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Plant Reproduction Lab Report: Gymnosperms & Angiosperms

BSC 1011L: Hayden McNeil: Plant Reproduction
Name: _______________________
LAB REPORT: To be completed, saved as a pdf file, and submitted as your lab
participation portion of the lab grade (20 points). NOTE: Some of the information
may need to be researched outside of the lab information and you should use
your lecture textbook and notes as resources.
Topic 1: Gymnosperm Reproduction
Male Pine Cone
1. Insert your saved screenshot/s of the width-wise cut-through microscope
slide of the male pine cone showing the following labeled structures:
microsporangium, microspores within the microsporangium (3)
within the
2. Insert your saved screenshot/s of the pollen grain microscope slide showing
the following labeled structures: outer wall, pollen wings (3)
pollen wings
outer wall
Part 2: Specialized Gymnosperm Leaf
3. What Walt Disney character does a pine pollen grain resemble? (0.5)
 Mickey Mouse
4. What is the purpose/function of the air sacs on a pine pollen grain? (0.5)
 The air sacs allow the pine pollen grain to travel longer distances and with
ease by the wind.
5. Describe the differences between pollination and fertilization in gymnosperms:
 Pollination: This takes place before fertilization. An external process. A
process of transferring one male gametophyte to a female plant. Only flowers
can go through this process.
 Fertilization: Occurs after pollination is successful. The fusion of male and
female gametes to produce a zygote. Can occur on almost all living organisms
and things.
6. Insert your saved screenshot/s of the female pine cone microscope slide
showing the following labeled structures: megaspore, cone scale. Make sure you
are at a high enough magnification to clearly see the location of these structures. (3)
cone scale
Topic 2: Angiosperm Reproduction
7. Watch this YouTube video (https://youtu.be/-uv9zI03UGo) that shows the
formation of the pollen tube from a pollen grain. View the video, making sure to
read the narration text, and capture a screenshot at 24 seconds into the video; insert
your screenshot below (2)
8. What is the title of the You Tube video you watched above? (0.5)
 Pollen Germination in vitro
9. What is the movement that is making the pollen tube elongate?
 Cytoplasmic Streaming
The Seed
10. Insert your labeled microscope image of the wheat seed below, making sure to
show the following labeled structures: seed coat, endosperm. (3)
seed coat
11. What is the ‘ploidy’ of the endosperm (1n, 2n, 3n)? (0.5)
 3n: Triploid
12. What is the function of the endosperm in flowering plants? (0.5)
 Its purpose is to supply nutrients to the growing embryo.
Fruit Structures
13. Insert your labeled microscope slide of Stone Cells below, making sure you have
clearly labeled the following structures: stone cells. (2)
stone cells