IPB for Podcast: https://www.celerium.com/blog/natural-disasters-and-cybersecurity-heres-what-to-plan-for - Be aware of phishing and social engeineering attacks on your email during hurricanes. The emergency makes you more vulnerable/more prone to be tricked. Can impersonate charities or disater relief agencies. Avoid clicking on links, type url instead Can also have fake websites pretending to have data on emergency, stick to well know government agencies, never download an app or plugin For businesses ensure you have back-ups and continue to double check them. Hackers know that in the wake of an crisis that people and business are more vulnerable. https://olenderfeldman.com/how-to-prepare-for-and-respond-to-a-cyber-attack-have-a-disasterrecovery-plan/ - As much as 60% of small businesses will go out of business in 6 months after a cyber attack 80% of cyber attacks are internal issues, make sure employees are trained on how to avoid phishing attacks. https://digitalguardian.com/blog/phishing-attack-prevention-how-identify-avoid-phishing-scams -common types of attacks: company impersantion, phone phishing (using voip to impesonate leaders) - Using an embedded link in an email, installing a trojan via a email attachment, attempting to obtain company info over the phone - Use mock phishing scenarios to train people Deploy spam filter Keep systems up to date Have reobust security measure such as multiple passwords Disable html email messages Browser add-on that disables ability to clock on malicious links Treat your email password like the key to kingdom, give it to no one https://www.tetradefense.com/cyber-risk-management/13-ways-to-protect-your-business-from-acyber-attack-in-2021/ -using a password vault to manage numerous complicated paswsowrds -make sure to install reliable malware scanners https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2021/09/06/protect-yourself-from-cyberattacks/ -leverage encryption (keeps data from being saved to the system and can be changed at will, makes it difficult for bad guys to figure out what cipher you are using. -esablish authorization safe gaurds( regular password changes, multiple authentication)