manipulation methods, so it is critical to examine if the assumption is valid for a given set of experimental conditions. The adiabaticity problem has been actively researched in many areas and in widely different contexts23 and, if certain conditions are met, the assumption has shown to work quite well.24 Thus, it should be Of course, other imperfections such as the non-ideal atomic beam, highly valuable to give an extensive assessment over a broad mechanical vibrations of the experimental setups, migrations of atoms range of laser and parameters of etc thewill validity ofmask the AA the atom after focusing deposition, surely the in predictions fosusing and deposition applications and, at the same time, with optimal laser parameters given below. However, technologies provide to other finding conditions may for better manipulating developguidelines fast, so these imperfections be substantially atomic motion. suppressed eventually. THus, the goal/merit of this work is to delneate ultimate of what be of achieved withcomputations In this paper limits we perform a can series numerical atom optical technique in atom focusing and directSchrödinger atom deposit tothis accurately solve the coupled time-dependent method.. Surely, et aleliminating giave sims with those imperfections included equations withoutMcClelland adiabatically the upper state for but that’s for their expt cinditions, which cannot extended various laser parameters and compare the be results withgenerally. the there are twoones typeswith of simulations: approximate the AA. Unlike many others, atom focusing one with imperfections incorporated..to match expt w thory is an application of light assisted manipulation of matter wave one withultimate resolution that can be achieved. This paer, latter side. where quantitative investigation on the validity of the AA can be made. This is equivalent to examining how well the concept of optical potential holds up against a wide rage of laser parameters. This paper is organized as follows: In the section that follows next, we describe the relevant time-dependent Schrödinger equations and review how the concept of optical potential emerges from the AA. The numerical method to be used for the subsequent section is also described in this section. Following this section, we describe simulation parameters and discuss basic assumptions made in all calculations. Results for various laser parameters with and without invoking the concept of optical potential are compared and general atom focusing trends are elucidated, depending on the parameters. Based on the analyses some recommended parameters are presented. Conclusions and further remarks are given in the final section. Introduction rR Fo Abstract: The adiabaticity assumption (AA) and the resulting concept of optical potential in the context of atom focusing with lasers were examined numerically for various experimentally controllable laser parameters. The Schrödinger equations for the atomic center-of-mass dynamics in a laser field were calculated using with or without the AA, and the results were compared. The validity of the AA was tested over a wide range of the Rabi frequency to detuning ratios and the optical potential depths. From the analysis several specific guidelines were provided on choosing laser parameters that sustain the validity of the AA and improve atom focusing outcomes. iew ev In regular optics and spectroscopy, it is customary to observe light, resulting from the interaction with material. Considering the waveparticle duality of physical entities (light and matter), one may expect analogous manifestations of wave nature of matter. Diffraction of electrons was a pivotal step in the development of quantum theory. There has been remarkable progress during the past few decades in manipulating other matter waves such as neutrons,1,2 atoms and molecules,3-5 and biological particles.6 Such progresses spawned a relatively new field named atom optics, where the roles of light and matter have reversed: light serves as mirrors, lenses, gratings, etc. to reflect, deflect, focus, and diffract matter wave.3-5,7 They have deep implications of great theoretical interests and, in addition, find numerous applications in diverse fields in chemistry, physics, biology, and informational technology.8-11 Key ingredients in these matter-wave controls are the forces exerted by light on matter—the radiation pressure and the dipole forces. The former is a dissipative one and is limited by spontaneous emission rate and may be suppressed with large detunings. The latter is conservative and may be considered deriving from an optical potential.12 Dipole force occurs when light field has spatial inhomogeneity, such as in standing waves. The gradient of the optical potential is proportional to light intensity, so the strength of the force can be readily controlled. The dipole force has been extensively used for trapping, channeling, and focusing atoms,7 and tweezers,10 realizing the formation of a Bose-Einstein condensate optically.13 Incidentally, Timp et al. utilized it to construct a nanostructure with a series of parallel atomic peaks.14 Since atoms and molecules have internal structures, the interaction of light with them invariably causes transitions among energy levels. Description of external motion accompanying these transitions requires solving a complicated set of coupled timedependent Schrödinger equations. Such interaction of light with multilevel atoms and molecules yields many novel phenomena.15 However, it is frequently the case that only two energy levels of interest are selectively excited. To further simplify the problem, often the upper state is adiabatically eliminated. Nanostructure creation methods utilizing the dipole force to deposit atoms onto ly On 1 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Page 2 of 20 RESEARCH ARTICLE Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Theoretical Background basis of the AA in this context. If we keep only two terms in Eq. (6), the constant first terms do not affect dynamics and the second terms are interpreted as respective optical potentials in which the atom in states |πβ© and |πβ© moves. Then the evolution of the atomic center of mass can be described by two uncoupled timedependent Schrödinger equations Consider an atomic beam moving along the π§ direction and interacting with a single-mode laser standing wave applied along the π₯ direction. Assume the laser is applied near-resonantly between certain two energy levels in the entire atomic energy level scheme, and in this manifold we may call these levels the "ground" |πβ© and the "excited" |πβ© states. (Hereafter, we will use the terms level and state interchangeably.) The transition frequency between them is ππ΄, and the frequency and the wavelength of the laser are π and π, respectively. Because the laser frequency is nearly resonant, π ≈ ππ΄ β« π β ππ΄ ≡ π₯(the detuning or the resonance offset), and the counter-rotating term is negligible and the rotating wave approximation is usually made. 0 1 If we adopt the vector notation |πβ© = 1 and |πβ© = 0 , the total () πβ πβ π2π₯ βπ₯ 2 ππ§ + βπΊ(π‘)cos ππ₯ 2 () ππ₯, (1) ( ) Fo 1 0 where π is the atomic mass, π = 2π/π and ππ§ = 0 β1 and 0 1 ππ₯ = 1 0 are Pauli matrices. Because the atomic beam moves along the π§ direction, the π§ coordinate is closely related to the interaction time π‘. The time-dependent Rabi frequency πΊ(π‘) may be written as a product of the maximum Rabi frequency πΊ0 and a function π(π‘) that describes the laser beam profile along the π§ direction: πΊ(π‘) = πΊ0 π(π‘). We take time π‘ = 0 when the atom first enters the laser beam. The kinetic energy of the atom is of the 2 2 order of the recoil energy, πΈπ = β π /2π. Typicaly π₯,πΊ0 β« πΈπ, so the kinetic energy part may be treated separately from the rest of the Hamiltonian to a first approximation. The total wave function of the atom can be represented as a product of the center-of-mass and the electronic parts, πΉ(π₯,π‘) = ππ(π₯,π‘)|πβ© + ππ(π₯,π‘)|πβ©. The center-of-mass dynamics of the atom is governed by the coupled time-dependent Schrödinger equation that may be written as ( ) ∂π‘ ∂ππ(π₯,π‘) ∂π‘ ππ₯ 2 = 2πππ(π₯,π‘) β = ππ₯ βπΊ2cos2 ππ₯ 2 2πππ(π₯,π‘) ππ(π₯,π‘), 4π₯ βπΊ2cos2 ππ₯ + 4π₯ (7a) ππ(π₯,π‘). (7b) Spontaneous emission may be incorporated by including a non-Hermitian term βπβπ€|πβ©β¨π|/2, where π€ is the decay rate of the upper state, in the Hamiltonian, Eq. (1) and carrying out MonteCarlo wave function simulations.27-31 Spontaneous emission degrades atom focusing somewhat and large detuning and Rabi frequency values are used to suppress spontaneous emission. Again, in this regime we are dealing with the dipole force rather than the dissipative force. In this paper, we assume such experimental conditions are met and ignore spontaneous emission from now on. If initially the atom is in the ground state, πΉ(π₯,0) = ππ(π₯,0)|πβ©, and if the AA is made and thus the upper state is adiabatically eliminated, the atom evolves in the optical potential given by Eq. (7b) alone, which can be solved numerically rather straightforwardly. On the other hand, for more accurate calculations the full coupled equations in Eq. (2) still need to be solved. There are several numerical methods for solving these equations and we chose the pseudospectral method,32 which is particularly useful for periodical systems such as in Eq. (1). The interaction time πint is divided into π β« 1 segments, each interval being πΏπ‘ = πint/π. The time-evolution operator is also divided into the same number of segments, and the evolution operator at time π‘π = ππΏπ‘ (π = 0,1,…,π) for the Hamiltonian in Eq. (1) may be approximately split as Hamiltonian for the two-level atom moving in the laser standing wave, in a suitable rotating frame, may be written as π» = 2π β ∂ππ(π₯,π‘) iew ev rR ( πβ ∂π‘ ) ππ(π₯,π‘) ππ(π₯,π‘) = ( π2π₯ 2π βπΊ 2 β βπ₯ βπΊ 2 2 cos ππ₯ π2π₯ cos ππ₯ 2π + βπ₯ 2 ) (ππ (π₯,π‘) (π₯,π‘)). π π β β ππ(π‘) = cos (3) πΊeffπΏπ‘ πΊeff πΏπ‘ 2 2 2 2 ( )π β πsin ( , cos θ = (πΊeff β π₯)2 + πΊ2 (πΊeff β Δ)2 + πΊ2 . )(β π₯ πΊeffππ§ πΊ ) + πΊeffππ₯ , (9) (10) β1 where β± is a fast Fourier transform to π-space and β± is an inverse Fourier transform back to π₯-space. Equation (7b) can be solved likewise, the only difference being that the potential is onedimensional: (4) ( sin π = ) πΏπ‘ ≡ ππππππ, πΊ2cos2 ππ₯ πΏπ‘ ππ(π‘) = exp βπ πΊeff β π₯ π πΉ(π₯,π‘ + πΏπ‘) = ππ β± β1{ππ β±[πππΉ(π₯,π‘)]}, where πΊ ) ( where π is the 2 × 2 unit matrix. As is well known, the evolution operator is applied to the wave function in the sequence and the eigenvectors are |1π₯β© = sin π ππ(π₯,π‘)|πβ© + cos π ππ(π₯,π‘)|πβ©, |2π₯β© = cos π ππ(π₯,π‘)|πβ© β sin π ππ(π₯,π‘)|πβ©; π where π is the the kinetic energy operator and π denotes the rest ("potential'') of the Hamiltonian. The potential part contains noncommuting operators and can be expressed as33 Let us attempt to solve the equation approximately by ignoring the small kinetic energy part first, similarly to the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. The rest of the Hamiltonian can be diagonalized in the dressed-state basis25 and the eigenvalues are β πΏπ‘ (8) (2) πΈ1 = + 2 π₯2 + (πΊcoπ ππ₯)2 ≡ + 2πΊeff, πΈ2 = β 2πΊeff; ) ( π ly On ∂ ( π(π‘π) ≈ exp β βπ(π‘π) 2 exp β βππΏπ‘ exp β βπ(π‘π) 2 (5) 4π₯ 2 ). (11) Equations (1) and (7b) along with the pseudospectral method are the primary tools to compute the atomic center-of-mass dynamics. For large detunings, π₯ β« πΊ0, these eigenvalues can be expanded as πΈ1 ≈ + 2 1 πΊcos ππ₯ 2 [1 + ( βπ₯ 2 π₯ ) Simulation details with various laser parameters ] + β― , πΈ2 = β πΈ1 (6) Simulation parameters. In actual implementation of the equations in the previous section we express frequency and time and we note that |1π₯β© and |2π₯β© mostly correspond to ππ|πβ© and ππ |πβ©, respectively,26 throughout the interaction time. This is the 2 Page 3 of 20 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society RESEARCH ARTICLE Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society ππβ1, 2 in units of recoil frequency ππ = βπ /2π and recoil time π‘π = and the lengths in units of the optical wavelength λ. This makes the results of simulation universally applicable and nonspecific to a particular atom or laser. In the recoil units the parameters reported in the literature for the chromium atom deposition with a 4 laser standing wave are close to 10 for both Δ and Ω0, and 0.1 for the atom-laser interaction time πint.31,34 In this paper we designate 4 these parameters π₯ = πΊ0 = 10 , πint = 0.1 as the reference values. Parameters for other atom deposition experiments should be different, but we will consider a wide range of parameters (in recoil units) below. Thus, we stress again that results obtained are not specific to Cr atom deposition but hold true for other atoms. Usually, the atomic beam from a hot oven is velocity-selected, so we assume that the beam is monoenergetic with the speed along the π§ direction large and undamped as it crosses and interacts with the laser beams. Thus, the π§ coordinate has a simple linear relationship to the interaction time π‘. Cooling techniques are also applied to make the atomic beam have nearly zero momentum along the laser beam axis. Lasers with a Gaussian rather than a top-hat beam profile were employed in the experiments, so we represent the profile function π(π‘) introduced in the previous section as a Gaussian Fo [ ( β1 + 2 ) ],π = 2.14597. 2 π(π‘) = exp β π π‘ πint 2 Figure 1. Change of populations of the atomic states as a function of interaction time for π₯ = πΊ0 = 10,πint = 0.1. All parameter values are in recoil units. Solid line: lower state population, Dashed line: upper state population, Dotted line: total population. Results for reference parameters. We first compute the atomic center-of-mass dynamics with the reference values π₯ = πΊ0 = 10, πint = 0.1. These values correspond to ROR = 1 and DF = 10. Without making the AA, Eq. (2) is numerically integrated with the pseudospectral method discussed in the previous section. Figure 1 shows how the populations of the atomic electronic states ππ (π‘) (12) rR In the above, the value of π is chosen so that the function has 1% of the peak value at π‘ = 0 and π‘ = πint, the beginning and the end of the atom-laser interaction. The initial atomic beam (with atoms prepared in the ground electronic state) is assumed to be given by a Gaussian wave packet ev ππ(π₯,0) = πexp ( β π₯2/2π0 + ππ0π₯) πΏ = π2∫ βπΏ|ππ (π₯,π‘)|2ππ₯,(π = π,π) change as the atom moves across the laser. Similar results have been reported elsewhere.31 It is rather surprising to see that the maximum population of the upper state is only about 5% (with the average value 1.59%), considering the ROR = 1 that certainly jeopardizes the validity of the expansion in Eq. (6). For some reason, the assumption that the atom remains adiabatically in the ground state during the interaction with the the laser seems to hold very well. (13) πΏ iew with no momentum π0 = 0 and the width of the wave packet large, π0 β« 1, to represent a uniform atomic beam. The normalization ly On 2 2 constant π is determined from π ∫ βπΏ|ππ(π₯,0)| ππ₯ = 1, where 2πΏ = 2.56 is the space we chose that is large enough to avoid boundary effects in simulations. Two parameters π₯ and πΊ0 may be independently varied and the resulting focusing performance be analyzed. Of course, there is an infinite set of these parameters to consider and blindly probing all these sets would be futile. A much more intuitive approach is discovering, instead, patterns of focusing performances in terms of either the Rabi frequency to resonance offset ratio (ROR), πΊ0/π₯ or the depth of the potential—quantities related to the strength of the atom-laser interaction. From the expression for the optical potential given in Eq. (7) the potential 2 depth is proportional to πΊ0/π₯ and this ratio will be called in this paper the Depth Factor (DF). Thus, In the following analyses we keep the atomic beam speed the same πint = 0.1 while varying the two parameters ROR and DF. In subsequent discussions we will 3 express π₯, πΊ0, and DF values in multiples of 10 for simplicity, but full values are used in all actual calculations. 3 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society RESEARCH ARTICLE Page 4 of 20 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society ev rR Fo iew Figure 3. (a) Variation of densities at π₯ = 0.25 as a function of interaction time. The focal planes calculated with Eqs. (2) and (7b) are at π‘ = 0.053 and 0.052, respectively. (b) Densities about π₯ = 0.25 at the respective focal planes shown in (a). Solid line: Eq. (2). Dotted line: Eq. (7b). Figure 2. (a) Variation of the total atomic density with the same parameters as in Fig. 1. Darker shade denotes higher density. Only the range β1 ≤ π₯ ≤ 1 is shown. (b) Variation of the upper state density. Note that the highest upper state density is less than 1% that of the total density. For a more quantitative comparison, we show in Fig. 3(a) the densities calculated with and without the AA at one of the nodes of the optical potential, π₯ = 0.25, as a function of interaction time; and in Fig. 3(b) the densities around the node at the respective focal planes. The small peaks after the major one in Fig. 3(a) is due to diffraction of which pattern can be clearly seen in Fig. 2(a) of the matter wave and will not be regarded as focused positions. An obvious measure of focusing performance is the maximum density height. The highest densities calculated with Eqs. (2) and (7b) are 0.019057 and 0.020879 at the respective focal planes at π‘ = 0.053 and 0.052. The errors are roughly 10% in the maximum density height and 2% in position of the focal plane. A second measure is the full width at half maximum along the π₯ axis (FWHM-x). Here, the maximum height is defined as the difference between the density at a node and that at an antinode of the optical potential. FWHM-x values are 0.0123 (with the AA) and 0.0122 (without the AA)—a 1% error. Thus, for this πΊ0 and π₯ pair the calculations with the adiabaticity assumption deviate only slightly from the ones done without the assumption, and consequently, the assumption works quite well for these parameters. We already hinted in Fig. 1 that even with this strong coupling conditions the contribution of the upper state would be small. It is intriguing to see the robustness of the AA despite that the reference ROR we used violates the condition Ω0/Δ βͺ 1 for the expansion Eq. (6). We take up this point in the next subsection. ly On The same parameters are used to calculate without the AA the variation of the atomic density as the atomic beam traverses the standing-wave laser beam. The resulting total and lower state densities are shown in Fig. 2. We can see that the uniform atomic beam tends to be focused by the laser at the lattice points π₯ = ± 0.25 × (2π + 1), (π = 0,1, 2, …) at a time (or position along the π§ axis) slightly past π‘ = 0.05. Here, the concept of optical potential comes in handy in explaining this focusing behavior. These positions along the π₯ axis where the atomic density is the highest coincide with the nodes (the lowest part) of the optical potential in 2 Eq. (7b), which varies as cos ππ₯. The potential is essentially a Mathieu potential, and the wavefunctions and the energy bands can be calculated numerically.35 It can be shown that the amplitude of the wavefunction for each "crystal momentum" within the first Brillouin zone (in the parlance of solid-state theories) of the optical lattice tends to be maximum at about the bottom of the potential, so it comes as no surprise that the atomic density is the highest at these optical lattice minima. On the other hand, the focusing for the atom in the upper electronic state gravitates towards the antinodes of the optical potential, π₯ =± 0.25 × 2π, (π = 0,1,2,…). But the focusing is very weak and the highest upper state density contributes only about 1% to the total density. The ground state atomic density at the nodes (not shown in Fig. 2) resulting from the use of the AA with the optical potential given in Eq. (7b) is somewhat higher but very close to the total density because the density "lost" to the upper state is insignificant. Effects of laser beam profile. In order to trace the origin of the robustness of the AA, let us digress on the focusing performance of a laser with a top-hat profile, which is given by π(π‘) = 1, (0 ≤ π‘ ≤ πint) and π(π‘) = 0, otherwise. We did simulations with and without making the AA for the top-hat laser profile with the same reference parameters and compared the results in Fig. 4. It is 4 Page 5 of 20 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society RESEARCH ARTICLE Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society obvious from these figures that for the top-hat laser profile the results with the AA substantially differ from those with the coupled Schrödinger equation, Eq. (2). Also, upon comparing these figures with those with the Gaussian profile shown in Fig. 3, we find that results with the AA are very similar to each other (peak densities: 0.020879 vs 0.020685) and are not sensitive to the laser profile. On the contrary, results without making the AA reveal the sensitivity to the laser profile and show that the density at the focal plane, π‘ = 0.052, predicted by the AA gives rise to a significantly smaller central peak accompanied by many undesirable side peaks. Thus, for the top-hat laser profile, should the parameters obtained with the AA be used, the outcome of lithography experiments could turn out to be quite suboptimal. The failure of the AA for the top-hat profile can be attributed to the fact that the atom-laser interaction with this profile amounts to a sudden perturbation. For this profile, ROR = 1 is simply too large a value for the expansion in Eq. (6) to be truncated to two terms. Note, however, that it is actualy the time-dependent Rabi frequency that is used in the expansion. For the case of the Gaussian profile, Ω(t) varies smoothly over time and that πΊ(π‘)/π₯ < 1 all the time except for π‘ = πint/2. Consequently, the success of the AA for the Gaussian profile can be attributed to that it leads to a slowly varying perturbation rather than an abrupt one. Fo π₯ values of 1, 10 (the reference), and 500. The corresponding Rabi frequencies are 3.1623, 10, and 70.711; and the RORs are 3.1623, 1, and 0.14142. The variation of atomic densities with respect to the interaction time for these parameters is shown in Fig. 5. The curves with various line types are the results of calculations without the AA. The circles denote data calculated with the AA for the detuning value π₯ = 500. Note that for a given value of the DF the optical potentials are identical regardless of the detuning values. Hence, for a fixed value of the DF, calculations with the AA must give an identical result regardless of ROR values. In the figure the curve with solid line is for the ROR = 3.1623, which is larger than the reference value of 1, and differs greatly from the data with the AA (circles). The dash-dot curve is for the reference ROR, and this curve and the circles are equivalent to the plots shown in Fig. 3(a), just displayed on different time ranges. We see much improvement in the reliability of the AA as compared to the result with the ROR larger than 1. Finally, for the small ROR = 0.14142 (π₯ = 500) the AA delivers results virtually indistinguishable from those without the AA (dotted line). Specifically, the peak density heights at the focal planes, FWHM-x, and the respective errors (in parentheses) are: 0.013229 (57.8% error) at 0.055 (5.5% error) and 0.016 (23.1% error) for π₯ =1, 0.020813 (0.3% error) at 0.052 (0% error) and 0.0123 (0% error) for π₯ =500. It is noted that, since the ROR = iew ev rR DF/π₯, for a given depth of the potential the AA and predictions based on the concept of optical potential become more accurate as larger detunings are used. ly On Figure 5. Comparison of focusing as the detuning is varied with a fixed potential depth, DF = 10. The circles denote results obtaned with the AA, and lines are 3 results without the AA and with the detuning values (Δ/10 ) shown on the legend. Dependence on potential depth. In this subsection we isolate the effects of the potential depth by fixing the ROR (= 1) and varying the DF values over a wide range: DF = 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500. The results of calculations with these parameters are compared in Fig. 6. The peaks again denote evolution of densities at π₯ = 0.25 in the laser field. Here, we observe that as the DF increases, both the number of peaks (the focal planes) and the height of the tallest peak for each DF increase, while position of the first focal plane and the separation between subsequent focal planes steadily decrease across the plots (a) and (g). The height of the most prominent density peak (calculated without the AA) in each plot is 0.0057646 (not fully focused), 0.010102, 0.015469, 0.019057, 0.021952, 0.023142, 0.025407, 0.029707, and 0.026357, respectively. The most prominent peaks with the AA are always higher than those without the AA. As with the case DF = 10, the difference between the results with and without the AA is not significant for all DF values, especially the locations of focal planes, because of the smooth perturbation due to the Gaussian profile as discussed earlier. So, in the rest of this subsection we set aside issues related to the accuracy of the AA and concentrate on some general trends due to the potential depths using the results without the AA. Figure 4. Comparison of focusing performances of the top-hat laser profile with (dotted line) and without (solid line) the AA. (a) Variation of densities at π₯ = 0.25 as a function of interaction time. (b) Densities along the π₯ axis at π‘ = 0.052 (the focal plane predicted by the AA). Dependence on ROR. The use of the concept of optical potential has been a pivotal step in developing matter-wave manipulation techniques. As stated earlier, validity of the concept is closely tied to the accuracy of the AA. Certainly, RORs smaller than 1 would render the expansion in Eq. (6) converge more rapidly and one can expect results with the AA to be more accurate. Thus, let us vary the ROR while keeping the DF the same at DF = 10, the reference value. The Rabi frequency πΊ0 is related to the DF and the detuning as πΊ0 = DF β π₯. We consider three widely separated 5 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society RESEARCH ARTICLE Page 6 of 20 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society (2π + 1) π /2,(π = 1, 2, 3, …) and 1/(πΏ0 π) at ππ‘π = ππ , (π = 1, 2, 3, …). With a view to our interest in focusing an initially broad atomic wave packet, it is appropriate to assume πΏ0 β« 1. Then the maximum density height corresponds to πππΏ0/(β π), not Delta but DF iew ev rR Fo and the FWHM-x at each period is 2 ππ 2 β/(πππΏ0). Note that the maximum height is proportional, and the FWHM-x and the period inversely proportional to the slope of the harmonic potential. For a given range of π₯ values a steeper slope amounts to a deeper potential. Consequently, the wavepacket dynamics at least qualitatively explains why potentials having increased depths lead to taller focused peaks along with shorter refocusing periods. A second notable point from these figures is that, while the peak heights get taller as the potential gets deeper in general, the tallest peak does not appear in (g) corresponding to the deepest potential, but in (f) instead. This somewhat erratic behavior can be understood by looking at the densities at the respective focal planes of the tallest peaks, as shown in Fig. 7. All densities in the figure are results of calculations without the AA. One can immediately recognize in the figure that at the node of the potential, π₯ = 0.25, peak heights for bigger detuning values are larger than those with smaller ones, but they accompany many noise-like smaller peaks. Especially, for β = 500, the two pronounced side peaks about 0.18 and 0.33 seem to take away the density at the center, lowering it below the central peak for β = 200. The noisy small peaks will act to reduce the contrast of the feature created with laser focusing. Usually, the first focal plane for each DF gives the cleanest focusing. Consequently, for producing neat feature it is advisable to avoid selecting those focal planes occurring at later times. - ly On Figure 6. Variation of the atomic density (vertical axis) as a function of the atomlaser interaction time (horizontal axis) for the fixed reference value ROR = 1. The DF parameters used for calculations are 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500, respectively. In subplots (b) to (g) solid lines are results without the AA and dotted lines with the AA, and axis scales are the same as in (a). The DF params in (b)-(g) are 10,20,…500, repectively . To explain this DF effects on the peak height and the distance 2 2 between peaks we reexpress the DF as DF = πΊ0/π₯ = (πΊ0/π₯) π₯ 2 = (ROR) π₯. So, the DF increases as either the ROR, the detuning, or both increase. Bacause the ROR is fixed at 1, the detuning values and the DF values are the same. Although the optical lattice potential is not a harmonic oscillator potential, it may be regarded as approximately parabolic near each node. Thus, some insights can be gained from the wave packet dynamics in a harmonic oscillator potenial. Such dynamics is well known.36 Suppose initially the wave packet is given by a Gaussian function 1 located at the center of a harmonic oscillator potential π(π₯) = 2π π2π₯2: π(π₯,π‘0) = 1 πΏ0 π ( π₯2 ) exp β 2πΏ 2 , 0 Figure 7. Atomic densities about the potential node, x = 0.25, at the respective focal planes that correspond to the tallest peak for each potential depth. The densities are results of calculations done without the AA, and parameters are the same as in Fig. 6. A third trait to note regarding the potential depth is that for deeper potentials the density variation with respect to the atomlaser interaction time becomes more rapid. This pattern may be accounted for using again the pre-exponential factor in Eq. (15). 2 The half maximum of the wave packet density |π(0,π‘)| is πππΏ0/ (2β π) and, after some algebra, one can obtain the FWHM of the density with respect to time (FWHM-t) as (14) where, πΏ0 is an arbitray number related to the width of the initial wave packet. At time π‘ the probability density is given by 1 1 |π(π₯,π‘)|2 = πΏ(π‘) π ( π₯2 ) exp β πΏ(π‘)2 , [ ( β1 FWHM-t = π cos (15) β 3β ) β cos ( πΏ04π2π2 β β2 β1 3β )]. (16) πΏ04π2π2 β β2 It can be easily verified that the FWHM-t given above is smaller for a deeper harmonic potential, rationalizing the simulation results. The inverse of the FWHM-t may be loosely considered as a measure of how sensitively focusing is influenced by the atomic beam speed and/or the substrate position. This sensitivity consideration provides a useful guideline about the laser power. Lasers with high powers are good for tight focusing. However, a 2 2 2 2 where πΏ(π‘) = πΏ0 cos ππ‘ + (β/πππΏ0) sin ππ‘ . The width and the height of the probability density oscillate with time. We are interested in the height of the density at the center of the potential (π₯ = 0), so we are concerned only with the time-varying preexponential factor in Eq. (15). It is easy to show that the factor has two extreme values: πππΏ0/(β π) occurring periodically at ππ‘π = 6 Page 7 of 20 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society RESEARCH ARTICLE Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 2 DF = (ROR) π₯, we may vary both the ROR and the detuning values. Raising the ROR beyond the reference value surely worsens the validity of the AA, so one must choose ROR values less than 1. But this will make the potential shallower, so the detuning needs to be boosted to compensate for the reduction of the potential depth. Thus, detunings less than the reference value 10 are precluded from consideration. Let us take a coarsegraining approach and consider potential depths having some integer multiples of the reference: 20, 30, 50, 100. Since the optical potential is not strictly harmonic, there is no precise relation of the positions of the focal planes to the depth of the optical potential, unlike calculations done with classical particle optics.37,38 Thus, we attempt to find the depth that would give the desired focal plane by trial and error. But the parameter space to search is not infinite. From the discussion given above, we immediately impose the conditions that must be satisfied: ROR < 1 (the reference ROR) and DF > 10 (the reference DF). As an 2 example, consider Δ = 20. Since ROR = Ω0/20 < 1 and DF = Ω0 /20 > 10, we can limit the range that the Rabi frequency can have, 200 < Ω0 < 20. Then the Rabi frequency is incremented from the lowest bound each time by one until the focal plane coincides with the laser beam center. The Rabi frequency Ω0 = 16 turns out to give the best fit, for which the ROR = 0.8 and the desired DF = 12.8. As remarked earlier, for a given DF calculations done with the AA give an identical result regardless of the magnitude of the detuning. However, the deviation from the results without the AA does depend on detuning values. Once the desired DF value is determined, it is a simple matter to find the matchinging Rabi frequencies and hence the ROR values for other detunings Δ = 30, 50, and 100. These are Ω0 = 19.596, 25.298, and 35.777; and ROR = 0.653, 0.506, and 0.358, respectively. Since a smaller ROR reduces the errors caused by the AA, agreements between the results with the AA and those without the AA will get better as the ROR decreases. Figure 9 shows % errors in peak density height, sensitivity, and FWHM-x of the results with the AA compared to those without the AA. As expected, it shows that the difference of the results between the two methods diminishes as the ROR gets smaller. More specifically, as far as focusing atoms on the Gaussian center is concerned, predictions for atom focusing based on the AA and hence the concept of optical potential are accurate about 95% or more if the ROR less than about 0.65 is used. slight misalignment along the π§ axis between the substrate position and an intended focal plane would mar deposition outcome. Conversely, if the laser power is not high enough, only mediocre focusing would be achieved. Therefore, laser powers should be chosen to balance the focusing power against the sensitivity to achieve satisfactory deposition results. Fo rR Figure 8. Maximum heights, FWHM along π₯, and sensitivities to the interaction time of the densities for the DF cases 2 – 500, from left to right) relative to the height and the sensitivity for DF = 10. Because of the wide DF range considered, the DF values are given on a logarithmic scale. iew ev Since the density profile along the π₯ axis exhibit undesirable side peaks at focal planes other than the first one, let us consider the density peaks at the first focal plane for the respective DF values. The first density peak heights shown in Fig. 6 calculated without the AA are 0.0057646, 0.010102, 0.019057, 0.021952, 0.023142, 0.024479, 0.026526, and 0.025337, respectively. With the first DF (= 1) atoms are not fully focused, so the corresponding focusing data will not be included in the discussion. As expected, the peak height grows, but only 2.5 times when the depth changes 250 fold from DF = 2 to DF = 500. The respective FWHM-x values β3 are: 28.5, 16.7, 12.2, 10.9, 8.29, 9.34, 6.79, and 8.48 ( × 10 ). The FWHM-x is reduced 3.36 times during the same DF variation. Regarding the FWHM-t, we choose to define the half maximum of a density as the difference between the height at the beginning of the atom-laser interaction π‘ = 0 and that at the first focal plane, divided by two. The FWHM-t values along the time (or the π§) axis β3 are 26.8, 8.70, 5.13, 3.50, 2.65, 2.48, 2.17, and 1.57 ( × 10 ), respectively. Thus, sensitivity (the inverse of the FWHM-t) values are 37.3, 115, 195, 286, 377, 403, 461, and 637—an increase by 17 times across the DF values. Figure 8 shows the peak heights and FWHM-x, and sensitivities for the above eight DF cases relative to those for the DF = 10. One can notice that the variation in sensitivity is much more rapid than those in height and width anlong the π₯ axis. Thus, we have an additional guideline on parameter choice: the gain in peak height and the reduction of FWHM-x by employing a high-powered laser and a large detuning are far outweighed by the risk of sensitivity to the interaction time. ly On Optical potential for focusing on the laser beam center. As remarked earlier, the optical lattice potential is a key concept in designing and interpreting atom focusing methods with lasers. The results presented in the previous subsections can be utilized to find parameters needed to focus atoms at any position along the time axis using the optical potential concept. Here, let us assume the goal is to focus atoms precisely at the center of the Gaussian laser beam profile (π‘ = πint/2). It was shown earlier that with the reference ROR the first focal planes appear slightly past the beam center: 0.052 and 0.053 ( × πint) with and without the AA, respectively. Thus, we need a deeper potential to bring the focal plane to the Gaussian beam center. Incidentally, this will improve other measures as well, which we now discuss. Because Figure 9. Percent errors vs. ROR in peak height of the density, sensitivity, and FWHM along the π₯ axis obtained with the AA as compared with the results without the AA. Conclusions and Discussion The adiabatic approximation (AA) gives rise to the extensively utilized concept of optical potential. In this paper we explored the focusing performance of an atomic matter wave beam with a laser standing wave over wide-ranging laser parameters. Extensive 7 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society RESEARCH ARTICLE Page 8 of 20 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society disribution less severe. Thus, it gives another reason to avoid using too deep optical potentials (at the cost of less tight focusing) in addition to the sensitivity matter we pointed out earlier in this paper. To conclude, setting right laser parameters is highly critical for satisfactory atom focusing and also for numerous other matter wave manipulations with optical potentials that are currently of intense research interests.39 The results reported in this paper can be utilized in easing the task of securing those optimal parameters. numerical simulations with and without the AA were carried out and analyzed the accuracy of the approximation. It was found that the AA worked well even for strong coupling cases (ie. the Rabi frequency and the detuning are similar in magnitude)—a condition that normally goes beyond the realm of validity of the approximation. It was shown that the source of this robustness of the approximation was the Gaussian beam profile of the laser, which led to a slowly varying perturbation to the time evolution of the atomic matter wave. The examination of the effects of the laser parameters were facilitated with two quantities, the Rabi frequency to the resonance offset ratio (ROR) and the depth factor (DF) that is related to the depth of the optical potential. The focusing performance variation due to either the ROR and the DF were evaluated using the three measures: the peak density height, feature width along the π₯ axis (FWHM-x), and sensitivity of focusing along the π§ (or time) axis. For a given DF the accuracy of the AA was shown to improve as the detuning increased (or equivalently, the ROR reduced). Thus, to accurately describe atom focusing in terms of the optical potential, it is necessary to sufficiently detune the laser frequency from the resonance frequency, but not detune so much as to make the rotating wave approximation that led to Eq. (1) fail. Next, we studied effects of the DF with the ROR locked. As the DF increased, the following tendencies were identified: Both the number of focal planes and the height of the tallest density for each DF increased, position of the first focal plane and the separation between subsequent focal planes steadily decreased, and the variation of density with respect to time was more sensitive. These general tendencies were accounted for, albeit qualitatively, using the quantum dynamics of a wave packet in a harmonic oscillator potential. Close scrutiny of the measures—the height, the FWHM-x, and the sensitivity to the time atoms move in the laser field— of the peak density showed that the risk of sensitivity effect was much greater than the benefits in other measures gained by using deeper optical potentials. Therefore, it was recommended against using too strong laser powers and large detunings to generate deeper potentials. We recommended using parameters that would let the focusing occur just once in the laser field. Specifically, these analyses allowed us to find the parameters for focusing atoms at the center of the Gaussian profile of the laser beam. It was shown that with ROR = 0.65 and DF = 12.8 the calculation with the adiabaticity assumption was 95% accurate. In other words, with these parameters one can predict atom focusing outcomes with 95% confidence when using the concept of optical potential. The same approach can be equally extended to obtain laser parameters for which the optical potential can be used safely to predict other locations to focus atoms in the laser field. The calculations in this paper were carried out with some assumptions: the omission of the counter-rotating term, a uniform atomic beam with perfect cooling along the laser beam axis (the π₯ axis), atoms having a same speed along the π§ direction initially and while moving in the the laser field, and ignoring atoms initially in the upper state. A non-uniform atomic beam and motion along the π₯ axis would surely degrade feature widths. These cannot be remedied by manipulating laser parameters, so suppression of momentum along this direction by cooling should be done to ensure better focusing results. Atoms emitted from a hot oven have distributions in both the electronic energy and the speed. As shown in Fig.2(b), atoms at the upper state are focused on the antinodes of the potential. Reducing the ROR does not help, because even then atoms in either state will evolve adiabatically in respective potentials, still producing peaks at the antinodes. Thus, if this is not what is intended, the initial upper state population poputation in the atomic beam needs to be minimized. Atoms with slower speed along the π§ direction have more time to evolve in the laser field and have higher probability to be focused more than once, resulting in more noisy features. Conversely, atoms with faster speed will not have enought evolution time to be tightly focused. So, the speed distribution degrades optimal focusing and it must be carefully contained. Laser parameter choice can help in alleviating this problem as well. Evolution under a shallower optical potential is more gradual than under a deeper one, so it will make the difference in focusing due to the speed Acknowledgements This work was supported by a 2019 Research Grant from Sun Moon University. Keywords: adiabatic approximation, optical potential, matter wave focusing, atom lithography Fo References 1. rR 2. 3. ev 4. 5. iew 6. 7. 8. M. Utsuro and V. K. Ignatovich, Handbook of Neutron Optics, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2010. Advances in Neutron Optics-Fundamentals and Applications in Materials Science and Biomedicine, M. L. Calvo and R. F. Alvarez-Estrada (Eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2019. A. D. Cronin, Jörg Schmiedmayer, and D. E. Pritchard, Reviews of Modern Physics, 2009, 81, 1051. B. 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On 272x208mm (300 x 300 DPI) ly Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society iew ev rR Fo (a) Variation of the total atomic density with the same parameters as in Fig. 1. Darker shade denotes higher density. Only the range -1β¦ x β¦ 1 is shown. 255x193mm (300 x 300 DPI) Page 12 of 20 ly On Page 13 of 20 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society iew ev rR Fo Variation of the upper state density. Note that the highest upper state density is less than 1% that of the total density. ly On 247x192mm (300 x 300 DPI) Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society iew ev rR Fo ly On (a) Variation of densities at x=0.25 as a function of interaction time. The focal planes calculated with Eqs. (2) and (7b) are at t = 0.053 and 0.052, respectively. (b) Densities about x=0.25 at the respective focal planes shown in (a). Solid line: Eq. (2). Dotted line: Eq. (7b). 107x159mm (300 x 300 DPI) Page 14 of 20 Page 15 of 20 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society iew ev rR Fo ly On Comparison of focusing performances of the top-hat laser profile with (dotted line) and without (solid line) the AA. (a) Variation of densities at x=0.25 as a function of interaction time. (b) Densities along the x axis at t=0.052 (the focal plane predicted by the AA). 160x230mm (300 x 300 DPI) Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society iew ev rR Fo On Comparison of focusing as the detuning is varied with a fixed potential depth, DF = 10. The circles denote results obtaned with the AA, and lines are results without the AA and with the detuning values (Δ/103) shown on the legend. 574x452mm (118 x 118 DPI) Page 16 of 20 ly Page 17 of 20 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society iew ev rR Fo On ly Atomic densities about the potential node, x\ =\ 0.25, at the respective focal planes that correspond to the tallest peak for each potential depth. The densities are results of calculations done without the AA, and parameters are the same as in Fig. 6. 133x127mm (300 x 300 DPI) Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society iew ev rR Fo Maximum heights, FWHM along x, and sensitivities to the interaction time of the densities for the DF cases 2 – 500, from left to right) relative to the height and the sensitivity for DF = 10. Because of the wide DF range considered, the DF values are given on a logarithmic scale. ly On 1333x999mm (72 x 72 DPI) Page 18 of 20 Page 19 of 20 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society iew ev rR Fo Percent errors vs. ROR in peak height of the density, sensitivity, and FWHM along the x axis obtained with the AA as compared with the results without the AA. 1333x999mm (72 x 72 DPI) ly On Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society iew ev rR Fo ly On Variation of the atomic density (vertical axis) as a function of the atom-laser interaction time (horizontal axis) for the fixed reference value ROR = 1. The DF parameters used for calculations are 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500, respectively. In subplots (b) to (g) solid lines are results without the AA and dotted lines with the AA, and axis scales are the same as in (a). 3982x6016mm (28 x 28 DPI) Page 20 of 20