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Assignment Brief Maths for Computing UPDATED

Higher Nationals
Assignment Brief – BTEC (RQF)
Higher National Diploma in Computing
Student Name /ID Number
Unit Code
Unit Number and Title
Unit 14: Maths for Computing
Academic Year
Unit Assessor
Engr. Mohsin khan
Assignment Title
Importance of Maths in the Field of Computing
Issue Date
Submission Date
IV Name
Dr. Munaf Rashid
In 1837, English mathematicians Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace in collaboration, described a
machine that could perform arithmetical operations and store data in memory units. This design of their
‘Analytical Engine’ is the first representation of modern, general-purpose computer technology. Although
modern computers have advanced far beyond Babbage and Lovelace’s initial proposal, they still rely
fundamentally on mathematics for their design and operation. This unit introduces students to the
mathematical principles and theory that underpin the computing curriculum. Through a series of case
studies, scenarios and task-based assessments, students will explore number theory in a variety of
scenarios; use applicable probability theory; apply geometrical and vector methodology; and, finally,
evaluate problems concerning differential and integral calculus. Among the topics included in this unit
are: prime number theory, sequences and series, probability theory, geometry, differential calculus and
integral calculus. On successful completion of this unit, students will have gained confidence in the
mathematics that is needed in other computing units. They will have developed skills such as
communication literacy, critical thinking, analysis, reasoning and interpretation, which are crucial for
gaining employment and developing academic competence.
Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Use applied number theory in practical computing scenarios
LO2 Analyse events using probability theory and probability distributions
LO3 Determine solutions of graphical examples using geometry and vector methods
LO4 Evaluate problems concerning differential and integral calculus.
Submission Format:
The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal
business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs
and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the
Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The
recommended word limit is 1,000–1,500 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total
word limit.
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
Activity 01
Part 1
1. Mr. Steve has 120 pastel sticks and 30 pieces of paper to give to his students.
a) Find the largest number of students he can have in his class so that each student gets
equal number of pastel sticks and equal number of paper.
b) Briefly explain the technique you used to solve (a).
2. Maya is making a game board that is 16 inches by 24 inches. She wants to use square tiles. What
is the largest tile she can use?
Part 2
3. An auditorium has 40 rows of seats. There are 20 seats in the first row, 21 seats in the second
row, 22 seats in the third row, and so on. Using relevant theories, find how many seats are there
in all 40 rows?
4. Suppose you are training to run an 8km race. You plan to start your training by running 2km a
week, and then you plan to add a ½km more every week. At what week will you be running 8km?
5. Suppose you borrow 100,000 rupees from a bank that charges 15% interest. Using relevant
theories, determine how much you will owe the bank over a period of 5 years.
Part 3
6. Find the multiplicative inverse of 8 mod 11 while explaining the algorithm used.
Part 4
7. Produce a detailed written explanation of the importance of prime numbers within the field of
Activity 02
Part 1
1. Define ‘conditional probability’ with suitable examples.
2. A school which has 100 students in its sixth form, 50 students study mathematics, 29 study biology
and 13 study both subjects. Find the probability of the student studying mathematics given that the
student studies biology.
3. A certain medical disease occurs in 1% of the population. A simple screening procedure is available
and in 8 out of 10 cases where the patient has the disease, it produces a positive result. If the patient
does not have the disease there is still a 0.05 chance that the test will give a positive result. Find the
probability that a randomly selected individual:
(a) Does not have the disease but gives a positive result in the screening test
(b) Gives a positive result on the test
(c) Nilu has taken the test and her result is positive. Find the probability that she has the disease. Let
C represent the event “the patient has the disease” and S represent the event “the screening test
gives a positive result”.
4. In a certain group of 15 students, 5 have graphics calculators and 3 have a computer at home (one
student has both). Two of the students drive themselves to college each day and neither of them has a
graphics calculator nor a computer at home. A student is selected at random from the group.
(a) Find the probability that the student either drives to college or has a graphics calculator.
(b) Show that the events “the student has a graphics calculator” and “the student has a computer at
home” are independent.
Let G represent the event “the student has a graphics calculator” H
represent the event “the student has a computer at home”
D represent the event “the student drives to college each day”
Represent the information in this question by a Venn diagram. Use the above Venn diagram to
answer the questions.
5. A bag contains 6 blue balls, 5 green balls and 4 red balls. Three are selected at random without
replacement. Find the probability that
(a) they are all blue
(b)two are blue and one is green
(c) there is one of each colour
Part 2
6. Differentiate between ‘Discrete’ and ‘Continuous’ random variables.
7. Two fair cubical dice are thrown: one is red and one is blue. The random variable M represents the
score on the red die minus the score on the blue die.
(a) Find the distribution of M.
(b) Write down E(M).
(c) Find Var(M).
8. Two 10p coins are tossed. The random variable X represents the total value of each coin lands
heads up.
(a)Find E(X) and Var(X).
The random variables S and T are defined as follows:
S = X-10 and T = (1/2)X-5
(b)Show that E(S) = E(T).
(c)Find Var(S) and Var
Susan and Thomas play a game using two 10p coins. The coins are tossed and Susan records her
score using the random variable S and Thomas uses the random variable T. After a large number of
tosses they compare their scores.
Comment on any likely differences or similarities.
9. A discrete random variable X has the following probability distribution:
where k is a constant.
(a) Find the value of k.
(b) Find P(X ≤3).
Part 3
10. In a quality control analysis, the random variable X represents the number of defective
products per each batch of 100 products produced.
Defects (x) 0
(a) Use the frequency distribution above to construct a probability distribution for X.
(b) Find the mean of this probability distribution.
(c) Find the variance and standard deviation of this probability distribution.
11. A surgery has a success rate of 75%. Suppose that the surgery is performed on three
(a) What is the probability that the surgery is successful on exactly 2 patients?
(b) Let X be the number of successes. What are the possible values of X?
(c) Create a probability distribution for X.
(d) Graph the probability distribution for X using a histogram.
(e) Find the mean of X.
(f) Find the variance and standard deviation of X.
12. Colombo City typically has rain on about 16% of days in November.
(a) What is the probability that it will rain on exactly 5 days in November? 15 days?
(b) What is the mean number of days with rain in November?
(c) What is the variance and standard deviation of the number of days with rain in November?
13. From past records, a supermarket finds that 26% of people who enter the supermarket will make a
purchase. 18 people enter the supermarket during a one-hour period.
(a) What is the probability that exactly 10 customers, 18 customers and 3 customers make a
(b) Find the expected number of customers who make a purchase.
(c) Find the variance and standard deviation of the number of customers who make a purchase.
14.On a recent math test, the mean score was 75 and the standard deviation was 5. Shan got 93.
Would his mark be considered an outlier if the marks were normally distributed? Explain.
15.For each question, construct a normal distribution curve and label the horizontal axis and answer
each question.
The shelf life of a dairy product is normally distributed with a mean of 12 days and a standard
deviation of 3 days.
(a) About what percent of the products last between 9 and 15 days?
(b) About what percent of the products last between 12 and 15 days?
(c) About what percent of the products last 6 days or less?
(d) About what percent of the products last 15 or more days?
16.Statistics held by the Road Safety Division of the Police shows that 78% of drivers being tested
for their licence pass at the first attempt.
If a group of 120 drivers are tested in one centre in a year, find the probability
that more than 99 pass at the first attempt, justifying the most appropriate distribution to be used
for this scenario.
Part 4
17.Evaluate probability theory to an example involving hashing and load balancing.
Activity 03
Part 1
1. If the Center of a circle is at (2, -7) and a point on the circle (5,6) find the formula of the circle.
2. What surfaces in R3 are represented by the following equations?
3. Find an equation of a sphere with radius r and center C(h, k, l).
4. Show that x2 + y2 + z2 + 4x – 6y + 2z + 6 = 0 is the equation of a sphere. Also, find its center
and radius.
Part 2
5. 3y= 2x-5 , 2y=2x+7 evaluate the x, y values using graphical method.
a=(2i+3j+k) , b=(4i-2j+3k) and c=(1i+4j+2k) evaluate the volume of the shape.
Activity 04
Part 1
1. Find the function whose tangent has slope 4x + 1 for each value of x and whose graph passes
through the point (1, 2).
2. Find the function whose tangent has slope 3x2 + 6x − 2 for each value of x and whose graph
passes through the point (0, 6).
Part 2
3. It is estimated that t years from now the population of a certain lakeside community will be
changing at the rate of 0.6t 2 + 0.2t + 0.5 thousand people per year. Environmentalists have found
that the level of pollution in the lake increases at the rate of approximately 5 units per 1000
people. By how much will the pollution in the lake increase during the next 2 years?
4. An object is moving so that its speed after t minutes is v(t) = 1+4t+3t 2 meters per minute. How
far does the object travel during 3rd minute?
Part 3
5. Sketch the graph of f(x) = x − 3x 2/3 , indicating where the graph is increasing/decreasing,
concave up/down, and any asymptotic behavior.
6. Draw the graph of f(x)= 3x4-6X3+3x2 by using the extreme points from differentiation.
Part 4
7. For the function f(x) = cos 2x, 0.1 ≤ x ≤ 6, find the positions of any local minima or maxima
and distinguish between them.
8. Determine the local maxima and/or minima of the function y = x4 −1/3x3
9. By further differentiation, identify lines with minimum y = 12 x 2 − 2x, y = x 2 + 4x
+ 1, y = 12x − 2x 2 , y = −3x 2 + 3x + 1.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Resource Materials
Stroud, K. A. (2009) Foundation Mathematics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Journal of Computational Mathematics. Global Science Press.
This unit links to the following related units:
Unit 18: Discrete Maths
Unit 33: Applied Analytical Models.
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