Uploaded by Kelvin Chan Kong Hung


Assignment 1
Due time Sep 30, 2021
MC Questions:
1) Clouds are least likely to occur in the:
A) mesosphere. B) troposphere. C) ionosphere. D) stratosphere.
2) Hail formation is associated with:
A) cumulonimbus. B) nimbostratus. C) stratocumulus. D) cumulus.
3) Stratocumulus clouds are considered:
A) high clouds. B) middle clouds. C) low clouds.
D) clouds with extensive vertical development.
4) This is not a form of low cloud:
A) stratus. B) nimbostratus. C) cumulonimbus. D) stratocumulus.
5) Clouds that are high and are always composed entirely of ice crystals are:
A) stratus. B) thunderheads. C) alto. D) cirrus. E) nimbus.
6) Clouds that form downwind from mountain barriers and have a curved shape are called:
A) streamers. B) lee-side clouds. C) lenticular clouds. D) contrails.
7) High clouds:
A) have a typical ceiling around 4500 meters. B) are composed of ice crystals.
C) include altostratus clouds. D) have a fairly large water content.
8) Cirrostratus clouds:
A) are more likely to herald coming precipitation than are cirrocumulus clouds.
B) contain a mixture of ice crystals and supercooled water droplets.
C) are responsible for the halo effect. D) are formed by wind shear.
9) Middle clouds:
A) are prefixed by "cirro." B) can often be found within a kilometer of the ground.
C) include cumulonimbus clouds. D) are composed of liquid droplets.
10) Cumuliform clouds:
A) are typically much wider than they are tall. B) form in absolutely stable air conditions.
C) have very weak vertical velocities within them.
D) typically have higher water content than stratiform clouds.
11) Noctilucent clouds are:
A) the same as nacreous clouds, but they exist at a lower elevation. B) found in the mesosphere.
C) most easily observed in summer. D) most easily observed near the equator.
12) Which of the following pairs of clouds are the primary precipitation-producing ones?
A) stratus and nimbostratus B) nimbostratus and cumulonimbus
C) stratocumulus and cumulonimbus D) altostratus and nimbostratus
13) Altostratus clouds:
A) scatter a substantial portion of sunlight back into space.
B) allow enough light through to throw sharp shadows on the ground.
C) form halos around the Sun and the Moon. D) form a series of rows of puffy clouds.
14) Stratus clouds:
A) form only from the adiabatic lifting of air. B) can form sheets up to several hundred miles
long. C) have a high-water content. D) are a most responsible for colorful sunsets.
15) Cumulonimbus:
A) can span nearly the entire troposphere.
B) are prevented by the tropopause from entering the stratosphere.
C) are typically composed of ice near the bottoms of the clouds.
D) provide smooth flying for commercial airliners.
16) The most common mechanism of cloud formation is:
A) adding water vapor to the air.
B) mixing warm moist air with cold air.
C) lowering the air temperature to the dew point by adiabatic cooling of rising air.
D) none of the above
17)Water is unique because:
A) it can be forced through pipes at considerable pressure.
B) its coefficient of expansion as it freezes is linear.
C) it exists in all three states naturally at the same time.
D) it vaporizes at a very low temperature.
18) Tropical cyclones lose strength when they:
A) move over cooler water.
B) move over warmer water.
C) move over land.
D) only A and C
E) only B and C
19)The wind speed of a tropical cyclone (in the northern hemisphere) is greatest:
A) on the left-hand side of the storm.
B) behind the storm.
C) in front of the storm.
D) on the right-hand side of the storm.
20)The eye of a tropical cyclone has all of the following characteristics, except:
A) an average passage time of 5-10 minutes.
B) light winds.
C) descending air.
D) relatively clear skies.