CHAPTER 2 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PRO OBLEM 2.1 1 Twoo forces are applied a as shoown to a hoook. Determinee graphically the magnnitude and dirrection of theiir resultant using (a) the paarallelogram laaw, (b) thhe triangle rulle. TION SOLUT (a) Parallelogram law: l (b) T Triangle rule: W measure: We R = 1391 kN, α = 477.8° R = 1391 N 47.8° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.2 2 Twoo forces are applied as shown s to a bracket b support. Determiine grapphically the magnitude and directioon of their resultant r usiing (a) the paralleloogram law, (b) ( the trianggle rule. TION SOLUT (a) Parallelogram law: l (b) T Triangle rule: W measure: We R = 9006 lb, α = 26.6° 2 R = 9066 lb 26.6° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.3 Two structural members B and C are bolted to bracket A. Knowing that both members are in tension and that P = 10 kN and Q = 15 kN, determine graphically the magnitude and direction of the resultant force exerted on the bracket using (a) the parallelogram law, (b) the triangle rule. SOLUTION (a) Parallelogram law: (b) Triangle rule: We measure: R = 20.1 kN, α = 21.2° R = 20.1 kN 21.2° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.4 Two structural members B and C are bolted to bracket A. Knowing that both members are in tension and that P = 6 kips and Q = 4 kips, determine graphically the magnitude and direction of the resultant force exerted on the bracket using (a) the parallelogram law, (b) the triangle rule. SOLUTION (a) Parallelogram law: (b) Triangle rule: We measure: R = 8.03 kips, α = 3.8° R = 8.03 kips 3.8° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.5 A stake is being pulled out of the ground by means of two ropes as shown. Knowing that α = 30°, determine by trigonometry (a) the magnitude of the force P so that the resultant force exerted on the stake is vertical, (b) the corresponding magnitude of the resultant. SOLUTION Using the triangle rule and the law of sines: (a) (b) 120 N P = sin 30° sin 25° P = 101.4 N 30° + β + 25° = 180° β = 180° − 25° − 30° = 125° 120 N R = sin 30° sin125° R = 196.6 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.6 A telephone cable is clamped at A to the pole AB. Knowing that the tension in the left-hand portion of the cable is T1 = 800 lb, determine by trigonometry (a) the required tension T2 in the right-hand portion if the resultant R of the forces exerted by the cable at A is to be vertical, (b) the corresponding magnitude of R. SOLUTION Using the triangle rule and the law of sines: (a) 75° + 40° + α = 180° α = 180° − 75° − 40° = 65° (b) T2 800 lb = sin 65° sin 75° T2 = 853 lb 800 lb R = sin 65° sin 40° R = 567 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.7 A telephone cable is clamped at A to the pole AB. Knowing that the tension in the right-hand portion of the cable is T2 = 1000 lb, determine by trigonometry (a) the required tension T1 in the left-hand portion if the resultant R of the forces exerted by the cable at A is to be vertical, (b) the corresponding magnitude of R. SOLUTION Using the triangle rule and the law of sines: (a) 75° + 40° + β = 180° β = 180° − 75° − 40° = 65° (b) T1 1000 lb = sin 75° sin 65° T1 = 938 lb 1000 lb R = sin 75° sin 40° R = 665 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.8 A disabled automobile is pulled by means of two ropes as shown. The tension in rope AB is 2.2 kN, and the angle α is 25°. Knowing that the resultant of the two forces applied at A is directed along the axis of the automobile, determine by trigonometry (a) the tension in rope AC, (b) the magnitude of the resultant of the two forces applied at A. SOLUTION Using the law of sines: TAC 2.2 kN R = = sin 30° sin125° sin 25 TAC = 2.603 kN R = 4.264 kN (a) TAC = 2.60 kN (b) R = 4.26 kN Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.9 A disabled automobile is pulled by means of two ropes as shown. Knowing that the tension in rope AB is 3 kN, determine by trigonometry the tension in rope AC and the value of α so that the resultant force exerted at A is a 4.8-kN force directed along the axis of the automobile. SOLUTION Using the law of cosines: TAC 2 = (3 kN)2 + (4.8 kN)2 − 2(3 kN)(4.8 kN) cos 30° TAC = 2.6643 kN Using the law of sines: sin α sin 30° = 3 kN 2.6643 kN α = 34.3° TAC = 2.66 kN 34.3° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM M 2.10 Two forces are a applied as shown to a hoook support. Knowing K that the magnitude of o P is 35 N, determine d by trigonometry (a) the requirred angle α if thee resultant R of o the two forcces applied to the support iss to be horizontal, (b) the correesponding maggnitude of R. TION SOLUT Using thhe triangle rulee and law of sines: (a) siin α sin 25° = 5 N 50 35 N s α = 0.603774 sin α = 37.1388° (b) α = 37.1° α + β + 25° = 180° β = 180° − 25° − 37.138° = 117.8622° R 35 N = sin1177.862° sin 25° 2 R = 73.2 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at P PROBLEM 2.11 A steel tank is to be positionned in an excavvation. Knowiing thhat α = 20°, determine d by trigonometry (a) the requirred m magnitude of the force P if i the resultannt R of the two t fo forces applied at A is to be vertical, v (b) thhe correspondiing m magnitude of R. R SOLUT TION Using thhe triangle rulee and the law of sines: (a) β + 50° + 60° = 180° β = 180° − 50° − 60° = 70° (b) 4 lb 425 P = ssin 70° sin 60° P = 392 lb 4 lb 425 R = ssin 70° sin 50° R = 346 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at P PROBLEM 2.12 A steel tank is to be positionned in an excavvation. Knowiing thhat the maggnitude of P is 500 lb,, determine by trrigonometry (a) the required angle α if thhe resultant R of thhe two forces applied at A is to be vertical, v (b) the c corresponding magnitude off R. SOLUT TION Using thhe triangle rulee and the law of sines: (a) (α + 330°) + 60° + β = 180° β = 180° − (α + 30°) − 60° β = 90° − α sin (90° − α ) sin 60° 425 lb = 500 lb 90° − α = 47.402° (b) R 500 lb = sin (42.598° + 300°) sin 60° α = 42.6° R = 551 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at P PROBLEM 2.13 A steel tank is to be positioned p in an excavation. D Determine byy trigonometrry (a) the magnitude and a d direction of thee smallest forcce P for whichh the resultantt R o the two forces of f appliedd at A is vertical, v (b) the c corresponding magnitude off R. TION SOLUT The smaallest force P will w be perpenndicular to R. (a) P = (425 lb) co os 30° (b) R = (425 lb)sin n 30° P = 368 lb R = 21 13 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at P PROBLEM 2.14 For the hook support F s of Proob. 2.10, deterrmine by trigoonometry (a) the m magnitude andd direction of the t smallest force fo P for whhich the resulttant R of the twoo forces appliied to the suupport is horrizontal, (b) the corresponding magnitude off R. SOLUT TION The smaallest force P will w be perpenndicular to R. (a) P = (50 N)sin 25° (b) R = (50 N) cos 25° P = 21.1 N R = 45.3 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.15 For the hook support shown, determine by trigonometry the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the two forces applied to the support. SOLUTION Using the law of cosines: R 2 = (200 lb) 2 + (300 lb) 2 − 2(200 lb)(300 lb) cos (45 + 65°) R = 413.57 lb Using the law of sines: sin α sin (45 + 65°) = 300 lb 413.57 lb α = 42.972° β = 90 + 25 − 42.972° R = 414 lb 72.0° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.16 Solve Prob. 2.1 by trigonometry. PROBLEM 2.1 Two forces are applied as shown to a hook. Determine graphically the magnitude and direction of their resultant using (a) the parallelogram law, (b) the triangle rule. SOLUTION Using the law of cosines: R 2 = (900 N) 2 + (600 N )2 − 2(900 N )(600 N) cos (135°) R = 1390.57N Using the law of sines: sin(α − 30 ) sin (135°) = 600N 1390.57N α − 30 = 17.7642° α = 47.764 R = 1391N 47.8° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.17 2 Soolve Problem 2.4 2 by trigonoometry. PR ROBLEM 2.44 Two structuural members B and C are bolted b to bracket A.. Knowing thaat both membbers are in tennsion and thatt P = 6 kips and a Q = 4 kips, deetermine graphhically the maagnitude and direction of the resultant force exerted on thhe bracket usinng (a) the parrallelogram laaw, r (bb) the triangle rule. TION SOLUT Using thhe force triang gle and the law ws of cosines and a sines: We have: γ = 1800° − (50° + 25°) = 1055° Then R 2 = (4 kips) 2 + (6 kipps) 2 − 2(4 kips)(6 kips) cos1105° = 64.423 kips 2 R = 8.00264 kips And 4 kipps 8.02644 kips = sin(25° + α ) sin105° sin(25° + α ) = 0.481337 25° + α = 28.7755° α = 3.775° R = 8.03 kips k 3.8° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.18 For the stake of Prob. 2.5, knowing that the tension in one rope is 120 N, determine by trigonometry the magnitude and direction of the force P so that the resultant is a vertical force of 160 N. PROBLEM 2.5 A stake is being pulled out of the ground by means of two ropes as shown. Knowing that α = 30°, determine by trigonometry (a) the magnitude of the force P so that the resultant force exerted on the stake is vertical, (b) the corresponding magnitude of the resultant. SOLUTION Using the laws of cosines and sines: P 2 = (120 N) 2 + (160 N) 2 − 2(120 N)(160 N) cos 25° P = 72.096 N And sin α sin 25° = 120 N 72.096 N sin α = 0.70343 α = 44.703° P = 72.1 N 44.7° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.19 Two forces P and Q are applied a to the lid of a storagge bin as show wn. Knowing thhat P = 48 N and Q = 60 N, N determine by trigonomeetry the magnituude and directiion of the resuultant of the tw wo forces. SOLUT TION Using thhe force triang gle and the law ws of cosines and a sines: We havee γ = 180° − (220° + 10°) = 150° Then and R 2 = (48 N) 2 + (60 N) 2 − 2(48 N)(60 N N) cos1550° R = 104.366 N 48 N 104.366 N = sin150° sin α sinn α = 0.22996 α = 13.2947° Hence: φ = 180° − α − 80° = 180° − 133.2947° − 80° = 86.705° R = 104.4 N 86.7°° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at P PROBLEM M 2.20 Two forces P and Q are appplied to the lid T l of a storagge bin as show wn. K Knowing that P = 60 N andd Q = 48 N, determine d by trigonometry the m magnitude andd direction of the resultant of o the two forcces. SOLUT TION Using thhe force triang gle and the law ws of cosines and a sines: We havee γ = 180° − (20° + 10°) = 150° Then and R 2 = (60 N)2 + (448 N) 2 − 2(60 N)(488 N) cos 150° R = 104.366 N 60 N 104.366 N = sin α sin150° sin α = 0.28745 α = 16.7054° Hence: φ = 180° − α − 180° = 180° − 16.7054° − 80° = 83.2295° R = 104.44 N 83.3° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROB BLEM 2.21 Determiine the x and y components of each of thee forces shownn. TION SOLUT Computte the followin ng distances: OA = (84) 2 + (80) 2 = 116 in.. OB = (28)2 + (96) 2 = 100 in.. OC = (48)2 + (90) 2 = 102 in.. 29-lb Foorce: 50-lb Foorce: 51-lb Foorce: Fx = +(29 lbb) 84 116 Fx = +21.0 lb Fy = +(29 lbb) 80 116 Fy = +20.0 lb Fx = −(50 lbb) 28 100 Fx = −14.00 lb Fy = +(50 lbb) 96 100 Fy = + 48.0 lb Fx = +(51 lbb) 48 102 Fx = +24.0 lb Fy = −(51 lbb) 90 102 Fy = −45.0 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBL LEM 2.22 Determinne the x and y components of each of the forces shown.. TION SOLUT Computte the followin ng distances: OA = (600) 2 + (800) 2 = 1000 mm m OB = (560) 2 + (900) 2 = 1060 mm m OC = (480) 2 + (900) 2 = 1020 mm m F 800-N Force: F 424-N Force: F 408-N Force: Fx = +(800 N) N 800 1000 Fx = +640 N Fy = +(800 N) N 600 1000 Fy = +480 N Fx = −(424 N) N 560 1060 Fx = −224 N Fy = −(424 N) N 900 1060 Fy = −360 N Fx = +(408 N) N 480 1020 Fx = +192.0 N Fy = −(408 N) N 900 1020 Fy = −360 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.23 Determine the x and y components of each of the forces shown. SOLUTION 80-N Force: 120-N Force: 150-N Force: Fx = +(80 N)cos 40° Fx = 61.3 N Fy = +(80 N)sin 40° Fy = 51.4 N Fx = +(120 N)cos70° Fx = 41.0 N Fy = +(120 N)sin 70° Fy = 112.8 N Fx = −(150 N)cos35° Fx = −122. 9 N Fy = +(150 N)sin 35° Fy = 86.0 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.24 Determine the x and y components of each of the forces shown. SOLUTION 40-lb Force: 50-lb Force: 60-lb Force: Fx = +(40 lb)cos60° Fx = 20.0 lb Fy = −(40 lb)sin 60° Fy = −34.6 lb Fx = −(50 lb)sin 50° Fx = −38.3 lb Fy = −(50 lb)cos50° Fy = −32.1 lb Fx = +(60 lb)cos 25° Fx = 54.4 lb Fy = +(60 lb)sin 25° Fy = 25.4 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.25 Member BC exerts on member AC a force P directed along line BC. Knowing that P must have a 325-N horizontal component, determine (a) the magnitude of the force P, (b) its vertical component. SOLUTION BC = (650 mm) 2 + (720 mm) 2 = 970 mm ⎛ 650 ⎞ Px = P ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 970 ⎠ (a) or ⎛ 970 ⎞ P = Px ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 650 ⎠ ⎛ 970 ⎞ = 325 N ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 650 ⎠ = 485 N P = 485 N (b) ⎛ 720 ⎞ Py = P ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 970 ⎠ ⎛ 720 ⎞ = 485 N ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 970 ⎠ = 360 N Py = 970 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PRO OBLEM 2.26 6 Membber BD exertss on memberr ABC a forcce P directed along line BD. B Know wing that P muust have a 300--lb horizontal component, determine d (a) the t magniitude of the foorce P, (b) its vertical v compoonent. TION SOLUT P sin 35° = 300 lb (a) P= (b) V Vertical compo onent 300 lb sin 35° P = 523 lb Pv = P cos35° = (523 lb) cos 355° Pv = 428 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PR ROBLEM 2.27 2 Thhe hydraulic cyylinder BC exxerts on membber AB a forcee P dirrected along liine BC. Know wing that P muust have a 6000-N com mponent perppendicular to member m AB, determine d (a) the maagnitude of thee force P, (b) its componentt along line AB B. TION SOLUT 180° = 45° + α + 90° + 300° α = 180° − 45° − 90° − 30° = 15° (a) Px P P P= x coss α 6000 N = coss15° = 6211.17 N cos α = P = 621 N (b) tan α = Py Px Py = Px tan t α = (6000 N) tan15° = 1600.770 N Py = 160.8 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PRO OBLEM 2.2 28 Cablee AC exerts on o beam AB a force P directed along linne AC. Knowiing that P must have a 350-lb verticcal componentt, determine (aa) the magnituude of thee force P, (b) its horizontal component. TION SOLUT (a) P= = Py cos 55° 350 lb cos 55° = 610.21 lb (b) P = 610 lb Px = P sin 555° = (610.211 lb)sin 55° = 499.85 lb Px = 500 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at P PROBLEM 2 2.29 Thhe hydraulic cylinder BD exerts e on mem mber ABC a force P directed allong line BD D. Knowing that P mustt have a 750-N component peerpendicular too member ABC, determine (a) the magnitude of the force P, (b) its compoonent parallel to ABC. TION SOLUT (a) 750 N = P sinn 20° P = 21922.9 N (b) P = 2190 N PABC = P coss 20° = (2192.9 N) cos 20°° PABC = 2060 N A Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.30 The guy wire BD exerts on the telephone pole AC a force P directed along BD. Knowing that P must have a 720-N component perpendicular to the pole AC, determine (a) the magnitude of the force P, (b) its component along line AC. SOLUTION (a) 37 Px 12 37 = (720 N) 12 = 2220 N P= P = 2.22 kN (b) 35 Px 12 35 = (720 N) 12 = 2100 N Py = Py = 2.10 kN Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLE EM 2.31 Determine the t resultant of o the three forrces of Problem m 2.21. PROBLEM M 2.21 Determ mine the x andd y componennts of each of the forces show wn. TION SOLUT Componnents of the fo orces were deteermined in Prooblem 2.21: Force F x Comp. (lb) y Compp. (lb) 29 2 lb +21.0 +200.0 50 5 lb –14.00 +48.0 51 5 lb +24.0 –45.0 Rx = +31.0 Ry = + 23.0 R = Rx i + Ry j = (31.0 lb)i + (23.0 lb) j tann α = Ry Rx 23.0 31.0 α = 36.573° = R= 23.0 lbb sin (36.5773°) = 38.601 lbb R = 38.66 lb 36.6° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLE EM 2.32 Determine the resultant of o the three forrces of Probleem 2.23. M 2.23 Determ mine the x andd y componennts of each of the PROBLEM forces show wn. TION SOLUT Componnents of the fo orces were dettermined in Prroblem 2.23: Force y Com mp. (N) x Comp. (N) 80 N +61.3 + +51.4 120 N +41.0 +1112.8 150 N –122.9 + +86.0 Rx = −20.6 Ry = + 250.2 2 R = Rx i + R y j = (−20..6 N)i + (250.22 N)j tan α = Ry Rx 250.22 N 20.66 N tan α = 12.14456 α = 85.2993° tan α = R= 2500.2 N sin 855.293° R = 251 N 85.3°° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBL LEM 2.33 Determine the resultantt of the three forces f of Problem 2.24. PROBLE EM 2.24 Deteermine the x and y componnents of eachh of the forcess shown. TION SOLUT Force x Comp. (lb) y Comp. (lb) 40 4 lb +20.00 –34.664 50 5 lb –38.30 –32.114 60 6 lb +54.38 +25.336 Rx = +36.08 Ry = −41.442 R = Rx i + Ry j = (+36.08 lb)i + (−41.42 lbb)j tan α = Ry Rx 41.42 lb 36.08 lb tan α = 1.14800 tan α = α = 48.942° R= 41.42 lb sin 48.942° R = 54.99 lb 48.9° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBL LEM 2.34 Determinee the resultantt of the three forces f of Probllem 2.22. PROBLE EM 2.22 Deterrmine the x annd y componennts of each of the forces shoown. SOLUT TION Componnents of the fo orces were determined in Problem 2.22: Force x Comp. (N) ( y Comp. (N) 80 00 lb +640 +4800 42 24 lb –224 –3600 40 08 lb +192 –3600 Rx = +608 Ry = −2400 R = Rx i + Ry j = (608 lb)i + (−240 lb) j Ry tann α = Rx 240 608 α = 21.541° 240 N R= sin(21.5441°) = 653.65 N = R = 6544 N 21.5° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PRO OBLEM 2.35 5 Know wing that α = 35°, determiine the resulttant of the thhree forcess shown. SOLUT TION Fx = +(100 N) cos35° = +81.915 N 100-N Force: F Fy = −(100 N)sin 35° = −57.358 N Fx = +(150 N) cos 65° = +63.393 N 150-N Force: F Fy = −(150 N)sin 65° = −135.946 N Fx = −(200 N) cos35° = −163.830 N 200-N Force: F Fy = −(200 N)sin 35° = −114.715 N Force x Com mp. (N) N) y Comp. (N 100 N +81.915 −57.3558 150 N +63.393 −135.9446 200 N −163.830 −114.7115 Rx = −18.522 Ry = −308.022 R = Rx i + Ry j = (−18.5222 N)i + (−3088.02 N) j taan α = Ry Rx 308.02 18.522 α = 86.559° = R= 308.02 N sin 86.559 R = 3099 N 86.6° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PR ROBLEM 2.36 Knoowing that the tension in roppe AC is 365 N, N determine the resuultant of the thhree forces exeerted at point C of post BC. TION SOLUT Determiine force comp ponents: Cable foorce AC: 500-N Force: F 200-N Force: F and 960 = −2440 N 1460 1100 Fy = −(365 N) = −2775 N N 1460 Fx = −(365 N) N 24 = 480 N 25 7 Fy = (500 N)) = 140 N 25 Fx = (500 N)) 4 = 160 N 5 3 Fy = −(200 N) N = −120 N 5 Fx = (200 N)) Rx = ΣFx = −240 N + 480 N + 160 N = 400 4 N Ry = ΣFy = −275 N + 140 N − 120 N = −255 N R = Rx2 + Ry2 = (400 N) N 2 + (−255 N N) 2 = 474.37 N Further: 255 400 α = 32.5° tan α = R = 4744 N 32.5° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.37 7 Knowiing that α = 40°, determiine the resultant of the thhree forces shown. SOLUT TION 60-lb Foorce: Fx = (60 llb) cos 20° = 56.382 lb Fy = (60 llb)sin 20° = 200.521 lb 80-lb Foorce: Fx = (80 lb) l cos 60° = 40.000 lb Fy = (80 lb)sin l 60° = 699.282 lb 120-lb Force: F Fx = (1200 lb) cos30° = 103.923 1 lb Fy = −(1220 lb)sin 30° = −60.000 lb and Rx = ΣFx = 200.305 lb Ry = ΣFy = 29.803 lb ( lb)2 R = (2000.305 lb)2 + (29.803 = 202..510 lb Further: tan α = 29.803 200.305 α = tan −1 = 8.46° 29.803 200.305 R = 2033 lb 8.46° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PRO OBLEM 2.3 38 Know wing that α = 75°, determ mine the resulttant of the three forcees shown. TION SOLUT 60-lb Foorce: Fx = (60 lb) coos 20° = 56.3882 lb Fy = (60 lb)siin 20° = 20.521 lb 80-lb Foorce: Fx = (80 lb) coos 95° = −6.97725 lb Fy = (80 lb)sin 95° = 79.6966 lb 120-lb Force: F Fx = (120 lb) cos c 5° = 119.5443 lb Fy = (120 lb)ssin 5° = 10.4599 lb Then Rx = ΣFx = 1668.953 lb Ry = ΣFy = 1110.676 lb and R = (168.9553 lb) 2 + (110..676 lb)2 = 201.976 lb 110.676 168.953 tann α = 0.65507 α = 33.228° tann α = R = 2022 lb 33.2° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.39 For the collar of Problem 2.35, determine (a) the required value of α if the resultant of the three forces shown is to be vertical, (b) the corresponding magnitude of the resultant. SOLUTION Rx = ΣFx = (100 N) cos α + (150 N) cos (α + 30°) − (200 N) cos α Rx = −(100 N) cos α + (150 N) cos (α + 30°) (1) Ry = ΣFy = −(100 N)sin α − (150 N)sin (α + 30°) − (200 N)sin α Ry = −(300 N)sin α − (150 N)sin (α + 30°) (a) (2) For R to be vertical, we must have Rx = 0. We make Rx = 0 in Eq. (1): −100 cos α + 150 cos (α + 30°) = 0 −100 cos α + 150 (cos α cos 30° − sin α sin 30°) = 0 29.904 cos α = 75sin α 29.904 75 = 0.39872 α = 21.738° tan α = (b) α = 21.7° Substituting for α in Eq. (2): Ry = −300sin 21.738° − 150sin 51.738° = −228.89 N R = | Ry | = 228.89 N R = 229 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.40 For the post of Prob. 2.36, determine (a) the required tension in rope AC if the resultant of the three forces exerted at point C is to be horizontal, (b) the corresponding magnitude of the resultant. SOLUTION Rx = ΣFx = − Rx = − 48 TAC + 640 N 73 Ry = ΣFy = − Ry = − (a) 960 24 4 (500 N) + (200 N) TAC + 1460 25 5 1100 7 3 TAC + (500 N) − (200 N) 1460 25 5 55 TAC + 20 N 73 (2) For R to be horizontal, we must have Ry = 0. Set Ry = 0 in Eq. (2): − 55 TAC + 20 N = 0 73 TAC = 26.545 N (b) (1) TAC = 26.5 N Substituting for TAC into Eq. (1) gives 48 (26.545 N) + 640 N 73 Rx = 622.55 N Rx = − R = Rx = 623 N R = 623 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PRO OBLEM 2.4 41 Deteermine (a) thee required tenssion in cable AC A , knowing that t the resulttant of thhe three forcess exerted at Point P C of booom BC must be b directed aloong BC, (b) the correspponding magnnitude of the resultant. TION SOLUT Using thhe x and y axess shown: Rx = ΣFx = TAC sin10° + (50 lb) cos355° + (75 lb) coos 60° = TAC sin10° + 78.458 lb (1) Ry = ΣFy = (50 lb)sin 35° + (75 lb)sinn 60° − TAC cos10° Ry = 93.631 lb − TAC cos10° (a ) (2) Seet Ry = 0 in Eq. E (2): 93.631 lb − TAC cos10° = 0 TAC = 95.075 lb (b ) TAC = 95.1 lb Suubstituting forr TAC in Eq. (11): Rx = (95.075 lb) sin10° + 78.4558 lb = 94.968 lb R = Rx R = 95.0 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PRO OBLEM 2.42 2 For thhe block of Problems P 2.377 and 2.38, deetermine (a) the required value of α if the resultannt of the threee forces shownn is to be parallel p to the incline, (b) thhe correspondiing magnitudee of the ressultant. SOLUT TION Select thhe x axis to bee along a a′. Then Rx = ΣFx = (60 lb) l + (80 lb)coos α + (120 lb) sin α (1) Ry = ΣFy = (80 lb)sin l α − (1200 lb)cos α (2) and (a ) Seet Ry = 0 in Eq. E (2). (80 lbb)sin α − (120 lb) cos α = 0 D Dividing each term t by cos α gives: (800 lb) tan α = 1220 lb 1220 lb 8 lb 80 α = 566.310° tanα = (b ) α = 56.3° Suubstituting forr α in Eq. (1)) gives: Rx = 60 lb + (800 lb)cos56.31°° + (120lb)sinn 56.31° = 204..22 lb Rx = 204 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.43 Two cables are tied together at C and are loaded as shown. Determine the tension (a) in cable AC, (b) in cable BC. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram Force Triangle Law of sines: TAC T 400 lb = BC = sin 60° sin 40° sin 80° (a) TAC = 400 lb (sin 60°) sin 80° TAC = 352 lb (b) TBC = 400 lb (sin 40°) sin 80° TBC = 261 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.44 Two cables are tied together at C and are loaded as shown. Knowing that α = 30°, determine the tension (a) in cable AC, (b) in cable BC. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram Force Triangle Law of sines: TAC T 6 kN = BC = sin 60° sin 35° sin 85° (a) TAC = 6 kN (sin 60°) sin 85° TAC = 5.22 kN (b) TBC = 6 kN (sin 35°) sin 85° TBC = 3.45 kN Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.45 Two cables are tied together at C and loaded as shown. Determine the tension (a) in cable AC, (b) in cable BC. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram 1.4 4.8 α = 16.2602° 1.6 tan β = 3 β = 28.073° tan α = Force Triangle Law of sines: TAC TBC 1.98 kN = = sin 61.927° sin 73.740° sin 44.333° (a) TAC = 1.98 kN sin 61.927° sin 44.333° TAC = 2.50 kN (b) TBC = 1.98 kN sin 73.740° sin 44.333° TBC = 2.72 kN Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.46 Two cabbles are tied together at C and are looaded as show wn. Knowingg that P = 5000 N and α = 60°, determinne the tensionn in (a) in caable AC, (b) inn cable BC. SOLUT TION Free-Bod dy Diagram Law of sines: s Forrce Triangle TAC T 500 N = BC = sin 35° ssin 75° sin 700° (a ) TAC = 5500 N sin 35° sin 70° TAC = 305 N (b ) TBC = 5500 N sin 75° siin 70° TBC = 514 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PRO OBLEM 2.4 47 Two cables are tieed together at C and are loaaded as shownn. Determine the tensiion (a) in cable AC, (b) in caable BC. TION SOLUT Free-Bod dy Diagram F Force Trianggle W = mg = (20 00 kg)(9.81 m//s 2 ) = 196 62 N s Law of sines: TAC TBC 1962 N A = = sin 15° sin 105° sin 60° (a ) TAC = (1962 N N) sin 15° sinn 60° TAC = 586 N (b ) TBC = (1962 N)sin N 105° sinn 60° TBC = 2190 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at P PROBLEM 2 2.48 Knowing that α = 20°, determine the tension (a) in cable K AC C, (b) in rope BC. TION SOLUT Freee-Body Diagraam s Law of sines: Force Trianggle TAC T 1200 lb = BC = sinn 110° sin 5° sin 65° (a ) TAC = 12000 lb sin 110° sin 65 6 ° TAC = 1244 lb (b ) TBC = 1200 lb sin 5° sin 65 6 ° TBC = 115.4 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.49 9 Two cables are tied togethher at C annd are loadded as show wn. Know wing that P = 300 N, deetermine the tension in cables c AC and a BC. TION SOLUT Free-B Body Diagram m ΣFx = 0 − TCA sin 30 + TCB sin 30 − P coss 45° − 200N = 0 For P = 200N we have, −0.5TCAA + 0.5TCB + 2112.13 − 200 = 0 (1) ΣFy = 0 TCA coos30° − TCB cos30 − P sin 45 = 0 0.8 86603TCA + 0.886603TCB − 2112.13 = 0 (2)) multaneously gives, Solvinng equations (1) and (2) sim TCA = 134.6 N TCB = 110.4 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.50 0 Two cables are tied togethher at C annd are loadded as show wn. Deterrmine the rannge of valuees of P for which both cables remaain taut. SOLUT TION Free-B Body Diagram m ΣFx = 0 − TCA sin 30 + TCB sin 30 − P coss 45° − 200N = 0 For TCA = 0 we have,, 0.5TCB + 0.70711P − 200 2 = 0 (1) ΣFy = 0 TCA cos30 c ° − TCB cos30 c − P sin 45 = 0 ; agaain setting TCAA = 0 yields, 0.866603TCB − 0.707711P = 0 (2)) Adding equations (1) and (2) givess, 1.36603TCB 410N and P = 179.315N ce TCB = 146.4 C = 200 henc Substituuting for TCB = 0 into the eqquilibrium equuations and sollving simultanneously gives, −0.5TCA + 0.70711P − 200 = 0 0.86603TCA − 0.707111P = 0 0N , P = 6699.20N Thus for fo both cabless to remain taaut, load P muust be within the Andd TCA = 546.40 range off 179.315 N an nd 669.20 N. 179.3 N <P< 669 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at P PROBLEM 2 2.51 Tw wo forces P and a Q are appplied as show wn to an aircrraft coonnection. Knnowing that the connection is i in equilibriuum annd that P = 500 lb and Q = 650 lb, determine the m magnitudes of the t forces exerrted on the rodds A and B. TION SOLUT Freee-Body Diagrram Resolvinng the forces into i x- and y-ddirections: R = P + Q + FA + FB = 0 Substituuting componeents: R = −(500 lb) j + [(650 lb) cos 50 5 °]i − [(650 lb)siin 50°]j c 50°)i + ( FA sin 50°) j = 0 + FB i − ( FA cos In the y-direction (onee unknown forrce): −500 lb − (650 lb)sin 50° + FA sin 50° = 0 Thus, FA = 500 lb + (650 lb)sin 500° sin 50° = 1302.70 lb In the x-direction: Thus, FA = 1303 lb (6550 lb)cos50° + FB − FA cos550° = 0 FB = FA cos500° − (650 lb) cos50 c ° = (1302.700 lb) cos50° − (650 lb) cos500° = 419.55 lbb FB = 420 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at P PROBLEM M 2.52 Two forces P and Q are appplied as show T wn to an aircrraft c connection. Knowing thhat the connnection is in e equilibrium annd that the maagnitudes of thhe forces exerrted o rods A and on a B are FA = 750 lb annd FB = 400 lb, d determine the magnitudes of o P and Q. TION SOLUT Free-Boody Diagram Resolvinng the forces into i x- and y-ddirections: R = P + Q + FA + FB = 0 Substituuting componeents: R = − Pj + Q cos 500°i − Q sin 50°j ° − [(750 lb) cos 50°]i + [(750 lb)sin 50°]j + (400 lbb)i In the x-direction (onee unknown forrce): Q cos 50 5 ° − [(750 lb) cos 50°] + 4000 lb = 0 Q= (750 lbb) cos 50° − 4000 lb cos 50° = 127.7100 lb In the y-direction: − P − Q sin 50° + (750 lb)sin 50° = 0 P = −Q sin 50° + (750 lb) sin 50 5 ° = −(127.710 lbb) sin 50° + (7550 lb) sin 50° = 476.70 lb P = 477 lb; Q = 127.7 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PR ROBLEM 2.53 A welded w connecction is in equuilibrium undder the action of the four forces shown. Knnowing that FA = 8 kN and a FB = 16 kN, deteermine the magnitudes m off the other two t forcces. SOLUT TION F Free-Body Diiagram of Connection ΣFx = 0: 3 3 FB − FC − FA = 0 5 5 FA = 8 kN With FB = 16 kN 4 4 FC = (16 kN)) − (8 kN) 5 5 FC = 6.40 kN 3 3 Σ Fy = 0: − FD + FB − FA = 0 5 5 With FA and FB as abo ove: 3 3 FD = (16 kN)) − (8 kN) 5 5 FD = 4.80 kN Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.54 4 A wellded connectioon is in equiliibrium under the t action of the four forces fo shown. Knowing thaat FA = 5 kN and FD = 6 kN, k determ mine the magnnitudes of the other o two forces. SOLUT TION F Free-Body Diiagram of Connection 3 3 ΣFy = 0: − FD − FA + FB = 0 5 5 or 3 FB = FD + FA 5 With FA = 5 kN, FD = 8 kN 5⎡ 3 ⎤ FB = ⎢6 kN + (5 kN) ⎥ 3⎣ 5 ⎦ ΣFx = 0: − FC + FB = 15.00 kN 4 4 FB − FA = 0 5 5 4 ( FB − FA ) 5 4 = (15 kN − 5 kN) 5 FC = FC = 8.00 kN Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at P PROBLEM 2 2.55 A sailor is beeing rescued using a boaatswain’s chhair thhat is suspennded from a pulley that can roll freeely onn the support cable ACB A and iss pulled at a coonstant speed by cable CD. C Knowinng that α = 30° 3 annd β = 10° and that thee combined weight of the t booatswain’s chair and the sailorr is 200 lb, deetermine thee tension (a) in the suppoort cable AC CB, (bb) in the tracction cable CD. C TION SOLUT Free-B Body Diagram m ΣFx = 0:: TACB cos 100° − TACB cos 30 3 ° − TCD cos 30 3 °=0 TCD = 0.1377158TACB (1) ΣFy = 0:: TACB sin 10° + TACB sin 300° + TCD sin 300° − 200 = 0 0.67365TACB + 0.5TCD = 200 (a ) Suubstitute (1) in nto (2): 0.667365TACB + 0.5(0.137158T 0 TACB ) = 200 TACB = 269.46 lbb (b ) Frrom (1): (2) TACB = 269 lb TCD = 0.1371588(269.46 lb) TCD = 37.0 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at P PROBLEM 2.56 A sailor is beinng rescued usiing a boatswaain’s chair thatt is suuspended from m a pulley thatt can roll freelly on the suppport caable ACB andd is pulled at a constant speeed by cable CD C . K Knowing that α = 25° and β = 15° and thhat the tensionn in caable CD is 200 lb, determinne (a) the com mbined weightt of thhe boatswain’ss chair and thhe sailor, (b) thhe tension in the suupport cable ACB A . SOLUT TION Free-B Body Diagram m ΣFx = 0: TACB cos 15° − TACB cos 25° − (20 lb)cos 255° = 0 A TACB = 304.04 lb l A ΣFy = 0: (3004.04 lb)sin 15° + (304.04 lb)sin l 25° + (20 lb)sin 255° − W = 0 W = 215.664 lb (a ) W = 216 lb (b) TACB = 304 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.57 For the cables of prob. 2.44, find the value of α for which the tension is as small as possible (a) in cable bc, (b) in both cables simultaneously. In each case determine the tension in each cable. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram Force Triangle (a) For a minimum tension in cable BC, set angle between cables to 90 degrees. α = 35.0 By inspection, TAC = (6 kN) cos35 TAC = 4.91 kN TBC = (6 kN)sin 35 TBC = 3.44 kN (b) For equal tension in both cables, the force triangle will be an isosceles. α = 55.0 Therefore, by inspection, TAC = TBC = (1 / 2) 6 kN cos35° TAC = TBC = 3.66 kN Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.58 For the cables of Prooblem 2.46, itt is known thaat the maximuum allowablle tension is 600 6 N in cable AC and 7500 N in cable BC B . Determine (a) the maaximum forcee P that can be b applied at C, (b) the corresponding c value of α. TION SOLUT Free-Body F Diagram (a ) L of cosines Law Forrce Triangle P 2 = (600)2 + (7750)2 − 2(600)(750) cos (25°° + 45°) P = 784.02 N (b ) L of sines Law P = 784 N sin β sin (25° + 45 4 °) = 600 N 784.02 N β = 46.0° ∴ α = 46.0° + 25° α = 71.0° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at P PROBLEM 2.59 For the situatioon described in Figure P2.448, determine (a) thhe value of α for f which the tension in roppe BC is as sm mall ass possible, (b) the corresponnding value off the tension. TION SOLUT Free-Body F Diagram Forrce Triangle To be sm mallest, TBC must m be perpenndicular to thee direction of TAC. (a ) (b ) T Thus, α = 5.00° TBC = (1200 lb)sinn 5° α = 5.00° TBC = 104.6 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLE EM 2.60 Two cabless tied togetherr at C are loaaded as shownn. Determine the range of vaalues of Q for which the tennsion will nott exceed 60 lbb in either cablee. TION SOLUT Free-Boody Diagram ΣFx = 0: −TBC − Q coos60° + 75 lb = 0 TBC = 75 lbb − Q cos60° (1) ΣFy = 0: TAC − Q sin 60° = 0 TAC = Q sinn 60° Requiremeent: From Eq. (2): ( TAC = 60 lbb: Q sin s 60° = 60 lb Q = 69.3 lb Requiremeent: From Eq. (1): ( TBC = 60 lbb: 75 lb − Q cos 60° = 60 lb Q = 300.0 lb 30.0 lb ≤ Q ≤ 69.3 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at (2) PROBLEM 2.61 A movable bin and its contents have a combined weight of 2.8 kN. Determine the shortest chain sling ACB that can be used to lift the loaded bin if the tension in the chain is not to exceed 5 kN. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram tan α = h 0.6 m (1) Isosceles Force Triangle Law of sines: sin α = 1 2 (2.8 kN) TAC TAC = 5 kN sin α = 1 2 (2.8 kN) 5 kN α = 16.2602° From Eq. (1): tan16.2602° = h 0.6 m ∴ h = 0.175000 m Half-length of chain = AC = (0.6 m) 2 + (0.175 m) 2 = 0.625 m Total length: = 2 × 0.625 m 1.250 m Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.62 For W = 800 N, P = 200 N, and d = 600 mm, determine the value of h consistent with equilibrium. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram TAC = TBC = 800 N AC = BC = ΣFy = 0: 2(800 N) 800 = Data: P ⎛d ⎞ 1+ ⎜ ⎟ 2 ⎝h⎠ (h 2 + d2 h h2 + d 2 ) −P=0 2 P = 200 N, d = 600 mm and solving for h 800 N = 200 N ⎛ 600 mm ⎞ 1+ ⎜ ⎟ 2 h ⎝ ⎠ 2 h = 75.6 mm Full file at PROBLE EM 2.63 Collar A is connected c as shown s to a 500-lb load and can c slide on a frictionless horizontal h rodd. Determine the magnitude of the force P required to maintain the equilibrium of the collaar when (a) x = 4.5 in., (b) x = 15 in. TION SOLUT (a ) F Free Body: Co ollar A Forcce Triangle P 50 lb = 4.55 20.5 (b ) F Free Body: Co ollar A P = 10.98 lb Forcce Triangle P 50 lb = 25 15 P = 30.0 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM M 2.64 Collar A is connected c as shown s to a 500-lb load and can c slide on a frictionless f hoorizontal rod.. Determine the distance x foor which the collar is in eqquilibrium whhen P = 48 lb. SOLUT TION Free Bo ody: Collar A Force Trianglee 1 N 2 = (500)2 − (48)2 = 196 N = 14.00 lb Similar Triangles x 488 lb = 20 in. 144 lb x = 68.6 in. Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.65 Three forces are applied to a bracket as shown. The directions of the two 150-N forces may vary, but the angle between these forces is always 50°. Determine the range of values of α for which the magnitude of the resultant of the forces acting at A is less than 600 N. SOLUTION Combine the two 150-N forces into a resultant force Q: Q = 2(150 N) cos 25° = 271.89 N Equivalent loading at A: Using the law of cosines: (600 N) 2 = (500 N) 2 + (271.89 N)2 + 2(500 N)(271.89 N) cos(55° + α ) cos(55° + α ) = 0.132685 Two values for α : 55° + α = 82.375 α = 27.4° or 55° + α = −82.375° 55° + α = 360° − 82.375° α = 222.6° For R < 600 lb: 27.4° < α < 222.6 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBL LEM 2.66 A 200-kgg crate is to bee supported by b the rope-annd-pulley arrangement show wn. Determinee the magnituude and directtion of the forrce P that mu ust be exerted on the free ennd of the rope to maintain equilibrium. (H Hint: The tensiion in the ropee is the same on o each side of o a simple pu ulley. This cann be proved byy the methodss of Ch. 4.) SOLUT TION Free-Boody Diagram:: Pulley A ⎛ 5 ⎞ ΣFx = 0: − 2 P ⎜ c α =0 ⎟ + P cos ⎝ 281 ⎠ cos α = 0.59655 α = ±53.377° For α = +53.377°: ⎛ 166 ⎞ ΣFy = 0: 2 P ⎜ ⎟ + P sin 533.377° − 1962 N = 0 ⎝ 281 ⎠ P = 7244 N 53.4° For α = −53.377°: ⎛ 166 ⎞ ΣFy = 0: 2 P ⎜ 5 °) − 19662 N = 0 ⎟ + P sin( −53.377 ⎝ 281 ⎠ P = 17773 53.4° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PR ROBLEM 2.67 A 600-lb 6 crate is i supported by b several roppeandd-pulley arranggements as shhown. Determine for each arrangeement the tenssion in the rope. (Seee the hint for Problem 2.66.) TION SOLUT Free-Boody Diagram of Pulley (a) ΣFy = 0: 2T − (600 lb) = 0 T= 1 (600 lb) 2 T = 300 lb (b) ΣFy = 0: 2T − (600 lb) = 0 T= 1 (600 lb) 2 T = 300 lb (c) ΣFy = 0: 3T − (600 lb) = 0 1 T = ((600 lb) 3 T = 200 lb (d ) ΣFy = 0: 3T − (600 lb) = 0 1 T = ((600 lb) 3 T = 200 lb (e) ΣFy = 0: 4T − (600 lb) = 0 T= 1 (600 lb) 4 T = 150.0 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PR ROBLEM 2..68 Solvve Parts b andd d of Problem m 2.67, assumiing thatt the free end of the rope iss attached to the cratte. PROBLEM 2.677 A 600-lb crrate is supporrted as by several ropee-and-pulley arrangements a the shown. Determinne for each arrangement a tenssion in the roppe. (See the hint h for Problem 2.666.) TION SOLUT Free-Boody Diagram of Pulley and d Crate (b) ΣFy = 0: 3T − (600 lbb) = 0 1 T = (600 lb) 3 T = 200 lb (d ) ΣFy = 0: 4T − (600 lbb) = 0 T= 1 (600 lb)) 4 T = 150.0 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PRO OBLEM 2.6 69 A load Q is appliied to the pullley C, whichh can roll on the cablee ACB. The pulley p is heldd in the position shown byy a seconnd cable CAD D, which paasses over thee pulley A and a 50 N, determ suppoorts a load P. Knowing that P = 75 mine (a) thhe tension in cable c ACB, (b)) the magnitudde of load Q. SOLUT TION Free-Boody Diagram:: Pulley C ΣFx = 0: TACBB (cos 25° − coss55°) − (750 N)cos55° N =0 (a) Hencce: TACB = 12992.88 N TACB = 1293 N A ΣFy = 0: TACB (sin ( 25° + sin 55°) + (750 N) sin 55° − Q = 0 (b) (1292.88 N)(sin 25° + sin 55°) + (750 N) sin 55° − Q = 0 or Q = 2219.8 N Q = 2220 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PRO OBLEM 2.7 70 An 1800-N load Q is applied too the pulley C, C which can roll r on thhe cable ACB. The pulley is held in the poosition shown by a seccond cable CAD, CA which passes p over thhe pulley A and a suppoorts a load P. Determine (a) ( the tensionn in cable AC CB, (b) thhe magnitude of o load P. SOLUT TION Free-Boody Diagram:: Pulley C ΣFx = 0: 0 TACB (cos 25 2 ° − cos55°) − P cos55° = 0 P = 0.58010 0 TACB (1) or ΣFy = 0: TACB (sin 25 2 ° + sin 55°) + P sin 55° − 1800 N = 0 1.24177T TACB + 0.819155P = 1800 N (2) or (a) ( into Equattion (2): Substittute Equation (1) 1.244177TACB + 0.81915(0.580110TACB ) = 18000 N Hence: TACB = 10488.37 N TACB = 1048 N A (b) ( Using (1), P = 0.58010(1048.337 N) = 608.166 N P = 608 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.71 Determine (a) the x, y, and z components of the 600-N force, (b) the angles θx, θy, and θz that the force forms with the coordinate axes. SOLUTION (a) Fx = (600 N)sin 25° cos30 Fx = 219.60 N Fx = 220 N Fy = (600 N) cos 25° Fy = 544 N Fy = 543.78 N Fz = (380.36 N)sin 25° sin 30 Fz = 126.785 N (b) cos θ x = cos θ y = cos θ z = Fx 219.60 N = F 600 N Fy Fz = 126.8 N θ x = 68.5° 543.78 N 600 N θ y = 25.0° Fz 126.785 N = 600 N F θ z = 77.8° F = Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.72 Determine (a) the x, y, and z components of the 450-N force, (b) the angles θx, θy, and θz that the force forms with the coordinate axes. SOLUTION (a) Fx = −(450 N)cos 35° sin 40 Fx = −236.94 N Fx = −237 N Fy = (450 N)sin 35° Fy = 258 N Fy = 258.11 N Fz = (450 N) cos35° cos 40 Fz = 282.38 N (b) cos θ x = cos θ y = cos θ z = Fx -236.94 N = F 450 N Fy Fz = 282 N θx = 121.8° 258.11 N 450 N θ y = 55.0° Fz 282.38 N = 450 N F θ z = 51.1° F = Note: From the given data, we could have computed directly θ y = 90 − 35 = 55 , which checks with the answer obtained. Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.73 A gun is aimed at a point A located 35° east of north. Knowing that the barrel of the gun forms an angle of 40° with the horizontal and that the maximum recoil force is 400 N, determine (a) the x, y, and z components of that force, (b) the values of the angles θx, θy, and θz defining the direction of the recoil force. (Assume that the x, y, and z axes are directed, respectively, east, up, and south.) SOLUTION Recoil force F = 400 N ∴ FH = (400 N)cos 40° = 306.42 N (a) Fx = − FH sin 35° = −(306.42 N)sin 35° = −175.755 N Fx = −175.8 N Fy = − F sin 40° = −(400 N)sin 40° = −257.12 N Fy = −257 N Fz = + FH cos 35° = +(306.42 N) cos 35° = +251.00 N (b) cos θ x = cos θ y = cos θ z = Fx −175.755 N = F 400 N Fy F = −257.12 N 400 N Fz 251.00 N = 400 N F Fz = +251 N θ x = 116.1° θ y = 130.0° θ z = 51.1° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.74 Solve Problem 2.73, assuming that point A is located 15° north of west and that the barrel of the gun forms an angle of 25° with the horizontal. PROBLEM 2.73 A gun is aimed at a point A located 35° east of north. Knowing that the barrel of the gun forms an angle of 40° with the horizontal and that the maximum recoil force is 400 N, determine (a) the x, y, and z components of that force, (b) the values of the angles θx, θy, and θz defining the direction of the recoil force. (Assume that the x, y, and z axes are directed, respectively, east, up, and south.) SOLUTION Recoil force F = 400 N ∴ FH = (400 N)cos 25° = 362.52 N (a) Fx = + FH cos15° = +(362.52 N)cos15° = +350.17 N Fx = +350 N Fy = − F sin 25° = −(400 N)sin 25° = −169.047 N Fy = −169.0 N Fz = + FH sin15° = +(362.52 N)sin15° = +93.827 N (b) cos θ x = cosθ y = cos θ z = Fx +350.17 N = 400 N F Fy F = −169.047 N 400 N Fz +93.827 N = 400 N F Fz = +93.8 N θ x = 28.9° θ y = 115.0° θ z = 76.4° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.75 The angle between spring AB and the post DA is 30°. Knowing that the tension in the spring is 50 lb, determine (a) the x, y, and z components of the force exerted on the circular plate at B, (b) the angles θx, θy, and θz defining the direction of the force at B. SOLUTION Fh = F cos 60° = (50 lb) cos 60° Fh = 25.0 lb Fx = − Fh cos 35° Fy = F sin 60 Fz = − Fh sin 35 Fx = (−25.0 lb)cos35 Fy = (50.0 lb)sin 60 Fz = (−25.0 lb)sin 35 Fx = −20.479 lb Fy = 43.301 lb Fz = −14.3394 lb (a) Fx = −20.5 lb Fy = 43.3 lb Fz = −14.33 lb (b) cos θ x = cos θ y = cos θ z = Fx −20.479 lb = F 50 lb Fy F = 43.301 lb 50 lb Fz -14.3394 lb = 50 lb F θ x = 114.2° θ y = 30.0° θ z = 106.7° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.76 The angle between spring AC and the post DA is 30°. Knowing that the tension in the spring is 40 lb, determine (a) the x, y, and z components of the force exerted on the circular plate at C, (b) the angles θx, θy, and θz defining the direction of the force at C. SOLUTION Fh = F cos 60° = (40 lb) cos 60° Fh = 20.0 lb (a) Fx = Fh cos 35° = (20.0 lb) cos 35° Fx = 16.3830 lb Fy = F sin 60° = (40 lb)sin 60° Fy = 34.641 lb Fz = −Fh sin 35° = −(20.0 lb)sin 35° Fz = −11.4715 lb Fx = 16.38 lb Fy = 34.6 lb Fz = −11.47 lb (b) cos θ x = cos θ y = cos θ z = Fx 16.3830 lb = F 40 lb Fy F = 34.641 lb 40 lb Fz -11.4715 lb = 40 lb F θ x = 65.8° θ y = 30.0° θ z = 106.7° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at P PROBLEM 2.77 Cable AB is 65 ft long, and C a the tensioon in that caable is 3900 lb. D Determine (a) the x, y, andd z componentts of the forcee exerted by the c cable on the anchor a B, (b) the angles θ x , θ y , and θ z defining the d direction of thaat force. TION SOLUT 56 ft 65 ft = 0.86154 θ y = 30.51° cos θ y = From trianngle AOB: Fx = − F sin θ y cos 20° (a) = −(3900 lbb)sin 30.51° coos 20° Fx = −1861 lb Fy = + F cosθ y = (3900 lb)(00.86154) Fy = +3360 lb Fz = +(3900 lbb)sin 30.51° siin 20° (b) cos θ x = Froom above: Fx 18861 lb = − 0.47771 =− F 39900 lb θ y = 30.551° cos θ z = Fz 677 lb =+ = + 0.1736 3900 lb F Fz = +677 lb θ x = 118.5° θ y = 30.5° θ z = 80.0° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.78 Cable AC is 70 ft long, and the tension in that cable is 5250 lb. Determine (a) the x, y, and z components of the force exerted by the cable on the anchor C, (b) the angles θx, θy, and θz defining the direction of that force. SOLUTION AC = 70 ft OA = 56 ft F = 5250 lb In triangle AOB: 56 ft 70 ft θ y = 36.870° cos θ y = FH = F sin θ y = (5250 lb)sin 36.870° = 3150.0 lb (a) Fx = −FH sin 50° = −(3150.0 lb)sin 50° = −2413.0 lb Fx = −2410 lb Fy = + F cosθ y = +(5250 lb) cos36.870° = +4200.0 lb Fy = +4200 lb Fz = −FH cos50° = −3150cos50° = −2024.8 lb (b) cos θ x = From above: Fz = −2025 lb Fx −2413.0 lb = F 5250 lb θ y = 36.870° θz = Fz −2024.8 lb = 5250 lb F θ x = 117.4° θ y = 36.9° θ z = 112.7° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.79 Determine the magnitude and direction of the force F = (240 N)i – (270 N)j + (680 N)k. SOLUTION F = Fx2 + Fy2 + Fz2 F = (240 N) 2 + (−270 N) 2 + (−680 N) 2 cos θ x = cos θ y = cos θ y = Fx 240 N = F 770 N Fy F = −270 N 770 N Fz 680 N = F 770 N F = 770 N θ x = 71.8° θ y = 110.5° θ z = 28.0° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.80 Determine the magnitude and direction of the force F = (320 N)i + (400 N)j − (250 N)k. SOLUTION F = Fx2 + Fy2 + Fz2 F = (320 N) 2 + (400 N) 2 + (−250 N) 2 cos θ x = cos θ y = cos θ y = Fx 320 N = F 570 N Fy F = 400 N 570 N Fz −250 N = 570 N F F = 570 N θ x = 55.8° θ y = 45.4° θ z = 116.0° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.81 A force acts at the origin of a coordinate system in a direction defined by the angles θx = 69.3° and θz = 57.9°. Knowing that the y component of the force is –174.0 lb, determine (a) the angle θy, (b) the other components and the magnitude of the force. SOLUTION cos 2 θ x + cos 2 θ y + cos 2 θ z = 1 cos 2 (69.3°) + cos 2 θ y + cos 2 (57.9°) = 1 cos θ y = ±0.7699 (a) (b) Since Fy < 0, we choose cosθ y = −0.7699 ∴ θ y = 140.3° Fy = F cos θ y −174.0 lb = F (−0.7699) F = 226.0 lb F = 226 lb Fx = F cosθ x = (226.0 lb)cos69.3° Fx = 79.9 lb Fz = F cosθ z = (226.0 lb)cos57.9° Fz = 120.1lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.82 A force acts at the origin of a coordinate system in a direction defined by the angles θx = 70.9° and θy = 144.9°. Knowing that the z component of the force is –52.0 lb, determine (a) the angle θz, (b) the other components and the magnitude of the force. SOLUTION cos 2 θ x + cos 2 θ y + cos 2 θ z = 1 cos 2 70.9 + cos 2 144.9° + cos 2 θ z ° = 1 cos θ z = ±0.47282 (a) (b) Since Fz < 0, we choose cosθ z = −0.47282 ∴ θ z = 118.2° Fz = F cos θ z −52.0 lb = F (−0.47282) F = 110.0 lb F = 110.0 lb Fx = F cosθ x = (110.0 lb)cos70.9° Fx = 36.0 lb Fy = F cosθ y = (110.0 lb)cos144.9° Fy = −90.0 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.83 A force F of magnitude 210 N acts at the origin of a coordinate system. Knowing that Fx = 80 N, θz = 151.2°, and Fy < 0, determine (a) the components Fy and Fz, (b) the angles θx and θy. SOLUTION Fz = F cosθ z = (210 N)cos151.2° (a) = −184.024 N Then: So: Hence: Fz = −184.0 N F 2 = Fx2 + Fy2 + Fz2 (210 N) 2 = (80 N) 2 + ( Fy )2 + (184.024 N)2 Fy = − (210 N) 2 − (80 N) 2 − (184.024 N) 2 = −61.929 N (b) cos θ x = cos θ y = Fx 80 N = = 0.38095 F 210 N Fy F = Fy = −62.0 lb θ x = 67.6° 61.929 N = −0.29490 210 N θ y = 107.2° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.84 A force F of magnitude 1200 N acts at the origin of a coordinate system. Knowing that θx = 65°, θy = 40°, and Fz > 0, determine (a) the components of the force, (b) the angle θz. SOLUTION cos 2 θ x + cos 2 θ y + cos 2 θ z = 1 cos 2 65 + cos 2 40° + cos 2 θ z ° = 1 cos θ z = ±0.48432 (b) (a) Since Fz > 0, we choose cosθ z = 0.48432, or θ z = 61.032 ∴ θ z = 61.0° F = 1200 N Fx = F cosθ x = (1200 N) cos65 Fx = 507 N Fy = F cosθ y = (1200 N) cos 40° Fy = 919 N Fz = F cos θ z = (1200 N) cos 61.032° Fz = 582 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.85 A frame ABC is supported in part by cable DBE that passes through a frictionless ring at B. Knowing that the tension in the cable is 385 N, determine the components of the force exerted by the cable on the support at D. SOLUTION DB = (480 mm)i − (510 mm) j + (320 mm)k DB = (480 mm)2 + (510 mm2 ) + (320 mm)2 = 770 mm F = F λ DB DB DB 385 N = [(480 mm)i − (510 mm)j + (320 mm)k ] 770 mm = (240 N)i − (255 N) j + (160 N)k =F Fx = +240 N, Fy = −255 N, Fz = +160.0 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.86 For the frame and cable of Problem 2.85, determine the components of the force exerted by the cable on the support at E. PROBLEM 2.85 A frame ABC is supported in part by cable DBE that passes through a frictionless ring at B. Knowing that the tension in the cable is 385 N, determine the components of the force exerted by the cable on the support at D. SOLUTION EB = (270 mm)i − (400 mm) j + (600 mm)k EB = (270 mm)2 + (400 mm)2 + (600 mm)2 = 770 mm F = F λ EB EB EB 385 N = [(270 mm)i − (400 mm)j + (600 mm)k ] 770 mm F = (135 N)i − (200 N) j + (300 N)k =F Fx = +135.0 N, Fy = −200 N, Fz = +300 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.87 In order to move a wrecked truck, two cables are attached at A and pulled by winches B and C as shown. Knowing that the tension in cable AB is 2 kips, determine the components of the force exerted at A by the cable. SOLUTION Cable AB: AB (−46.765 ft)i + (45 ft) j + (36 ft)k = AB 74.216 ft −46.765i + 45 j + 36k = TAB λAB = 74.216 λAB = TAB (TAB ) x = −1.260 kips (TAB ) y = +1.213 kips (TAB ) z = +0.970 kips Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.88 In order to move a wrecked truck, two cables are attached at A and pulled by winches B and C as shown. Knowing that the tension in cable AC is 1.5 kips, determine the components of the force exerted at A by the cable. SOLUTION Cable AB: AC ( −46.765 ft)i + (55.8 ft) j + (−45 ft)k = AC 85.590 ft −46.765i + 55.8 j − 45k = TAC λAC = (1.5 kips) 85.590 λAC = TAC (TAC ) x = −0.820 kips (TAC ) y = +0.978 kips (TAC ) z = −0.789 kips Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.89 A rectangular plate is supported by three cables as shown. Knowing that the tension in cable AB is 408 N, determine the components of the force exerted on the plate at B. SOLUTION We have: BA = +(320 mm)i + (480 mm)j - (360 mm)k BA = 680 mm Thus: FB = TBA λBA = TBA BA 12 9 ⎞ ⎛ 8 = TBA ⎜ i + j - k ⎟ BA ⎝ 17 17 17 ⎠ ⎛8 ⎞ ⎛ 12 ⎞ ⎛ 9 ⎞ ⎜ 17 TBA ⎟ i + ⎜ 17 TBA ⎟ j − ⎜ 17 TBA ⎟ k = 0 ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ Setting TBA = 408 N yields, Fx = +192.0 N, Fy = +288 N, Fz = −216 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.90 A rectangular plate is supported by three cables as shown. Knowing that the tension in cable AD is 429 N, determine the components of the force exerted on the plate at D. SOLUTION We have: DA = −(250 mm)i + (480 mm)j + (360 mm)k DA = 650 mm Thus: FD = TDA λDA = TDA DA 48 36 ⎞ ⎛ 5 j+ k⎟ = TDA ⎜ − i + DA 65 ⎠ ⎝ 13 65 ⎛5 ⎞ ⎛ 48 ⎞ ⎛ 36 ⎞ − ⎜ TDA ⎟ i + ⎜ TDA ⎟ j + ⎜ TDA ⎟ k = 0 13 65 65 ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ Setting TDA = 429 N yields, Fx = −165.0 N, Fy = +317 N, Fz = +238 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.91 Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the two forces shown knowing that P = 300 N and Q = 400 N. SOLUTION P = (300 N)[− cos 30° sin15°i + sin 30° j + cos 30° cos15°k ] = − (67.243 N)i + (150 N) j + (250.95 N)k Q = (400 N)[cos 50° cos 20°i + sin 50° j − cos 50° sin 20°k ] = (400 N)[0.60402i + 0.76604 j − 0.21985] = (241.61 N)i + (306.42 N) j − (87.939 N)k R =P+Q = (174.367 N)i + (456.42 N) j + (163.011 N)k R = (174.367 N)2 + (456.42 N) 2 + (163.011 N) 2 = 515.07 N cos θ x = cos θ y = cos θ z = Rx 174.367 N = = 0.33853 515.07 N R Ry R = 456.42 N = 0.88613 515.07 N Rz 163.011 N = = 0.31648 R 515.07 N R = 515 N θ x = 70.2° θ y = 27.6° θ z = 71.5° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.92 Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the two forces shown knowing that P = 400 N and Q = 300 N. SOLUTION P = (400 N)[− cos 30° sin15°i + sin 30° j + cos 30° cos15°k ] = − (89.678 N)i + (200 N) j + (334.61 N)k Q = (300 N)[cos50° cos 20°i + sin 50° j − cos 50° sin 20°k ] = (181.21 N)i + (229.81 N)j − (65.954 N)k R =P+Q = (91.532 N)i + (429.81 N) j + (268.66 N)k R = (91.532 N)2 + (429.81 N)2 + (268.66 N) 2 = 515.07 N cos θ x = cos θ y = cos θ z = Rx 91.532 N = = 0.177708 R 515.07 N Ry R = 515 N θ x = 79.8° 429.81 N = 0.83447 515.07 N θ y = 33.4° Rz 268.66 N = = 0.52160 R 515.07 N θ z = 58.6° R = Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.93 Knowing that the tension is 425 lb in cable AB and 510 lb in cable AC, determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the forces exerted at A by the two cables. SOLUTION AB = (40 in.)i − (45 in.) j + (60 in.)k AB = (40 in.) 2 + (45 in.) 2 + (60 in.) 2 = 85 in. AC = (100 in.)i − (45 in.) j + (60 in.)k AC = (100 in.)2 + (45 in.) 2 + (60 in.)2 = 125 in. TAB = TAB λAB = TAB ⎡ (40 in.)i − (45 in.) j + (60 in.)k ⎤ AB = (425 lb) ⎢ ⎥ AB 85 in. ⎣ ⎦ TAB = (200 lb)i − (225 lb) j + (300 lb)k TAC = TAC λAC = TAC ⎡ (100 in.)i − (45 in.) j + (60 in.)k ⎤ AC = (510 lb) ⎢ ⎥ 125 in. AC ⎣ ⎦ TAC = (408 lb)i − (183.6 lb) j + (244.8 lb)k R = TAB + TAC = (608)i − (408.6 lb) j + (544.8 lb)k Then: and R = 912.92 lb R = 913 lb cos θ x = 608 lb = 0.66599 912.92 lb cos θ y = 408.6 lb = −0.44757 912.92 lb θ y = 116.6° cos θ z = 544.8 lb = 0.59677 912.92 lb θ z = 53.4° θ x = 48.2° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.94 Knowing that the tension is 510 lb in cable AB and 425 lb in cable AC, determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the forces exerted at A by the two cables. SOLUTION AB = (40 in.)i − (45 in.) j + (60 in.)k AB = (40 in.) 2 + (45 in.) 2 + (60 in.) 2 = 85 in. AC = (100 in.)i − (45 in.) j + (60 in.)k AC = (100 in.)2 + (45 in.) 2 + (60 in.)2 = 125 in. TAB = TAB λAB = TAB ⎡ (40 in.)i − (45 in.) j + (60 in.)k ⎤ AB = (510 lb) ⎢ ⎥ AB 85 in. ⎣ ⎦ TAB = (240 lb)i − (270 lb) j + (360 lb)k TAC = TAC λAC = TAC ⎡ (100 in.)i − (45 in.) j + (60 in.)k ⎤ AC = (425 lb) ⎢ ⎥ 125 in. AC ⎣ ⎦ TAC = (340 lb)i − (153 lb) j + (204 lb)k R = TAB + TAC = (580 lb)i − (423 lb) j + (564 lb)k Then: and R = 912.92 lb R = 913 lb cos θ x = 580 lb = 0.63532 912.92 lb θ x = 50.6° cos θ y = −423 lb = −0.46335 912.92 lb θ y = 117.6° cos θ z = 564 lb = 0.61780 912.92 lb θ z = 51.8° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.95 For the frame of Problem 2.85, determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the forces exerted by the cable at B knowing that the tension in the cable is 385 N. PROBLEM 2.85 A frame ABC is supported in part by cable DBE that passes through a frictionless ring at B. Knowing that the tension in the cable is 385 N, determine the components of the force exerted by the cable on the support at D. SOLUTION BD = − (480 mm)i + (510 mm) j − (320 mm)k BD = (480 mm) 2 + (510 mm) 2 + (320 mm) 2 = 770 mm FBD = TBD λ BD = TBD BD BD (385 N) [−(480 mm)i + (510 mm) j − (320 mm)k ] (770 mm) = −(240 N)i + (255 N) j − (160 N)k = BE = −(270 mm)i + (400 mm) j − (600 mm)k BE = (270 mm) 2 + (400 mm) 2 + (600 mm) 2 = 770 mm FBE = TBE λ BE = TBE BE BE (385 N) [−(270 mm)i + (400 mm) j − (600 mm)k ] (770 mm) = −(135 N)i + (200 N) j − (300 N)k = R = FBD + FBE = −(375 N)i + (455 N) j − (460 N)k R = (375 N)2 + (455 N)2 + (460 N)2 = 747.83 N R = 748 N cos θ x = −375 N 747.83 N θ x = 120.1° cos θ y = 455 N 747.83 N θ y = 52.5° cos θ z = −460 N 747.83 N θ z = 128.0° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.96 For the plate of Prob. 2.89, determine the tensions in cables AB and AD knowing that the tension in cable AC is 54 N and that the resultant of the forces exerted by the three cables at A must be vertical. SOLUTION We have: AB = −(320 mm)i − (480 mm)j + (360 mm)k AB = 680 mm AC = (450 mm)i − (480 mm) j + (360 mm)k AC = 750 mm AD = (250 mm)i − (480 mm) j − ( 360 mm ) k AD = 650 mm Thus: AB TAB = ( −320i − 480 j + 360k ) AB 680 AC 54 = TAC = ( 450i − 480 j + 360k ) AC 750 AD TAD = TAD = ( 250i − 480 j − 360k ) AD 650 TAB = TAB λ AB = TAB TAC = TAC λAC TAD = TAD λAD Substituting into the Eq. R = ΣF and factoring i, j, k : 250 ⎛ 320 ⎞ TAB + 32.40 + TAD ⎟ i R = ⎜− 650 ⎝ 680 ⎠ 480 ⎛ 480 ⎞ + ⎜− TAB − 34.560 − TAD ⎟ j 650 ⎝ 680 ⎠ 360 ⎛ 360 ⎞ +⎜ TAB + 25.920 − TAD ⎟ k 650 ⎝ 680 ⎠ Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.96 (Continued) Since R is vertical, the coefficients of i and k are zero: i: − 320 250 TAB + 32.40 + TAD = 0 680 650 (1) 360 360 TAB + 25.920 − TAD = 0 680 650 (2) k: Multiply (1) by 3.6 and (2) by 2.5 then add: − 252 TAB + 181.440 = 0 680 TAB = 489.60 N TAB = 490 N Substitute into (2) and solve for TAD : 360 360 (489.60 N) + 25.920 − TAD = 0 680 650 TAD = 514.80 N TAD = 515 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.97 The boom OA carries a load P and is supported by two cables as shown. Knowing that the tension in cable AB is 183 lb and that the resultant of the load P and of the forces exerted at A by the two cables must be directed along OA, determine the tension in cable AC. SOLUTION Cable AB: TAB = 183 lb AB (−48 in.)i + (29 in.) j + (24 in.)k = (183 lb) AB 61 in. = −(144 lb)i + (87 lb) j + (72 lb)k TAB = TAB λ AB = TAB TAB Cable AC: TAC = TAC λ AC = TAC TAC = − Load P: AC (−48 in.)i + (25 in.) j + (−36 in.)k = TAC AC 65 in. 48 25 36 TAC i + TAC j − TAC k 65 65 65 P = Pj For resultant to be directed along OA, i.e., x-axis Rz = 0: ΣFz = (72 lb) − 36 ′ =0 TAC 65 TAC = 130.0 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.98 For the boom and loading of Problem. 2.97, determine the magnitude of the load P. PROBLEM 2.97 The boom OA carries a load P and is supported by two cables as shown. Knowing that the tension in cable AB is 183 lb and that the resultant of the load P and of the forces exerted at A by the two cables must be directed along OA, determine the tension in cable AC. SOLUTION See Problem 2.97. Since resultant must be directed along OA, i.e., the x-axis, we write Ry = 0: ΣFy = (87 lb) + 25 TAC − P = 0 65 TAC = 130.0 lb from Problem 2.97. Then (87 lb) + 25 (130.0 lb) − P = 0 65 P = 137.0 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.99 A container is supported by three cables that are attached to a ceiling as shown. Determine the weight W of the container, knowing that the tension in cable AB is 6 kN. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram at A: The forces applied at A are: TAB , TAC , TAD , and W where W = W j. To express the other forces in terms of the unit vectors i, j, k, we write and AB = − (450 mm)i + (600 mm) j AB = 750 mm AC = + (600 mm) j − (320 mm)k AC = 680 mm AD = + (500 mm)i + (600 mm) j + (360 mm)k AD = 860 mm TAB = λ ABTAB = TAB AB (−450 mm)i + (600 mm) j = TAB AB 750 mm ⎛ 45 60 ⎞ = ⎜ − i + j ⎟ TAB ⎝ 75 75 ⎠ TAC = λ AC TAC = TAC TAD = λ ADTAD = TAD AC (600 mm)i − (320 mm) j = TAC AC 680 mm 32 ⎞ ⎛ 60 = ⎜ j − k ⎟ TAC 68 ⎠ ⎝ 68 AD (500 mm)i + (600 mm) j + (360 mm)k = TAD AD 860 mm 60 36 ⎞ ⎛ 50 =⎜ i+ j + k ⎟ TAD 86 86 ⎠ ⎝ 86 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.99 (Continued) Equilibrium condition: ΣF = 0: ∴ TAB + TAC + TAD + W = 0 Substituting the expressions obtained for TAB , TAC , and TAD ; factoring i, j, and k; and equating each of the coefficients to zero gives the following equations: From i: From j: From k: 45 50 TAB + TAD = 0 75 86 (1) 60 60 60 TAB + TAC + TAD − W = 0 75 68 86 (2) 32 36 TAC + TAD = 0 68 86 (3) − − Setting TAB = 6 kN in (1) and (2), and solving the resulting set of equations gives TAC = 6.1920 kN TAC = 5.5080 kN W = 13.98 kN Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.100 A container is supported by three cables that are attached to a ceiling as shown. Determine the weight W of the container, knowing that the tension in cable AD is 4.3 kN. SOLUTION See Problem 2.99 for the figure and analysis leading to the following set of linear algebraic equations: 45 50 TAB + TAD = 0 75 86 (1) 60 60 60 TAB + TAC + TAD − W = 0 75 68 86 (2) 32 36 TAC + TAD = 0 68 86 (3) − − Setting TAD = 4.3 kN into the above equations gives TAB = 4.1667 kN TAC = 3.8250 kN W = 9.71 kN Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROB BLEM 2.101 1 Three cables c are useed to tether a balloon as shhown. Determine the verttical force P exerted e by the balloon at A knowing k that the tension in cable AD is 481 N. TION SOLUT FREE-BOD DY DIAGRA AM AT A The forcces applied at A are: TAB , TAC , TAD , andd P where P = Pj. To exp press the otherr forces in term ms of the unit vectors i, j, k, we write AB = − (4.20 m)i − (5.60 m) j AB = 7.00 m AC = (2.40 m)i − (5.60 ( m) j + (4.20 m)k AC = 7.40 m AD = − (5.60 m) j − (3.30 m)k and D = 6.50 m AD AB = (− 0.6i − 0.8 j)TAB AB AC = (0.322432i − 0.756776 j + 0.56757k )TAC = TAC A AC AD = (− 0.886154 j − 0.507769k )TAD = TAD A AD TAB = TAB λ AB = TABB TAC = TAC λ AC TAD = TAD λ AD Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at P PROBLEM 2 2.101 (Con ntinued) Equilibrrium condition n: ΣF = 0: TABB + TAC + TAD + Pj = 0 Substituuting the expreessions obtaineed for TAB , TAC nd factoring i,, j, and k: A , and TAD an (− − 0.6TAB + 0.32432TAC )i + (−0.8TAB − 0.75676TAC − 0.886154TAD + P)j ) + (0.567577TAC − 0.507699TAD )k = 0 Equatingg to zero the coefficients c off i, j, k: − 0.6TAB A + 0.32432TAC = 0 (1) − 0.8TAB − 0.75676TAC − 0.86154TAD + P = 0 (2) 0.56757T TAC − 0.50769TAD = 0 (3) Setting TAD = 481 N in (2) and (3),, and solving the t resulting seet of equations gives TAC = 4330.26 N TAD = 2332.57 N P = 926 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.102 Three cables are used to tether a balloon as shown. Knowing that the balloon exerts an 800-N vertical force at A, determine the tension in each cable. SOLUTION See Problem 2.101 for the figure and analysis leading to the linear algebraic Equations (1), (2), and (3). − 0.6TAB + 0.32432TAC = 0 (1) − 0.8TAB − 0.75676TAC − 0.86154TAD + P = 0 (2) 0.56757TAC − 0.50769TAD = 0 (3) From Eq. (1): TAB = 0.54053TAC From Eq. (3): TAD = 1.11795TAC Substituting for TAB and TAD in terms of TAC into Eq. (2) gives − 0.8(0.54053TAC ) − 0.75676TAC − 0.86154(1.11795TAC ) + P = 0 2.1523TAC = P ; P = 800 N 800 N 2.1523 = 371.69 N TAC = Substituting into expressions for TAB and TAD gives TAB = 0.54053(371.69 N) TAD = 1.11795(371.69 N) TAB = 201 N, TAC = 372 N, TAD = 416 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.103 A 36-lb triangular plate is supported by three wires as shown. Determine the tension in each wire, knowing that a = 6 in. SOLUTION By Symmetry TDB = TDC Free-Body Diagram of Point D: The forces applied at D are: TDB , TDC , TDA , and P where P = Pj = (36 lb)j. To express the other forces in terms of the unit vectors i, j, k, we write DA = (16 in.)i − (24 in.) j DA = 28.844 in. DB = −(8 in.)i − (24 in.) j + (6 in.)k DB = 26.0 in. DC = −(8 in.)i − (24 in.) j − (6 in.)k DC = 26.0 in. and DA = (0.55471i − 0.83206 j)TDA DA DB = TDB λ DB = TDB = (−0.30769i − 0.92308 j + 0.23077k )TDB DB DC = TDC λ DC = TDC = (−0.30769i − 0.92308 j − 0.23077k )TDC DC TDA = TDA λDA = TDA TDB TDC Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.103 (Continued) Equilibrium condition: ΣF = 0: TDA + TDB + TDC + (36 lb)j = 0 Substituting the expressions obtained for TDA , TDB , and TDC and factoring i, j, and k: (0.55471TDA − 0.30769TDB − 0.30769TDC )i + (−0.83206TDA − 0.92308TDB − 0.92308TDC + 36 lb) j + (0.23077TDB − 0.23077TDC )k = 0 Equating to zero the coefficients of i, j, k: 0.55471TDA − 0.30769TDB − 0.30769TDC = 0 (1) − 0.83206TDA − 0.92308TDB − 0.92308TDC + 36 lb = 0 (2) 0.23077TDB − 0.23077TDC = 0 (3) Equation (3) confirms that TDB = TDC . Solving simultaneously gives, TDA = 14.42 lb; TDB = TDC = 13.00 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.104 Solve Prob. 2.103, assuming that a = 8 in. PROBLEM 2.103 A 36-lb triangular plate is supported by three wires as shown. Determine the tension in each wire, knowing that a = 6 in. SOLUTION By Symmetry TDB = TDC Free-Body Diagram of Point D: The forces applied at D are: TDB , TDC , TDA , and P where P = Pj = (36 lb)j. To express the other forces in terms of the unit vectors i, j, k, we write DA = (16 in.)i − (24 in.) j DA = 28.844 in. DB = −(8 in.)i − (24 in.) j + (8 in.)k DB = 26.533 in. DC = −(8 in.)i − (24 in.) j − (8 in.)k DC = 26.533 in. and DA = (0.55471i − 0.83206 j)TDA DA DB = TDB λDB = TDB = (−0.30151i − 0.90453j + 0.30151k )TDB DB DC = TDC λDC = TDC = (−0.30151i − 0.90453j − 0.30151k )TDC DC TDA = TDA λDA = TDA TDB TDC Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.104 (Continued) Equilibrium condition: ΣF = 0: TDA + TDB + TDC + (36 lb)j = 0 Substituting the expressions obtained for TDA , TDB , and TDC and factoring i, j, and k: (0.55471TDA − 0.30151TDB − 0.30151TDC )i + (−0.83206TDA − 0.90453TDB − 0.90453TDC + 36 lb) j + (0.30151TDB − 0.30151TDC )k = 0 Equating to zero the coefficients of i, j, k: 0.55471TDA − 0.30151TDB − 0.30151TDC = 0 (1) − 0.83206TDA − 0.90453TDB − 0.90453TDC + 36 lb = 0 (2) 0.30151TDB − 0.30151TDC = 0 (3) Equation (3) confirms that TDB = TDC . Solving simultaneously gives, TDA = 14.42 lb; TDB = TDC = 13.27 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PR ROBLEM 2.105 2 A crate is suppoorted by threee cables as shhown. Determine thee weight of thee crate knowinng that the tennsion in cable AC A is 544 5 lb. Solutionn The forces ap pplied at A aree: TAB , TAC , TADD and W where P = Pj. To exp press the otherr forces in term ms of the unit vectors i, j, k, we write AB = − (36 in.)i + (60 in.) j − (27 in.)k AB = 75 in. AC = (60 in.) j + (332 in.)k AC = 68 in. AD = (40 in.)i + (660 in.) j − (27 inn.)k AD = 77 in. AB AB = (− 0.48i + 0.88 j − 0.36k )TABB and TAB = TAB λAB = TAB AC AC = (0.88235 j + 0.47059k )TACC TAC = TAC λAC = TAC A AD AD = (0.51948i + 0.77922 j − 0.335065k )TAD TAD = TAD λ AD = TAD A Equilibrrium Condition n with W = − Wj ΣF = 0: TAB + TAC A + TAD − Wj = 0 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.105 (Continued) Substituting the expressions obtained for TAB , TAC , and TAD and factoring i, j, and k: (−0.48TAB + 0.51948TAD )i + (0.8TAB + 0.88235TAC + 0.77922TAD − W ) j + (−0.36TAB + 0.47059TAC − 0.35065TAD )k = 0 Equating to zero the coefficients of i, j, k: − 0.48TAB + 0.51948TAD = 0 (1) 0.8TAB + 0.88235TAC + 0.77922TAD − W = 0 (2) − 0.36TAB + 0.47059TAC − 0.35065TAD = 0 (3) Substituting TAC = 544 lb in Equations (1), (2), and (3) above, and solving the resulting set of equations using conventional algorithms, gives: TAB = 374.27 lb TAD = 345.82 lb W = 1049 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at P PROBLEM 2 2.106 A 1600-lb cratte is supporteed by three cables as show wn. Determine the tension t in eachh cable. TION SOLUT The forcces applied at A are: TAB , TAC , TADD and W where P = Pj. To exp press the otherr forces in term ms of the unit vectors i, j, k, we write AB = − (36 in.)i + (60 in.) j − (27 in.)k AB = 75 in. AC = (60 in.) j + (332 in.)k AC = 68 in. AD = (40 in.)i + (660 in.) j − (27 inn.)k AD = 77 in. AB AB = (− 0.48i + 0.88 j − 0.36k )TABB and TAB = TAB λAB = TAB AC AC = (0.88235 j + 0.47059k )TACC TAC = TAC λAC = TAC A AD AD = (0.51948i + 0.77922 j − 0.335065k )TAD TAD = TAD λ AD = TAD A Equilibrrium Condition n with W = − Wj ΣF = 0: TAB + TAC A + TAD − Wj = 0 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.106 (Continued) Substituting the expressions obtained for TAB , TAC , and TAD and factoring i, j, and k: (−0.48TAB + 0.51948TAD )i + (0.8TAB + 0.88235TAC + 0.77922TAD − W ) j + (−0.36TAB + 0.47059TAC − 0.35065TAD )k = 0 Equating to zero the coefficients of i, j, k: −0.48TAB + 0.51948TAD = 0 (1) 0.8TAB + 0.88235TAC + 0.77922TAD − W = 0 (2) −0.36TAB + 0.47059TAC − 0.35065TAD = 0 (3) Substituting W = 1600 lb in Equations (1), (2), and (3) above, and solving the resulting set of equations using conventional algorithms gives, TAB = 571 lb TAC = 830 lb TAD = 528 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.107 Three cables are connected at A, where the forces P and Q are applied as shown. Knowing that Q = 0, find the value of P for which the tension in cable AD is 305 N. SOLUTION ΣFA = 0: TAB + TAC + TAD + P = 0 where P = Pi AB = −(960 mm)i − (240 mm)j + (380 mm)k AB = 1060 mm AC = −(960 mm)i − (240 mm) j − (320 mm)k AC = 1040 mm AD = −(960 mm)i + (720 mm) j − (220 mm)k AD = 1220 mm TAB = TAB λAB = TAB AB 19 ⎞ ⎛ 48 12 = TAB ⎜ − i − j + k ⎟ AB 53 53 ⎠ ⎝ 53 AC 3 4 ⎞ ⎛ 12 = TAC ⎜ − i − j − k ⎟ AC ⎝ 13 13 13 ⎠ 305 N = TAD λAD = [(−960 mm)i + (720 mm) j − (220 mm)k ] 1220 mm = −(240 N)i + (180 N) j − (55 N)k TAC = TAC λAC = TAC TAD Substituting into ΣFA = 0, factoring i, j, k , and setting each coefficient equal to φ gives: i: P = 48 12 TAB + TAC + 240 N 53 13 (1) j: 12 3 TAB + TAC = 180 N 53 13 (2) k: 19 4 TAB − TAC = 55 N 53 13 (3) Solving the system of linear equations using conventional algorithms gives: TAB = 446.71 N TAC = 341.71 N P = 960 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.108 Three cables are connected at A, where the forces P and Q are applied as shown. Knowing that P = 1200 N, determine the values of Q for which cable AD is taut. SOLUTION We assume that TAD = 0 and write ΣFA = 0: TAB + TAC + Qj + (1200 N)i = 0 AB = −(960 mm)i − (240 mm)j + (380 mm)k AB = 1060 mm AC = −(960 mm)i − (240 mm) j − (320 mm)k AC = 1040 mm TAB = TAB λAB = TAB AB ⎛ 48 12 19 ⎞ = ⎜ − i − j + k ⎟ TAB AB ⎝ 53 53 53 ⎠ TAC = TAC λAC = TAC AC ⎛ 12 3 4 ⎞ = − i − j − k TAC AC ⎜⎝ 13 13 13 ⎟⎠ Substituting into ΣFA = 0, factoring i, j, k , and setting each coefficient equal to φ gives: i: − 48 12 TAB − TAC + 1200 N = 0 53 13 (1) j: − 12 3 TAB − TAC + Q = 0 53 13 (2) k: 19 4 TAB − TAC = 0 53 13 (3) Solving the resulting system of linear equations using conventional algorithms gives: TAB = 605.71 N TAC = 705.71 N Q = 300.00 N 0 ≤ Q < 300 N Note: This solution assumes that Q is directed upward as shown (Q ≥ 0), if negative values of Q are considered, cable AD remains taut, but AC becomes slack for Q = −460 N. Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROB BLEM 2.109 A rectaangular plate is supportedd by three caables as show wn. Knowinng that the teension in cablle AC is 60 N, N determine the weight of the plate. SOLUT TION We notee that the weight of the pllate is equal in magnitude to the force P exerted byy the support on Point A. Freee Body A : ΣF = 0: TAB + TAC + TAD + Pj = 0 We havee: AB = −(320 mm)i − (480 mm)j + (360 ( mm)k A = 680 mm AB m AC = (4 450 mm)i − (4480 mm) j + (3360 mm)k A = 750 mm AC m AD = (2 250 mm)i − (4480 mm) j − ( 3360 mm ) k A = 650 mm AD m Thus: TAB = TAB λ AB = TAB A TAC = TAC λAC = TAC A TAD = TAD λAD = TAD A AB ⎛ 8 12 9 ⎞ = ⎜ − i − j + k ⎟ TAB AB ⎝ 17 17 17 ⎠ Dim mensions in mm m AC = ( 0.6i − 0.64 j + 0.488k ) TAC AC 9.6 7.2 ⎞ AD ⎛ 5 =⎜ i− j− k TAD 13 13 ⎟⎠ AD ⎝ 13 Substituuting into the Eq. E ΣF = 0 annd factoring i, j, k : 5 ⎞ ⎛ 8 A ⎟i ⎜ − 17 TAB + 0.6TAC + 13 TAD ⎠ ⎝ 9.6 ⎞ ⎛ 12 TAD + P ⎟ j + ⎜ − TABB − 0.64TAC − 17 13 ⎠ ⎝ 9 .2 7. ⎞ ⎛ TAD ⎟ k = 0 + ⎜ TAB + 0.48TAC − 133 ⎝ 17 ⎠ Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.109 (Continued) Setting the coefficient of i, j, k equal to zero: i: − 8 5 TAB + 0.6TAC + TAD = 0 17 13 (1) j: − 12 9.6 TAB − 0.64TAC − TAD + P = 0 7 13 (2) 9 7.2 TAB + 0.48TAC − TAD = 0 17 13 (3) 8 5 TAB + 36 N + TAD = 0 17 13 (1′) 9 7.2 TAB + 28.8 N − TAD = 0 17 13 (3′) k: Making TAC = 60 N in (1) and (3): − Multiply (1′) by 9, (3′) by 8, and add: 554.4 N − 12.6 TAD = 0 TAD = 572.0 N 13 Substitute into (1′) and solve for TAB : TAB = 17 ⎛ 5 ⎞ ⎜ 36 + × 572 ⎟ 8 ⎝ 13 ⎠ TAB = 544.0 N Substitute for the tensions in Eq. (2) and solve for P: 12 9.6 (544 N) + 0.64(60 N) + (572 N) 17 13 = 844.8 N P= Weight of plate = P = 845 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.110 A rectangular plate is supported by three cables as shown. Knowing that the tension in cable AD is 520 N, determine the weight of the plate. SOLUTION See Problem 2.109 for the figure and the analysis leading to the linear algebraic Equations (1), (2), and (3) below: 8 5 TAB + 0.6TAC + TAD = 0 17 13 (1) 12 9.6 TAB + 0.64 TAC − TAD + P = 0 17 13 (2) 9 7.2 TAB + 0.48TAC − TAD = 0 17 13 (3) − − Making TAD = 520 N in Eqs. (1) and (3): 8 TAB + 0.6TAC + 200 N = 0 17 (1′) 9 TAB + 0.48TAC − 288 N = 0 17 (3′) − Multiply (1′) by 9, (3′) by 8, and add: 9.24TAC − 504 N = 0 TAC = 54.5455 N Substitute into (1′) and solve for TAB : TAB = 17 (0.6 × 54.5455 + 200) TAB = 494.545 N 8 Substitute for the tensions in Eq. (2) and solve for P: 12 9.6 (494.545 N) + 0.64(54.5455 N) + (520 N) 17 13 = 768.00 N P= Weight of plate = P = 768 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.111 A transmission tower is held by three guy wires attached to a pin at A and anchored by bolts at B, C, and D. If the tension in wire AB is 840 lb, determine the vertical force P exerted by the tower on the pin at A. SOLUTION ΣF = 0: TAB + TAC + TAD + Pj = 0 AB = −20i − 100 j + 25k AC = 60i − 100 j + 18k AB = 105 ft AC = 118 ft AD = −20i − 100 j − 74k We write Free-Body Diagram at A: AD = 126 ft AB AB 4 20 5 ⎞ ⎛ j + k ⎟ TAB = ⎜− i − 21 ⎠ ⎝ 21 21 TAB = TAB λ AB = TAB AC AC 50 9 ⎞ ⎛ 30 j + k ⎟ TAC =⎜ i− 59 59 ⎠ ⎝ 59 TAC = TAC λAC = TAC AD AD 50 37 ⎞ ⎛ 10 j − k ⎟ TAD = ⎜− i − 63 ⎠ ⎝ 63 63 TAD = TAD λAD = TAD Substituting into the Eq. ΣF = 0 and factoring i, j, k : Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.111 (Continued) 30 10 ⎛ 4 ⎞ ⎜ − 21 TAB + 59 TAC − 63 TAD ⎟ i ⎝ ⎠ 50 50 ⎛ 20 ⎞ + ⎜ − TAB − TAC − TAD + P ⎟ j 59 63 ⎝ 21 ⎠ 9 37 ⎛ 5 ⎞ + ⎜ TAB + TAC − TAD ⎟ k = 0 59 63 ⎝ 21 ⎠ Setting the coefficients of i, j, k , equal to zero: i: − 4 30 10 TAB + TAC − TAD = 0 21 59 63 (1) j: − 20 50 50 TAB − TAC − TAD + P = 0 21 59 63 (2) 5 9 37 TAB + TAC − TAD = 0 21 59 63 (3) k: Set TAB = 840 lb in Eqs. (1) – (3): 30 10 TAC − TAD = 0 59 63 (1′) 50 50 TAC − TAD + P = 0 59 63 (2′) 9 37 TAC − TAD = 0 59 63 (3′) −160 lb + −800 lb − 200 lb + Solving, TAC = 458.12 lb TAD = 459.53 lb P = 1552.94 lb P = 1553 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.112 A transmission tower is held by three guy wires attached to a pin at A and anchored by bolts at B, C, and D. If the tension in wire AC is 590 lb, determine the vertical force P exerted by the tower on the pin at A. SOLUTION ΣF = 0: TAB + TAC + TAD + Pj = 0 AB = −20i − 100 j + 25k AC = 60i − 100 j + 18k AD = −20i − 100 j − 74k We write Free-Body Diagram at A: AB = 105 ft AC = 118 ft AD = 126 ft AB AB 20 5 ⎞ ⎛ 4 = ⎜− i − j + k ⎟ TAB 21 ⎠ ⎝ 21 21 TAB = TAB λ AB = TAB AC AC 50 9 ⎞ ⎛ 30 =⎜ i− j + k ⎟ TAC 59 59 59 ⎝ ⎠ TAC = TAC λAC = TAC AD AD 50 37 ⎞ ⎛ 10 = ⎜− i − j − k ⎟ TAD 63 ⎠ ⎝ 63 63 TAD = TAD λAD = TAD Substituting into the Eq. ΣF = 0 and factoring i, j, k : Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.112 (Continued) 30 10 ⎛ 4 ⎞ ⎜ − 21 TAB + 59 TAC − 63 TAD ⎟ i ⎝ ⎠ 50 50 ⎛ 20 ⎞ + ⎜ − TAB − TAC − TAD + P ⎟ j 21 59 63 ⎝ ⎠ 9 37 ⎛ 5 ⎞ + ⎜ TAB + TAC − TAD ⎟ k = 0 59 63 ⎝ 21 ⎠ Setting the coefficients of i, j, k , equal to zero: i: − 4 30 10 TAB + TAC − TAD = 0 21 59 63 (1) j: − 20 50 50 TAB − TAC − TAD + P = 0 21 59 63 (2) 5 9 37 TAB + TAC − TAD = 0 21 59 63 (3) k: Set TAC = 590 lb in Eqs. (1) – (3): 4 10 TAB + 300 lb − TAD = 0 21 63 (1′) 20 50 TAB − 500 lb − TAD + P = 0 21 63 (2′) − − 5 37 TAB + 90 lb − TAD = 0 21 63 Solving, TAB = 1081.82 lb TAD = 591.82 lb (3′) P = 2000 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.113 In trying to move across a slippery icy surface, a 175-lb man uses two ropes AB and AC. Knowing that the force exerted on the man by the icy surface is perpendicular to that surface, determine the tension in each rope. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram at A 30 ⎞ ⎛ 16 N= N⎜ i+ j⎟ 34 ⎠ ⎝ 34 and W = W j = −(175 lb) j TAC = TAC λ AC = TAC AC (−30 ft)i + (20 ft) j − (12 ft)k = TAC AC 38 ft 6 ⎞ ⎛ 15 10 = TAC ⎜ − i + j − k ⎟ ⎝ 19 19 19 ⎠ TAB = TAB λ AB = TAB AB (−30 ft)i + (24 ft) j + (32 ft)k = TAB AB 50 ft 12 16 ⎞ ⎛ 15 = TAB ⎜ − i + j+ k⎟ 25 25 ⎠ ⎝ 25 Equilibrium condition: ΣF = 0 TAB + TAC + N + W = 0 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.113 (Continued) Substituting the expressions obtained for TAB , TAC , N, and W; factoring i, j, and k; and equating each of the coefficients to zero gives the following equations: 15 15 16 TAB − TAC + N =0 25 19 34 (1) From j: 12 10 30 TAB + TAC + N − (175 lb) = 0 25 19 34 (2) From k: 16 6 TAB − TAC = 0 25 19 (3) From i: − Solving the resulting set of equations gives: TAB = 30.8 lb; TAC = 62.5 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.114 Solve Problem 2.113, assuming that a friend is helping the man at A by pulling on him with a force P = −(45 lb)k. PROBLEM 2.113 In trying to move across a slippery icy surface, a 175-lb man uses two ropes AB and AC. Knowing that the force exerted on the man by the icy surface is perpendicular to that surface, determine the tension in each rope. SOLUTION Refer to Problem 2.113 for the figure and analysis leading to the following set of equations, Equation (3) being modified to include the additional force P = (−45 lb)k. 15 15 16 TAB − TAC + N =0 25 19 34 (1) 12 10 30 TAB + TAC + N − (175 lb) = 0 25 19 34 (2) 16 6 TAB − TAC − (45 lb) = 0 25 19 (3) − Solving the resulting set of equations simultaneously gives: TAB = 81.3 lb TAC = 22.2 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.115 For the rectangular plate of Problems 2.109 and 2.110, determine the tension in each of the three cables knowing that the weight of the plate is 792 N. SOLUTION See Problem 2.109 for the figure and the analysis leading to the linear algebraic Equations (1), (2), and (3) below. Setting P = 792 N gives: 8 5 TAB + 0.6TAC + TAD = 0 17 13 (1) 12 9.6 TAB − 0.64TAC − TAD + 792 N = 0 17 13 (2) 9 7.2 TAB + 0.48TAC − TAD = 0 17 13 (3) − − Solving Equations (1), (2), and (3) by conventional algorithms gives TAB = 510.00 N TAB = 510 N TAC = 56.250 N TAC = 56.2 N TAD = 536.25 N TAD = 536 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.116 For the cable system of Problems 2.107 and 2.108, determine the tension in each cable knowing that P = 2880 N and Q = 0. SOLUTION ΣFA = 0: TAB + TAC + TAD + P + Q = 0 P = Pi and Q = Qj Where AB = −(960 mm)i − (240 mm) j + (380 mm)k AB = 1060 mm AC = −(960 mm)i − (240 mm) j − (320 mm)k AC = 1040 mm AD = −(960 mm)i + (720 mm) j − (220 mm)k AD = 1220 mm TAB = TAB λAB = TAB AB 19 ⎞ ⎛ 48 12 = TAB ⎜ − i − j + k ⎟ AB 53 ⎠ ⎝ 53 53 TAC = TAC λAC = TAC AC 3 4 ⎞ ⎛ 12 = TAC ⎜ − i − j − k ⎟ AC ⎝ 13 13 13 ⎠ TAD = TAD λAD = TAD AD 36 11 ⎞ ⎛ 48 j− k⎟ = TAD ⎜ − i + AD 61 61 61 ⎠ ⎝ Substituting into ΣFA = 0, setting P = (2880 N)i and Q = 0, and setting the coefficients of i, j, k equal to 0, we obtain the following three equilibrium equations: i: − 48 12 48 TAB − TAC − TAD + 2880 N = 0 53 13 61 (1) j: − 12 3 36 TAB − TAC + TAD = 0 53 13 61 (2) k: 19 4 11 TAB − TAC − TAD = 0 53 13 61 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at (3) PROBLEM 2.116 (Continued) Solving the system of linear equations using conventional algorithms gives: TAB = 1340.14 N TAC = 1025.12 N TAD = 915.03 N TAB = 1340 N TAC = 1025 N TAD = 915 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.117 For the cable system of Problems 2.107 and 2.108, determine the tension in each cable knowing that P = 2880 N and Q = 576 N. SOLUTION See Problem 2.116 for the analysis leading to the linear algebraic Equations (1), (2), and (3) below: − 48 12 48 TAB − TAC − TAD + P = 0 53 13 61 (1) − 12 3 36 TAB − TAC + TAD + Q = 0 53 13 61 (2) 19 4 11 TAB − TAC − TAD = 0 53 13 61 (3) Setting P = 2880 N and Q = 576 N gives: − 48 12 48 TAB − TAC − TAD + 2880 N = 0 53 13 61 (1′) 12 3 36 TAB − TAC + TAD + 576 N = 0 53 13 61 (2′) 19 4 11 TAB − TAC − TAD = 0 53 13 61 (3′) − Solving the resulting set of equations using conventional algorithms gives: TAB = 1431.00 N TAC = 1560.00 N TAD = 183.010 N TAB = 1431 N TAC = 1560 N TAD = 183.0 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.118 For the cable system of Problems 2.107 and 2.108, determine the tension in each cable knowing that P = 2880 N and Q = −576 N. (Q is directed downward). SOLUTION See Problem 2.116 for the analysis leading to the linear algebraic Equations (1), (2), and (3) below: − 48 12 48 TAB − TAC − TAD + P = 0 53 13 61 (1) − 12 3 36 TAB − TAC + TAD + Q = 0 53 13 61 (2) 19 4 11 TAB − TAC − TAD = 0 53 13 61 (3) Setting P = 2880 N and Q = −576 N gives: − 48 12 48 TAB − TAC − TAD + 2880 N = 0 53 13 61 (1′) 12 3 36 TAB − TAC + TAD − 576 N = 0 53 13 61 (2′) 19 4 11 TAB − TAC − TAD = 0 53 13 61 (3′) − Solving the resulting set of equations using conventional algorithms gives: TAB = 1249.29 N TAC = 490.31 N TAD = 1646.97 N TAB = 1249 N TAC = 490 N TAD = 1647 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.119 For the transmission tower of Probs. 2.111 and 2.112, determine the tension in each guy wire knowing that the tower exerts on the pin at A an upward vertical force of 1800 lb. PROBLEM 2.111 A transmission tower is held by three guy wires attached to a pin at A and anchored by bolts at B, C, and D. If the tension in wire AB is 840 lb, determine the vertical force P exerted by the tower on the pin at A. SOLUTION See Problem 2.111 for the figure and the analysis leading to the linear algebraic Equations (1), (2), and (3) below: i: − 4 30 10 TAB + TAC − TAD = 0 21 59 63 (1) j: − 20 50 50 TAB − TAC − TAD + P = 0 21 59 63 (2) 5 9 37 TAB + TAC − TAD = 0 21 59 63 (3) k: Substituting for P = 1800 lb in Equations (1), (2), and (3) above and solving the resulting set of equations using conventional algorithms gives: 4 30 10 TAB + TAC − TAD = 0 21 59 63 (1′) 20 50 50 TAB − TAC − TAD + 1800 lb = 0 21 59 63 (2′) 5 9 37 TAB + TAC − TAD = 0 21 59 63 (3′) − − TAB = 973.64 lb TAC = 531.00 lb TAD = 532.64 lb TAB = 974 lb TAC = 531 lb TAD = 533 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.120 Three wires are connected at point D, which is located 18 in. below the T-shaped pipe support ABC. Determine the tension in each wire when a 180-lb cylinder is suspended from point D as shown. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram of Point D: The forces applied at D are: TDA , TDB , TDC and W where W = −180.0 lbj. To express the other forces in terms of the unit vectors i, j, k, we write DA = (18 in.) j + (22 in.)k DA = 28.425 in. DB = −(24 in.)i + (18 in.) j − (16 in.)k DB = 34.0 in. DC = (24 in.)i + (18 in.) j − (16 in.)k DC = 34.0 in. Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.120 (Continued) DA DA = (0.63324 j + 0.77397k )TDA and TDA = TDa λDA = TDa DB DB = (−0.70588i + 0.52941j − 0.47059k )TDB TDB = TDB λDB = TDB DC DC = (0.70588i + 0.52941j − 0.47059k )TDC TDC = TDC λDC = TDC Equilibrium Condition with W = − Wj ΣF = 0: TDA + TDB + TDC − Wj = 0 Substituting the expressions obtained for TDA , TDB , and TDC and factoring i, j, and k: (−0.70588TDB + 0.70588TDC )i (0.63324TDA + 0.52941TDB + 0.52941TDC − W ) j (0.77397TDA − 0.47059TDB − 0.47059TDC )k Equating to zero the coefficients of i, j, k: −0.70588TDB + 0.70588TDC = 0 (1) 0.63324TDA + 0.52941TDB + 0.52941TDC − W = 0 (2) 0.77397TDA − 0.47059TDB − 0.47059TDC = 0 (3) Substituting W = 180 lb in Equations (1), (2), and (3) above, and solving the resulting set of equations using conventional algorithms gives, TDA = 119.7 lb TDB = 98.4 lb TDC = 98.4 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.121 A container of weight W is suspended from ring A, to which cables AC and AE are attached. A force P is applied to the end F of a third cable that passes over a pulley at B and through ring A and that is attached to a support at D. Knowing that W = 1000 N, determine the magnitude of P. (Hint: The tension is the same in all portions of cable FBAD.) SOLUTION The (vector) force in each cable can be written as the product of the (scalar) force and the unit vector along the cable. That is, with AB = −(0.78 m)i + (1.6 m) j + (0 m)k AB = (−0.78 m) 2 + (1.6 m) 2 + (0) 2 = 1.78 m TAB = T λ AB = TAB AB AB TAB [−(0.78 m)i + (1.6 m) j + (0 m)k ] 1.78 m = TAB (−0.4382i + 0.8989 j + 0k ) = TAB and AC = (0)i + (1.6 m) j + (1.2 m)k AC = (0 m)2 + (1.6 m) 2 + (1.2 m) 2 = 2 m AC TAC = [(0)i + (1.6 m) j + (1.2 m)k ] AC 2 m = TAC (0.8 j + 0.6k ) TAC = T λAC = TAC TAC and AD = (1.3 m)i + (1.6 m) j + (0.4 m)k AD = (1.3 m) 2 + (1.6 m)2 + (0.4 m)2 = 2.1 m T AD = AD [(1.3 m)i + (1.6 m) j + (0.4 m)k ] AD 2.1 m = TAD (0.6190i + 0.7619 j + 0.1905k ) TAD = T λAD = TAD TAD Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.121 (Continued) AE = −(0.4 m)i + (1.6 m) j − (0.86 m)k Finally, AE = (−0.4 m) 2 + (1.6 m) 2 + (−0.86 m) 2 = 1.86 m TAE = T λAE = TAE AE AE TAE [−(0.4 m)i + (1.6 m) j − (0.86 m)k ] 1.86 m = TAE (−0.2151i + 0.8602 j − 0.4624k ) = TAE With the weight of the container W = −W j, at A we have: ΣF = 0: TAB + TAC + TAD − Wj = 0 Equating the factors of i, j, and k to zero, we obtain the following linear algebraic equations: −0.4382TAB + 0.6190TAD − 0.2151TAE = 0 (1) 0.8989TAB + 0.8TAC + 0.7619TAD + 0.8602TAE − W = 0 (2) 0.6TAC + 0.1905TAD − 0.4624TAE = 0 (3) Knowing that W = 1000 N and that because of the pulley system at B TAB = TAD = P, where P is the externally applied (unknown) force, we can solve the system of linear Equations (1), (2) and (3) uniquely for P. P = 378 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.122 Knowing that the tension in cable AC of the system described in Problem 2.121 is 150 N, determine (a) the magnitude of the force P, (b) the weight W of the container. PROBLEM 2.121 A container of weight W is suspended from ring A, to which cables AC and AE are attached. A force P is applied to the end F of a third cable that passes over a pulley at B and through ring A and that is attached to a support at D. Knowing that W = 1000 N, determine the magnitude of P. (Hint: The tension is the same in all portions of cable FBAD.) SOLUTION Here, as in Problem 2.121, the support of the container consists of the four cables AE, AC, AD, and AB, with the condition that the force in cables AB and AD is equal to the externally applied force P. Thus, with the condition TAB = TAD = P and using the linear algebraic equations of Problem 2.131 with TAC = 150 N, we obtain (a) P = 454 N (b) W = 1202 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.123 Cable BAC passes through a frictionless ring A and is attached to fixed supports at B and C, while cables AD and AE are both tied to the ring and are attached, respectively, to supports at D and E. Knowing that a 200-lb vertical load P is applied to ring A, determine the tension in each of the three cables. SOLUTION Free Body Diagram at A: Since TBAC = tension in cable BAC, it follows that TAB = TAC = TBAC TAB = TBAC λ AB = TBAC (−17.5 in.)i + (60 in.) j 60 ⎞ ⎛ −17.5 i+ j = TBAC ⎜ 62.5 in. 62.5 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 62.5 (60 in.)i + (25 in.)k 25 ⎞ ⎛ 60 = TBAC ⎜ j + k ⎟ 65 in. 65 ⎠ ⎝ 65 (80 in.)i + (60 in.) j 3 ⎞ ⎛4 = TAD ⎜ i + j ⎟ 100 in. 5 5 ⎝ ⎠ TAC = TBAC λ AC = TBAC TAD = TAD λ AD = TAD TAE = TAE λ AE = TAE (60 in.) j − (45 in.)k 3 ⎞ ⎛4 = TAE ⎜ j − k ⎟ 75 in. 5 5 ⎝ ⎠ Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.123 (Continued) Substituting into ΣFA = 0, setting P = (−200 lb) j, and setting the coefficients of i, j, k equal to φ , we obtain the following three equilibrium equations: 17.5 4 TBAC + TAD = 0 62.5 5 From i: − From 3 4 ⎛ 60 60 ⎞ j: ⎜ + ⎟ TBAC + TAD + TAE − 200 lb = 0 5 5 ⎝ 62.5 65 ⎠ From k: (1) 25 3 TBAC − TAE = 0 65 5 (2) (3) Solving the system of linear equations using conventional algorithms gives: TBAC = 76.7 lb; TAD = 26.9 lb; TAE = 49.2 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.124 Knowing that the tension in cable AE of Prob. 2.123 is 75 lb, determine (a) the magnitude of the load P, (b) the tension in cables BAC and AD. PROBLEM 2.123 Cable BAC passes through a frictionless ring A and is attached to fixed supports at B and C, while cables AD and AE are both tied to the ring and are attached, respectively, to supports at D and E. Knowing that a 200-lb vertical load P is applied to ring A, determine the tension in each of the three cables. SOLUTION Refer to the solution to Problem 2.123 for the figure and analysis leading to the following set of equilibrium equations, Equation (2) being modified to include Pj as an unknown quantity: − 17.5 4 TBAC + TAD = 0 62.5 5 (1) 3 4 ⎛ 60 60 ⎞ + ⎟ TBAC + TAD + TAE − P = 0 ⎜ 5 5 ⎝ 62.5 65 ⎠ 25 3 TBAC − TAE = 0 65 5 (2) (3) Substituting for TAE = 75 lb and solving simultaneously gives: (a) P = 305 lb (b) TBAC = 117.0 lb; TAD = 40.9 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at P PROBLEM 2 2.125 Collars A and B are connecteed by a 525-m mm-long wire and a caan slide freeely on fricctionless rodds. If a force P = (341 N)j is i applied to collar A, deetermine (a) the teension in the wire w when y = 155 mm, (bb) the magnituude off the force Q required to maintain m the eqquilibrium of the syystem. TION SOLUT For bothh Problems 2.125 and 2.1266: Freee-Body Diagrrams of Collars: ( AB)2 = x2 + y 2 + z 2 Here (00.525 m)2 = (00.20 m)2 + y 2 + z 2 y 2 + z 2 = 0..23563 m2 or Thus, when w y given, z is determinedd, Now λAB = AB AB 1 (0.20i − yj + zk )m 0.525 m = 0.38095i − 1.90476 yj + 1.90476 zk = Where y and z are in units u of meterrs, m. From thhe F.B. Diagraam of collar A:: ΣF = 0:: N x i + N z k + Pj + TAB λ AB = 0 Setting the t j coefficieent to zero givees P − (1.990476 y )TAB = 0 P = 341 N With TAB = 341 N 1.90476 y Now, frrom the free bo ody diagram of o collar B: ΣF = 0: N x i + N y j + Qk − TAB λAB = 0 Setting the t k coefficieent to zero givves Q − TAB (1.90476 z ) = 0 And usiing the above result r for TAB , we have Q = TAB z = 341 N (3441 N)( z ) (1..90476 z ) = y ( (1.90476) y Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.125 (Continued) Then from the specifications of the problem, y = 155 mm = 0.155 m z 2 = 0.23563 m 2 − (0.155 m)2 z = 0.46 m and 341 N 0.155(1.90476) = 1155.00 N TAB = (a) TAB = 1155 N or and Q= (b) 341 N(0.46 m)(0.866) (0.155 m) = (1012.00 N) Q = 1012 N or Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.126 Solve Problem 2.125 assuming that y = 275 mm. PROBLEM 2.125 Collars A and B are connected by a 525-mm-long wire and can slide freely on frictionless rods. If a force P = (341 N)j is applied to collar A, determine (a) the tension in the wire when y = 155 mm, (b) the magnitude of the force Q required to maintain the equilibrium of the system. SOLUTION From the analysis of Problem 2.125, particularly the results: y 2 + z 2 = 0.23563 m 2 341 N 1.90476 y 341 N Q= z y TAB = With y = 275 mm = 0.275 m, we obtain: z 2 = 0.23563 m 2 − (0.275 m)2 z = 0.40 m and TAB = (a) 341 N = 651.00 (1.90476)(0.275 m) TAB = 651 N or and Q= (b) 341 N(0.40 m) (0.275 m) Q = 496 N or Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROB BLEM 2.12 27 Two sttructural mem mbers A and B are bolted to a bracket as shown.. Knowing thhat both mem mbers are in compression c a and that thee force is 15 kN in membeer A and 10 kN k in memberr B, determ mine by trigonometry the magnitude m and direction of the resultannt of the forcees applied to the t bracket byy members A and a B. TION SOLUT Using thhe force triang gle and the law ws of cosines and a sines, we havee γ = 180° − (400° + 20°) = 120° Then R 2 = (15 kN)2 + (10 kN) 2 − 2(15 kN N)(10 kN) cos120° = 475 kN 2 R = 21.794 kN N and Hence: 10 kN N 21.794 kN N = sin α sin120° N ⎞ ⎛ 10 kN sin120° sin α = ⎜ 21.794 k ⎟⎠ kN ⎝ = 0.39737 α = 23.414 φ = α + 50° = 73.414 R = 21.88 kN 73.4° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.128 Determine the x and y components of each of the forces shown. SOLUTION Compute the following distances: OA = (24 in.)2 + (45 in.) 2 = 51.0 in. OB = (28 in.)2 + (45 in.)2 = 53.0 in. OC = (40 in.) 2 + (30 in.) 2 = 50.0 in. 102-lb Force: 106-lb Force: 200-lb Force: Fx = −102 lb 24 in. 51.0 in. Fx = −48.0 lb Fy = +102 lb 45 in. 51.0 in. Fy = +90.0 lb Fx = +106 lb 28 in. 53.0 in. Fx = +56.0 lb Fy = +106 lb 45 in. 53.0 in. Fy = +90.0 lb Fx = −200 lb 40 in. 50.0 in. Fx = −160.0 lb Fy = −200 lb 30 in. 50.0 in. Fy = −120.0 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM M 2.129 A hoist trollley is subjecteed to the threee forces show wn. Knowing that t α = 40°, determine (a) thhe required maagnitude of thhe force P if the resultant of the three forcces is to be vertical, v (b) thhe correspondiing magnitude of the resultantt. SOLUT TION Rx = ΣFx = P + (200 lb)sin 40° − (400 lb) cos 40° 4 Rx = P − 177.860 1 lb Ry = (1) ΣFy = (200 lb) cos c 40° + (400 lb)sin 40° Ry = 410.32 lb (a) Foor R to be verrtical, we mustt have Rx = 0.. Rx = 0 in Eq. E (1) Set 0 = P − 1777.860 lb P = 177.8660 lb (b) (2) P = 177.9 lb Siince R is to bee vertical: R = Ry = 410 lb R = 410 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PRO OBLEM 2.130 Know wing that α = 55° and that boom AC exerts on pin C a force directed alongg line AC, deteermine (a) thee magnitude of o that force, (b) ( the tensionn in cable BC. TION SOLUT Freee-Body Diagraam s Law of sines: Force Trianggle FAC T 300 lb = BC = sinn 35° sin 500° sin 95° (a) FAC = 300 lbb sin 35° sin 955° FAC = 172.7 lb (b) TBC = 300 lbb sin 50° sin 955° TBC = 231 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PR ROBLEM 2.131 Twoo cables are tied together at C and looaded as show wn. Knoowing that P = 360 N, determ mine the tenssion (a) in caable AC, (b) in cable BC. B SOLUT TION Free Body: C (a) ΣFx = 0: − (b) ΣFy = 0: 12 4 TAC + (3360 N) = 0 13 5 TAC = 312 N 5 3 N − 480 N = 0 (312 N) + TBC + (360 N) 113 5 TBC = 480 N − 120 N − 216 N TBC = 144.0 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.132 2 Two cabbles tied togethher at C are looaded as show wn. Knowing that t the maxximum allow wable tensionn in each caable is 800 N, determinne (a) the maagnitude of thhe largest forcce P that can be applied at a C, (b) the coorresponding value of α. TION SOLUT Free-Body Diagram: D C Force Trian ngle Force triiangle is isoscceles with 2β = 1880° − 85° β = 47.5° P = 2(800 2 N)cos 477.5° = 1081 N (a) he solution is correct. c Since P > 0, th (b) P = 1081 N α = 180° − 50° − 477.5° = 82.5° α = 82.5° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.133 The end of the coaxial cable AE is attached to the pole AB, which is strengthened by the guy wires AC and AD. Knowing that the tension in wire AC is 120 lb, determine (a) the components of the force exerted by this wire on the pole, (b) the angles θx, θy, and θz that the force forms with the coordinate axes. SOLUTION (a) Fx = (120 lb) cos 60° cos 20° Fx = 56.382 lb Fx = +56.4 lb Fy = −(120 lb) sin 60° Fy = −103.923 lb Fy = −103.9 lb Fz = −(120 lb) cos 60° sin 20° Fz = −20.521 lb (b) cos θ x = cos θ y = cos θ z = Fx 56.382 lb = F 120 lb Fy F = −103.923 lb 120 lb Fz −20.52 lb = F 120 lb Fz = −20.5 lb θ x = 62.0° θ y = 150.0° θ z = 99.8° Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.134 Knowing that the tension in cable AC is 2130 N, determine the components of the force exerted on the plate at C. SOLUTION CA = −(900 mm)i + (600 mm) j − (920 mm)k CA = (900 mm)2 + (600 mm)2 + (920 mm)2 = 1420 mm TCA = TCA λ CA CA CA 2130 N [−(900 mm)i + (600 mm) j − (920 mm)k ] = 1420 mm = −(1350 N)i + (900 N) j − (1380 N)k = TCA TCA (TCA ) x = −1350 N, (TCA ) y = 900 N, (TCA ) z = −1380 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.135 Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the two forces shown knowing that P = 600 N and Q = 450 N. SOLUTION P = (600 N)[sin 40° sin 25°i + cos 40° j + sin 40° cos 25°k ] = (162.992 N)i + (459.63 N) j + (349.54 N)k Q = (450 N)[cos 55° cos 30°i + sin 55° j − cos 55° sin 30°k ] = (223.53 N)i + (368.62 N) j − (129.055 N)k R =P+Q = (386.52 N)i + (828.25 N) j + (220.49 N)k R = (386.52 N) 2 + (828.25 N) 2 + (220.49 N) 2 = 940.22 N cos θ x = cosθ y = cos θ z = Rx 386.52 N = R 940.22 N Ry R = 940 N θ x = 65.7° 828.25 N 940.22 N θ y = 28.2° Rz 220.49 N = R 940.22 N θ z = 76.4° R = Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLE EM 2.136 A containeer of weight W is suspendded from ring A. Cable BAC C passes throuugh the ring annd is attachedd to fixed suppports at B andd C. Two forrces P = Pi and a Q = Qk are a applied to t the ring to t maintain the container in i the positioon shown. Knowing K that W = 376 N, determine P and Q. (Hintt: The tensionn is the same inn both portionss of cable BAC C.) TION SOLUT TAB = T λ AB Free-Bod dy A: AB AB (−130 mm)i + (4000 mm) j + (1600 mm)k =T 4500 mm 40 16 ⎞ ⎛ 133 j+ k⎟ =T ⎜− i + 45 45 ⎠ ⎝ 455 =T TAC = T λ AC AC AC (−150 mm)i + (4000 mm) j + (−2440 mm)k =T 4990 mm 40 24 ⎞ ⎛ 155 j− k⎟ =T ⎜− i + 49 49 ⎠ ⎝ 499 ΣF = 0: TABB + TAC + Q + P + W = 0 =T t zero: Setting coefficients off i, j, k equal to i: − 13 15 T − T +P=0 45 49 0.59501T = P (1) j: + 40 40 T + T −W = 0 45 49 1.70521T = W (2) k: + 16 24 T − T +Q =0 45 49 0.1342440T = Q (3) Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.136 (Continued) Data: W = 376 N 1.70521T = 376 N T = 220.50 N 0.59501(220.50 N) = P P = 131.2 N 0.134240(220.50 N) = Q Q = 29.6 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.137 7 Collars A and B are coonnected by a 25-in.-long wire w and can slide freely onn frictionless rods. If a 60-llb force Q is applied to colllar B as shhown, determ mine (a) the tension in the wire whhen x = 9 in.., (b) the coorresponding magnitude of o the force P requiredd to maintain thhe equilibrium m of the system m. SOLUT TION Free-Body Diagrams D of Collars: C A: B: λAB = AB − xi − (20 in.) j + zk = 25 in. AB ΣF = 0: Pi + N y j + N z k + TAB λ AB = 0 A Collar A: Substituute for λAB an nd set coefficieent of i equal to t zero: P− TAB x =0 25 in. (1) ΣF = 0: (660 lb)k + N x′ i + N y′ j − TAB λ ABB = 0 B Collar B: Substituute for λ AB and d set coefficiennt of k equal too zero: 60 lb − x = 9 in. (a) TAB z =0 25 in. (2) (9 in.) 2 + (20 in.) 2 + z 2 = (25 in.) 2 z = 12 in. Frrom Eq. (2): (b) F From Eq. (1): 60 lb − TAAB (12 in.) 25 in. P= TAB = 125.0 lb (1255.0 lb)(9 in.) 25 in. P = 45.0 lb Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.138 Collars A and B are connected by a 25-in.-long wire and can slide freely on frictionless rods. Determine the distances x and z for which the equilibrium of the system is maintained when P = 120 lb and Q = 60 lb. SOLUTION See Problem 2.137 for the diagrams and analysis leading to Equations (1) and (2) below: P= TAB x =0 25 in. (1) 60 lb − TAB z =0 25 in. (2) For P = 120 lb, Eq. (1) yields TAB x = (25 in.)(20 lb) (1′) From Eq. (2): TAB z = (25 in.)(60 lb) (2′) x =2 z Dividing Eq. (1′) by (2′), Now write (3) x 2 + z 2 + (20 in.)2 = (25 in.)2 (4) Solving (3) and (4) simultaneously, 4 z 2 + z 2 + 400 = 625 z 2 = 45 z = 6.7082 in. From Eq. (3): x = 2 z = 2(6.7082 in.) = 13.4164 in. x = 13.42 in., z = 6.71 in. Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2F1 Two cables are tied together at C and loaded as shown. Draw the free-body diagram needed to determine the tension in AC and BC. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram of Point C: W = (1600 kg)(9.81 m/s 2 ) W = 15.6960(103 ) N W =15.696 kN Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.F2 Two forces of magnitude TA = 8 kips and TB = 15 kips are applied as shown to a welded connection. Knowing that the connection is in equilibrium, draw the free-body diagram needed to determine the magnitudes of the forces TC and TD. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram of Point E: Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.F3 The 60-lb collar A can slide on a frictionless vertical rod and is connected as shown to a 65-lb counterweight C. Draw the free-body diagram needed to determine the value of h for which the system is in equilibrium. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram of Point A: Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at P PROBLEM 2 2.F4 A chairlift has been stoppedd in the positiion shhown. Knowinng that each chair c weighs 250 2 N and that the skier s in chair E weighs 765 N, drraw the freee-body diagraams needed to deetermine the weight w of the skier s in chair F. F SOLUT TION Free-Boody Diagram of Point B: WE = 250 N + 765 N = 10115 N 88.25 = 30.510° 14 1 10 = tan −1 = 22.620° 2 24 θ AB = tan −1 θ BC Use this free body to determ mine TAB and TBC. Free-Boody Diagram of Point C: θCD = tan −1 11.1 = 10.3889° 6 Use this free body to determ mine TCD and WF. Then weight of skier WS is found by WS = WF − 250 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.F5 Three cables are used to tether a balloon as shown. Knowing that the tension in cable AC is 444 N, draw the free-body diagram needed to determine the vertical force P exerted by the balloon at A. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram of Point A: Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.F6 A container of mass m = 120 kg is supported by three cables as shown. Draw the free-body diagram needed to determine the tension in each cable SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram of Point A: W = (120 kg)(9.81 m/s 2 ) = 1177.2 N Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.F7 A 150-lb cylinder is supported by two cables AC and BC that are attached to the top of vertical posts. A horizontal force P, which is perpendicular to the plane containing the posts, holds the cylinder in the position shown. Draw the free-body diagram needed to determine the magnitude of P and the force in each cable. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram of Point C: Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at PROBLEM 2.F8 A transmission tower is held by three guy wires attached to a pin at A and anchored by bolts at B, C, and D. Knowing that the tension in wire AB is 630 lb, draw the free-body diagram needed to determine the vertical force P exerted by the tower on the pin at A. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram of point A: Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Full file at