T HE B IG PL A N 2 0 1 5 - 1 8 THE UNIVERSITY OF STIRLING STUDENTS’ UNION Purpose & Values 03 Summary of The Big Plan Aims 04 05 Democratic & Academic Representation 06 Communities, Volunteering & Environmental Activities, Sports, Clubs Development 07 08 09 Social, Cultural & Enterprise Support & Wellbeing 10 - Enablers 11 People /Finance 12 Communications /Facilities 13 PUR POSE A N D VALUES Our Purpose is to ‘Make Students’ Lives Better’ Our Values are: Equality & Diversity Helpful & Fun Sense of Belonging Ambitious Responsible 03 SUMM ARY O F THE BI G PLAN Summary of the Big Plan This plan sets out our ambitious and comprehensive strategy to be an exemplary Student Union. We aim to ensure all students enjoy University life to the full and that the Student Union achieves its mission to Make Students’ Lives Better. Our principal strategic aims can be summarised as follows; Create a sense of belonging by being helpful and supportive, delivering professional services and vibrant activities in a framework of Equality and Diversity. Provide academic Support Services that are accessible, inclusive, independent and available at all campuses for students in need of individual support. Influence key decisions and embed and evaluate any curriculum, learning and teaching modifications; achieved through enhanced student representative structures and a full year support service. Work with the University’s Student Support Service to ensure all students’ individual needs are being met, by providing neutral professional mediation services within the Student Union. Individual crisis situations can occur at any time, with this in mind we aim to develop an out of hours peer listening and signposting service. To maximise effectiveness of club presidents and committees, we aim to develop training and coaching provision whilst also working with the University’s Sport Development Service to ensure all students’ sporting needs are met. We will help to deliver the University’s Strategy for Sport, focusing on participation and performance to harness the links between sport participation and improved health and wellbeing. Facilitate student led co-curricular and collaborative activities through clubs, societies and volunteering opportunities. To enhance employability prospects, we will seek module accreditation where work experience links to coursework and support enterprise ideas opportunities for all students. We will support delivery of the University’s Employability Strategy and work with the Career Development Centre and Enterprise Incubator. Provide relevant and inclusive events, activities and social study spaces, to enhance cultural and social life on campus for our internationally diverse population. Our commercial services (shop/catering/café/bar) will deliver quality, value for money and employment opportunities for students. Minimise the environmental impact of the University and its students by implementing our innovative Green agenda in collaboration with the University. We aim to communicate the benefits of these life enhancing and enjoyable activities to enrich the University experience. Additional funding and resources will be required in order to deliver this ambitious strategic plan. We are confident that the University appreciates the benefits and impact that a better resourced Student Union will provide. Achieving this plan will translate directly to improving the University experience for all students at Stirling. Amy McDermott Union President Barbara Mckissack Chair of the Trustee Board 04 This plan aims to deliver: AI M S Social, Cultural and Enterprise Communities, Volunteering and Environment Activities, Sport, Clubs and Societies Support and Wellbeing Democratic and Academic Representation 05 DE M OC RAT IC A ND ACA DE M IC RE PR E S ENTAT IO N We will represent students’ interests at both local and national level, influencing key decisions and shaping the curriculum in line with students’ changing requirements. We will enhance student representative and democratic structures and increase the ‘listening’ that we do. How will we achieve this? Facilitate and support the student voice and support the delivery of relevant and effective campaigns informed through evidence from casework, surveys and other student feedback. Ensure the Union’s electoral process is appropriately governed, well publicised and administered. In partnership with the University, recruit and train course representatives and school officers to represent all student groups. Support and develop the leadership qualities and skill sets of student officers, to enable them to represent students effectively at the University and externally. Measure of Success Increase the number of course representatives and school officers recruited and trained. Ensure that elections are contested and electoral turnout increases year on year. Improve participation levels in surveys and use the analysis of the results to shape change. Evidence and publicise changes to University policies or decision making which are attributable to Union interventions. Increase RATE and StARs programme participation and evaluate outcomes. Drive student participation in all surveys including the National Student Survey (NSS), the Post Graduate Taught Survey (PTES), Post Graduate Research Survey (PReS). Analyse the results and identify areas of improvement for the University and Student Union. Effectively develop and deliver programmes, such as Recognising Achievement in Teaching Excellence (RATE) and Students as Researchers (StARs). Work in partnership with the University on the Enhancement Led Institutional Review (ELIR). Develop policy in line with students’ changing requirements. 06 SUPPO RT& WELLBE I N G We will provide accessible, inclusive and independent information, support and guidance; we aim to be the first point of contact for students who are experiencing difficulties and are in need of individual representation. How will we achieve this? Promote the Union’s student support widely to all students and University staff, to increase awareness of what we offer and how to access the services. Develop and deliver an appropriate out of hours peer listening and signposting service. Increase staff capacity and expertise to deliver professional academic representation casework, advocacy, mediation and out of hours support services. Measure of Success Increased numbers of self-referrals due to more preventative support and signposting. Increasing awareness and use of services within the student population. Increase in University retention rates especially in relation to articulated, wider access and international student cohorts. Strengthen links with other University of Stirling Campuses and develop accessible information, support and representation to these student populations. Working with the University’s Accommodation Services, offer support and training to groups of students undertaking challenging roles such as Accommodation Liaison Students (ALS). Work closely with partners such as the University, Citizens Advice Bureau, Shelter and other third sector providers to develop appropriate services on campus. Work in partnership with NHS Forth Valley to deliver Scottish Mental Health First Aid and Assist training to staff and students. Continue to deliver de-stress activities and initiatives. Ensure all staff and officers are aware of equality and diversity issues and that support provided reflects these principles. Develop and implement effective recording and monitoring system to capture casework undertaken, outcomes, student demographics, trends, potential campaigning issues, signposting, referrals, connections to other services and volume of work undertaken. 07 AC TIV ITIES & SPORTS, C LU BS D EV ELOPMENT We will create a sense of belonging, fun and enjoyment. We will effectively communicate the benefits of these life enhancing activities to ensure students enjoy their University experience to the full. How will we achieve this? Measure of Success Influence and actively support the implementation of the University’s Strategy for Sport. Increased participation in clubs, societies and sports clubs year on year. Development of sports clubs and clubs and societies through professional staff support. Effective club administration and fundraising. Empower and develop clubs, societies and sports clubs through clubs academy, leadership training and individual support. Improve club profiles and administration, identifying and negating any barriers to participation, highlight the benefits of club, society and sports club membership and the added benefits of committee involvement. Deliver HEAR ensuring that co-curricular and volunteering activities can be evidenced. Participation and achievement in sport and competitive activities. Achieve 5 stars in the NUS (National Union of Students) Healthy Body Healthy Mind programme. Add to employability prospects through the delivery of Higher Education Achievement Reports (HEAR) on Stirling transcripts. Seek module accreditation where there are direct work experience opportunities within subject specific societies. Ensure that students have access to a range of activities that link Sport, Disability, Health and Wellbeing. Celebrate and recognise active participation within clubs, societies and sports teams at the annual Clubs and Societies Ball and Sports Ball. 08 C O M M UNIT IE S , VOLUNT E E R ING AND E NVIR O NM E NTAL We aim to expand and enhance students University experience by providing a wide range of volunteering opportunities within the local community. Working with the University, we aim to minimise the environmental impact of the Institution and its students. How will we achieve this? Work closely with the University to deliver the Internationalisation strategy through events, peer support and other initiatives. Provide volunteering opportunities linked to the community and forge strong links with Alumni Ambassadors. Work with the University to deliver the STEER mentoring program and joint employability and volunteering events with the Career Development Centre. Measure of Success Achieve Investors in Volunteers renewal. Recognition of student community engagement through local press and local volunteering awards. Increase participation in all active volunteer programmes. Monitor programmes and services through feedback and evaluations. Achieve NUS Green Impact accreditation. Use volunteering to bridge the gap between the student community and wider population. Offer employability focused opportunities; Entry level job initiative, the V Team, F Team. Continued attraction of external funding to deliver sustainable projects. Community involvement and engagement through Stirling Digs with landlords, the Council and tenants. Secure funds to ensure there is staff capacity dedicated to developing and delivering environmental projects. Build a mutually supportive relationship with the University in regards to environmental initiatives, and encourage the University to minimise its environmental impact and embed sustainability throughout the Institution, through Green Champions and other joint initiatives. Support activities aimed at increasing on-campus biodiversity and engagement with the campus as a natural environment. Encourage and support the development of employability skills through awards such as the Students’ Active & Innovative Leadership programme (SAIL), Students as Researchers (StARs) project and internship opportunities. 09 SOCIAL, CU LT U RAL AND ENT ERP RISE We will provide relevant and inclusive events, activities and support enterprise opportunities for all students. We will ensure that our commercial services deliver quality and value to our members in our catering/café/bar facilities delivering student focused social study space and flexible events venues. How will we achieve this? Continue to build the quality brand offer and ensure excellent customer experience for all. Measure of Success Variety in service provision. Good student feedback to help shape activity. Be accessible; working with individual students and clubs to support the planning, organisation and delivery of successful events and ensure that they are effectively supported by officers and staff. Market our offer effectively; listen to students and add value (‘You said We did’) through communications. Number of successful events. Attendance, Turnover, Surplus etc. Diversity of students utilising the facility. Increased ranking of survey scores. Encourage and facilitate a Union team approach to the promotion, engagement and success of all our ventures. Work closely with colleagues at other Institutions to share best practice and seek to develop new initiatives such as the Coffee House Sessions. In partnership with the Enterprise incubator at the University, support, where possible and practical, student enterprise activities. Renovate our spaces into multi-purpose venues in order to match students’ multi-faceted requirements. 10 EN ABLE R S Underpinning these priorities, there are 4 enablers which the Union will focus on in order to have the greatest impact. Communications People Facilities Finance 11 People PEO PLE / FI N AN C E We aim to be an employer of choice with staff operating within a positive, supportive and empowering culture. We will ensure all staff are valued and in return provide an excellent service. How will we achieve this? Recruit and retain both specialist/professional and student staff. Measure of Success Low staff turnover and retention of effective staff. Improvement in staff survey results. Invest in training and development for individuals and teams Evidence of Continual Professional Development (CPD). Ensure effective Human Resource (HR) practices and policies are in place. Offer relevant remuneration to attract and retain professional staff. Conduct bi-annual staff satisfaction surveys and evaluate and act on findings. Ensure effective performance and development reviews are undertaken by all staff. Finance We will work with the University and other funding partners to ensure that the Union is resourced to deliver on all priorities aligned to this plan. We will ensure that the Union is operating as a viable institution, balancing innovation and risk. How will we achieve this? In partnership with the University, develop a block grant funding mechanism which is fit for purpose, and will enable core and additional service delivery. Secure Capital Investment to convert internal space for social study and various club activities. Measure of Success Adequate block grant funding agreed for the next 3 years to deliver this plan. Improved financial strength of the Union through effective budgetary control. Effective external reporting e.g. Annual Accounts. Ensure effective financial planning with monthly management accounting and budget comparison. Ensure regular Finance and Resources Committee meetings, with minutes submitted to the Trustee Board for financial scrutiny and transparency. Agree a reserves policy. 12 Communications COMMUN ICATION S / FACILITIES We will ensure that our communications are effective and tailored to the needs of our diverse student body. We aim to improve overall satisfaction by understanding our membership, including groups which are not involved in Union activities, and targeting approaches to include these students. How will we achieve this? Develop a communications plan which will combine audience, message and channel, thus making communications more relevant to all students. Measure of Success More effective communications demonstrated through more informed members, increased attendance and web traffic. Online resources developed and accessible. Use the Membership Solutions (MSL) web platform to its full potential. Additional revenue from Marketing functions. Raise awareness in all stakeholders of the unique services the Student Union provides. Ensure all internal services and departments develop a marketing plan and publish online. Provide ‘bite size’ offers to stimulate involvement and inclusion. Facilities We will utilise the Union spaces effectively and ensure, in partnership with the University, we have well maintained, appropriate and accessible facilities on and off campus available for all of the Union’s activities. How will we achieve this? Measure of Success Redevelop the night club space into a flexible and versatile venue, to be used for social study, clubs, societies and social space. Increased activities within the Union building. Continue with smaller tactical investments to upgrade the facilities as appropriate. Facilities are available as required. Increased use of facilities in relation to diversity of students. Continue maintenance programme of Student Union facilities on campus. Work with the University to ensure student sport and club activities have access to the facilities they require to thrive. Work with the University to ensure the commercial facilities can operate profitably for specific events outwith semester. 13 ONL INE www.stirlingstudentsunion.com /stirlingstudentsunion @stirlingunion @stirlingunion 14 University Of Stirling Students’ Union University of Stirling The Robbins Centre Stirling FK9 4LA Making Students' Lives Better