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Effective Instruction Giving: Handout for Teachers

Handout 7.1: Arrange the following steps of giving instructions in correct order.
a. give instructions
e. get the students’ attention
b. hand out the worksheet
c. hold up the work sheet
c. hold up the work sheet
a. give instructions
d. gesture the interaction pattern to
f. check the instructions
be used (e.g. work in pairs)
d. gesture the interaction pattern to
e. get the students’ attention
be used (e.g. work in pairs)
f. check the instructions
b. hand out the worksheet
Handout 7.2
– You may now do the exercise.
– You are not to read it.
– Do you mind not looking at the key?.
– May I suggest you not answer for Lan?.
– Do the exercise.
– Do not read it.
– Do not look at the key.
– Do not answer for Lan.
– Discuss with your friend!
– Do exercise 5!
– Rewrite the introduction!
– Read the questions again!
– Don’t look at the notes!
– Don’t help Lan!
– Speak louder!
– Don’t you want to discuss with your friend?
– Let’s do exercise 5, shall we?
– I’m afraid you have to rewrite the introduction.
– I suggest you read the questions again.
– It might not be a good idea to look at the notes.
– I’d rather you didn’t help Lan
– You’d better not help Lan
– Speak louder if you could
• Use shorter instructions
• Use words of emphasis
E.g. Study the question first. --> Just study the question first.
E.g. Don’t discuss the answers. --> If only you would stop discussing the
E.g. Start writing. --> Start writing right now!
Handout 7.3
Practice 1
How do you improve these instructions?
Practice 2
Handout 2. Make these wordy instructions shorter and more comprehensible
1. Now, I would like you to get out a piece of
paper and put it in your desk
Get a piece of paper
put it on your desk.
2. Once the paper is on your desk, could you
please write down five questions using the
present continuous tense?
3. Now that you have written five questions. I
would like you to fold the paper in half
4. Now when I turn on the music, please pass the
paper to the person on your left, and I would like
you to continue passing your paper until the
music stops.
5. It’s the unit on, er, travel, somewhere – it’s
. Look at page 35
near the middle, page 35 and 36, can you find
. Read the introduction quickly
that? Have you got it? No, not that one, the next
. Answer the questions
unit, and take a look at the introduction, read it
through quickly and jot down your answers to
the questions at the top of the page over there,
above the illustration.
6. If I were to ask you for your opinion on
smoking, what do you think you might say to me
in your reply?
7. Would you like to tell everyone the answer
you were thinking of again because I don’t think
they heard it when you spoke so quietly, and I’m
sure we’d all be interested in hearing it if you
could, please?
8. Well, that wasn’t really what I was hoping
you’d say when I asked that question. I was
actually looking for the name of the verb tense,
not an example sentence, but what you gave me
was fine, only does anyone I wonder have the
answer I’m looking for.
Practice 3: Give a series of instructions for the following stages of a lesson
1. You will return the students’ tests. They would go through their answers with
their neighbor and try to correct their mistakes together. They have got 15
2. The students should copy down the words of a song in their notebooks. They
should ask if they don’t understand any words. They have got no more than 5
3. The students should read through the dialogue on page 19 and then together
with a partner, underline any verbs that are in the past tense. They have got 10
4. The students should work in pairs and take it in turns to ask each other the
questions at the bottom of page 36. Give them about 5 minutes.
5. The students should work in groups of three or four. They must write a short
conversation for the rest of the students. Stop at ten past ten.
6. The students have 10 minutes to do questions 1-7. They can refer to page 125 in
their textbook for ideas.