Building a Nation Concrete Sequential Factual Structured Realistic Practical Abstract Random Abstract Sequential Describe Restate Review Observe List Group Sort Name Acquiring Match Organize Diagram Collect Plan Graph Measure Classify Categorize Applying Develop Rate Construct Demonstrate Devise Prepare Build Report Students sort man-made and natural resources using a T Chart. Students enlarge a map of their nation using a gridding technique. Each student writes a cinquain to describe the nation. Detailed Hands-on Students list types of maps. Personal Relating Students make jot notes about important geographic features of the area selected for their nation. Remember Suppose Tell Choose Share Web Students make an illustrated alphabet book of their country, including city names, lakes, flags, recipes, flower, emblem, transportation, famous buildings, or natural sites etc. Relate Express Discuss Interpret Imagine Pretend Suggest Each student demonstrates understanding of differences among types of maps by composing rhyming couplets about each. In groups, students design and construct an advertising campaign for their nation. Illustrate Compose Perceive Counsel Translate Perform Assess Each student, using the media of their choice will express a period in the history of their nation, including type of government and human rights record. In groups, students create posters that illustrate positive efforts to guarantee human rights in their nation. Interpretive Flexible Concrete Random Activating Feeling Imaginative Reading Referencing Students web choose one area of the nation in which they will become the spokesperson for their nation (e.g., education, justice, agriculture, government, resources, etc.) and will select a way to share their expertise with others. Read Report Outline Take notes In groups, students will develop a new monetary system, calendar, rites of passage, and life cycle customs for their nation. Explain Research Summarize Exemplify Discriminate Infer In groups, students compose and perform a national anthem, design and wear national costumes, make and share national foods. Formulate Speculate Debate Critique Verify Hypothesize Judge Analyzing Debating Students will use the Internet, encyclopaedias, magazines, and trade books to research the physical features of 5 possible geographic areas for locating nation. Students complete a chart to summarize the important features of 5 different locations to compare possible locations for their nation. Pretending to be summoned to a world tribunal, students must critique their nation’s human rights record. Divergent Open-minded Brainstorm cluster) Illustrate Forecast Design Process Invent Editorialize Recommend Investigative Problemsolving Students brainstorm criteria for choosing a name for their nation. Idea-oriented Experiential Inventive Web (concept map, Explore Students brainstorm criteria for the best place to locate their nation on the globe (as if there are no existing nations). Reorganize Generalize Connect Investigate Students will explore the shape of their nation from different perspectives and create an original drawing. Students complete a criteria grid to decide which of the 5 locations is best. Direct Create Each student creates a limerick to describe the drawing that they created from the shape of their nation. As a class, students weigh evidence to decide what makes an ideal location for a nation. Form adapted from Butler, K. (1987). Learning and Teaching Style: In Theory and Practice, The Learner’s Dimension; Columbia, Connecticut Shelley Hasinoff 2009