Uploaded by Sai Rishik

Ola Cab Service Failure Case Study

Case Study_______________________________________________
CASE IDEA (Sai Rishik)
Program: MBA, Term II
Subject: Service Operations
Theory Topic: Service delivery failure
Company: Ola
Problems: Cab drivers cancelling booking requests due to complex pick-up locations and
Timeline: Recent (Incident happened 9 months back)
Learning Objectives:
Understanding importance of customer satisfaction.
Ways to improve service effectiveness.
How to identify problems of customer through feedback.
Identifying problems faced by employers in service delivery
Solution based thinking approach
Case Study_______________________________________________
OLA Cab Service delivery failure
Rishi is a 21-year-old college student from Hyderabad. He had an important doctor’s
appointment booked for his father, Mr.Balaji who recently underwent a surgical treatment.
It was crucial to meet the doctor on time as Mr.Balaji complained of uneasiness and displayed
signs of weakness early in the morning. The hospital they have been visiting was 12Km away
from their residence and would take about 30-40 minutes to reach by car. Rishi decided to
book a taxi online on “Ola Cabs” to the hospital.
The area where Rishi’s Apartment stood was about 2 km uphill from the main road which was
fairly distant from the main city. The availability of cabs were very few in that location which
created problems for Rishi to book a ride. When the first ride was booked, the driver cancelled
the ride after 5 minutes of booking without informing. Rishi immediately attempted to book
another ride.
Ten minutes passed until a new ride was booked followed by incoming call from the driver.
The driver asked Rishi where his destination was as they are unaware of the location until the
booking OTP is provided to them after the customer boards the cab. The new ride booked
was 15 minutes away from our pickup location and took up a lot of time to navigate through
the GPS system. The driver stopped picking up calls after a few minutes and stopped giving
the updates. Eventually the delay led to cancellation of the booking from our end.
We tried booking a cab for the third time and a new ride was booked within 2 minutes. The
driver called to ask the destination. Rishi was reluctant at first because it is their duty to serve
the customer and drop them wherever they want to go. However on hearing the location the
ride was cancelled again.
Rishi was frustrated with the utterly unprofessional and irresponsible attitude from the cab
drivers. He made a final booking attempt and managed to get a cab to the hospital, however
the price of the ride increased than what it was previously set. Rishi had a very poor
experience from the cab service which wasted a lot of their time especially during an
emergency situation.
Problems surrounding the delivery service
From the above incident we observed certain issues that was faced by the customer and the
cab drivers. One of the major difficulties faced by the cab drivers was navigating customer’s
pickup location. This issue is very common if the cab drivers aren’t provided with proper
training on how to use the GPS. It is not always necessary that the pickup address of the
customers will be easy to locate, and the drivers must be prepared for the same.
Case Study_______________________________________________
The second big problem involved drivers cancelling bookings due to distant drop location of
the customers. Booking cancellations due to discomfort of covering far destinations is
inexcusable in most cases. Exceptions to this would be going for an outstation travel in regular
booking. However, this defeats the purpose of an online cab booking that is meant to reduce
inconvenience for users unlike hiring an autorickshaw.
Another challenge that Rishi faced was lower cab availability in unpopular areas. There are
many customers like Rishi who face similar issues of lower volume of cabs available near their
residence. This is one of the challenges for the Ola Cabs company, to ensure operations in
such areas. When there is communication gap between the service provider and the
consumer, it creates a hindrance in smooth operations leading to poor feedbacks impacting
the brand image of the company.
Post service experience
In Rishi’s case it was crucial that he took his father to the hospital on time. But with the
experience they faced Rishi decided to write an angry complain to the Ola customer service.
This case presents a customer experience impacting the trust over a certain brand. Rishi will
think twice before using Ola’s services next time he decides to book a cab. There are many
other players in the market who are primary competitors to Ola. Rishi might be willing to try
out the services of other brands like Uber and Meru Cabs who are the core competitors of
Questions to ponder
1. In what ways Rishi’s customer experience will impact OLA’s brand image?
2. What steps should OLA take to ensure service delivery is smooth and successful?
3. Who should be held accountable for the experience Rishi faced? Rishi himself or Ola
4. How should Ola customer service respond to an unsatisfied customer?
5. Should Ola take action against the drivers who caused inconvenience to customers
like Rishi?