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Social Inequality: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions

Social Inequality
Social inequality is a major issue in today’s world. All over the world, there is an obvious
contrast between the living standards and lifestyle of the rich and the poor. Unfortunately, the
majority of people are poor. Moreover, there is a large gap between the populations of the poor
and wealthy. This gap is a very real thing. As we prosper through time, inequality is slowly less
evident. A lot of people don't realize that although things are improving with time, inequality is
still prominent in our society. The people that are failing to realize that there still is inequality
are the fortunate ones. They rise well above the poverty line and usually live relatively
economically sound lives. They are the people who are supplied with our society's benefits.
Social inequality can be seen as negative due to it causing a separation between a group
of people. It also prevents people from obtaining fair benefits from economic activities. There are
varying degrees and kinds of inequality that can exist within a society and any kind of inequality
brings consequences. It contains organized and repetitive examples of unequal distributions of
goods, riches, opportunities, prizes, and disciplines. For example, the larger the difference in
income between a country's rich and poor, the larger the inequality. Other inequalities, not
related to an unequal distribution of income, tend to affect a particular group for a long period of
time in a systematic way. However, when this fails due to corruption, discrimination among
other causes the country is unable to move forward economically, further leading to poverty and
civil unrest, and other consequences. Therefore, fighting inequality will open doors to
opportunities that are taken from groups traditionally excluded from development.
In conclusion, inequalities are a global challenge that can harm us all. It is the job of the
government, leaders, and citizens to ensure that the wealth and income are distributed equally
among the population. Redistributing income is imperative so as to alleviate poverty and promote
equality of opportunities. Addressing inequalities is not only the right thing in principle but also
vital in ensuring that we have a sustainable and peaceful world. On the other hand, to end
inequality, we must realize that it isn’t about the rich, it’s about the poor. The rich, in other
words, is not the reason why the poor are poor. And we know almost nothing about them. To start
filling in the blanks, we need to look, not at the top of the wealth distribution, but at the bottom;
not at the inequalities that make people rich, but the ones that keep people poor.