SURVEY OF OPHTHALMOLOGY VOLUME 52 NUMBER 2 MARCH–APRIL 2007 MAJOR REVIEW Ophthalmic Management of Facial Nerve Palsy: A Review Imran Rahman, MB BS, MRCOphth, and S. Ahmed Sadiq, MB BS, FRCS, MRCOphth, DO Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, Manchester, United Kingdom Abstract. Facial nerve palsy affects individuals of all ages, races, and sexes. Psychological and functional implications of the paralysis present a devastating management problem to those afflicted, as well as the carriers. Since Sir Charles Bell’s original description of facial palsy in 1821, our understanding and treatment options have expanded. It is essential that a multidisciplinary approach, encompassing ophthalmologists; Ear, Nose, and Throat surgeons; plastic surgeons; and psychologists work closely to optimize patient management in a staged approach. Although the etiology remains unknown, strong histological, cerebral spinal fluid, and radiological evidence suggests a possible association with herpes simplex virus in idiopathic facial nerve palsy (Bell’s palsy). The use of steroids has been suggested as a means of limiting facial nerve damage in the acute phase. Unfortunately, no single randomized control trial has achieved an unquestionable benefit with the use of oral steroid therapy and thus remains controversial. In the acute phase, ophthalmologists play a pivotal role in preventing irreversible blindness from corneal exposure. This may be successfully achieved by using intensive lubrication, medical therapy (botulinum toxin), or surgery (upper lid weighting or tarsorraphy). Once the cornea is adequately protected and recovery deemed unlikely, longer term planning for eyelid and facial reanimation may take place in an individualized manner. Onset is sudden and management potentially lengthy. Physician empathy, knowledge, and experience are essential in averting long-term lifestyle and psychological discomfort for patients. (Surv Ophthalmol 52:121--144, 2007. Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.) Key words. bell palsy facial nerve palsy management I. Introduction review ated on movement. Nasal alar collapse, nasolabial flattening, and drooling further add to social stigma associated with an induced nasal muffled speech.65 The absent lower lid nasal twist in facial paralysis further exaggerates epiphora.20 Visual problems as a consequence of palpebral fissure widening, loss of the blink response, and orbicularis function are exacerbated by gravitational effects, culminating in the potential for corneal exposure. This lagophthalmos is further aggravated by paralytic ectropion coupled with upper and lower eyelid retraction. Bell’s palsy (or idiopathic facial nerve palsy, IFNP) represents a disfiguring condition. Individuals afflicted deal with physical and psychosocial disabilities that accompany the loss of facial nerve function. Increased sensitivity to heat, cold, and wind adds to the reduced quality of daily living. The dysfunctional element of IFNP results from an unnatural loss of movement on the side of the face affected. The upper and lower eyelids, cheek, and the corner of the mouth show abnormal relaxation. This disfigurement is grossly exagger121 Ó 2007 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 0039-6257/07/$--see front matter doi:10.1016/j.survophthal.2006.12.009 122 Surv Ophthalmol 52 (2) March--April 2007 Each of these factors contributes to limited corneal protection. Ultimately, corneal dryness, ulceration, and blindness are imminent if intervention is delayed. Secondary visual problems may ensue (for example, the paralytic eyebrow ptosis generated may cause masking of the superior visual field), and are generally treatable. The oculoplastic surgeon, as part of a multidisciplinary team, has the primary aim of maintaining good visual function and protecting the cornea from sight-threatening complications induced by the consequent lagophthalmos. Subsequent cosmetic aims include facial rehabilitation whereby facial symmetry is restored in the periorbital and mid facial regions. Throughout this extended review, the main emphasis will be placed on the most common cause of facial paralysis, namely, Bell palsy and, to a lesser extent, Ramsay--Hunt syndrome. However, although we aim to discuss the acute management of these causes, we will endeavor to provide a review of longer-term management options of long-standing facial nerve palsy of any cause. Facial nerve paralysis has been known and documented since ancient times.196 In 1797, a German professor, N.A. Freidreich, documented success in the treatment of three patients with facial paralysis.33 However, 23 years later the work by Charles Bell on facial nerve innervation credited Bell with the syndrome of idiopathic facial palsy.126,181,182 Over the years the syndrome has come to bear his name, Bell palsy. Sir Charles Bell (1774--1842) was a Scottish surgeon and anatomist. He graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1799. In 1814, Charles Bell accepted a position as a surgeon at the Middlesex Medical School, London. His dynamic and well-respected opinions as a surgeon were further consolidated when he was appointed Professor of Physiology in the newly established University College London Medical School. After his involvement in the Battle of Waterloo as a surgeon of the British army, in 1815, Sir Charles Bell continued his academic and surgical career. He authored many texts on anatomy, some as a student, and in 1821, his depiction of facial nerve palsy was first described. Sir Charles Bell died in Worcestershire, England on April 28, 1842, aged 68. Reports say he passed away a contented and pleased member of the surgical profession.121,178,245 II. Anatomy The facial nerve (seventh cranial nerve) is branchial in origin. It contains gustatory and para- RAHMAN AND SADIQ sympathetic fibers often in a sensory root referred to as the intermediate nerve. Emerging from the lower border of the pons, between the olive and inferior cerebellar peduncle and joined by the intermediate nerve, the nerve trunks travel anterolaterally for 24 mm to the internal acoustic meatus. The labyrinthine artery, followed by continuation of the nerve into the facial canal, accompanies entry into the meatus. After a further 4 mm, the nerve turns posteriorly in the direction of the internal auditory meatus. At this bend lies the geniculate ganglion, which receives fibers from the nervus intermedius. Turning 40--80 and traversing posterlaterally along the medial wall of the middle ear, adjacent to the tympanic membrane, the nerve exits the cranium via the stylomastoid foramen. Once the nerve exits the foramen two branches are given off and the main trunk of the facial nerve divides into upper and lower divisions. These turn anteriorly in the parotid gland. At this point, the nerve lies superficial to the retromandibular vein and external carotid artery. It then divides into four branches and one ramus: the temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular branches, and cervical ramus. These branches go on to supply the facial musculature. Of note, the temporal branch supplies part of the frontalis muscle and superior parts of the orbicularis. The zygomatic branch innervates frontalis and orbicularis oculi.43,100,134 The lacrimal gland requires a specific mention. The lacrimal gland is responsible for the secretion of tears. It has a larger orbital portion positioned in the upper lateral border of the orbit. A smaller palpebral portion lies behind the upper lid. The nervus intermedius arising from the brainstem continues from the lacrimal nucleus and becomes continuous with the facial nerve. The greater petrosal nerve leaves the facial leave within the petrous temporal bone at the genu, synapsing in the pterygopalatine ganglion. Pre-ganglionic parasympathetic fibers synapse with the cell bodies of postganglionic fibers at the ganglion. These fibers continue with the zygomatico-facial nerve via the maxillary nerve, which terminate as the lacrimal nerve in the lacrimal gland, providing the secretomotor function of the gland. III. Epidemiology A. PREVALENCE The vast etiologies of facial nerve palsy prevent accurate estimation of the incidence of facial nerve palsy from all causes. Idiopathic causes are synonymous with Bell’s palsy, that is, facial paralysis or paresis secondary to unknown cause(s). Estimates OPHTHALMIC MANAGEMENT OF FACIAL NERVE PALSY vary between 17 and 35 cases per 100,000 for all causes.69,90,103,124,183 A UK population study, and a similar Canadian study, estimated the incidence of idiopathic facial nerve palsy as between 13.1/ 100,000 and 20.2/100,000.166,201 In cases of familial facial nerve palsy a reported incidence of between 2.4% and 28.6% of all facial palsies is suggested.8,15,21,62,183,184,229,242 Reports of the incidence in neonates are well documented. Perlow et al reported an incidence of 0.6--0.7 per 1,000 live births as a result of birth trauma.186 Falco and Eriksson documented a rate of 1.8 per 1,000 as acquired cases of facial nerve palsy in neonates secondary to birth trauma, 91% due to forceps delivery.79 However, 89% recovered with adequate follow-up. In pregnancy, the incidence of IFNP is 45 per 100,000, compared to 17 per 100,000 in the nonpregnant state.105 This incidence increases drastically to 118 cases per 100,000 during the third trimester. B. SEX DISTRIBUTION There is no universal agreement of sexual preponderance in facial nerve palsy,8,183 although Devriese et al69 reported more males than females in their cohort. Conversely, Park and Watkins177 found a greater proportion in women than men. C. AGE Several studies have described the highest incidence of facial nerve palsy in the 15--45 year group.69,155,177,183,190 Children under the age of 15 account for up to 14% of all causes of facial palsy.183 D. SEASONAL VARIATION Seasonal variation in the incidence of facial palsy remains uncertain. Peitersen,183 Park and Watkins,177 and Adour et al8 found no significant seasonal variation. However, Devriese et al69 described more cases in winter months. Parry and King245 observed only minor variations, with slightly more cases in the winter, implicating a viral cause. E. PROGNOSIS Outlining the prognostic outcome of IFNP provides an estimation of the risk of nerve degeneration. It further enables guidance on timing of therapies and offers advice to patients. Currently, prognosis and prognostic indicators are obtained by clinical evaluation of the initial presentation of signs and symptoms, function testing, specific nerve excitability, and response to medical therapy, namely steroids and acyclovir. 123 The onset of idiopathic facial nerve palsy is typically sudden, followed by progression over the following 7--10 days. Spontaneous, complete recovery occurs in up to 70% of cases.155 In most cases remission begins within 3--4 weeks, with complete spontaneous recovery within 6 months. In 1982, Peitersen184 described the natural history of 1,109 cases over a 15-year period. He found that 70% recovered without sequelae. A further 13% had barely detectable deficits of function and a significant 16% of patients experienced incomplete recovery of the paralysis. In a more recent review, Peitersen in 2002183 noted 85% of the original 70% who had spontaneous complete recovery recovered within 3 weeks of onset of facial nerve paralysis and the remaining 15% recovered over the subsequent 3--5 months. Interestingly, he found recovery to be limited and halted between 3 weeks to 3 months. During this period the facial nerve seems to be nonfunctioning, but in fact, is hypothesized to be in a recovery mode. In total, 6.8% of patients in the cohort suffered recurrence either on the ipsilateral or contralateral side. In an attempt to offer a valid prognosis, various tests and clinical signs have aimed to evaluate factors that may offer insight into recovery. Patients presenting with incomplete paresis recover well. Estimates vary between 93--98% for spontaneous complete recovery in this group.183,217,221,245 The presence of pain or altered taste appears to have no prognostic value.155 Further, the older the patient, the less likely complete recovery is to follow.69,109,124,190 In a large study of approximately 2,500 IFNP patients, Peitersen183 found those aged less than 14 years old recovered in 90% of cases. In the 15--29 age groups, recovery lowered to 84%, further reducing to 75% in the 30--44 age groups. In the over 60 age group, complete spontaneous recovery was markedly limited to only 33% of cases, confirming the presence of advancing age as a poor prognostic indicator. Associated physiological or pathological co-morbidity may alter prognosis (Table 1). Onset of facial nerve palsy in pregnancy is generally considered to have an unfavorable outcome.80,184,199,207 Gillman et al93 found a significantly greater proportion of pregnant patients progressed from incomplete to complete facial palsy, of which only 52% went on to almost complete recovery. The presence of herpes zoster (Ramsay--Hunt syndrome) generally provides evidence for poor outcome. This more severe and painful cause of facial palsy is known to cause late neural denervation, and to have a less favorable recovery profile than Bell palsy.69 124 Surv Ophthalmol 52 (2) March--April 2007 TABLE 1 Factors Influencing Prognostic Outcome in Idiopathic Facial Paralysis Complete paralysis of facial muscles Age above 60 years Herpes zoster infection (Ramsay--Hunt syndrome) Minimal recovery by 3 weeks Pregnancy Degeneration of the facial nerve as demonstrated by electrophysiological testing (salivary flow test, possibly electromyography) Possible factors affecting prognosis: diabetes and hypertension Smith et al221 found hypertension, malaise, and vertigo to be non-significant risk factors in the prognosis of Bell’s palsy. Other studies have found a correlation with poor prognosis when hypertension is coupled with IFNP.2,12 Similarly, Smith et al221 found no prognostic value of diabetes, contrasting other observations of possible poor outcome associated with diabetes.116,143,183 A multitude of tests may confer variable prognostic value. The maximal stimulation test,157 that is, a subjective evaluation of neuromuscular function evoked by voluntary contractions, is useful as a prognostic indicator, although not 100% reliable. However, it is not good in determining whether treatment is indicated or not.155 A salivary flow test is a useful prognostic indicator. As a tool, the salivary flow test predicts denervation before it begins, and may help in predicting patients who could benefit from medical therapy.155 Taste, stapedius reflex, and nasolacrimal reflex provide reliable prognostic data.76,183 However, Ralli et al193 found no prognostic value of the stapedial reflex in recurrent cases. In early reports, Buchthal47 demonstrated no prognostic significance of electromyography. However, more recently114,218 electromyography has been shown to have a possible role in predicting those patients who may have eventual poor outcome. In summary, 83% of all patients have good recovery and 17% have unfavorable recovery without any treatment modality.183 A variable recurrence rate of 3--15% is worth mentioning when counseling patients.8,29,69,148,177,189 IV. Etiology The myriad of etiologies may be broadly grouped conveniently into infectious, neoplastic, traumatic, and idiopathic. The most common causes of facial nerve paralysis include idiopathic (Bell) palsy (51%), facial nerve trauma (22%), and Ramsay-- RAHMAN AND SADIQ Hunt syndrome (7%),114 but these estimated figures vary. A. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND THE ROLE OF THE HERPES VIRUS IN BELL’S PALSY The hypothesis that Bell’s palsy is derived from herpes simplex virus (HSV) reactivation has gained popularity since McCormick published his theory in 1972.162 HSV reactivation is now commonly thought of as the cause for the majority of idiopathic cases of facial nerve paralysis. In 1975, Adour et al7 found significantly higher HSV antibody titers in 40 Bell’s palsy patients compared to matched normals. They further deduced HSV reactivation was associated or even causative of Bell’s palsy. Data has since added strength to this hypothesis. In the laboratory, Murakami et al170 observed a 79% detection of the HSV genome in facial nerve fluid of patients afflicted with idiopathic facial paresis. Horda and Takahashi110 observed a high frequency of HSV antibodies in CSF suggestive that HSV results in facial nerve demyelination in Bell’s palsy. Further pathology data141 and radiological imaging233 have been documented to support this etiopathogenic model. Histopathologically, it has been shown that the entire facial nerve is infiltrated by inflammatory cells, with edema, axonal changes, and myelin breakdown suggesting a viral neuritis.141 In 2002, Wakisaka et al239 reported a model of inoculating HSV-1 into the auricle of mice and inducing facial nerve paralysis. HSV-1 antibody was detected tracking along the facial nerve in various stages using immunofluorescence. Pathophysiologically, compressive forces have been theorized to account for Bell’s palsy. Retention of fluid resulting in perineural edema may result in mechanical compression within the bony course of the facial nerve. Observing an increased incidence among pregnant women enhances support for this theory.32,131,240 T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows good visualization of the meatal part of the facial nerve. Increased enhancement and thickening of the facial nerve have thus been demonstrated in patients with idiopathic facial nerve palsy,134 showing the bottleneck of the nerve caused by inflammation. Studies should use gadolinium-DTPA contrast material as this increases MRI intensity by shortening T1 and T2 relaxation times. As it does not cross the blood--nerve barrier, enhancements of inflamed and edematous tissue are seen. Imaging may be of value in diagnosis and management of facial palsy (i.e., although facial nerve enhancement in both idiopathic facial paresis and Ramsay--Hunt syndrome are identical, 125 OPHTHALMIC MANAGEMENT OF FACIAL NERVE PALSY Ramsay--Hunt syndrome demonstrates enhancement of 70% of structures other than the facial nerve), but are prognostically unreliable.42 B. HERPES ZOSTER VIRUS INFECTION: RAMSAY--HUNT SYNDROME The herpes zoster virus is the most common confirmed infective cause for facial nerve paralysis resulting in the Ramsay--Hunt syndrome,229 although first described by Miehlke in 1904.164 Geniculate ganglionitis results in zoster vesicles in the ear, external auditory canal, tongue, and hard palate resulting from the closeness of the ganglion to the vestibulcoclear nerve. In effect, Ramsay--Hunt syndrome represents generalized inflammation of surrounding nerve, muscle and skin. Zoster patients portray a high incidence of complete paralysis (88%).183 In comparison to Bell palsy, patients with Ramsay--Hunt syndrome are less likely to recover completely and have a more severe painful paralysis associated with vestibulocochlear symptoms at onset. 21% achieve return to normal function and the remaining 79% develop sequelae. Fifty-four percent have a poor recovery.183 Ramsay--Hunt syndrome zoster sine herpete is traditionally associated with Ramsay--Hunt syndrome. It is a condition in which localized radicular pain is associated with virological evidence of varicella-zoster virus (VZV). A proportion of patients with Ramsay--Hunt syndrome develop facial paralysis without vesicles in the mouth or ear, but present a fourfold increase in VZV antibody titer.198 This indicates that some patients with Bell’s palsy may in fact suffer from Ramsay--Hunt syndrome. Murakami et al169 observed a 38% incidence of vesicles in patients with Ramsay--Hunt syndrome, 24% occurring on presentation of facial palsy and the remainder 14% over a 1-week period. Fututa90 described a 29% reactivation of VZV in patients with idiopathic facial paralysis. C. OTHER INFECTIVE CAUSES OF FACIAL PALSY Borrelia Burgdorferi, the etiological organism in Lyme disease, is a known cause of facial nerve palsy in endemic regions.185 Tuberculous chronic middle ear infections, although a rare entity, are important and treatable, and as such must be considered in all patients with chronic middle ear infections.137 Rare infective causes include Dengue fever,180 leprosy,142 mumps,78 Epstein Barr virus/Cytomegalovirus,144 and polio.167 D. TRAUMATIC AND IATROGENIC CAUSES Traumatic and iatrogenic facial nerve palsies most commonly result from a multitude of blunt or lacerating injuries to the cranio-facial region and present with variable degrees of subsequent disabilities. Panosian176 described an unusual case of molten metal entering the middle ear via the external meatus resulting in facial paralysis from possible heat injury to the nerve. However, more commonly temporal bone fractures and surgical incisions in close proximity to the facial nerve are culprits. The facial nerve may be mobilized, manipulated, or even sacrificed in an attempt to remove craniofacial tumors, such as acoustic neuromas. As a result, a spectrum of dysfunction may result, ranging from permanent complete paralysis to a completely normal functioning nerve.130 E. INFILTRATION, COMPRESSION, AND MALIGNANCY In the absence of surgical intervention, facial nerve paresis may result from tumors themselves, either through direct compression, significant stretching, or infiltration of the nerve. Cerebellopontine angle lesions may cause multiple cranial nerve defects as well as affecting the seventh nerve in isolation. Commonly, these may be due to acoustic neuromas or meningiomas of the cranial cavity. Matthies and Samii151 presented their experience of 1,000 acoustic neuromas. Of these, up to 17% of patients had signs of facial nerve dysfunction prior to tumor resection. However, often these were subclinical and not recognized by the patient. In a follow up study,206 the authors described anatomical preservation of the facial nerve in 93% of patients. If the nerve was sacrificed in order to achieve complete tumor resection, either end-toend anastomosis or cable grafting was performed. The overall figure of 1.7% of patients suffering persistent paralysis postoperatively outlined their initial careful preservation of the facial nerve if possible, or aggressive initial and perioperative treatment and restoration of facial nerve anatomy if preservation was not possible. Parotid tumors (benign or malignant), facial nerve schwannomas, malignant tumors of the external meatus, nasopharyngeal carcinomas, and lymphomatous lesions may also result in facial nerve paralysis/paresis.119,175 Infiltrations by sarcoid,214 leukemia,83,224 collagenosis, and amyloid41 may also be causative. F. CONGENITAL AND HEREDITARY CAUSES There are several hereditary causes of facial nerve paralysis. These include familial,230 Treacher-Collins syndrome,73 Moebius syndrome,150 Patau syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and Goldenhar syndrome.30 126 Surv Ophthalmol 52 (2) March--April 2007 G. OTHER CAUSES Other causes of facial palsy include diabetes mellitus,3,121 pregnancy,131,199 multiple sclerosis,64 Paget disease,89 and HIV.208 V. History The sudden onset of facial paralysis is alarming for patients. Palsy with sudden onset and rapid evolution suggests Bell’s palsy. This is most often unilateral and produces a maximal effect after 2 days, and resolution in 3 to 4 weeks. Associations with hyperacusis, decreased lacrimation, and altered taste add support to an idiopathic cause. However, as Bell’s palsy is an isolated mononeuropathy, association with other cranial nerves should alert the examiner to other causes for the facial paralysis. The multitude of etiologies requires careful history taking and examination. Those with iatrogenic and traumatic causes can be elicited by history alone. Otalgia or facial/postauricular pain preceding the paralysis may suggest Ramsay--Hunt syndrome. Postauricular pain has been demonstrated to occur 2--3 days prior to paresis or on the same day as the onset of pareses.183 Severe pain and a vesicular rash may then follow facial paralysis. Patients with a more gradual onset and associated with multiple cranial nerve abnormalities may indicate a neurological or otological cause for the paresis and require thorough examination and imaging where appropriate. Tuning fork and otoscope assessment of the ear is an essential part of the examination. Head and neck masses should be ruled out and rashes observed, implicating possible infectious etiology. Further examination should include full cranial nerve assessment, including baseline visual acuity, pupillary reactions, tear production, and optic disc evaluation. A typical history suggestive of Bell’s palsy may be observed without investigation. Kumar et al134 suggest imaging with CT and MRI scanning is indicated in selective cases, and should always include the parotid gland. Furthermore, gadolinium-DTPA contrast pulse sequence was the most beneficial method of evaluating the facial nerve for pathology using MRI scans. Berrittini et al31 earlier confirmed the importance of contrast enhanced MRI scanning in Ramsay--Hunt syndrome, where limitation of inflammation to the geniculate ganglion correlated with a good prognosis. VI. Classification In 1985, The American Academy of Otolaryngology endorsed the subjective House--Brackmann112 RAHMAN AND SADIQ grading system as a standard for monitoring peripheral facial nerve paralysis (Table 2). However, limitations and subjectivity of the scale prevent consistent reliability (Table 3). The facial nerve is complex, encompassing both motor functions (lacrimation and salivation) and sensory functions (taste); regeneration may result in aberration or synkinesis. Both factors are not adequately addressed with the House--Brackmann scale, which does not measure actual facial movements. To accommodate the shortcomings of the House-Brackmann scale, newer scales have developed. In 1985, Burres51 assessed seven standard facial expressions in a linear measurement technique. Points of interest in facial movement were marked and differences calculated. Burres and Fisch further refined this method in 1986.50 This relied on objective measurements, limiting observer error. Although reliable, the system is complex, necessitating the need for lengthy, often time-consuming calculations not suited to the clinical setting. Modifications to this system were developed in the Nottingham scale.171 This system is described as incorporating synkinetic defects and provides a more rapid clinical measure than the Burres and Fisch method. Recently, digitalized images have aided in developing newer grading systems. Subtraction techniques are used to compare the facial movements at rest and on movement. Kang et al,122 Barrs et al,29 and Dulguerov et al74 provide excellent reviews of the grading systems. Although inexpensive, it requires prolonged patient cooperation with difficult interpretation of results. To date, no computerized method allows easy, quick evaluation of facial nerve function. However, it is hoped that in the future a combination of the House--Brackmann scale and a computerized digital technique may allow for a standardized, easy-to-use, clinically useful objective scale to be established. The maximal static response of facial movement allows actual measurement of facial movement by tracking the positions of specific facial points throughout a variety of facial movements. In 1997, Bajaj-Luthra et al24 presented their findings on the TABLE 2 House--Brackmann 112 Grading System for Facial Palsy Grade 1 Normal function Grade 2 Mild dysfunction Grade 3 Reduced forehead movement, noticeable synkinesis and contracture Grade 4 No forehead movement, incomplete eye closure, asymmetric mouth, disfiguring asymmetry Grade 5 Minimal movement Grade 6 No movement 127 OPHTHALMIC MANAGEMENT OF FACIAL NERVE PALSY TABLE 3 Studies Showing Treatment and Outcomes with the Use of Steroids in Bell’s Palsy Study Duration Before Onset of Treatment Number (days) Year of Patients Taverner231 1954 26 9 Adour 1972 304 14 May160 Brown45 Austin22 1976 1982 1993 51 82 76 2 3 5 Shafshak213 1994 160 6 Wolf244 239 5 1978 Method of Treatment Allocation Follow-up (months) Outcome of Steroid Benefit RCTb Not No significant benefit specified Uncontrolled, comparative 1 Possible benefit in study. No randomization recovery RCTb 6 No significant benefit Quasi randomized studya 12 No significant benefit RCTb 6 Not statistically significant, although a significant improvement in facial recovery documented Prospective nonrandomized, 12 Statistically significant unmatched, concurrent treatment effect controls Prospective randomized 12 Steroids reduce synkinesis, but do not alter long term recovery a b Randomized alternate patients. Randomized controlled trial. use of anatomic and non-anatomic indices. The anatomic index was defined as motion of the specific points studied by the maximal static response assay that can be attributed solely to the pull of the regional muscles governing the movement of those points. The non-anatomic index was characteristic of a paralyzed hemiface in which the motions imparted to specific ipsilateral facial points are transmitted primarily by the pull of unaffected contralateral muscles. By monitoring these points, recovery and accurate documentation of changes in facial nerve function could be measured over time in cases of complete facial paralysis. Electromyography (EMG) allows the blink reflex to be evaluated in patients with facial nerve paralysis. The method allows needle electromyographic detection of pathological spontaneous fibrillation activity, suggesting nerve degeneration. Although, not a grading system, EMG may allow outcome prediction in acute facial nerve palsy, and provide a measure of recovery.114 Sittel and Stennert218 found 80% accuracy for predicting unfavorable outcome when spontaneous fibrillation is present in patients with acute facial nerve paresis/ paralysis. They suggested that this method might be useful in providing patients with a prognostic indicator for poor recovery. VII. Management Therapy for facial nerve palsy begins by taking a thorough clinical history, followed by a compre- hensive examination. This should ascertain whether the paralysis is acute or chronic in onset, unilateral or bilateral, exclude secondary causes of facial palsy, and differentiate between proximal and distal lesions. The aim of management of seventh nerve palsy is oculoplastic rehabilitation by protecting globe integrity using minimal intervention and maximizing convenience for the patient, thereby maintaining good visual acuity. Ultimately, treatment is undertaken in stages. Initially, early stages of management aim to speed recovery and limit corneal exposure and restore the blink response. Seiff and Chang211,212 describe a staged management approach to eyelid paralysis following facial nerve paralysis (Table 4). This provides a good framework for management planning of this very complex condition. However, correction of complex synkinetic movements is not incorporated, and as such the staged approach is slightly altered in this review. A. SUPPORTIVE 1. Conservative Protecting the cornea is the primary goal of therapy. This may be achieved by promoting recovery of the facial paralysis or by meticulous monitoring and treatment of corneal complications. Often the lower third of the cornea is affected, but this is dependent on the degree of lagophthalmos. In the absence of Bell’s phenomenon and corneal sensation, the entire cornea remains unprotected even during forced eyelid closure. Complicating the 128 Surv Ophthalmol 52 (2) March--April 2007 TABLE 4 211,212 Seiff and Chang Classification of Facial Palsy Management Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage 1 2 3 4 5 6 Supportive General facial reanimation Lower lid support Passive upper lid animation Dynamic lid reanimation Soft tissue repositioning decision of when to instigate appropriate treatment is the likelihood of recovery. If recovery is expected, less-invasive techniques may be deployed with careful monitoring. Intensive lubrication with methycellulose preparations is the mainstay of treatment in the early phases. Lubrication may be used in the form of preservative-free tear drops during the day and a more viscous ointment overnight. Taping of the eyelids at night prevents exposure and trauma while sleeping. However, patching and padding of the affected eye maybe less useful and result in abrasive trauma to the cornea.209 Moisture chambers have been used to produce an orbital greenhouse with good effect. Patients are asked to lubricate the eye overnight and then apply a Cartella shield with an overlying layer of cellophane dressing over the orbital region, allowing moisture to be retained within the formed pocket. Various moisture chambers are used and are dependent on patient suitability, surgeon preference, and availability of components. In patients in whom tear production is reduced and the previously described measures fail to address exposure, punctal occlusion with the use of punctal plugs maybe beneficial. Howcroft proposed a more novel idea.113 He used photoelectric cells mounted on a spectacle frame to provide a stimulus for closure of the paretic eyelid and prevent exposure. However, this development never gained favor. 2. Medical a. Botulinum Toxin Until relatively recently, failure of intensive lubrication to protect the cornea would necessitate a temporary or permanent tarsorrhaphy to close the eyelids. However, botulinum toxin injection provides a good means of inducing a protective ptosis by temporarily paralyzing the levator palpebrae superioris, and thus protecting the cornea (Fig. 1). Ellis and Daniell77 describe a series of 21 patients who underwent botulinum toxin injection through RAHMAN AND SADIQ the levator palpebrae superioris. They found the effect of the induced ptosis was sustained for a mean of 46 days following an onset after 4 days. In 16 of these patients, botulinum toxin induced ptosis prevented further surgical intervention and afforded corneal healing. Sadiq and Downes205 used a skin crease entry site to induce a ptosis. They reported a 45% rate of temporary diplopia, but advocated the use of botulinum toxin, as eyelid scarring is avoided, topical therapy may be continued, and examination of the cornea remains possible. If an orbital route for toxin injection is used, persistent squints may develop, necessitating squint corrective surgery.104 b. The Use of Steroids and Oral Acyclovir It is clear from the literature that patients with incomplete paralysis do well without treatment. The majority will recover spontaneously.6,183,217,221,245 With initial complete paralysis, recovery is less predictable. In a series of 1,701 patients, Peitersen183 described a 94% recovery rate in those with incomplete palsy. In those with complete paralysis approximately 60% spontaneously recover. The use of medical therapy in the form of steroids and oral acyclovir remains controversial. Studies of immune complexes,4 lymphocyte populations,23 and CSF75,115 suggest a cell-mediated immune response occurs in response to a viral insult to the facial nerve in Bell’s palsy. It is therefore reasonable and widely accepted that treatment with oral steroids for idiopathic facial palsy may be beneficial. Since Taverner presented the first randomized controlled trial of oral prednisolone treatment in 1954,231 similar double-blind studies have differed in the treatment benefit of steroids in idiopathic facial palsy. It must be understood, however, that nerve conduction does not appear to become abnormal until 3 days after the onset of paresis when nerve degeneration develops.155,156 The goal of medical therapy should therefore aim to treat those patients whose symptoms and treatment commence within this 3-day window. To date, seven adult-based prospective studies have compared concurrent patients treated with oral steroid therapy against placebo controls in idiopathic facial paralysis.13,22,45,160,213,231,244 Commonly, 1 mg/kg of oral prednisolone is given for 6 days and reduced thereafter, over 4 consecutive days. However, 7 days has been used by many of these studies as the absolute upper limit for treatment from symptom onset to the instigation of steroid therapy. Table 3 lists the seven studies and outcomes. Of the seven trials, four showed no significant benefit of OPHTHALMIC MANAGEMENT OF FACIAL NERVE PALSY 129 Fig. 1. A series of photographs demonstrating exposure keratitis and a left brow ptosis (A) in a patient with Bell’s palsy. There is significant lagophthalmos (B) and slight left lid retraction (C) once the eyebrow ptosis has been manually neutralized. The patient underwent a supratarsal botulinum toxin injection (D) to induce a ptosis (E). The slight lagophthalmos present with the right eye fully open disappears with relaxation of the lids (F), thus protecting the cornea (G). steroids,22,45,160,231 one showed a possible significant benefit,13 and a further study demonstrated a decreased incidence of synkinesis through steroid therapy, but no alteration in recovery.244 Only one showed a statistically beneficial outcome with systemic steroids.213 Much of the presented data in the studies is inconsistent in the timing of treatment, length of treatment, and dosage of steroids. As such, no definite conclusions and consensus has been reached to convince the treating community of the undisputed benefit of steroid therapy. Grogan and Grosneth98 preformed an evidencebased review of steroid therapy in patients with Bell’s palsy. They concluded that evidence remains insufficient to make recommendations on the benefit of steroid therapy. This confirmed Stankiewicz’s comprehensive literature review in 1987.226 However, from pooled data, they further established that 130 Surv Ophthalmol 52 (2) March--April 2007 steroid use in this setting was safe and ‘‘probably effective in improving functional outcomes in patients with Bell’s palsy (p. 830).’’ A meta-analysis of current literature by Ramsey et al195 pooled three studies using inclusion criteria to identify and assemble literature with least bias and subjectivity in patients treated with steroids with complete facial paralysis. In this setting they found that steroid therapy provided clinically and statistically significant improvement in functionality and recovery in those patients with complete facial paralysis. Although 60% recovered spontaneously, a further 17% improved with the use of steroids. However, as up to 20% of facial palsy will progress from incomplete to complete paralysis, the authors recommend treatment with oral steroids in all cases of Bell’s palsy. If the overwhelming reports in the literature believe HSV infection is pivotal in the etiology of Bell’s palsy, it would then be reasonable to assume a role for oral acyclovir in its treatment regimen.7,28,32,110,131,141,170,233,239,240 Acyclovir inhibits DNA replication via its effect on HSV DNA polymerase. Because acyclovir affects only replicating viruses, and if treatment is to be effective, it must be instigated within the first 3 days following onset of the palsy. Although many entries in the literature comment on the use of acyclovir in the treatment of Bell’s palsy, only a handful stand out. A double-blind, placebocontrolled study comparing combined acyclovir/ prednisolone with placebo and prednisolone treatment alone was undertaken by Adour et al in 1996.10 They concluded that if seen within 3 days of onset, acyclovir (400 mg five times daily) and prednisolone (minimum of 30 mg twice daily) treatment for 10 days was significantly better in aiding recovery of facial paresis than steroids alone (p ! 0.05), restoring normal function in 92% of patients. This also held true for combination therapy being more effective than prednisolone alone in preventing nerve degeneration as measured by electrical testing (p50.05). Further, contracture and synkinesis was found in 13% in the acyclovir/prednisolone group compared to 28% in the placebo. However, acyclovir alone has been found to be less effective than prednisolone alone and is therefore not recommended as monotherapy.67 These findings were confirmed by Hato et al.102 In this study, combination therapy resulted in 100% recovery if started within 3 days of symptom onset, compared to 86% recovery if begun between 4 and 7 days. Further, nerve degeneration was also less if treated within 3 days with acyclovir and prednisolone, compared to treatment after 3 days. RAHMAN AND SADIQ Although VZV reactivation usually has a poorer prognosis than Bell’s palsy, administration of acyclovir within 3 days of onset of facial paralysis resulted in a high rate of recovery of the facial nerve.168 With zoster sine herpete, which may account for up to 29% of cases diagnosed as idiopathic, treatment with acyclovir correlated with better outcomes. This adds to the argument of treating all idiopathic cases with acyclovir, as VZV may be causative but not present with a vesicular rash. 3. Surgical a. Surgical Decompression of the Facial Nerve Surgical decompression of the facial nerve has been postulated as a credible procedure to improve recovery rates since 1932.27 The debate remains spirited over the benefit of surgical decompression. The difficulty remains that not all patients recover spontaneously to House-Brackmann grade I or II. It is these patients that require additional therapy. Certainly, because evidence points to some benefit with the use of steroid decompression with or without acyclovir combination, surgical techniques have all but lagged by the wayside. Adour and Diamond9 concluded that surgical decompression provided no additional benefit over the natural history of idiopathic facial paralysis. In 1985, May et al159 outlined their series of 38 patients with complete facial paralysis. They commented on surgical decompression offering no benefit in Bell’s palsy, supporting the view of Adour and Diamond.9 Gantz et al91 presented a differing point of view in 1999. They believed patient selection and the site of decompression limited the usefulness of surgical decompression. In their multicenter prospective study, they established the use of electroneurography (EnoG) and voluntary EMGs to identify patients with facial paralysis with greater than 90% neural degeneration and no voluntary EMG potentials within 14 days of onset of weakness. These patients underwent surgical decompression of the meatal foramen, labyrinthine segment and geniculate ganglion via the middle cranial fossa route within 14 days of weakness onset. Ninety-one percent of patients achieved House--Brackmann grade I or II as a result. They found this to be highly significant compared to non-surgical controls. Postulating further, it was commented that timing was of utmost importance. Surgery should be performed urgently, within 14 days of onset of symptoms, or decompression offered no benefit, confirming the earlier work by Mechelse et al.163 Yanagihara et al248 reported on 101 cases of Bell’s palsy undergoing surgical facial nerve decompression 131 OPHTHALMIC MANAGEMENT OF FACIAL NERVE PALSY following failure with steroid therapy. No benefit was observed in this setting. However, surgical intervention in the acute phase of Bell’s palsy also remains controversial. b. Tarsorrhaphy Surgical measures are employed less frequently in modern times to ensure adequate corneal protection in the acute phase. There is less use of tarsorrhaphy but there has been an increase in the use of other rehabilitative procedures such as sub-obicularis oculi fat lifts, load weights, and facial reanimation. Tarsorraphy techniques to reduce the palpebral aperture vary. Some employ central tarsorrhaphy, whereas others advocate lateral tarsorrhaphy (Fig. 2) with additional medial canthal procedures. Reduction of the palpebral aperture may also be achieved using cyanoacrylate glue71 or a reversible suture technique.95 Tarsorrhaphy is most suited to cases of combined V and VII cranial nerve paresis as corneal sensation may be impaired in such individuals. However, tarsorrhaphy procedures have been criticized for being cosmetically poor and often ineffective. The loss of peripheral vision makes tarsorrhaphy a last resort. ‘‘The adynamic lids often fail to protect even a small area of cornea that is left exposed (p. 63).’’36 Although permanent tarsorrhaphy is now rarely employed, the reversal of temporary tarsorrhaphy may result in complications necessitating further surgical intervention.187 However, in patients in whom medical therapy is difficult and lacrimal gland function is lost, tarsorrhaphy remains an important treatment option. Repeat operations are avoided and implant rejection is not an issue. c. Lid Retraction (Passive Upper Lid Reanimation) Lid retraction is a common phenomenon associated with facial nerve palsy. Lid retraction is presumed to be secondary to unopposed action of levator superioris. However, Aramideh et al16 suggested thixotrophy as a cause of lagophthalmos. They described thixotrophy as ‘‘stiffness of a striated muscle and formation of tight crossbridges between the actin and myosin filaments within muscle fibers causing stiffness of the muscle (p. 665).’’ They hypothesized that this was the more likely cause of lagophthalmos rather than paresis of orbicularis oculi, and by simply manually stretching the levator, lagophthalmos can be improved.16,17 More conventional methods for treating lid retraction are dependent on the amount of lid retraction. Tyers and Collin235 give a good account of the more conventional methods of treating eyelid retraction, which is graded towards the severity of lid retraction. These include transconjunctival retractor recession, levator recession (anterior or posterior approach techniques), or Müllerectomy. d. Lid Loading (Passive Upper Lid Reanimation) Fig. 2. A patient with poor vision in the right eye presenting a consecutive exotropia (A) and a left temporal tarsorrhaphy preformed to limit corneal exposure in the only eye with visual potential (B). The tarsorrhaphy was reversed, resulting in an improvement in the patient’s visual field and psychological state. The concept of upper lid loading was first introduced in the 1950s.215 Upper lid weighting results in increased gravitational pull on the lid. Aided by levator palpebrae relaxation, the paralyzed eyelid may close passively, greatly reducing lagophthalmos (Fig. 3). Abell et al1 provided data confirming upper lid weights offer gravity-dependent lid closure. In 1966, gold was first used as an effective lid loading material,219 and the concept of improving blink quality in paralyzed eyelids with adequate lid closure gained favor (Fig. 4). This allowed an alternative approach to tarsorrhaphy in 132 Surv Ophthalmol 52 (2) March--April 2007 RAHMAN AND SADIQ Fig. 3. Lagophthalmos secondary to Bell’s palsy treated with temporary external eyelid weight. A: Demonstrating left inferior conjunctival injection as a result of corneal exposure. B: Showing 3 mm of lagophthalmos. C: The application of external upper lid weight. D: Lagophthalmos eliminated using the temporary external eyelid weight. corneal protection, with better cosmesis and maintenance of visual function. Lid loading with 99.99% pure gold (24 karats) is now the most common surgical procedure preformed in facial nerve palsy of any etiology. This is followed closely by combined lateral tarsorrhaphy and an upper eyelid weight.234 Traditionally, weighting of the upper lid was not preformed early in paralysis of the upper lid, but instead, waited for spontaneous return to function.54 Snyder et al222 recently reported a series of 33 patients who underwent gold implantation within 30 days of onset of facial paralysis. They observed that gold implantation early in facial paralysis was effective in 90% of cases in the treatment of exposure keratitis due to paralytic lagophthalmos; just as effective as late implantation with no increase in the rate of complications. On recovery, the weight is easily removed with no residual side effects. This confirmed earlier reports of potential benefits of early upper lid loading.123,223 Seiff and Boerner210 described the use of external eyelid weights attached to upper lid pretarsal skin with double-sided tape as an effective alternative to surgical implantation in the short term. Fig. 4. Gold weight with three bored holes for suture attachment. 133 OPHTHALMIC MANAGEMENT OF FACIAL NERVE PALSY Complications of eyelid loading include skin erosion, migration, extrusion, and cosmetic dissatisfaction. Jobe120 described 2,000 cases of gold weight implantation and found only a 0.3% incidence of infection and 2.6% incidence of implant extrusion (Fig. 5). However, Pickford et al188 described a much higher rate of extrusions (12%) and migrations (7%). As the standard gold weights range from 0.6 g to 1.6 g in 0.2-g increments, modifications in width and size have attempted to lower the rate of complication, prevent unsightly cosmesis, and limit corneal astigmatism. Cies60 described weights with smaller widths, whereas others have described further modifications to allow suturing to the tarsus.179 In a further effort to decrease these complications, synthetic and organic barrier materials, such as human pericardium, have been used with good results.85 Other less desirable but effective methods of corneal protection in lagophthalmos include the use of the Arion silicone slings18 and palpebral springs.139 Arion silicone prosthesis, although technically more difficult than gold weight implantation, aims to correct upper lid lagophthalmos and lower lid ectropion in a single surgical procedure. However, this is rarely preformed in modern practice. Wire spring implants, however, offer greater potential for lid closure independent of the gravitational effect. Difficulties in exact placement, including bulging of the spring through skin, infections, extrusions, and consequent revisions has made wire springs a poor alternative compared to gold weights.152 B. LOWER LID SUPPORT AND CANTHAL TENDON SUSPENSION In the longer term, surgical interventions remain the mainstay in eyelid and facial reanimation once Fig. 5. Prominent appearance of gold weight following insertion. Note the poor cosmetic scar from the direct brow lift. the initial waiting period of 6--12 months for recovery (in the absence of corneal exposure) is over. Upper eyelid reanimation has been dealt with earlier in this review. The role of an ophthalmologist in facial reanimation should coincide with the plastic surgeon’s role in correcting the ptotic midfacial region. Lisman et al140 demonstrated a superior success rate of lower lid reanimation once the paralytic mid facial region had been elevated. Reanimation of the lower eyelid and lateral canthal resuspension may assist in corneal protection. The extent of gravitational ectropion of the lower lid is dependent on the level of laxity allowed by the tarsal plate and medial and lateral canthal tendons. The procedure of choice varies from patient to patient and therefore requires an individualized approach. Leatherbarrow and Collin136 demonstrated, in a followup series of 65 patients with facial paralysis, that several procedures are needed, often in combination to achieve effective functional and cosmetic results. 1. Medial and Lateral Canthal Support In the modern setting, lateral tarsorrhaphy is more commonly preformed in addition to a lateral canthal sling, the enhanced sling. This horizontal lid-shortening procedure allows the resuspension of the lateral canthal tendon to the periosteum of the lateral orbital rim, possibly at a higher level to enhance the effect of the procedure.130 The use of autogenous fascia lata has lost favor as a sling support to the lateral canthus. Glat et al94 showed an evolutionary change from lateral tarsal strip to lateral canthoplasties in a series of 1,565 lateral canthoplasties over a 13-year period. They emphasized the need for individualization of the procedure dependent on the preoperative anatomical findings. In younger patients, or in cases of partial impairment of orbicularis function, a lateral canthoplasty may be all that is required to bring the atonic lower lid into a more favorable position. To further augment the effects of lateral tarsal slings, combined medial canthal procedures may be used. Often, significant medial tendon laxity or ectropion requires a corrective surgical procedure to improve cosmesis and limit excessive watering induced by facial nerve paralysis. Crawford et al66 described lid shortening with medial canthal tendon tightening with excellent functional and cosmetic results when coupled with McCord’s161 technique of canalicular stump marsupialization. The long-term benefit of such procedures has since been confirmed.228 134 Surv Ophthalmol 52 (2) March--April 2007 Similar to the lateral tarsal suspension, medial ectropion may be corrected by a medial canthal suspension as described by Castroviejo-Bolibar.53 The lower lid medial tarsal suspension contributes to lower lid stability by forming a tight adhesion between an upper lid flap and the lower lid. After a 6-year follow-up the procedure remained effective, and, thus, is considered a permanent yet easily reversible procedure. If medial canthal suspensions are required, it is better performed before any laterally based procedures. This prevents lateral movement of the punctum when there is medial canthal laxity. 2. Lower Lid Spacers Often increased lower lid support is required to counteract gravitational effects of the atonic facial musculature contributing to lower eyelid retraction. Lower lid spacers provide stiffer upward support and aid in reconstruction. Hard palate mucosal grafts63 and tarsus have been used successfully. Jackson118 described his results of 41 patients treated with conchal cartilage grafts to provide lower lid support, with good short-term results. May et al158 reported further evidence for the use of auricular cartilage implantation as an alternative. Matrix derived from cadaveric human dermis, AlloDerm (Lifecell Corporation, The Woodlands, TX) have been successfully used as a lower lid spacer.203 3. Sub-orbicularis Oculi Fat (SOOF) Lift Improving facial cosmesis should remain the final stage in facial nerve palsy rehabilitation and should only be considered if corneal integrity is maintained. Integral to this is the mid facial rehabilitation, which, although challenging, may improve lower lid surgery success.140 Sub-orbicularis oculi fat (SOOF) is an important anatomical structure, widely accepted in plastic surgery practice as a reliable and aesthetic method of mid-facial reanimation associated with normal aging mid facial ptosis. Facial paralysis secondary to atrophic and atonic facial musculature presents a similar unilateral dilemma as aging mid-facial ptosis, and as such requires correction to address the facial asymmetry. Lifting the SOOF removes the traction on the lower lid induced by the atonic mid face. When SOOF lifts are combined with subperiosteal face lifting, facial asymmetry may be addressed and vertical face lifting overcome while avoiding an unnatural tension on the skin.111,191,194 Theoretically, suspension of the midfacial musculature may elevate the sagged mouth angle and raise the upper lip resulting in superior resting facial asymmetry.5 Further refinements of SOOF lifts, combined with RAHMAN AND SADIQ subperiosteal face lifting, have been described, some using an endoscopic approach.49,68,147 In 2000, Olver174 described the successful use of a transconjunctival SOOF lift, with minimal complications, when combined with a standard lateral tarsal strip as an effective rehabilitative procedure for lower lid retraction secondary to facial paralysis. C. STATIC AND DYNAMIC LID REANIMATION Static reanimation by repositioning gravitational induced drooping is traditionally performed using fascia.225 Fascia lata slings may be used to raise the atonic mid and lower facial musculature and counteract the gravitational effect. However, it is not a new concept.44 Through several specific skin incisions, the fascia lata is passed and anchored to periosteum toward one end, with the other end passing through subcutaneous tissue, acting as a sling to raise facial structures.225 A degree of dynamic reanimation may be achieved by passing the sling around the masseter muscle.145 Nonetheless, sling techniques are useful in providing some benefit in form and function in the paralyzed face.106 More recently synthetic materials have been introduced.65 These materials have the benefit of eliminating risk to the donor site. They are sterile, thin, and do not induce foreign body reactions. Expanded polytetrafluorethylene (Gore Tex; W.L. Gore, Flagstaff, AZ) is the most commonly used,52 but complications of extrusion, loss of support, and infection has limited its use. Fisher and Frodel84 reported on their use of a newer non-synthetic facial sling, AlloDerm (Lifecell Corp., Branchburg, NJ), with favorable results. In cases of chronic lagophthalmos secondary to irreversible or long-standing facial nerve paralysis, dynamic reconstruction of eye closure may offer some degree of symmetry and voluntary eyelid movement. Introduced at the turn of the previous century, the transfer of a muscle from one region to another using its own nerve supply is one of the most common procedures used in facial dynamic reanimation. Temporalis muscle transposition is the most common of the muscle transfer procedures, popularized by Baker and Conley.25 Transfer of the temporalis muscle to areas around the eyelid allows eye closure when chewing, as the eyelids close on contraction of the temporalis. Lagophthalmos remains a potential problem at night as the principle relies on conscious effects on the patients’ behalf to chew or clench the jaw to induce such eye closure. Ueda et al238 compared the use of gold weights and temporalis muscle transfer in the management of 135 OPHTHALMIC MANAGEMENT OF FACIAL NERVE PALSY lagophthalmos. They found lid loading to be far superior to temporalis transfer in preventing lagophthalmos, and therefore advocated its use as first line. May and Drucker154 described a series of 224 cases of temporalis muscle transfer, with poor outcome in reanimated eye closure. The effectiveness of improved mouth function and restoration of the smile was much more marked in such cases. However, with its reliable and immediate effect (3--6 weeks), coupled with no risk of synkinesis, Frey et al88 described the use of temporalis muscle transfer as the first step in facial reanimation. Other authors have also described the early use of temporalis transposition. Cheney et al56 reported their use of temporalis muscle transfer in the early management of lagophthalmos with 90% of patients achieving improved symmetry and better movement of the corner of the mouth. May153,154 described procedure success as the patient’s ability to voluntarily smile and show teeth. Complications are unusual, although a reported 12% risk of infection has been described.153,154 Ectopic bone formation has been described as a rare complication of temporalis muscle transfer years after surgery.26 Free muscle grafts with microneurovascular anastomosis are fast becoming a standardized procedure in the rehabilitation of long-standing facial palsies.101,236 Such cross-face nerve grafts—namely, gracilis muscle transplants—use innervation from the contralateral healthy side to allow dynamic movements of the affected side.87,149,216 Dynamic facial reanimation using such grafts will allow the restoration of involuntary emotional facial expressions. Frey et al88 discussed the use of free gracilis muscle transfer as a more efficient procedure in terms of overall movement of eye closure when compared to temporalis muscle transfer. Eyelid excursions and symmetry is more pronounced with free muscle grafting, with functional results remaining for longer compared to temporalis muscle transfer. However, effects are not as immediate compared to temporalis muscle transfer, with lagophthalmos present for up to a year. Further disadvantages of gracilis muscle transfer include the ability of the procedure to produce synkinetic movements, although often asymptomatic in nature. Other microvascular free grafts used include pectoralis minor,232 latissmus dorsi,106 trapezius flap,204 and internus abdominus muscles.241 suitably protected and free from the risk of ulceration. This is generally needed to improve patient cosmesis and the superior visual field, which is restricted by overhanging skin secondary to brow ptosis.209 As such, the position of the brow in such atonic musculature must be considered as a part of blepharoplasty assessment. With this in mind, brow lifts may well be effective in isolation. A direct brow lift with fixation to the underlying periosteum is the most common technique employed. Passot178 first described the direct brow lift in the 1930s. This method allows surgeons accurate control into the amount of brow lifted. However, several disadvantages, such as the presence of an unattractive postoperative scar or numbness and paraesthesiae as a consequence of trauma to sensory nerves, have seen new developments, including endoscopic, mid-forehead, and coronal brow lifting. Booth et al37 reported their experience with direct brow lifts over a 13-year period. In their 54 brow-lift procedures, parasthesia and numbness was the most common complication, occurring in 74% of patients. Ueda et al,237 confirming a high rate of this complication, reported a 27.5% incidence of forehead parasthesia. A prominent unsightly scar was documented in two patients (three brows) in Booth’s series. Wound infections were unusual. Green et al97 suggested watchful skin closure could prevent unsightly scars, but if formed maybe disguised effectively with spectacles. Further, a modification of direct brow lifting using a forehead crease may be used to camouflage scars within the crease.192 Direct brow lifts have largely been superseded by endoscopic brow lifts for cosmetic rehabilitation. The advantages include rapid postoperative recovery, reduced risk of paraesthesia, and a small hairline hidden scar. However, disadvantages should be kept in mind, that is, high failure rates for an expensive, often time-consuming procedure.135 Withey et al243 revealed a study of 100 cases undergoing endoscopic brow lifting. They described a high rate of complications; 71% altered sensation, 24% hair loss, and an 11% incidence of asymmetry. However, other authors report much lower complication rates with this procedure.108,227 Following correction of the brow ptosis, excess upper lid skin may be excised with a conservative blepharoplasty to avoid aggravating corneal exposure and lagophthalmos. D. REPOSITIONING OF SOFT TISSUE 1. Brow Ptosis and Blepharoplasty Repositioning of soft tissue in the periocular region can be considered when the cornea is VIII. Sequelae/Synkinesis Other than the risk of exposure keratitis and corneal dryness, early complications of idiopathic 136 Surv Ophthalmol 52 (2) March--April 2007 RAHMAN AND SADIQ facial palsy, such as pain, epiphora, and hyperacusis, are often self-limiting and require no specific treatments. Later complications are troublesome and may present difficult management issues. A. INCIDENCE The incidence of sequelae (paresis, contracture, crocodile tears, dry eye, and associated movements) of idiopathic facial palsy varies. Yamamoto et al247 observed sequelae occurring in 30 of 330 cases of Bell’s palsy (9.1%), over a mean follow-up of 39 months following onset of symptoms. Kawai125 described an incidence of 19% in a cohort of 351 patients with facial paralysis. Peitersen183 graded sequelae as slight (just visible) in 12%, moderate (clearly visible) in 13%, and severe (disfiguring) in 4% in a cohort of 1,701 cases of idiopathic facial paralysis. In general, all three studies demonstrated that the severest form of sequelae developed in the presence of a causative pathology, for example, herpes zoster, often resulting in complete facial nerve paralysis. Involuntary uncoordinated muscle movement (undesired movement) associated with voluntary movement (desired movement) of the muscle is described as synkinesis secondary to aberrant regeneration. Aberrant regeneration of the facial nerve following Bell’s palsy is an unusual phenomenon. The actual incidence is unknown, but is more common with patients who suffer the more severe nerve injuries, that is, complete or near complete facial paralysis.194 In this group, an incidence of up to 34% has been observed,11 most commonly after 24--39 weeks of facial palsy onset.241 Austin et al22 reported an incidence of sequelae of 13%. Peitersen183 described an overall incidence of sequelae in 29% of the 1,701 Bell palsy patients. Fig. 6. A case of aberrant regeneration following Bell’s palsy. A: The normal position of the right lids when resting. B: The same eyelids on chewing (oral-ocular synkinesis). Note the subtle lowering of the upper lid and raising of the lower lid. nerves, such as facial-trigeminal,202 and facialoculomotor synkinesis.138 B. SYNKINESIS Many patterns of aberrant regeneration have been observed secondary to partial recovery from peripheral facial nerve palsy. Patterns of synkinesis impart added psychosocial distress to patients. Some patients feel these abnormal movements to be more distressing than the onset of facial paralysis itself.173 Movement of the mouth with voluntary eye closure (ocular-oral synkinesis),40 eyelid to massenteric synkinesis,55 brow to oral synkinesis, gustolacrimal reflex (nerve supply to salivary gland misdirected to lacrimal gland),197 and contraction of stapedius with eye closure (oculostapedial synkinesis)70 have been reported. However, the incidence may be underestimated, as recognition of this phenomenon may not be accurate (Fig. 6).55 Rarely, aberrant innervation may result between two adjacent cranial 1. Mechanisms The etiology for synkinesis is unclear. Several mechanisms have been proposed. Somatotopy is the term used to describe the correct plan of nervous innervation throughout the body. This map is disrupted in patients who develop synkinesis.58 The regeneration of facial nerve fibers has been shown to be reorganized in the facial nucleus following attempts at spontaneous reinnervation following peripheral nerve insults. Fernandez et al82 used horseradish peroxidase labeling techniques to map the location of regenerated nerve fibers in the facial nucleus. He found up to 80% of nerve fibers revealed misguided axonal regeneration, and were therefore located outside their normal region. Further support for facial nucleus disorganization 137 OPHTHALMIC MANAGEMENT OF FACIAL NERVE PALSY as an important association in synkinesis has been shown in human and animal studies.129,146 During regeneration, excessive collateral branching of the axons occurs. These extra axons form the basis of regeneration and may contribute to the abnormal location of regenerated axon in the facial nucleus and result in synkinesis.14 Unlike neonates, this axon sprouting is not inhibited or regulated by chemoattractants to the normal locations. This may represent an associated mechanism in synkinetic movements.128 Choi and Raisman57 found that these collateral branches did not only occur at the site of the lesion, but may be found along the entire course of the facial nerve. Hyperexcitability96,172 of the facial nucleus and ephaptic phenomenon35,86,146 (electrical energy transferred from one neuron to an adjacent neuron in the absence of an anatomical connection between them) has also been implicated in the formation of aberrant nerve fibers. A combination of all these factors is likely to contribute to facial nerve synkinesis. 2. Management of Sequelae and Synkinetic Movements Voluntary eye closure with mouth synkinesis (i.e., co-contraction of the orbicularis oculi and oris resulting in involuntary eye closure with pursing lips) is the commonest pattern of synkinesis following facial nerve paralysis.99,165 a. Botulinum Toxin Botulinum toxin A, a neurotoxin produced by clostridium botulinum, is used commonly to relieve the symptoms of synkinesis. The neurotoxin acts by inhibiting presynaptic release of acetylcholine, thereby producing a functional denervation of endplates. However, due to the temporary nature of such a block, injections are repeated on a 3 to 5 monthly basis. Nevertheless, synkinetic movements are markedly lessened by its use.38,59 Interestingly, Chua et al59 noted that a similar effect maybe produced with the use of lower doses of botulinum toxin (40 U compared to 120 U), thus reducing the incidence of botulinum toxin induced side effects. Similarly, Armstrong et al19 noted a significant benefit of lower doses in limiting side effects without detriment to the therapeutic outcome. b. Crocodile Tears Crocodile tears deserve a special mention. The formation of crocodile tears is a variation of aberrant regeneration, similar to Frey Syndrome.72 The parasympathetic nerve fibers innervating the lacrimal gland are misrouted. A synkinetic misrouting of postganglionic fibers induces excess lacrimation on chewing, resulting in excess watering. Although a rare syndrome, risk factors for the development of gustatory lacrimation include those suffering incomplete facial paralysis246 and secondary to surgery for acoustic neuromas.117 The use of botulinum toxin has been shown to be effective in inhibiting crocodile tear formation by injection directly into the lacrimal gland.39,70,107,127,197 The effect is temporary and requires recurrent treatments, albeit at very low doses. Over-treatment may inhibit complete lacrimation and result in ptosis, strabismus, dry eye, and excessive lagophthalmos.70 Riemann et al197 successfully reported the use of a transconjunctival intraglandular injection in the treatment of crocodile tears. Compared to the more usual transcutaneous injection, no side effects were reported. Electromyography guided injection of toxin may aid more accurate delivery.34 In some specific forms of aberrant regeneration, such as tinnitus on eye closure (oculostapedial synkinesis), individualized treatment may be necessary.70 c. Physical Therapy Patients practice certain pre-taught muscle contraction exercises on the affected side of the face in similar amplitude and duration as the unaffected normal side to reduce facial asymmetry while in the resting state and when using facial expressions. These should be performed twice daily.92,177 Using electromyogenic (EMG) biofeedback strategies to retrain facial neuromusculature in cases of ocular to oral and brow to oral synkinetic movements, combined with a home exercise program, may further reduce facial asymmetry.46,200 In a series of 14 patients using surface EMG biofeedback physical training, Brach et al40 reported a reduction of synkinesis in 12 (of 13) patients with brow to oral synkinesis, and 12 (of 14) patients with ocular to oral synkinesis. IX. Facial Asymmetry Facial asymmetry with dynamic movements remains a major concern for patients with long-standing facial paralysis. Several management options are available to these individuals: i) Explanation of the problem and physical therapy (see above), coupled with EMG biofeedback. ii) Surgical weakening of the facial nerve on the normal side. This weakening can be graded 138 Surv Ophthalmol 52 (2) March--April 2007 RAHMAN AND SADIQ according to the degree of recovery of the facial paralysis. The procedure may be repeated if greater weakening is required. The weakened facial nerve can regenerate over time. iii) Chemo-denervation of the normal side with botulinum toxin.19,48,61,133,220 In this setting botulinum toxin reduces the relative hyperkinesis of the contralateral side to the paralysis, resulting in a more symmetrical function of the face. This, like most other treatments with botulinum toxin, is an effective method requiring repeat injections on a serial basis. The dose can be altered to tailor the amount of weakness required. Recently, Bulstrode and Harrison48 described their experience with this method in 23 followed-up patients. Patients underwent ipsilateral orbicularis oculi botulinum toxin injections, followed by contralateral forehead rhytides and depressor anguli oris injections. They noted that facial asymmetry and patient satisfaction was greater in dynamic movements of the face rather than static assessment. visible, in idiopathic facial nerve paralysis the etiology remains uncertain. It is becoming clearer from the literature, past and present, that herpes simplex virus has a role to play in worsening the paralysis, if not instigating its onset. Unfortunately, the use of steroids and/or acyclovir remains uncertain in this setting, as up to 70% of affected individuals recover spontaneously. Ophthalmologists have a central role in the acute phase in protecting the cornea and maintaining vision. It must be remembered that facial nerve paralysis has a multitude of causes and requires a multidisciplinary approach with allied specialties to ascertain the etiology, some of which remain life-threatening. In the longer term, eyelid reanimation in conjunction with facial reanimation (especially that of the lower face) requires a multidisciplinary approach, and affords excellent results. However, each case should be treated as individual and the needs and concerns of the patient should be addressed empathetically prior to surgical intervention. X. Other Therapies XII. Method of Literature Search A. SYMPATHETIC CERVICAL BLOCK Vasodilation of the vasculature of the facial nerve may contribute to the swelling and edema associated with nerve inflammation. Targeting the sympathetic pathway may lessen the dilation and consequent inflammation. Fearnley et al reported no benefit using procaine for this purpose.81 B. MASSAGE Theoretically, massaging the facial muscles may aid in maintaining tone of the facial muscles. However, no significant studies have been performed. We undertook MEDLINE ( and PubMed ( searches using the following keywords: Bell’s palsy, idiopathic facial paralysis, facial palsy and added the keyword for each section while writing. Citations from the reference lists of reviewed articles were also obtained. Although many articles were reviewed but not cited in the text, the exclusion or inclusion of any article was based on relevance. Often the search revealed vast quantities of articles within the search field; articles were then selected on the basis of originality and the value to the paper on the whole. Non-English articles were translated into English using library services and the help of colleagues. C. USE OF VASODILATORS The use of drugs, such as histamine and nitrates, to induce vasodilation has not been shown to achieve any beneficial effect. Conversely, Korkis132 expressed concern and reservation in the use of vasodilators as consequent increase in edema may worsen outcome. XI. 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D. E. Prevalence Sex distribution Age Seasonal variation Prognosis IV. Etiology A. Pathophysiology and the role of the Herpes virus in Bell palsy B. Herpes zoster virus infection: Ramsay--Hunt syndrome C. Other infective causes of facial palsy D. Traumatic and iatrogenic causes E. Infiltration, compression, and malignancy F. Congenital and hereditary causes G. Other causes V. History VI. Classification VII. Management A. Supportive 1. Conservative 2. Medical a. Botulinum Toxin b. The use of steroids and oral acyclovir 3. Surgical a. Surgical decompression of the facial nerve b. Tarsorrhaphy RAHMAN AND SADIQ c. Lid retraction (passive upper lid reanimation) d. Lid loading (passive upper lid reanimation) B. Lower lid support and canthal tendon suspension 1. Medial and lateral canthal support 2. Lower lid spacers 3. Sub-orbicularis oculi fat (SOOF) Lift C. Static and dynamic lid reanimation D. Repositioning of soft tissue 1. Brow ptosis and blepharoplasty VIII. Sequelae/synkinesis A. Incidence B. Synkinesis 1. Mechanisms 2. Management of sequelae and synkinetic movements a. Botulinum Toxin b. Crocodile tears c. Physical therapy IX. Facial asymmetry X. Other therapies A. Sympathetic cervical block B. Massage C. Use of vasodilators XI. Summary XII. Method of Literature Search