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Norway and Scotland Geography, Culture, Demographics

Šarūnas Straševičius , Anglų Kalba
Norway, Nor. Norge,officially Kingdom of Norway,
constitutional monarchy (1994 pop. 4,347,695),
125,181 sq mi (324,219 sq km), N Europe,
occupying the western part of the Scandinavian peninsula.
Extending from the Skagerrak, which it borders in the south,
c.1,100 mi (1,770 km) northeast to North Cape and Vardø on the
PEOPLE AND LAND. The coastline, c.1,700 mi (2,740 km) long, is
fringed with islands (notably the Lofoten islands and Vesterålen)
and is deeply indented by numerous fjords. From the coast the land
rises sharply to high plateaus such as Dovrefjell and the
Hardangervidda. The mountains and plateaus are intersected by
fertile valleys, such as Gudbrandsdalen, and by rapid rivers, which
furnish hydroelectric power and are used for logging. The Glåma, in
the south, is the most important river. Because of the North Atlantic
Drift, Norway has a mild and humid climate for a northern country
DEMOGRAPHICS The Norwegian language has two official written
forms, called Bokmål and Nynorsk, which do not differ greatly.
Bokmål is written by the majority. Several Saami languages are
spoken and written in the northern regions by the Saami people.
The Germanic Norwegian language and the Finno-Ugric Saami
languages are entirely unrelated.
Scotland is the northern part of Great Britain, bordering to the
south on England. Scotland consists of a mainland area plus several
island groups, including the Shetland, Orkney, and the Hebrides,
divided into the Inner Hebrides and Outer Hebrides. The majority of
the Scottish population resides in the Central Belt, which contains
three of the five main cities, and many large towns.
Scotland has a distinct civic culture from the rest of the United
Kingdom. This is based on various differences, some entrenched as
part of the Act of Union, others facets of nationhood that are not so
easily defined but readily identifiable.
Scotland has many separate sports associations, such as the
Scottish Football Association or the Scottish Rugby Union. This
gives it independent representation at many international sporting
events such as the football (soccer) World Cup.
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