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Reflective Essay: BBC Project Teamwork & Personal Development

In this reflective essay, I will walk you through how my experience during the BBC broadcasting house
project group task which was quite a remarkable one, exposed my strengths and weaknesses and
made me realize some of the skills I would be needing to become a better team player in future team
work scenarios.
Prior to the commencement of this BBC broadcasting house project group task, I had to complete a
prerequisite task which I carried out individually. In this prerequisite task, I chose one of the main
stakeholders of the BBC broadcasting house project construction as directed in the BBC broadcasting
house project task brief. I identified their management approaches, leadership styles, organizational
cultures and several other skills which made their concept list during the BBC broadcasting house
project task execution using several models/frameworks as reference. The derivatives of this
individual task served as a base for the group task.
In the BBC broadcasting house project group task, I was paired with two individuals whom I
nicknamed: Team Member F and Team Member M. I observed that they both had more years of
experience in the built environment industry, both in the administrative and field sector of the
industry than I do. In addition, I noticed that the difference in the active period we had in the industry,
coupled with the skills and personalities we formed over time played a major role in the conflict we
had during the course of our task execution. According to the outlines laid out in the BBC broadcasting
house project task brief, I and my team members (Team Member F and Team Member M) were to
represent each of three main stakeholders of the BBC broadcasting house project. Also following the
instruction in the task brief, I had to compile the concept list of the stakeholder I represented in the
group task also making reference to several models/frameworks as I did in the prerequisite task.
Finally, I would then combine it with the concept lists of the other stakeholders which Team Member
F and Team Member M were to compile to form a concept map. As straight forward as the scope and
objective may seem, the group task did not go down without its high and low moments.
I observed that as a team, we had an adhocracy culture (C) because we were dynamic and risk takers.
I also noticed that we could also be identified as a team with hierarchical culture (C) because smooth
scheduling was one of our key drives.
Our team development stages could be described in these stages: forming stage, storming stage,
norming stage and performing stage respectively (T). In the forming stage, we introduced ourselves
and also gave our individual opinions on what was needed to be done for us to achieve our goal. The
next stage is the storming stage. In this stage, I noticed this is where the decision made had the most
impact on the team members, the team and also the nature of the task execution. We had conflicts
that resulted due to conflicting of ideas and one team member trying to impose their stands on the
other team members. These conflicts made us lose a lot of time and it also had a negative effect on
our mental health due to stress that was induced by the panic we had when we realized we were
approaching the deadline and we were still not up to 50 percent done with the work. In the norming
stage, we had to settle for a compromise and we let Team Member F take the lead since she had the
most field and office experience than the rest of us so that we could complete the task before
deadline. We then proceeded to the performing stage, here we were already on the same page and
maintained the same energy till the task was completed.
We all applied different management and leadership styles while executing the task. To put these into
perspectives, I observed that Team Member F adopted the tyrannical management style (H), puritan
management style (H) and also portrayed commanding leadership style (G) because she wanted all
other members to be submissive and also wanted to maintain power given that she had the most
duration of experience and as such assumed she knew more than the other team members. I observed
that Team Member M also adopted the tyrannical management style (H) and commanding leadership
style (G) because she also wanted the power of the final decision making to herself and such had a
very domineering approach towards the other team mates. However, due to the rationality and logic
in organizational decisions shown by Team Member M, I identified her management approach as a
benevolent autocrat management style (H). For me, I employed the collegial management style (H),
achievement management style (H) and followed a democratic leadership approach (G) which are
characterized by being social, cooperative and also being empathetic to other team member’s views.
I chose this stand owing to the fact that I so much confidence in their competence.
In terms of e iMA designation, I was a high yellow because I was really optimistic and believed in
building alliance to accomplish the task goals and I would have flowed better with my team members
if they were more flexible. Team Member F was a high red as she was very goal oriented and fast
paced but also had low tolerance for non-assertiveness, I observed she responds well to practical and
supportive gestures. Team Member M is a bit of red because she wants her ideas to be supported and
more of green because she is persistent, systematic and she was submissive when stress kicked in.
Looking back what could I have done better? This is the question I asked myself when I was reflecting
on the events that played out during the group task execution. During the course of the group task, I
identified some skills I had that came in handy and some I needed to develop. What I consider my
strengths during the task execution are listening skill and problem-solving skill and what I consider to
be my weaknesses and I needed to work are delegation skills, communication skills and risk
management skills. Below is a table that details my Personal Development Plan.
Skill to develop
Risk management skill
Delegation skill
Communication skill
Success criteria