Natal Chart (Data Sheets) DДиана born on We., 27 November 1996 in Bjala Slatina, BULG, 23e56, 43n28 Time Univ.Time Sid. Time Planet positions Jul.Day 2450415.344470 TT, Planet Longitude A B C D E F G O I J K L M i d i h f j a k j i g g e Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Mean Node True Node Lilith house Speed 5°52'28" 7° 3'39" 20° 4'45" 5°54'10" 14°56'29" 17°41'23" 0°38'16"( 1°37'41" 25°42'52" 3° 6'27" 4°51'51" 6° 3' 6" 17°37'16" 5 12 5 4 2 6 9 7 6 5 3 3 1 1° 0'44" 12°22' 5" 1°29'55" 1°14'14" 29'10" 12' 7" - 37" 2'20" 1'37" 2'23" - 3'11" - 10'50" 6'41" ASTRODIENST AG Type D2AFN, Order 0.0-1 Method: Astrodienst Fixed stars Page 1 of 4, 5-Dez-2021 [as] 10:15 p.m. 20:15 2:18:48 pT 62.2 sec Latitude Declination Houses (whole) 0° 0' 1" S 5° 3'57" S 2° 7'32" S 1°45'45" N 2° 1' 0" N 0°17'23" S 2°29'24" S 0°34'34" S 0°26'13" N 12°21'25" N 0° 0' 0" N 0° 0' 0" N 3°46'58" S 21°17' 5" S 18°11'23" N 25°11' 9" S 11°49'27" S 7°47'28" N 22°33'18" S 2° 1'50" S 20°21'26" S 20°34'10" S 8°38'11" S 1°55'58" S 2°24'12" S 11°56'43" N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Asc. MC e f g h i j k l a b c d e b Declination 0° 0' 0" 0° 0' 0" 0° 0' 0" 0° 0' 0" 0° 0' 0" 0° 0' 0" 0° 0' 0" 0° 0' 0" 0° 0' 0" 0° 0' 0" 0° 0' 0" 0° 0' 0" 17°34' 4" 7° 2'35" 20° 8'54" N 11°28'15" N 0° 0' 0" N 11°28'15" S 20° 8'54" S 23°26'13" S 20° 8'54" S 11°28'15" S 0° 0' 0" N 11°28'15" N 20° 8'54" N 23°26'13" N 15°34' 1" N 13°51'48" N Aspects A B C D E F G O I J K M Q T s -1°11s B r o -0°02s -9°04a p p q -5°14s -4°15s o C m q 2°46s 1°01s o -1°09s t o D -0°49a 5°08s E v w o 6°25s -0°13s 0°44a -4°16s p v u 1°41a -2°12s p p s 1°10s q 0°01a u 2°27s 2°31a 1°58s n -1°08s F 2°45a p 7°54a 0°57a q m 8°01a q t -0°25a p n s 0°04s s 0°07a u G -0°59s 4°55a -2°28s -4°14a O m q p 5°55s -1°29s -3°14a I J q -1°45a K M m 1°56s o 5°25s 0°03a Q T Copyright Astrodienst AG Natal Chart (Data Sheets) Page 2 of 4 for Диана, 27 Nov. 1996 Type D2AFN Order 0.0-1 Heliacal Events Star list: Astrodienst, m <= 2 (48 stars brighter than m = 2) B Moon C Mercury Adara,epCMa Aldebaran,alTau Aldebaran,alTau Alnilam,epOri Alnitak,zeOri Antares,alSco Antares,alSco Arcturus,alBoo Bellatrix,gaOri Betelgeuse,alOri Deneb,alCyg Elnath,beTau Kaus Australis,epSgr Marfik,laOph Mirzam,beCMa Rigel,beOri Shaula,laSco Sirius,alCMa Vega,alLyr Wezen,deCMa Acron. setting Evening first Acron. setting Acron. rising Acron. setting Acron. setting Acron. setting Evening last Morning first Evening last Acron. setting Acron. setting Morning first Acron. rising Evening last Morning first Acron. setting Acron. setting Evening last Acron. setting Morning first Acron. setting cosmic 26 Nov. 1996 (-2) 17c 31 Oct. 1996 (-27) 8h 18 Nov. 1996 (-10) 8 Dec. 1996 (+11) 28 Nov. 1996 (+0) 26 Nov. 1996 (-2) 26 Nov. 1996 (-2) 23 Nov. 1996 (-4) 6 Dec. 1996 (+8) 8 Dec. 1996 (+11) 29 Nov. 1996 (+1) 6 Dec. 1996 (+8) 6 Nov. 1996 (-22) 6 Dec. 1996 (+9) 11 Dec. 1996 (+14) 13 Nov. 1996 (-15) 22 Nov. 1996 (-6) 17 Nov. 1996 (-11) 21 Nov. 1996 (-6) 27 Nov. 1996 (-1) 1 Nov. 1996 (-27) 23 Nov. 1996 (-5) 15° elongation 29 Nov. 1996 (+2) 23i - visible 18 Oct. 1996 (-40) 30 Dec. 1996 (+32) 15 Nov. 1996 (-12) 6 Dec. 1996 (+8) 3 Nov. 1996 (-24) 4 Oct. 1996 (-54) 19 Nov. 1996 (-9) - "Morning first" (heliacal rising): The first day on which a planet or star rises before the Sun. "Evening last (heliacal setting): The last day on which a planet or star sets after the Sun. "Morning last": The last day on which a celestial body rises before the Sun (only Venus, Mercury, or the Moon). "Evening first": The first day on which a celestial body sets after the Sun (only Venus, Mercury, or the Moon). "Acronychal rising": Day on which a planet or star rises after sunset for the last time. "Acronychal setting" (also called "cosmic setting"): Day on which a planet or star sets before sunrise the first time. "cosmic": Date on which a planet or star is on the horizon at the same time as the Sun. "15° elongation": Date on which a planet is 15° off the Sun. This is the distance at which a planet becomes visible (or invisible) according to ancient astrology (makes sense for the Moon and Planets only). "visible": Approximate date, on which the planet or star really becomes visible to naked-eye observers or disappears. (extinction = 0.3, visibility ~= 75 km, only stars wit m < 2) As visibility strongly depends on the atmospheric conditions, this date cannot be determined very precisely. There is an uncertainty of several days, especially if the star is faint. Underlined dates are less than two days off the birth date. In parentheses, the day difference is given. Copyright Astrodienst AG Natal Chart (Data Sheets) for Диана, 27 Nov. 1996 Page 3 of 4 Type D2AFN Order 0.0-1 Parans I (planet is at axis) Star list: 465 stars from the Swiss Ephemeris; Orb for parans: 0°30' in RA; for position at axis: 1°00' in RA Method: Rotation of natal planet positions Stars at Natal Horizon or Meridian Venus (LCul, 0°31's,mr), Capulus (Cul, 0°00'a,pa), Khambalia (LCul, 0°02'a,mr), Castra (Set, 0°04's,es), Phact (Rise, 0°04'a,np), Apex (Set, 0°06's,vaa), Mira (Cul, 0°06'a,ms), Alshain (Set, 0°11'a,es), Asellus Secundus (LCul, 0°42's,pa), Syrma (LCul, 0°45's,mr), Mautinah (Rise, 0°46's,er), Fudail (Set, 0°47's,vaa), Arcturus (LCul, 0°50's,vaa) Planet rising A Sun Aldebaran (Rise-Set, 0°24's,np) B Moon Sinistra (Rise-Set, 0°08's,es), Shishimai (Rise-LCul, 0°13's,mr), Kerb (Rise-Cul, 0°20's,ms), Ain al Rami (Rise-Set, 0°23's,es), Kajam omeHer (Rise-Set, 0°25's,vaa), Tse Tseng (Rise-LCul, 0°29'a,mr) C Mercury Vindemiatrix (Rise-Cul, 0°00's,mr), Kaht (Rise-LCul, 0°12'a,ms), Al Hecka (Rise-Set, 0°22'a,er) D Venus Kornephoros (Rise-Rise, 0°03's,vaa), Talitha Australis (Rise-Cul, 0°13'a,pa), Armus (Rise-LCul, 0°25'a,es), Rijl al Awwa (Rise-Rise, 0°27'a,mr) E Mars Sceptrum (Rise-Cul, 0°03'a,np), Han (Rise-LCul, 0°14's,vaa) F Jupiter Wasat (Rise-Set, 0°06'a,er), Merga (Rise-Cul, 0°06's,vaa), Miram (Rise-LCul, 0°14'a,pa), Kochab (Rise-Cul, 0°16'a,pa), Zubenelgenubi (Rise-Cul, 0°17'a,mr), Angetenar (Rise-LCul, 0°20'a,np), Hoedus II (Rise-Set, 0°21'a,cp), Minchir (Rise-Set, 0°26'a,er) G Saturn True Node (Rise-Set, 0°14's,mr), Polis (Rise-Cul, 0°07'a,es), Propus etaGem (Rise-LCul, 0°11's,er), Chertan (Rise-Set, 0°12's,er), Sataghni (Rise-Set, 0°23'a,mr) O Uranus Ceginus (Rise-Cul, 0°11's,vaa), Alsharasif (Rise-Set, 0°13's,mr), Bos (Rise-Rise, 0°19'a,es), Oculus (Rise-Rise, 0°22'a,es) I Neptune Ascella (Rise-Rise, 0°09'a,es), Princeps (Rise-Cul, 0°24'a,vaa), Fornacis (Rise-LCul, 0°27's,np), Zibal (Rise-LCul, 0°29'a,np) J Pluto Sadalbari (Rise-LCul, 0°08's,ms), Rasalhague (Rise-Rise, 0°14's,vaa), Grafias (Rise-Rise, 0°18'a,vaa), Cursa (Rise-Set, 0°21'a,np), Sador (Rise-Rise, 0°26'a,vaa), Foramen (Rise-Cul, 0°30's,pb) Mean Node Vernalis (Rise-Set, 0°02's,ms), Alathfar (Rise-LCul, 0°16'a,vaa), Alathfar (Rise-LCul, 0°16'a,vaa), Sadalbari (Rise-Set, 0°18'a,ms), Kaus Australis (Rise-LCul, 0°19'a,es), Canopus (Rise-Cul, 0°19'a,pb), Hemelein Secunda (Rise-Rise, 0°29'a,vaa) True Node Moon (Rise-Cul, 0°12's,er) Lilith Tsze (Rise-Rise, 0°20'a,np), Polaris (Rise-Cul, 0°20'a,pa), Ankaa (Rise-Set, 0°28's,np) Planet setting A Sun Ushakaron (Set-Rise, 0°06'a,np), Arkab Prior (Set-Set, 0°12's,alh), Atirsagne (Set-Rise, 0°12'a,np), Albali (Set-Cul, 0°26's,es) B Moon Alhena (Set-Set, 0°03's,er), Al Thalimaim Posterior (Set-Rise, 0°16's,es) C Mercury Azha (Set-Rise, 0°04'a,np), Aldebaran (Set-Rise, 0°04'a,np), Sadalsuud (Set-Cul, 0°17'a,es), Ukdah (Set-LCul, 0°19's,er), Alterf (Set-LCul, 0°20'a,er), Alphirk (Set-Cul, 0°24's,pa) D Venus Albireo (Set-Cul, 0°06's,vaa), Heze (Set-Set, 0°20'a,mr), Alsafi (Set-Cul, 0°20'a,pa), Alsafi (Set-Cul, 0°20'a,pa) E Mars Al Hecka (Set-LCul, 0°00'a,er), Nehushtan (Set-Cul, 0°01's,es), Sargas (Set-Cul, 0°06's,alh), Alnilam (Set-LCul, 0°21's,np), Al Jathiyah (Set-Cul, 0°28'a,vaa) F Jupiter Albaldah (Set-Set, 0°00's,es), Pollux (Set-Rise, 0°03's,er), Rigel (Set-Rise, 0°26'a,np), El Kophrah (Set-LCul, 0°26'a,pa), Seginus (Set-Set, 0°28'a,vaa) G Saturn Sinistra (Set-LCul, 0°04's,es), Prijipati (Set-Cul, 0°11's,pa), Menkalinan (Set-Cul, 0°11's,cp), Bogardus (Set-Cul, 0°14's,er), Barnard's star (Set-LCul, 0°14'a,vaa), Diadem (Set-Rise, 0°22's,mr) O Uranus Alioth (Set-LCul, 0°03'a,pa), Nihal (Set-Rise, 0°19's,np), Gomeisa (Set-Rise, 0°23'a,er), Auva (Set-LCul, 0°27'a,mr) I Neptune Kissin (Set-LCul, 0°05's,mr), Acrux (Set-LCul, 0°10's,pb), Virgo Cluster (Set-LCul, 0°11's,mr), Ankaa (Set-Cul, 0°14's,np) J Pluto Subra (Set-LCul, 0°04'a,er), Furibundus (Set-Rise, 0°07's,np), Kattupothu (Set-Rise, 0°09'a,np), Nashira (Set-Cul, 0°12's,es), Azelfafage (Set-Cul, 0°19'a,pa), Kaus Australis (Set-Set, 0°22'a,es) Mean Node Sataghni (Set-Set, 0°29's,mr) True Node Saturn (Set-Rise, 0°14's,ms), Polis (Set-Cul, 0°07's,es), Sataghni (Set-Set, 0°09'a,mr), Propus etaGem (Set-LCul, 0°24's,er), Chertan (Set-Set, 0°25's,er) Lilith Alpheratz (Set-Rise, 0°12's,ms), Kabkent Tertia (Set-Set, 0°12'a,alh), Furibundus (Set-LCul, 0°18'a,np), Praesepe Cluster (Set-Set, 0°18's,er), Althaur (Set-LCul, 0°19's,np), Dschubba (Set-Cul, 0°25's,mr) Planet in Culmination A Sun Kattupothu (Cul-LCul, 0°08's,np), Keid (Cul-LCul, 0°12's,np), Great Attractor (Cul-Cul, 0°18's,pb), Anwar al Farkadain (Cul-Cul, 0°23'a,pa), Dorsum (Cul-Rise, 0°26's,es), Yed Prior (Cul-Cul, 0°26's,vaa) B Moon True Node (Cul-Rise, 0°12's,mr), Rukh (Cul-Set, 0°23'a,vaa), Abyssus Aqueus (Cul-Set, 0°29'a,np) C Mercury Capella (Cul-LCul, 0°05'a,cp), Alminhar (Cul-Set, 0°07's,er), Fudail (Cul-Cul, 0°18's,vaa), Sarin (Cul-Cul, 0°19's,vaa), Rasalgethi (Cul-Cul, 0°25's,vaa), Rigel (Cul-LCul, 0°26's,np) D Venus Asellus Secundus (Cul-Cul, 0°11's,pa), Syrma (Cul-Cul, 0°14's,mr), Facies (Cul-Rise, 0°18's,es), Arcturus (Cul-Cul, 0°19's,vaa), Kaus Borealis (Cul-Rise, 0°28's,es) F Jupiter Atik (Cul-Rise, 0°03'a,cp), Atiks (Cul-Rise, 0°03'a,cp), Ahadi (Cul-LCul, 0°03'a,np), Brachium (Cul-Set, 0°11'a,mr), Virgo Cluster (Cul-Set, 0°15's,mr), Alkibash (Cul-LCul, 0°16'a,er), Menkalinan (Cul-Rise, 0°28's,cp) G Saturn Alpheratz (Cul-Cul, 0°29's,ms), Alchita (Cul-LCul, 0°29's,mr) O Uranus Al Tarf (Cul-LCul, 0°05'a,er), Giedi Prima (Cul-Cul, 0°21'a,es), Giedi Secunda (Cul-Cul, 0°28'a,es) I Neptune Altair (Cul-Cul, 0°03'a,es), Alula Borealis (Cul-Set, 0°09'a,er), Alrischa (Cul-Rise, 0°16'a,ms), Azmidiske (Cul-LCul, 0°19's,er), Botein (Cul-Rise, 0°24'a,ms), Bazak (Cul-Cul, 0°28'a,es) J Pluto Yed Prior (Cul-Cul, 0°05'a,vaa), Dorsum (Cul-Rise, 0°06'a,es), Great Attractor (Cul-Cul, 0°14'a,pb), Keid (Cul-LCul, 0°20'a,np), Kattupothu (Cul-LCul, 0°24'a,np) Mean Node Deneb Kaitos (Cul-LCul, 0°21's,ms), Zaniah (Cul-Cul, 0°28's,mr) True Node Antares (Cul-Rise, 0°10'a,alh), Adhil (Cul-Set, 0°12'a,cp), Juxta Crucem (Cul-Cul, 0°15'a,pb), Betelgeuse (Cul-Set, 0°17's,er), Gorgona Tertia (Cul-Set, 0°25's,cp) Lilith Tsze (Cul-Set, 0°01's,np), Kitalpha (Cul-LCul, 0°02'a,es) Planet in Lower Culmination A Sun Sadalachbia (LCul-Set, 0°04'a,ms), Kattupothu (LCul-Cul, 0°08's,np), Keid (LCul-Cul, 0°12's,np), Great Attractor (LCul-LCul, 0°18's,pb), Anwar al Farkadain (LCul-LCul, 0°23'a,pa), Yed Prior (LCul-LCul, 0°26's,vaa) B Moon Kaht (LCul-Rise, 0°08'a,ms), Al Pherg (LCul-Rise, 0°16's,ms), Alsciaukat (LCul-Set, 0°29'a,er), Mabsuthat (LCul-Set, 0°29'a,er) C Mercury Capella (LCul-Cul, 0°05'a,cp), Fudail (LCul-LCul, 0°18's,vaa), Sarin (LCul-LCul, 0°19's,vaa), Rasalgethi (LCul-LCul, 0°25's,vaa), Rigel (LCul-Cul, 0°26's,np), Seginus (LCul-Rise, 0°26'a,vaa) D Venus Asellus Secundus (LCul-LCul, 0°11's,pa), Syrma (LCul-LCul, 0°14's,mr), Mautinah (LCul-Rise, 0°15's,er), Fudail (LCul-Set, 0°16's,vaa), Arcturus (LCul-LCul, 0°19's,vaa), Apex (LCul-Set, 0°25'a,vaa), Castra (LCul-Set, 0°27'a,es) E Mars Hecatebolus (LCul-Set, 0°03's,es) F Jupiter Ahadi (LCul-Cul, 0°03'a,np), Linteum (LCul-Set, 0°10'a,ms), Alkibash (LCul-Cul, 0°16'a,er) G Saturn Gienah Cygni (LCul-Rise, 0°16's,ms), Azmidiske (LCul-Set, 0°19'a,er), Alpheratz (LCul-LCul, 0°29's,ms), Alchita (LCul-Cul, 0°29's,mr) O Uranus Al Tarf (LCul-Cul, 0°05'a,er), Alpheratz (LCul-Set, 0°08's,ms), Giedi Prima (LCul-LCul, 0°21'a,es), Giedi Secunda (LCul-LCul, 0°28'a,es), Fudail (LCul-Rise, 0°29's,vaa) I Neptune Altair (LCul-LCul, 0°03'a,es), Al Sadr al Ketus (LCul-Set, 0°09's,np), Azmidiske (LCul-Cul, 0°19's,er), Alchita (LCul-Rise, 0°19'a,mr), Bazak (LCul-LCul, 0°28'a,es) J Pluto Yed Prior (LCul-LCul, 0°05'a,vaa), Chertan (LCul-Rise, 0°07's,er), Great Attractor (LCul-LCul, 0°14'a,pb), Keid (LCul-Cul, 0°20'a,np), Kattupothu (LCul-Cul, 0°24'a,np) Mean Node Maculosa (LCul-Rise, 0°01's,er), Deneb Kaitos (LCul-Cul, 0°21's,ms), Zaniah (LCul-LCul, 0°28's,mr) True Node Juxta Crucem (LCul-LCul, 0°15'a,pb), Rasalhague (LCul-Set, 0°20's,vaa) Lilith Kitalpha (LCul-Cul, 0°02'a,es), Sephdar (LCul-Set, 0°23'a,es) Calculation method for parans: Each planet is rotated to each of the four axes. All celestial bodies that are positioned at an axis at the same time are listed. We always use the positions that the celestial bodies had at the birth time, NOT the position they had when they really crossed an axis during the day of birth. Underlined objects were at one of the four main axes at the time of birth. In parentheses, the following information is given: - The axis at which an object is positioned when forming the paran. - Precision in degrees (RA), applying (a) or separating (s) - Phase in the year cycle: "cp": The star is in a period where it is above the horizon the whole night through, i.e. it rises before sunset and sets only after sunrise. (Ptolemy's "curtailed passage") "alh": The star is in a period where it is above the horizon only during the daylight hours. (Ptolemy's "arising but lying hidden") "vaa": The star rises before the Sun and sets after the Sun, and thus is associated with the twilight. (Ptolemy's "visible all around") "np": The star rises and sets during night time. (Ptolemy's "nocturnal passage") "mr": The star rises before sunrise. "es": The star sets after sunset. "er": The star rises after sunset. "ms": The star sets before sunrise. "pa": Circumpolar star in the visible sky. "pb": Circumpolar star in the invisible sky. Copyright Astrodienst AG Natal Chart (Data Sheets) for Диана, 27 Nov. 1996 Page 4 of 4 Type D2AFN Order 0.0-1 Parans II (star is at axis) Star list: 465 stars from the Swiss Ephemeris; Orb for parans: 0°30' in RA; for position at axis: 1°00' in RA Method: Rotation of natal planet positions Stars at Natal Horizon or Meridian Venus (LCul, 0°31's,mr), Capulus (Cul, 0°00'a,pa), Khambalia (LCul, 0°02'a,mr), Castra (Set, 0°04's,es), Phact (Rise, 0°04'a,np), Apex (Set, 0°06's,vaa), Mira (Cul, 0°06'a,ms), Alshain (Set, 0°11'a,es), Asellus Secundus (LCul, 0°42's,pa), Syrma (LCul, 0°45's,mr), Mautinah (Rise, 0°46's,er), Fudail (Set, 0°47's,vaa), Arcturus (LCul, 0°50's,vaa) Stars Rising A Sun Ushakaron (Set-Rise, 0°06'a,np), Atirsagne (Set-Rise, 0°12'a,np), Dorsum (Cul-Rise, 0°26's,es) B Moon True Node (Cul-Rise, 0°12's,mr), Kaht (LCul-Rise, 0°08'a,ms), Al Pherg (LCul-Rise, 0°16's,ms), Al Thalimaim Posterior (Set-Rise, 0°16's,es) C Mercury Azha (Set-Rise, 0°04'a,np), Aldebaran (Set-Rise, 0°04'a,np), Seginus (LCul-Rise, 0°26'a,vaa) D Venus Kornephoros (Rise-Rise, 0°03's,vaa), Mautinah (LCul-Rise, 0°15's,er), Facies (Cul-Rise, 0°18's,es), Rijl al Awwa (Rise-Rise, 0°27'a,mr), Kaus Borealis (Cul-Rise, 0°28's,es) F Jupiter Pollux (Set-Rise, 0°03's,er), Atik (Cul-Rise, 0°03'a,cp), Atiks (Cul-Rise, 0°03'a,cp), Rigel (Set-Rise, 0°26'a,np), Menkalinan (Cul-Rise, 0°28's,cp) G Saturn Gienah Cygni (LCul-Rise, 0°16's,ms), Diadem (Set-Rise, 0°22's,mr) O Uranus Bos (Rise-Rise, 0°19'a,es), Nihal (Set-Rise, 0°19's,np), Oculus (Rise-Rise, 0°22'a,es), Gomeisa (Set-Rise, 0°23'a,er), Fudail (LCul-Rise, 0°29's,vaa) I Neptune Ascella (Rise-Rise, 0°09'a,es), Alrischa (Cul-Rise, 0°16'a,ms), Alchita (LCul-Rise, 0°19'a,mr), Botein (Cul-Rise, 0°24'a,ms) J Pluto Dorsum (Cul-Rise, 0°06'a,es), Chertan (LCul-Rise, 0°07's,er), Furibundus (Set-Rise, 0°07's,np), Kattupothu (Set-Rise, 0°09'a,np), Rasalhague (Rise-Rise, 0°14's,vaa), Grafias (Rise-Rise, 0°18'a,vaa), Sador (Rise-Rise, 0°26'a,vaa) Mean Node Maculosa (LCul-Rise, 0°01's,er), Hemelein Secunda (Rise-Rise, 0°29'a,vaa) True Node Saturn (Set-Rise, 0°14's,ms), Antares (Cul-Rise, 0°10'a,alh) Lilith Alpheratz (Set-Rise, 0°12's,ms), Tsze (Rise-Rise, 0°20'a,np) Stars in Culmination A Sun Kattupothu (LCul-Cul, 0°08's,np), Keid (LCul-Cul, 0°12's,np), Great Attractor (Cul-Cul, 0°18's,pb), Anwar al Farkadain (Cul-Cul, 0°23'a,pa), Albali (Set-Cul, 0°26's,es), Yed Prior (Cul-Cul, 0°26's,vaa) B Moon Kerb (Rise-Cul, 0°20's,ms) C Mercury Vindemiatrix (Rise-Cul, 0°00's,mr), Capella (LCul-Cul, 0°05'a,cp), Sadalsuud (Set-Cul, 0°17'a,es), Fudail (Cul-Cul, 0°18's,vaa), Sarin (Cul-Cul, 0°19's,vaa), Alphirk (Set-Cul, 0°24's,pa), Rasalgethi (Cul-Cul, 0°25's,vaa), Rigel (LCul-Cul, 0°26's,np) D Venus Albireo (Set-Cul, 0°06's,vaa), Asellus Secundus (Cul-Cul, 0°11's,pa), Talitha Australis (Rise-Cul, 0°13'a,pa), Syrma (Cul-Cul, 0°14's,mr), Arcturus (Cul-Cul, 0°19's,vaa), Alsafi (Set-Cul, 0°20'a,pa), Alsafi (Set-Cul, 0°20'a,pa) E Mars Nehushtan (Set-Cul, 0°01's,es), Sceptrum (Rise-Cul, 0°03'a,np), Sargas (Set-Cul, 0°06's,alh), Al Jathiyah (Set-Cul, 0°28'a,vaa) F Jupiter Ahadi (LCul-Cul, 0°03'a,np), Merga (Rise-Cul, 0°06's,vaa), Kochab (Rise-Cul, 0°16'a,pa), Alkibash (LCul-Cul, 0°16'a,er), Zubenelgenubi (Rise-Cul, 0°17'a,mr) G Saturn Polis (Rise-Cul, 0°07'a,es), Prijipati (Set-Cul, 0°11's,pa), Menkalinan (Set-Cul, 0°11's,cp), Bogardus (Set-Cul, 0°14's,er), Alpheratz (Cul-Cul, 0°29's,ms), Alchita (LCul-Cul, 0°29's,mr) O Uranus Al Tarf (LCul-Cul, 0°05'a,er), Ceginus (Rise-Cul, 0°11's,vaa), Giedi Prima (Cul-Cul, 0°21'a,es), Giedi Secunda (Cul-Cul, 0°28'a,es) I Neptune Altair (Cul-Cul, 0°03'a,es), Ankaa (Set-Cul, 0°14's,np), Azmidiske (LCul-Cul, 0°19's,er), Princeps (Rise-Cul, 0°24'a,vaa), Bazak (Cul-Cul, 0°28'a,es) J Pluto Yed Prior (Cul-Cul, 0°05'a,vaa), Nashira (Set-Cul, 0°12's,es), Great Attractor (Cul-Cul, 0°14'a,pb), Azelfafage (Set-Cul, 0°19'a,pa), Keid (LCul-Cul, 0°20'a,np), Kattupothu (LCul-Cul, 0°24'a,np), Foramen (Rise-Cul, 0°30's,pb) Mean Node Canopus (Rise-Cul, 0°19'a,pb), Deneb Kaitos (LCul-Cul, 0°21's,ms), Zaniah (Cul-Cul, 0°28's,mr) True Node Moon (Rise-Cul, 0°12's,er), Polis (Set-Cul, 0°07's,es), Juxta Crucem (Cul-Cul, 0°15'a,pb) Lilith Kitalpha (LCul-Cul, 0°02'a,es), Polaris (Rise-Cul, 0°20'a,pa), Dschubba (Set-Cul, 0°25's,mr) Stars Setting A Sun Sadalachbia (LCul-Set, 0°04'a,ms), Arkab Prior (Set-Set, 0°12's,alh), Aldebaran (Rise-Set, 0°24's,np) B Moon Alhena (Set-Set, 0°03's,er), Sinistra (Rise-Set, 0°08's,es), Rukh (Cul-Set, 0°23'a,vaa), Ain al Rami (Rise-Set, 0°23's,es), Kajam omeHer (Rise-Set, 0°25's,vaa), Alsciaukat (LCul-Set, 0°29'a,er), Mabsuthat (LCul-Set, 0°29'a,er), Abyssus Aqueus (Cul-Set, 0°29'a,np) C Mercury Alminhar (Cul-Set, 0°07's,er), Al Hecka (Rise-Set, 0°22'a,er) D Venus Fudail (LCul-Set, 0°16's,vaa), Heze (Set-Set, 0°20'a,mr), Apex (LCul-Set, 0°25'a,vaa), Castra (LCul-Set, 0°27'a,es) E Mars Hecatebolus (LCul-Set, 0°03's,es) F Jupiter Albaldah (Set-Set, 0°00's,es), Wasat (Rise-Set, 0°06'a,er), Linteum (LCul-Set, 0°10'a,ms), Brachium (Cul-Set, 0°11'a,mr), Virgo Cluster (Cul-Set, 0°15's,mr), Hoedus II (Rise-Set, 0°21'a,cp), Minchir (Rise-Set, 0°26'a,er), Seginus (Set-Set, 0°28'a,vaa) G Saturn True Node (Rise-Set, 0°14's,mr), Chertan (Rise-Set, 0°12's,er), Azmidiske (LCul-Set, 0°19'a,er), Sataghni (Rise-Set, 0°23'a,mr) O Uranus Alpheratz (LCul-Set, 0°08's,ms), Alsharasif (Rise-Set, 0°13's,mr) I Neptune Alula Borealis (Cul-Set, 0°09'a,er), Al Sadr al Ketus (LCul-Set, 0°09's,np) J Pluto Cursa (Rise-Set, 0°21'a,np), Kaus Australis (Set-Set, 0°22'a,es) Mean Node Vernalis (Rise-Set, 0°02's,ms), Sadalbari (Rise-Set, 0°18'a,ms), Sataghni (Set-Set, 0°29's,mr) True Node Sataghni (Set-Set, 0°09'a,mr), Adhil (Cul-Set, 0°12'a,cp), Betelgeuse (Cul-Set, 0°17's,er), Rasalhague (LCul-Set, 0°20's,vaa), Gorgona Tertia (Cul-Set, 0°25's,cp), Chertan (Set-Set, 0°25's,er) Lilith Tsze (Cul-Set, 0°01's,np), Kabkent Tertia (Set-Set, 0°12'a,alh), Praesepe Cluster (Set-Set, 0°18's,er), Sephdar (LCul-Set, 0°23'a,es), Ankaa (Rise-Set, 0°28's,np) Stars in Lower Culmination A Sun Kattupothu (Cul-LCul, 0°08's,np), Keid (Cul-LCul, 0°12's,np), Great Attractor (LCul-LCul, 0°18's,pb), Anwar al Farkadain (LCul-LCul, 0°23'a,pa), Yed Prior (LCul-LCul, 0°26's,vaa) B Moon Shishimai (Rise-LCul, 0°13's,mr), Tse Tseng (Rise-LCul, 0°29'a,mr) C Mercury Capella (Cul-LCul, 0°05'a,cp), Kaht (Rise-LCul, 0°12'a,ms), Fudail (LCul-LCul, 0°18's,vaa), Ukdah (Set-LCul, 0°19's,er), Sarin (LCul-LCul, 0°19's,vaa), Alterf (Set-LCul, 0°20'a,er), Rasalgethi (LCul-LCul, 0°25's,vaa), Rigel (Cul-LCul, 0°26's,np) D Venus Asellus Secundus (LCul-LCul, 0°11's,pa), Syrma (LCul-LCul, 0°14's,mr), Arcturus (LCul-LCul, 0°19's,vaa), Armus (Rise-LCul, 0°25'a,es) E Mars Al Hecka (Set-LCul, 0°00'a,er), Han (Rise-LCul, 0°14's,vaa), Alnilam (Set-LCul, 0°21's,np) F Jupiter Ahadi (Cul-LCul, 0°03'a,np), Miram (Rise-LCul, 0°14'a,pa), Alkibash (Cul-LCul, 0°16'a,er), Angetenar (Rise-LCul, 0°20'a,np), El Kophrah (Set-LCul, 0°26'a,pa) G Saturn Sinistra (Set-LCul, 0°04's,es), Propus etaGem (Rise-LCul, 0°11's,er), Barnard's star (Set-LCul, 0°14'a,vaa), Alpheratz (LCul-LCul, 0°29's,ms), Alchita (Cul-LCul, 0°29's,mr) O Uranus Alioth (Set-LCul, 0°03'a,pa), Al Tarf (Cul-LCul, 0°05'a,er), Giedi Prima (LCul-LCul, 0°21'a,es), Auva (Set-LCul, 0°27'a,mr), Giedi Secunda (LCul-LCul, 0°28'a,es) I Neptune Altair (LCul-LCul, 0°03'a,es), Kissin (Set-LCul, 0°05's,mr), Acrux (Set-LCul, 0°10's,pb), Virgo Cluster (Set-LCul, 0°11's,mr), Azmidiske (Cul-LCul, 0°19's,er), Fornacis (Rise-LCul, 0°27's,np), Bazak (LCul-LCul, 0°28'a,es), Zibal (Rise-LCul, 0°29'a,np) J Pluto Subra (Set-LCul, 0°04'a,er), Yed Prior (LCul-LCul, 0°05'a,vaa), Sadalbari (Rise-LCul, 0°08's,ms), Great Attractor (LCul-LCul, 0°14'a,pb), Keid (Cul-LCul, 0°20'a,np), Kattupothu (Cul-LCul, 0°24'a,np) Mean Node Alathfar (Rise-LCul, 0°16'a,vaa), Alathfar (Rise-LCul, 0°16'a,vaa), Kaus Australis (Rise-LCul, 0°19'a,es), Deneb Kaitos (Cul-LCul, 0°21's,ms), Zaniah (LCul-LCul, 0°28's,mr) True Node Juxta Crucem (LCul-LCul, 0°15'a,pb), Propus etaGem (Set-LCul, 0°24's,er) Lilith Kitalpha (Cul-LCul, 0°02'a,es), Furibundus (Set-LCul, 0°18'a,np), Althaur (Set-LCul, 0°19's,np) Calculation method for parans: Each planet is rotated to each of the four axes. All celestial bodies that are positioned at an axis at the same time are listed. We always use the positions that the celestial bodies had at the birth time, NOT the position they had when they really crossed an axis during the day of birth. Underlined objects were at one of the four main axes at the time of birth. In parentheses, the following information is given: - The axis at which an object is positioned when forming the paran. - Precision in degrees (RA), applying (a) or separating (s) - Phase in the year cycle: "cp": The star is in a period where it is above the horizon the whole night through, i.e. it rises before sunset and sets only after sunrise. (Ptolemy's "curtailed passage") "alh": The star is in a period where it is above the horizon only during the daylight hours. (Ptolemy's "arising but lying hidden") "vaa": The star rises before the Sun and sets after the Sun, and thus is associated with the twilight. (Ptolemy's "visible all around") "np": The star rises and sets during night time. (Ptolemy's "nocturnal passage") "mr": The star rises before sunrise. "es": The star sets after sunset. "er": The star rises after sunset. "ms": The star sets before sunrise. "pa": Circumpolar star in the visible sky. "pb": Circumpolar star in the invisible sky. Copyright Astrodienst AG