SHRI RAMSWAROOP MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY Lucknow-Deva Road ,Uttar Pradesh STATEMENT OF GRADE 201810101110139 BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY (COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING) SECOND YEAR (SEMESTER III) (SESSION:2019 -2020) Student's Name: Sumit Rajpal University Roll No: 201810101110139 Father's Name: Shiv Murti Pal Student ID: 00000017235 Subject Code BHU3038 BEC3018 BEC3017 BMA3011 BCS3015 BCS3014 BCS3514 BEC3513 BEC3506 BCS3513 Subject Name THEORY Effective Technical Communication Analog Electronic Circuits Digital Electronics Discrete Mathematics Software Engineering Data Structures and Algorithms PRACTICAL Software Engineering Lab Analog Electronic Circuits Lab Digital Electronics Lab Data Structures and Algorithms Labs Carry Over Paper(s) (if any) Grade Obtained Grade Points Credit Course Points B+ C C B B C 7 5 5 6 6 5 3 3 3 4 3 4 21 15 15 24 18 20 B+ B+ A B Total 7 7 8 6 1 1 1 1 24 7 7 8 6 141 None - #Credit of Value Added Courses (if any) is not counted in SGPA/CGPA. SGPA 5.88 *Non-Credit Subjects The Statement of Grade is Electronically Generated. CGPA 5.82 Performance SATISFACTORY