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Contemporary World Quiz: Globalization & International Business

Republic of the Philippines
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque
Bachelor of Culture and Arts Education, Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education, Bachelor of Education major in Sciences,
Bachelor of Education major in Mathematics, Bachelor of Education major in Social Sciences
Deadline of Submission- December 10, 2021 (Friday)
Direction: This test consists of two sections: (1) a multiple-choice question section and (2) a constructed-response
assignment section. Each question in the first section is a multiple-choice question with four answer choices. Read each
question and answer choice carefully and choose the ONE best answer. Tick the circle that corresponds to your answer
using the link – (This will serve as your ANSWER SHEETS)
If your think you’re ready to take the Quiz now then you can download the copy of this questionnaire and start
making your responses thru the link given.
1. All commercial transactions between two or more countries are known as ________.
A. foreign trade
B. the balance of payments
C. globalization
D. international business
2. Which of the following is not a reason to study international business?
A. International business comprises a large and growing portion of the world's total business.
B. All business taking place outside your home country is international.
C. The conditions within foreign countries affect the best way to conduct business there.
D.A company operating internationally may engage in modes of business that differ from those it is accustomed
to domestically.
3. A difficulty in comparing the globalization of business over time is that ________.
A. companies adopt different operating forms
B. shifting borders obsolesce figures on what is international
C. countries differ in their extent of globalization
D.many private companies were once government owned
4. Which of the following has been a major force behind recent globalization?
A. The slower rise of prices in general than prices of transportation and communications.
B. Greater prohibitions on the placement of capital in countries with secretive bank-holding laws.
C. Institutional development of services that aid foreign trade and investment.
D.Lower tax rates on incomes.
5. Which of the following is a result of the recent expansion of transportation technology?
A. Producers from farther away are competing for sales in a given market.
B. Transportation costs have risen more rapidly than costs in general.
C. Governments have increased restrictions to prevent competition among carriers from different countries.
D. Companies have lessened their dependence on producing components in multiple countries.
6. Which of the following is a reason for recent governmental decreases in restrictions on cross-border trade or resource
A. Governments hope to induce other nations to reduce their barriers in return.
B. Most countries face shortages of workers; thus they compete to attract foreign workers so they can produce more.
C. Governments believe this will decrease the need to make their own companies more innovative.
D.Consumers increasingly want to buy goods and services produced in their own countries, thus making restrictions less necessary.
7. Potential pressures of increased foreign competition can persuade companies to ________.
A. expand their business into international markets
B. raise prices to improve the quality-image of their products
C. seek fewer barriers to imports
D.use more domestic inputs in their production
8. Which of the following is a reason why governments cooperate through treaties, agreements, and consultation?
A. To be in compliance with United Nations' requirements.
B. To gain a division of labor, such as by performing research and development in one country and production in another.
C. To deal with areas of concern that lie outside the territory of all countries.
D.To assure that all countries get an equitable share of taxes from multinational enterprises.
9. All of the following are major criticisms of globalization except ________.
A. countries lose control to act in their own best interest
B. globalization increases the cost of production
C. globalization creates winners and losers, thus leading to greater inequality
D.globalization brings economic growth that uses too many nonrenewable resources and despoils the environment
10. The major argument companies use to support off-shoring is that it ________.
A. reduces home-country unemployment
B. helps poor countries improve their economies
C. saves costs
D.reduces pollution
11. An advantage that an international company may have over a purely domestic one is that it can ________.
A. more easily control its opening units
B. acquire cheaper resources to use in production
C. deal with a less complex external environment
D.save transportation costs
12. An example of a Mexican merchandise export would be a shirt made ______ and sold _______.
A. in Mexico by either a Mexican or a U.S. company; in Mexico
B. in Mexico by either a Mexican or a U.S. company; outside Mexico
C. in the United States by a Mexican company; in the United States
D.in the United States by a Mexican company; outside the United States
13. When a company owns foreign bonds or bills, this is an example of a ________.
A. transnational corporation
B. direct investment
C. joint venture
D.portfolio investment
14. A company that takes a global approach to foreign markets and production is called a _______.
A. strategic alliance enterprise
B. multiglobal company
C. collaborative participant
D.multinational enterprise
15. In Japan, baseball games may end in a tie; in the United States, teams play until one wins. This difference is most
likely due to ________ factors.
A. geographic
B. legal
C. economic
16. All commercial transactions between two or more countries are known as globalization.
17. Understanding some of the complexities of international business help you to make more informed decisions in
support of government policies.
18. World production has grown more rapidly than world trade in almost every year since World War II.
19. Globalization of business has been stimulated by consumers' greater efficiency in using the Internet to compare
prices worldwide.
20. As a result of expansions in transportation technology, more countries can compete for sales in a given market.
21. Countries have reduced import trade barriers because they believe their domestic producers will become more
efficient as a result of foreign competition.
22. A born-global company is one that starts out with a global focus.
23. Governments cooperate through treaties, agreements, and consultation to assure that they all get an equitable
share of taxes from multinational enterprises.
24. People favoring globalization contend that the biggest problem of environment despoliation occurs in the countries
that are least globalized.
25. The major argument companies use to support off-shoring is that it saves costs.
26. The televising of sports competition to viewers in multiple countries is an example of an international objective of
sales expansion.
27. The production by a U.S. company in Canada for sale in Canada is a U.S. merchandise export.
28. A direct investment occurs when foreign ownership is in private rather than government securities.
29. Stateless company is a term used by the United Nations as a synonym for multinational enterprise.
30. Managers need a working knowledge of their physical and societal environments to help them understand the
aggregate of conditions outside their companies that influence their success.
31. Culture may be defined as ________.
A. the behavior that separates the upper class from those below it
B. leisure time activity as opposed to work activity
C. the learned norms based on attitudes, values, and beliefs of a group of people
D.the genetically determined norms of a group of people
32. All of the following are problems of building national cultural awareness except ________.
A. many published descriptions present unwarranted stereotypes or an assessment of only a segment of a population
B. cultures evolve, thus studies and descriptions may be outdated
C. systematic comparative studies have covered only high-income countries
D.the way people respond to questions about attitudes and preferences may, themselves, be affected by culture
33. The nation offers a workable reference for studying cultural differences because _______.
A. different groups within the same country always have more in common with each other than with groups in other countries
B. the commonality of language within a nation state eases the process of conducting surveys
C. the laws governing business operations apply primarily along national lines
D.a nation contains only one distinct culture
34. In which of the following situations would culture spread more easily between country A and country B?
A. People from A and B speak different languages.
B. Both A and B have several significant subcultures.
C. Both A and B lack significant ethnic subcultures.
D.People from A and B speak the same language.
35. ________ is often referred to as the "international language of business."
A. English
B. Chinese (Mandarin)
C. Esperanto
36. Among the ascribed group memberships is ________.
A. national origin
B. political affiliation
C. profession
37. The hierarchy-of-needs and Weber's Protestant ethic theories are examples of ________.
A. dual-development theories
B. work motivation theories
C. buyer behavior models
D.religious explanations of cultural diffusion
38. In societies with low power distance, most employees prefer a management style that ________.
A. permits nepotism
B. is autocratic
C. is paternalistic
D.is consultative
39. If employees prefer to set rules that are not to be broken even if breaking them is sometimes in the company's best
interest, their preference is explained by high ________.
A. femininity
B. collectivism
C. fatalism
D.uncertainty avoidance
40. A society characterized by considering relevant only firsthand information that bears directly on the decision they
need to make is a(n) ________ culture.
A. pragmatist
B. low-context
C. monochronic
41. The term silent language refers to ________.
A. written as opposed to oral communications
B. messages communicated through such means as color, distance, time, and body movements
C. methods used to communicate with hearing-impaired people
D.different local contexts for the same words, such as summer meaning different months in different countries
42. The frustration people encounter when having to learn and cope with a vast array of new cultural cues and
expectations is ________.
A. high-context culture
B. cultural distance
C. polycentrism
D.culture shock
43. A potential problem of polycentrism in international business is ________.
A. the departure of employees to set up their own businesses
B. lack of cooperation among ethnic groups within a country's operations
C. failure to introduce innovative superiority
D.location of operations in areas of rapidly rising costs
44. Participation in decision-making and support of opinion leaders are ________.
A. distinguishing characteristics of Western business practices
B. requirements for all international business undertakings
C. decreasingly important for international business success
D.strategies for firms to consider when introducing change in their foreign operations
45. The example of a Japanese tourist listening to a Filipino group sing a U.S. song in a British hotel chain in Indonesia is
evidence that ________.
A. cultural change is negative for the best interest of smaller, poorer countries
B. national regulations are attempting to slow the process of cultural evolvement
C. new hybrid cultures are developing
D.people's basic values are changing
46. People have more than one cultural membership.
47. As cultures evolve, studies and descriptions of the cultures may become outdated.
48. Different groups within the same country always have more in common with each other than with groups in other
49. The process of adding elements of an outside culture is known as creolization.
50. The intrusion of English into some other languages may result in the development of a hybrid tongue.
51. Unless MNEs hire and promote on the basis of competence, they meet resistance to the introduction of new
management practices.
52. In applying the hierarchy-of-needs theory, one should expect higher-order needs to be a better motivator in poor
53. Low dependence on the organization and a desire for personal time, freedom, and challenge are attributes of
54. In societies with high uncertainty avoidance, employees tend to prefer set rules.
55. A society characterized by preferring to finish one task before starting another is a low-context society.
56. The term silent language refers to written as opposed to oral communications.
57. The term cultural distance refers to the degree to which countries share attributes that help mold their cultures.
58. The process by which a company bases foreign operations on an informed knowledge of its organizational culture
along with home and host country needs, capabilities, and constraints is geocentrism.
59. Participation in decision-making can aid companies in making organizational changes only when the work force has a
good educational background.
60. As companies gain more experience in overseas operations, they may learn as well as impart valuable knowledge
that proves just as useful in the home country as in a host country.
61. Why did McDonald’s sell its shareholding in Chipotle?
A. It did not fit in with the McDonald’s approach to fast food
B. It objected to Mexican menu items
C. There was a dispute between executives of the two companies
D. Chipotle was not profitable
62. Which of the following companies is most likely to be polycentric in culture?
A. An American retailer whose main market is the US
B. A Swiss consumer products company that serves global markets
C. A Chinese car manufacturer that sells cars to mostly Chinese customers
D. A Taiwanese company that manufactures smartphones in China
63. Which of the following is a high-context culture?
C. Japan
D. Australia
64. Why did 2015 mark a turning point that allowed Iran to trade more with western businesses?
A. Because it discovered huge new oil reserves
B. Because it agreed a nuclear deal with western countries
C. Because its religious leaders had given the go-ahead
D. Because its business leaders were in favour of open markets
65. Which of the following best defines power distance in Hofstede’s cultural dimensions?
A. Sense of being remote from those at the top
B. Sense of having little power
C. Sense of anxiety over decisions made by those above you
D. Sense of being one of a group
66. Why is Taylorist scientific management criticized?
A. It advocates very low wages
B. It reduces human workers to machine-like, repetitive tasks
C. It is based on assembly lines
D. It is boring for workers
67. Remittances can be defined as…
A. Payments by employers to migrants’ families
B. Money sent by migrant workers to their families in their homelands
C. Money sent to migrant workers by their families
D. Payments made by governments to migrant workers
68. Which country among the following is the source of a large outward movement of refugees from conflict?
A. Afghanistan
B. Mexico
C. Greece
D. Ireland
69. Which of these continents is experiencing the fastest-growing urbanization?
A. Europe
B. Asia
C. Africa
D. South America
70. People aged 60 or over form what percentage of the population in developed regions?
A. 10%
B. 23%
C. 40%
D. 50%
Part II. (71-76) Identify in which categories the following keywords are associated. Write the letter of the correct answer
in their respective columns.
Guide to Meeting
AA. Cultural Adaptability
BB. Bridging the Gap
CC. Long-term orientation
DD. Building Global Mentality
EE. Flexibility Is Key
FF. Individualism versus collectivism
GG. Familiarity
HH. Personal Space
II. Power distance
JJ. Religious Values
KK. Uncertainty avoidance
LL. Business Cards
MM. Comedy
NN. Masculinity versus femininity
OO. Body Language
PP. Some Are Losing
QQ. Indulgence versus restraint
RR. Some Are Gaining
SS. The Consequences
TT. What Can Be Done?
Part III. Essay. Answer briefly the following questions.
What are some of the difficulties in developing cultural awareness?
What factors contribute to the identification and dynamics of cultures? What is the criticism
made of the nation as a factor?
Work Motivation attitudes are among the most debated aspects of cultural differences. What
are the main differences in these attitudes we are likely to find between cultures?