Ref. Ares(2017)13571 - 03/01/2017 Quasar Science Resources, S.L Gabriel García Márquez 4 Las Rozas de Madrid 28232 Madrid (Spain) DOCUMENT Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Quasar Science Resources hardware and software proposed infrastructure for the StarFormMapper H2020 project Prepared by Reference Issue Revision Date of Issue Status Document Type Distribution José María, Quasar Science Resources, S.L SFM-SW-DD-0013-1.0 1 0 01/12/2016 Approved Document Deliverable (DD) Quasar Science Resources (QSR) Quasar Science Resources, S.L APPROVAL TITLE Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Issue 1 Revision 0 Author José María Date 01/12/2016 Approved by Aitor Ibarra Date 01/12/2016 CHANGE LOG Reason for change Issue Revision Date Revision 0 Pages Paragraph(s) CHANGE RECORD Issue 1 Reason for change Date Page 2/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 Table of contents: TABLE OF CONTENTS: ............................................................................................................................................. 3 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 4 1.1. SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 1.2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 4 1.3. ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................................... 4 2. SOFTWARE STANDARD (ECSS-E-40) ............................................................................................................... 7 2.1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 7 2.2. ECSS-E-40....................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.2.1. Processes.............................................................................................................................................................. 9 2.2.2. Reviews .............................................................................................................................................................. 11 2.2.3. Software documentation ................................................................................................................................... 12 2.2.4. Software life cycles ............................................................................................................................................ 13 3. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 13 3.1. PRACTICES OF CI .......................................................................................................................................... 14 3.1.1. Maintain a single source repository ................................................................................................................... 14 3.1.2. Automate the Guild............................................................................................................................................ 14 3.1.3. Automate unit test ............................................................................................................................................. 14 3.1.4. Everyone commits to the mainline every day .................................................................................................... 15 3.1.5. Every commit should build the mainline on an integration machine ................................................................ 15 3.1.6. Fix broken builds immediately ........................................................................................................................... 15 3.1.7. Keep the build Fast............................................................................................................................................. 15 3.1.8. Other practices................................................................................................................................................... 16 3.2. ADVANTAGES .............................................................................................................................................. 17 3.3. JENKINS ....................................................................................................................................................... 17 3.3.1. Features ............................................................................................................................................................. 18 4. SOFTWARE METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................ 20 4.1. AGILE DEVELOPMENT: SCRUM ..................................................................................................................... 22 4.1.1. Roles................................................................................................................................................................... 22 4.1.2. Components of the Scrum ................................................................................................................................. 23 4.1.3. Working meetings .............................................................................................................................................. 24 4.2. SCRUM WITH JIRA SOFTWARE ..................................................................................................................... 25 4.3. UNIT TESTING .............................................................................................................................................. 27 4.3.1. Unit test structure .............................................................................................................................................. 28 4.3.2. Advantages......................................................................................................................................................... 28 4.3.3. Tools ................................................................................................................................................................... 29 4.4. CODE COVERAGE ......................................................................................................................................... 30 4.4.1. Sonarcube .......................................................................................................................................................... 30 5. SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................. 32 5.1. GIT............................................................................................................................................................... 34 5.2. JIRA ............................................................................................................................................................. 35 5.3. DEVELOPMENT AND PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT ..................................................................................... 35 5.3.1. Eclipse ................................................................................................................................................................ 36 5.3.2. NetBeans ............................................................................................................................................................ 37 5.3.3. MS Visual Studio ................................................................................................................................................ 37 6. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT CONFIGURATION CONTROL ............................................................................. 38 6.1. CONFLUENCE ............................................................................................................................................... 39 6.2. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT AT JIRA / CONFLUENCE.................................................................................... 40 7. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 41 8. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................ 41 Page 3/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 1. Introduction 1.1. Scope This document is the deliverable “Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP)” for the EU H2020 (COMPET-5-2015 – Space) project “A Gaia and Herschel Study of the Density Distribution and Evolution of Young Massive Star Clusters” (Grant Agreement Number: 687528), with abbreviated code name StarFormMapper (SFM) project. The structure and content is based on [AD1]. The document is organised in the following sections: • • • • • • • • Section 1 – Introduction defining the purpose and scope of this document. Section 2 – Software Standard (ECSS-E-40). Section 3 – Continuous integrations. Section 4 – Software Methodology. Section 5 – Software Configuration Management. Section 6 – Document management configuration control. Section 7 – Conclusions. Section 8 – References. 1.2. Applicable documents The following documents contain requirements and references, which are applicable to the work: • • [AD1] SFM proposal: A Gaia and Herschel Study of the Density Distribution and Evolution of Young Massive Star Clusters. Reference 687528. Reference: Space2015StarFormMapper-Parts1-3, Issue: 1.1, Date: 04/08/2015. [AD2] SFM-MAN-SDP-1.0: SFM System Developmen Plan. 1.3. Acronyms ACID Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability AD Applicable Document ADQL Astronomical Data Query Language AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript And XML API Application Programming Interface AR Annual Review AVI Added Value Interface CARD Cardiff University CI Configuration Item Page 4/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 CDR Critical Design Review CDS Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg CLR Common Language Runtime CSS Cascading StyleSheets CSS3 Latest version of CSS CU Coordination Units DD Documents Deliverable DDF Design Definition File DEAVI Dynamic Evolution Added Value Interface DJF Design Justification File DMP Data Management Plan DOM Document Object Model DPAC Data Processing and analysis Consortium DPACE interface for DPAC to the scientific community and to ESA and industry partners. DPC Data Processing Centre DR1 Data Release 1 ECSS European Cooperation for Space Standardization ESA European Space Agency FAT Factory Acceptance Test FCL Framework Class Library FIR Final Internal Review GAVIP Gaia Added Value Interface Platform GREN Univertité Jospeh Fournier, Grenoble GWT Google Web toolkit HEALPix Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelization HiPS Hierarchical Progressive Surveys HTML HyperText Markup Language HTML5 fifth version of HTML HVM Hardware Virtualization IDE International Development Environment IT Information Technology IVOA International Virtual Observatory Alliance JS Java Script JSON JavaScript Object Notation JSP JavaServer Pages KoM Kick-off Meeting LEEDS Leeds University MLA MultiLateral Agreement MVT Model View Template NoSQL Not only SQL ORR Operational Readiness Review OS Operating System PDL Parameter Description Language PDR Preliminary Design Review PHP PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor Page 5/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 PL/SQL Procedural Language / Structured Query Language PM Progress Meeting PSAT Preliminary SAT PSS Procedures, Specifications &, Standards PV Paravirtualization QA Quality Assurance QR Qualification Review QUAS/QSR Quasar Science Resource S.L. RA Radiative Transfer RB Reference Baseline RD Reference Document RISEA Remote Interface to the Stellar Evolution Algorithm REST Representational State Transfer SAT Site Acceptance Test SCM Software Configuration Management SFMP Software Development Management Plan SFM StarFormMapper SIAP Sloan Digital Sky Survey SIMBAD Set of Identifications, Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data SQAP Software Quality Assurance Plan SQL Structured Query Language SSAP Simple Spectral Access Protocol TAP Table Access Protocol TBC To Be Confirmed TBD To Be Determined TBS To Be Specified TDD Test Driven Development TS Technical Specification URD User Requirements Document UWS Universal Worker Service VM Virtual Machine VO Virtual Observatory WBS Work Breakdown Structure WP Work Package XML eXtensible Markup Language XP Extreme Programming Page 6/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 2. Software Standard (ECSS-E-40) 2.1. Introduction In June 1994, the ESA Council adopted a resolution to confirm the Agency’s commitment to the transfer of the PSS (Procedures, Specifications &. Standards) system of ESA space standards to the new set of standards prepared by the European Cooperation for Space Standardisation [1]. The structure of the ECSS standards is shown in Figure 1. As can be seen, it has three main branches: • • • The management standards (M-series): These provide a uniform approach to a number of common management issues. The engineering standards (E-series): Addressing a broad range of key Space engineering disciplines. The product assurance standards (Q-series): Providing both general coverage, and specific coverage for specific disciplines. Figure 1: Structure of the ECSS standards [1]. Page 7/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 The ECSS system is organized into three levels that are interconnected [2]. In this way, the third level is inside the second and the second is inside the first. The first one is "Policy and principles". This level encompasses the general statements of policy and principles for standardisation in that domain. For example in Table 1, the E-00 is the nomenclature for the engineering domain. The second one is "Requirements". The requirements for the specific disciplines in that domain are described in this level. Continuing with the previous example, E-40B is the nomenclature for software. Finally, the third level is "Normative documents and handbooks" where are the guidelines to interpreting the requirements for specific applications. In the case of our example, it could be E-40-03 for the case of ground segment software. Level 1 E-00 Policy and Principles Level 2 E-40B Software Level 3 E-40-03 Ground Segment software Table 1: Example of the three levels in the ECSS system. The software standardisation within ECSS spans over the Engineering branch (the E-40 family) and the Quality branch (the Q-80 family) 1. ECSS software standards, in particular ECSS-E-40 (Software Engineering) and ECSS-Q-80 (Software Product Assurance), have been in use since 1999 and 1996 respectively and were reissued in improved "B" and "C" (ECSS-E-ST-40, 2007) versions [3]. They are complemented by ECSS-E40-07, a specific standard on ‘software simulation’, and by the following level three handbooks: • • • • • • • • • ECSS-E-40-01 “Space Segment Software”. ECSS-E-40-03 “Ground Segment Software”. ECSS-E-40-04 “Software Life-cycle”. ECSS-E-40-05 “Software Verification, Validation and Testing”. ECSS-E-40-06 “Software development for reuse”. ECSS-Q-80-01 “Guidelines for the Reuse of Pre-developed Software”. ECSS-Q-80-02 “Guidelines on Software Process Assessment and Improvement”. ECSS-Q-80-03 “Guidelines for Software Dependability and Safety Methods and Techniques”. ECSS-Q-80-04 “Guidelines for Software Metrication Programme Definition and Implementation”. Throughout the next section, a brief review of the ECSS-E-40 family will be conducted. For this purpose, [1] will be used as the base of the content. 2.2. ECSS-E-40 QSR has set the use of ECSS-E-40 in this project. ECSS-E-40 is based on the customer–supplier model [4, 5]. This model begins with customer requirements and emphasizes active measures 1 Page 8/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 for customer satisfaction. Thus, the feedback is provided and the process is improved. As shown in Figure 2, this concept may be applied recursively. Figure 2: Customer–supplier relationship, [1]. Several processes, reviews and documentation are required in ECSS-E-40. These are described below. 2.2.1. Processes System Engineering: This is carried out by the “customer” and involves such activities as: • • • System requirements engineering System integration System validation. The software is a part of a system that put requirements on it – the surrounding system could be onboard hardware and other software systems, and need not necessarily include a human user. Software Requirements Engineering: This is carried out by the “supplier” and in essence involves: • • Software-requirements analysis. Software top-level architectural design. The related review is the Preliminary Design Review (PDR). Software Design Engineering: This is also carried out by the supplier and involves: Page 9/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 • • • • Designing of software items. Coding and unit testing. Integration. Validation with respect to the technical specification. The related review is the Critical Design Review (CDR). Software Validation and Acceptance: This comprises: • Validation with respect to the requirements baseline: the milestone is the Qualification Review (QR), which is carried out in the supplier’s environment and is often referred to as the “Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)”. Milestones are tools used in project management to mark specific points along a project timeline and baselines are defined as a point in the software life cycle in which the configuration control is applied to a specific configuration element. • Software delivery and installation. • Software acceptance: the milestone is the Acceptance Review (AR) and is carried out in the operational environment. This is also referred to as the Site Acceptance Test (SAT), and may be preceded by a Preliminary SAT (PSAT). Acceptance is carried out by the customer. Software Operations Engineering. This comprises: • Preparation of software operations procedures. • Preparation of plans for operational testing (i.e. of new releases coming from the maintenance process). • Software operations proper. • User support, including what is usually called "first-line support", e.g. help desk. Software Maintenance. This comprises: • Software problem analysis. • Software problem correction (software modification). • Re-acceptance (i.e. validation of corrections). • Software migration. • Software retirement. Page 10/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 In Figure 3 the processes of ECSS-E-40 is shown. Figure 3: Processes of ECSS E-40.. 2.2.2. Reviews In Table 2 the reviews required by ECSS-E-40 are collected. Name Acronym Operational Readiness Review ORR System Requirements Review Preliminary Design Review Critical Design Review Qualification Review Acceptance Review SRR PDR CDR QR AR Associated process System engineering Requirements engineering Design engineering Validation and acceptance Validation and acceptance Software operations engineering Table 2: Reviews required by ECSS-E-40. Page 11/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 2.2.3. Software documentation The main categories of documentation are shown in Figure 4. It is arranged in "folders", into which the various output documents are aggregated. The main folders are: • • • • Requirements Baseline (RB) Technical Specification (TS) Design Definition File (DDF) Design Justification File (DJF). The contents of these folders are built up in the course of the project, as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4: Main categories of ECSS-E-40 documentation. Page 12/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 2.2.4. Software life cycles The software life cycle defines the sequencing and dependencies of the processes. No particular life-cycle model is imposed, but its selection is an essential management activity. The supplier must document this choice in the Software Development Management Plan (SDMP). 3. Continuous integrations According to Martin Fowler, the Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently. Usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible [6]. QSR has set the use of CI in this project. An scheme of CI is shown in Figure 5. Figure 5: Scheme of CI. Page 13/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 3.1. Practices of CI To carry out a good continuous integration some practices are necessary [6]. These are discussed below. 3.1.1. Maintain a single source repository The code repository is a fundamental tool that allows the team to work in a totally synchronized, but at the same time simple way [7]. Each one works on his own. So it is possible to update the changes without other developers having to wait for them and vice versa. At present there are many free quality solutions 2, such as Apache Subversion (SVN), Git [8]. This is a fundamental piece and it will be virtually impossible to perform continuous integration if it is not available. In our case, the GIT repository was proposed by QSR, Section 5.1. 3.1.2. Automate the Guild Any developed project must be build on any machine without the need of complex environments. Not all the machines will have the development environment, even in some cases they may have relatively expensive licenses, so it would not be a viable option. The condition is that it must be a very simple tool that can be run on any machine and that can automate the compilation process, the execution of the tests of the application and even the deployment in the application server. There are many different solutions depending on the programming languages. For example, in Java they are Ant [9] or Maven [10], in Ruby is Rake [11], etc. 3.1.3. Automate unit test In order to verify that the project works automatically unit tests (often even integration tests) are necessary. The fundamental premise is that all new functionality must have a set of tests that verify that its behavior is correct. There are many different ways to include tests in the project. In particular the rise of Extreme Programming (XP) [12] and Test Driven Development (TDD) [13]. Over the last few years the rise of TDD has popularized the XUnit family of open-source tools which are ideal for this kind of testing [14]. This point is dealt with in Section 4.3. 2 Page 14/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 3.1.4. Everyone commits to the mainline every day Not all requirements are based on having a certain type of tool. Some are based on knowing how to use a particular tool. Once the version control software is chosen, ideally a developer should make even several uploads to the code repository a day. If the project has a code repository, but each developer raises their changes every two weeks, the same problem is appeared. The integration of the project is delayed during all that time, losing any option to obtain information immediately. In addition, delaying the integration generates more conflicts between the files edited by the developers. Because with each update of the repository a complete project integration is done, every minimum change that does not destabilize the project must be uploaded to verify that everything is still working correctly. 3.1.5. Every commit should build the mainline on an integration machine There are two main ways: using a manual build or a continuous integration server [6]. The first one it is similar to the local build that a developer does before the commit into the repository. The developer goes to the integration machine, checks out the head of the mainline and kicks off the integration build. A continuous integration server acts as a monitor to the repository. Every time a commit against the repository finishes the server automatically checks out the sources onto the integration machine, initiates a build, and notifies the committer of the result of the build. QSR has chosen the second option. Assembling an integration server, such as Jenkins (which is chosen by QSR, see Section 3.3), or Cruise Control 3, is free and as simple as deploying a file on a server. On the contrary the advantages are very important. On the one hand, the process is fully automated, which avoids human error. On the other hand, it reduces the amount of work, since a prefabricated solution is taken without having to create complex customized solutions. 3.1.6. Fix broken builds immediately The goal is to automate the simplest tasks, to detect the most basic faults as soon as possible. The longer the time elapses from the production of the error to its detection, the more difficult it is to solve it. 3.1.7. Keep the build Fast This is one of the first tasks to define, to know how the development is, what is the criterion for the code to promote from one environment to another, and what is done in each environment. 3 Page 15/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 To implement continuous integration, a pipeline, a set of stages, phases through which the software passes and are automated is usually defined. An example is shown in Figure 6. Figure 6: Example of pipeline in Jenkins. 3.1.8. Other practices With the steps shown so far, a fairly complete process and that will improve the quality of the software is described. However, it is recommended the use of the integration server to do certain relatively complex tasks. For example, it is possible to configure the server to do static code analysis, so that you can search the entire code for suspicious blocks, duplicate blocks or references that are not used, etc. There are many options such as FindBugs [15] or PDM [16]. Another thing could be to include tasks that allow the application to be deployed on a server. Thus, a demo server with the latest version of the project is always available. Another operation that we can automate is to perform system tests on the application. It possible to create tests with a navigation recording tool, such as Selenium 4, and launch them with every construction that the server does [17]. Finally, other simple practices help ensure the proper functioning of the software such as to have a clone of the production environment, the latest executable available for everyone and scripts that allow to deploy the application into any environment easily. 4 Page 16/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 3.2. Advantages The advantages of the use of IC can be summarized in the following points [18]: • • • • • Prevention and reduction of errors. Generation of analysis and reporting on the quality of the code. Eradication of extensive installation manuals. Reduction of risk. Reduction of overheads throughout the development and deployment process. 3.3. Jenkins As mentioned in the previous section, Jenkins,, is the proposed software by QSR for CI. It is a cross-platform, continuous integration and continuous delivery application 5. It is possible to use Jenkins to build and test software projects continuously making it easier for developers to integrate changes to the project, and making it easier for users to obtain a fresh build. Figure 7: Jenkins logo. This tool is inherited from another similar called Hudson 6, devised by Kohsuke Kawaguchi 7, who worked at Sun. A few years after Oracle bought Sun, the Hudson community decided to rename the project to Jenkins, migrate the code to Github and continue the work from there. However, Oracle has continued to maintain and work on Hudson. 7 5 6 Page 17/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 3.3.1. Features • Continuous integration and continuous delivery: As an extensible automation server, Jenkins can be used as a simple CI server or turned into the continuous delivery hub for any project. Figure 8: Continuous integration with Jenkins. • Easy installation 8: It is a self-contained Java-based program, ready to run out-of-the-box, with packages for Windows, Mac OS X and other Unix-like operating systems. Figure 9: Installation of Jenkins. 8 Page 18/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 • Easy configuration: It can be easily set up and configured via its web interface, Figure 10, which includes on-the-fly error checks and built-in help. Figure 10: Web interface of Jenkins. • Plugins: With hundreds of plugins in the Update Center,, Figure 11, It integrates with practically every tool in the continuous integration and continuous delivery toolchain. Figure 11: Plugins home site of Jenkins. • Extensible: It can be extended via its plugin architecture, providing nearly infinite possibilities for what Jenkins can do. Page 19/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 • Distributed: It can easily distribute work across multiple machines, helping drive builds, tests and deployments across multiple platforms faster. 4. Software Methodology The methodology for software development is a systematic way of realizing and managing a project to carry it out with high chances of success. In other words, within a methodology for software development are the processes to systematically follow to design, implement and maintain a software product from the time the need for the product arises until we fulfill the objective for which it was created [19]. Nowadays there are different methodologies. Taking into account the philosophy of development of methodologies, those with greater emphasis on project planning and control, in precise specification of requirements and modeling, receive the appellation of heavyweight methodologies [20]. These traditional methodologies impose a work discipline on the software development process, in order to achieve a more efficient software. For this, emphasis is placed on the overall planning of all the work to be done and once it is all detailed, the software product development cycle begins. On the other hand, a lightweight (or Agile) methodology, Section 4.1, has only a few rules and practices which are easy to follow. Agile processes emphasizes both the rapid and flexible adaptation to changes in the process, the product, and the development environment [21]. The main differences between both are collected in Table 3 [20]. The choice of one or the other is made according to the characteristics of the project [22]. Approach Success measurement Project size Management style Perspective to change Culture Documentation Emphasis Cycles Domain Upfron planning Return on investment Team size Agile methodologies Adaptive Business value Small Decentralized Change adaptability Leadership-collaboration Low People-oriented Numerous Unpredictable/exploratory Minimal Early in project Small/ creative Heavy methodologies Predictive Conformation to plan Large Autocratic Change sustainability Command-control Heavy Process-oriented Limited Predictable Comprehesive End of project Large Table 3: Differences between traditional and Agile methodologies [20]. Among the most used of both types are waterfall development [23], prototyping [24], iterative and incremental development [25, 26], spiral development [27], rapid application development Page 20/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 [28], etc. The scheme of some of these methodologies are shown in Figure 12. Throughout the development of this project, QSR has set the use of an agile methodology [29], specifically Scrum which will be explained below. Figure 12: Examples of heavy and agile software development methodologies schemes. (a) Waterfall, (b) prototyping, (c) iterative and incremental development, (d) spiral and (e) rapid application. Page 21/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 4.1. Agile development: Scrum There are certain development projects that cannot be completely defined at the beginning of the project because they require a constant revision and modification process. Our project is located in this case so the methodology most indicated is the Agile. It allows maintaining sufficient flexibility to adapt to a changing context maintaining a set of general rules that all participants must know. In this sense, Scrum can be considered as the paradigm of Agile development methodology, defining the way to approach a software development process in an agile and light way, through the description of a set of roles, components and organization of daily activity [30]. The fundamental basis of this methodology consists in the division of the complete work (Product Backlog) in different sections or blocks that can be approached in short periods of time (1-4 weeks) that are denominated Sprints. This organization of the process of creation of software allows strengthening the following aspects: • Agile: The division of labor into small functional units (sprints) allows maintaining a policy of frequent software deliveries that offer a clear view of the state of the process and allows the introduction of modifications. • Simple: It focuses especially on facilitating rapid development, so its complexity (for example from the point of view of the documentation to be generated or the organization of equipment) has been tried to reduce to the maximum. • Flexible: All development is contemplated as a cycle of continuous development iterations, which facilitates the introduction of modifications in real time, continuously improving the process. • Collaborative: The approach, from the point of view of the organization of the team, is quite horizontal giving the members of the development team a high degree of autonomy and self-organization of their work. 4.1.1. Roles As shown in Figure 13, different roles are defined within the Scrum framework: • Product Owner: It is the person responsible for transmitting to the development team the vision of the product to be created, providing the business perspective. It represents the rest of people of the project (stakeholders, customers, managers, etc.) in product development. The Product Owner is responsible for defining the Product Backlog, prioritizing them, and finally validating them. • Stakeholders: A group of people who are not directly involved in the development process, but who should be taken into account, because they are people interested in Page 22/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 it, such as directors, managers, commercials, etc. The Product Owner will be responsible for collecting the opinions and suggestions and deciding whether to apply them to the Product Backlog, as well as to decide if to invite any of these people to the process of reviewing deliverables. • Users: Like stakeholders, they are not part of the creation process directly (they could be in the revision phase of deliverables if deemed necessary). They are the final recipients of the application to be developed, the target audience of the application. • Scrum master: Person who guarantees that the work team does not find impediments or obstacles to approach their tasks within the project. • Scrum team: Team responsible for developing and delivering the product. It maintains a horizontal organization in which each member of the team self-manages and organizes freely in the definition and execution of the different sprints Figure 13: Roles in Scrum. In the particular case of our project, the product owner is the set of consortium members and the stakeholders are the scientists who will provide their opinions and suggestions for interacting with their algorithms. At the end of the project, anyone will be able to use the final software therefore any person receives the role of user. Finally, both master and team Scrum roles are related to the QSR team. 4.1.2. Components of the Scrum • Product Backlog: It is the definition of the project. It consists of a document that collects the set of requirements that are associated with the project. It is the responsibility of the Product Owner to make this definition and establish the priorities of each Page 23/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 requirement. It is a high level document, containing generic (not detailed) descriptions, and subject to modifications throughout development. • Sprint Backlog: It is the definition of the sprint. A sprint should be understood as a subset of requirements, taken from the product backlog, to be executed during a period of between 1 and 4 weeks of work. The sprint backlog would be the document that describes the tasks that need to be performed to address the said subset of requirements. • Running the Sprint: It would be the period of 1 to 4 weeks (period previously defined based on the tasks collected in the sprint backlog) during which the work team would address the corresponding development tasks. Once the execution of a defined sprint has begun, it cannot be modified, and in case of being necessary to make changes these will be done once the period ends through the definition of another sprint backlog. • Delivery: Once the execution of the sprint is completed, a portion of the potentially definitive application will be available. • Burn down: It is a document that reflects the status of the project, indicating the volume of requirements that are currently being addressed (in the product backlog), the requirements that are currently being developed (sprint backlog) and the requirements whose development has already been completed in its entirety. 4.1.3. Working meetings • Sprint planning meeting: It is done at the beginning of each sprint cycle, and it is directed to select the set of requirements of the product backlog that will be addressed, the work team that will be necessary and the estimated time (between 1 and 4 weeks) for its development. • Daily scrum: This is done at the beginning of each day that the sprint is running. It is a short meeting (no more than 30 minutes) in which the team members answer the following questions: “What have you done since the last meeting”, “What problems did you encounter to get the job done”, “What do you plan to do before the next meeting”. • Sprint review meeting: Once the sprint cycle is completed, a meeting is held which defines which part of the planned work has been completed and which part remains pending. As for the work completed, a review of the same is done to the product owner and other users who may be involved. • Sprint retrospective: A meeting in which all team members make an assessment of the work done in the last sprint, identifying points of improvement for the next to perform. Page 24/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 The main objective is to introduce a continuous improvement component into the process. In Figure 14 a scheme of the Scrum framework is shown. Figure 14: Scrum framework. 4.2. Scrum with Jira software Jira software has been chosen by QSR to develop the project by means of Scrum methodology. Atlassian, software owner, provides a tutorial which is shown below 9: • Create a Scrum project: Once a JIRA Software account is started and logged in, it is possible to create a project. Subsequently, the project type and the Scrum methodology must be selected. A Scrum card is created automatically with a Scrum software development project and it possible to view the empty backlog of the Scrum card. • Create user stories or tasks in the backlog: In JIRA, the tasks, and bugs "issues" are called user stories 10. There is a quick create option on the backlog as is shown in Figure 15. Once it is created 6 or more user stories, the priorization the stories in the backlog is allowed. Figure 15: Creating a new story. In an agile framework, user stories are the smallest units of work. As a (type of user), I want (goal) so that I (receive benefit). 9 10 Page 25/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 • Estimate your stories: Before to begin the first sprint, it is important to estimate the stories in the backlog and to determine the execution time. Estimates will also help gauge how much work it should add to the next sprint based on the number of team members. In JIRA Software, it possible to estimate issues by going to the backlog and entering a number in the Estimate field for each issue. • Create a sprint: To create the first sprint in the backlog, Figure 16, and to organize issues into sprints. Before starting a sprint, a sprint planning meeting must be held. Afterwards, the stories are dragged to the sprint created. Finally, name the sprint and to add the duration and start and end dates of the sprint. In Figure 17, an example the sprint in Jira is shown. Figure 16: Creating a sprint. Figure 17: Sprint in Jira. Page 26/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 • View the burndown Chart. A good idea to check the Burndown Chart during a sprint. A Burndown Chart, Figure 18 shows the actual and estimated amount of work to be done in a sprint. The horizontal x-axis in a Burndown Chart indicates time, while the vertical y-axis indicates issues. In JIRA, the Burndown Chart shows the actual and estimated amount of work to be done in a sprint. To view this chart, click Reports from the sidebar, and then select the Burndown Chart from the reports dropdown. Figure 18: Burndown chart. • Complete the sprint. At the end of the sprint, a situation similar to in Figure 19 is shown. After you complete the sprint, reports should be done. QSR has proposed the Confluence software for this, Section 6.1. Figure 19: Complete sprint. 4.3. Unit testing The rapid correction of errors is one of the premises of the Agile methodology. In this sense, it is convenient to have a method to systematize this process. QSR has set the creation and use of Page 27/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 unit tests. There are many definitions about what really is a unit test. However, some are ambiguous and others have a particular focus according to the situation in which they are used or developed. Unit testing is the testing of individual hardware or software units or groups of related units where a unit is a software component that is not subdivided into other components [31]. Unit testing is often simple and quick to code. In addition, they must have the following characteristics [32]: • • • • • • Unitary. It tests only small amounts of code. Independent. This should not depend on or affect other unit tests. Tests public methods. Otherwise the test would be fragile to changes in implementation and could not be used in regression tests. Automatizable. La prueba no debería requerir intervención manual. Repeatable and predictable. This should not affect the order and the times that the test is repeated. The result should always be the same. Professionals. The tests should be considered the same as the code, with the same professionalism, documentation, etc. 4.3.1. Unit test structure Unit test usually have a structure composed of three parts: • • • Arrange: This is the part of the unit test where all the code is configured to run the test. Act: This is the phase of the unit test where the code to be tested is executed. Assert: It is the section of the unit test where the result of the test is checked. 4.3.2. Advantages Unit testing seeks to isolate each part of the program and show that the individual parts are correct, providing some advantages: 1. Encourage change. Unit testing facilitates code restructuring (refactoring). It allows testing on changes and verifying that the modifications have not introduced errors (regression). 2. Simplified integration. They allow reaching the integration phase by ensuring that the individual parts work correctly. In this way, integration tests are facilitated. 3. Document the code. The tests themselves can be considered documentation, since they are a reference implementation of how to use the code. 4. Separation of interface and implementation. The only interaction between the test cases and the units under test are the interfaces of the latter. It is possible to change either one without affecting the other through, for example, the use of mock objects [33]. 5. Less errors and easier to locate. Unit testing reduces the number of errors and time to locate them. 6. They can improve the design. The use of Test-Driven Design and Development practices (TDD) [13], allows defining the expected behavior in a step prior to coding. Page 28/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 7. It may be the simplest way to verify operation in situations such as the development of an API or a component that provides services that are not yet available to a customer. 4.3.3. Tools Currently there are a variety of tools to perform unit tests. Among the most outstanding are the following: • • • • • • • • • Junit, It is a simple framework to write repeatable tests. It is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks. HttpUnit, Written in Java, HttpUnit emulates the relevant portions of browser behavior, including form submission, JavaScript, basic http authentication, cookies and automatic page redirection, and allows Java test code to examine returned pages either as text, an XML DOM, or containers of forms, tables, and links. When combined with a framework such as JUnit, it is fairly easy to write tests that very quickly verify the functioning of a web site. DbUnit, It is a JUnit extension (also usable with Ant) targeted at database-driven projects that, among other things, puts your database into a known state between test runs. This is an excellent way to avoid the myriad of problems that can occur when one test case corrupts the database and causes subsequent tests to fail or exacerbate the damage. PHPUnit, It is a programmer-oriented testing framework for PHP. CppUnit, It is the C++ port of the JUnit framework for unit testing. NUnit, It is a unit-testing framework for all .Net languages. FoxUnit, tool to facilitate using unit tests for their Visual FoxPro code base. TestNG, It is a testing framework inspired from JUnit and NUnit but introducing some new functionality that makes it more powerful and easier to use. Selenium, It is is a suite of tools to automate web browsers across many platforms. Page 29/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 Figure 20: Unit testing tools. 4.4. Code coverage Another quality measure that QSR proposes to implement is the Code Coverage. It was one of the first methods invented for software testing [34]. It is loosely defined as the percentage of some code structure or artifact which is executed or covered by at least one test [35]. This data can be used to determine how many lines of code have been executed by the tests and the lines of code that have yet to be tested. Code coverage analysis allows [36]: • • • • Find areas of a program that were not run by a set of tests. Create additional test cases to increase embracement. Determine a quantitative measure of the amount of code covered or tested, which is an indirect quality measure. Identify redundant test cases that do not increase embedding. 4.4.1. Sonarcube There are different tools to perform Code coverage: • • • • Cobertura, It is a free Java tool that calculates the percentage of code accessed by tests. It is based on jcoverage. Visual Studio, It is an integrated development environment from Microsoft. Atlassian Clover, It provides Java and Groovy code coverage. JaCoCo, It is a free code coverage library for Java, which has been created by the EclEmma team based on the lessons learned from using and integration existing libraries for many years. Page 30/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 • Jcov, is a pure java implementation of a code coverage tool which provides a means to measure and analyze dynamic code coverage of Java programs. JCov provides functionality to collect method, linear block and branch coverage, as well as showing uncovered execution paths. It is also able to show a program's source code annotated with coverage information. However, QSR has chosen SonarQube, Figure 21: SonarQube logo. It is an open platform to manage code quality. As such, it covers the 7 axes of code quality: Figure 22: Code quality in SonarQube. The main features are: • • • • • • It is possible to extend its operation with plugins. More than 20 programming languages are covered through plugins including Java, C#, C/C++, PL/SQL, Cobol, ABAP… It is a web-based application. Rules, alerts, thresholds, exclusions, settings… can be configured online. Analyses can be easily integrated into any continuous integration server to fully automate the process. Developers can keep their new code clean with a focus on the Leak in the IDE, in pull requests, and in SonarQube itself. Source code can be checked before pushing changes to the SCM directly in the IDE with SonarLint for Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and Visual Studio or on the command line with SonarLint for Command Line. Page 31/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 • • The platform provides the ability to track quality on new code: recently introduced issues, lack of test coverage on new code, etc. Once found, issues can easily be assigned for mop-up. It is possible the integration with other software such as Maven, Ant, SVN, Git, Mercurial, JIRA, Mantis, Google Analytics, Piwik, Fortify… Figure 23: SonarQube software. 5. Software Configuration Management The computer infrastructure of this project is too broad and complex to be managed by people or with systems of manuals, spreadsheets, etc. QSR has set the use of the Software Configuration Management (SCM). SCM is an organizational framework for managing the evolution of computer systems throughout all stages of systems development [37]. The configuration management facilitates the maintenance of the application, providing precise information on the impact of the requested changes and reducing the time of implementation of a change, both evolutionary and corrective. It also allows the control of the product throughout its development, obtain reports on the status of the project and reduce the number of errors of adaptation of the system, which results in an increase in product quality. Its main objective is to Page 32/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 maintain the integrity of the versions throughout the development of the product, ensuring that no uncontrolled changes are made. Figure 24: SCM in the project context. The SCM practices that will be carried out by QSR are [38]: • • • Control and audit changes [39]. Change control is a mechanism for evaluating and approving changes made to elements of software configuration during the life cycle. Identify and store elements in a secure repository. Require Change Requests and Change Packages according to the established procedure. Figure 25: Example of change request workflow. • • • Organize versioned elements into versioned components. Record and track requests for change. Create baselines at project milestones. Page 33/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 • • • • • • Organize and integrate consistent sets of versions using activities. Support simultaneous changes in elements and components. Maintain stable and consistent workspaces. Ability to do continuous build and deployments. Integrate early and frequently. Ensure absolute reproducibility for all elements. Then the tools chosen by QSR for this purpose will be described. 5.1. Git Git,, is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. It is easy to learn and has a tiny footprint with lightning fast performance. It outclasses SCM tools like Subversion, CVS, Perforce, and ClearCase with features like cheap local branching, convenient staging areas, and multiple workflows. Figure 26: Git logo. Its main features are: • • • • • 11 Branching and Merging: Git allows and encourages you to have multiple local branches that can be entirely independent of each other. Distributed: One of the nicest features of any Distributed SCM, Git included, is that it's distributed. This means that instead of doing a "checkout" of the current tip of the source code, you do a "clone" of the entire repository. Data Assurance: The data model that Git uses ensures the cryptographic integrity of every bit of the project. Every file and commit is checksummed and retrieved by its checksum when checked back out. Staging Area: Unlike the other systems, Git has something called the "staging area" or "index". This is an intermediate area where commits can be formatted and reviewed before completing the commit. Git comes with built-in GUI tools for committing (git-gui) and browsing (gitk), but there are several third-party tools for users looking for platform-specific experience 11. Page 34/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 5.2. Jira JIRA,, is a proprietary issue tracking product, developed by Atlassian. It provides bug tracking, issue tracking, and project management functions. Figure 27: Jira logo. Its main features are: • • • • • Plan: Create user stories and issues, plan sprints, and distribute tasks across a software team. Track: Prioritize and discuss in full context with complete visibility. Release: Information is always current. Report: Improve team performance based on real-time, visual data. Compatible with Scrum methodology as shown in Section 4.2. Note: An independent database Server has to be configured in order for Atalassian SW to run. Figure 28: Jira software. 5.3. Development and production environment Page 35/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a program composed of a set of tools to facilitate the development of software [40]. This is a programming environment that has been packaged as an application program, ie it consists of a code editor, a compiler, a debugger and a graphical GUI interface builder. IDEs provide a friendly framework for most programming languages such as C ++, Java, C #, Basic, Object Pascal, etc. Among the main existing tools, QSR will use of any of the following discussed below. 5.3.1. Eclipse Eclipse,, is a software platform comprised of a set of multiplatform open source programming tools to develop software. Figure 29: Eclipse logo. Its current version, Eclipse Luna, includes official support for Java 8 in the Java development tools, Plug-in Development Tools, Object Teams, Eclipse Communication Framework, Maven integration, Xtext, Xtend, Web Tools Platform, and Memory Analyzer. Figure 30: Eclipse IDE. Page 36/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 5.3.2. NetBeans NetBeans,, is the official IDE for Java 8. With its editors, code analyzers, and converters, it can quickly and smoothly upgrade applications to use new Java 8 language constructs, such as lambdas, functional operations, and method references. Figure 31: NetBeans logo. Batch analyzers and converters are provided to search through multiple applications at the same time, matching patterns for conversion to new Java 8 language constructs. Figure 32: NetBans IDE. 5.3.3. MS Visual Studio MS Visual Studio,, is the IDE of Microsoft. Visual Studio enables to write code accurately and efficiently without losing the current file context. It possible easily zoom into details such as call structure, related functions, check-ins, and test status. Also it has a functionality to refactor, identify, and fix code issues. Page 37/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 Figure 33: MS Visual studio logo. Figure 34: MS Visual Studio IDE. 6. Document management configuration control When several authors collaborate in a shared space as in this project, they may need to edit and revise common documents repeatedly. Keeping track of the changes made by the different authors means an additional effort. That is why it is necessary to use specialized tools similar to the case of the software development, Section 5. In this case QSR has chosen the Confluence tool that is compatible with any established procedure such as the show in Figure 35. It has also established the use of the coding of document names described in [AD2]. Page 38/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 Figure 35: Example of document management work flow. 6.1. Confluence Confluence, is the collaborative platform of the company Atlassian. It allows connecting teams, and creating and sharing content and knowledge to develop a better and faster work. Figure 36: Confluence logo. Its main features are: • • • • • • • Powerful editor: Confluence gives the power to create anything - meeting notes, project plans, product requirements, etc. thanks to a simple, but powerful editor. Feedback in context: It is possible to leave feedback on the work itself with inline comments on any Confluence page. File collaboration: It works with files every day – images, PDFs, spreadsheets, and presentations. It can give feedback directly on the files and it keeps tracks of versions automatically. Organized workspaces. Blogs and discussions: Share news and announcements and it is possible to have active discussions with comments, @mentions and likes. User and content permissions. Page and file versioning: Track every version and change that you make to a page. Files are automatically versioned. Page 39/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 Figure 37: Confluence software. 6.2. Document Management at JIRA / Confluence Each project present in Jira, Section 5.2, has a space reserved to save the documentation in Confluence. The project documentation is structured by default as is shown in Figure 38: Figure 38: Structure of the documentation. The association between the JIRA project and the Confluence space is done automatically (Creating space in confluence). This configuration can be edited from the project management. Page 40/42 Software Quality assurance Plan (SQAP) Date 01/12/2016 Issue 1 Rev 0 7. Conclusions This document discusses the techniques, procedures, and methodology that will be implemented by QSR for software development and that should be adopted by the rest of the consortium. Given the characteristics of the project, QSR proposes the adoption of the ECSS-E40 standard and the Scrum methodology for software implementation and development. To do this, we have chosen a set of tools, which include Jenkins, Sonarcube, Git, Jira and Confluence. These tools will also ensure a good interaction with the rest of the consortium as they can be made accesible to everyone, and imposes a good development praxis beneficial for the success of the SFM project. 8. 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