Pr e-I nduct i onPr ogr am ofBBAI stYear( 202122) Dat e Ti me 15/9/21 11: 0012: 30 Topi c Or i ent at i onPr ogr amme–Wel comet oI I MT Dr Abhi nn Bhat nagar 17/9/21 Account i ng - Def i ni t i ons,Feat ur es,Advant ages & MrJaspalSi ngh mi t at i on. Book Keepi ng & i t ’ s di f f er ence wi t h 10: 0011: 00 Li Account i ng.I sAccount i nganar torSci ence. I nt r oduct i on of Ledger & Numer i cal of post i ng MrJaspalSi ngh 10: 0011: 00 Jour nalEnt r i esi nl edger . 20/9/21 11: 3012: 30 21/9/21 10: 0011: 00 22/9/21 23/9/21 Tr i alBal ance-Meani ng&For mat MrJaspalSi ngh ance Tr ansf er t o Tr i al Bal ance, 10: 0011: 00 How Ledger Bal Accur acyofTr i alBal ance PDP Topi c2 11: 3012: 30 24/9/21 10: 0011: 00 27/9/21 10: 0011: 00 28/9/21 10: 0011: 00 16/9/21 29/9/21 11: 3012: 30 30/9/21 10: 0011: 00 01/10/21 10: 0011: 00 Topi c1 PDP Di r ect orI nt er act i on Dr Abhi nn Bhat nagar Numer i calbasedonJour nal ,Ledger&Tr i alBal ance. MrJaspalSi ngh I nt r oduct i onofEconomi cs. MrPankajShar ma TypesofEconomi cs MrPankajShar ma Topi c3 PDP I mpor t anceofEconomi cs MrPankajShar ma AboutPl acement&Tr ai ni ng MrAnur agMal i k baxi baxi