Uploaded by Julie Leathers

Fifth Grade Lesson

5th Grade Library Lesson Plans
Week: 1
Essential Questions: What is a library? What is a Library Media Specialist? How do we behave
during library class? What are the procedures when we enter and exit the media center?
“I Can” Statements: I can explain why a media center is helpful to students. I can explain who
the media specialist is and what she will teach us this year. I can explain proper media center
Common Core Standards: 5.SL.1, 5.SL.1b
AASL Standards: I.A.1, 2; C.1; D.3; II.A.1; B.1; C.1, 2; D.1; III.A.1, 2; B.2, C.1; D.1, 2
ISTE Standards: N/A
Lesson Plan: Prep. for class by getting four large pieces of chart paper and write the following
four questions/statements (one per chart paper): 1. What is missing from the library? 2. What
makes a great Media Specialist/Librarian? 3. My favorite genre 4. Our library should be ______
every day. If you are familiar with the Padlet app, you have multiple tablets and a way to
display your padlet for students to see and it’s feasible to use this app instead of chart paper,
go for it! Students enter media center and sit on carpet in front of rocking chair. Introduce
myself and talk about what we will be doing in media class this year. Discuss bathroom
procedures, code/drills, etc. Complete the “I Have, Who Has?” library orientation game found
here: I Have, Who Has? Library Orientation Game. After the game, place each chart paper at a
table along with markers and have students go to each table and complete. You’ll get some
great insight from your students!
© Elementary Library Mama
Assessment: Students will be observed practicing appropriate library behavior.
Materials Needed: I Have, Who Has? Library Orientation Game. Chart paper, markers, iPads
(optional), SmartBoard (optional)
© Elementary Library Mama