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MANE 6313 Design of Experiments Syllabus

MANE 6313
Syllabus for MANE 6313
Fall 2019
Instructor: Dr. Doug Timmer
O ce: EENGR 3.258
O ce phone: 956-665-2608
e-mail: douglas.timmer@utrgv.edu [mailto:douglas.timmer@utrgv.edu]
Class Schedule
This course is offered as a reduced-seat time course and the course is in the
process of being transitioned to an entirely online course. The current plan is to
have four face-to-face meetings so that international students will not lose their
student status. If the course development activities fall behind schedule, then
classroom meetings will replace online lessons. All classroom session will be video
recorded and added to the course materials.
The course is scheduled to Monday 5:00 - 7:30 pm in ENGR 1.290.
O ce Hours
MANE 6313
Day of the Week
O ce Hours
10:00 - 11:30 am
10:00 - 11:30 am
10:00 - 11:30 am
10:00 - 11:30 am
By appointment
Course Information
Design of Experiments, MANE 6313
Prerequisite: MANE 2332, Engineering Statistics or equivalent.
Please note: Students not satisfying the prerequisite (calculus-based probability
and statistics course) will be dropped from the course.
"Randomization and blocking, signi cance tests and con dence intervals,
factorial designs, applications of factorial designs, model building with least
squares, response surface methods"
Course Format
This course will be taught primarily in an online mode implemented in
BlackBoard. The course consists of textbook, assigned readings, and the
MANE 6313
BlackBoard course site, which contains lessons and communications tools
including a bulletin board and an e-mail system. It is recommended that you log
onto the course BlackBoard site several times a week (preferably at least three
times - not all in the same day). For a more detailed look at the course contents,
refer to the course schedule and table of important dates
Student will complete the following learning objectives:
A. Analyze simple comparative experiments and experiments with a single factor, B.
Select an appropriate experimental design for experiments with one or more
factor(s), C. Select an appropriate model for design of experiments with one or
more factor(s), D. Evaluate statistical analyses of experimental designs, E. Assess
the model adequacy of any experimental design, and F. Interpret model results.
Your performance in this course will be evaluated in the following manner:
Percent of Overall Grade
Fractional Factorial Projects
RSM Project
There is only one method to learn and master engineering material - work
problems. The best method to ensure that you excel in this course is to diligently
complete all of your homework assignments. There will be representative
MANE 6313
homework problems assigned each week. Solutions will be posted in Blackboard
one week after the due date of each homework assignment.
Fractional Factorial Projects
You will have two individual project assignments that are worth 30% of your
overall course grade. The rst project is to analyze the current operating condition
of a manufacturing plant. The second project is to perform a fractional factorial
design. The weighting of the two project grades will be announced during the
RSM Project
In lieu of a nal examination, a response surface methodology project will be
completed by each student.
Embedded in the lesson materials will be weekly quizzes and other assessment
activities that measure your basic understanding of terminology and procedures.
Course Grade
Students with an overall course average of 90-100% will receive an A. Those
students earning an overall course average of 80 - 89% will receive a B. Students
with an overall course average of 70 - 79% will receive an C and students with an
overall average less than 70% will receive an F.
The following materials are required for completion of Design of Experiments.
MANE 6313
The following textbook is required for this course. It may be purchased through
the University Bookstore or is available on-line through various companies. You
may use an electronic copy of the textbook.
Montgomery, Douglas C (2017). Design and Analysis of Experiments, 9th edition.
John Wiley & Sons (ISBN 9781119113478)
This course will utilize BlackBoard for its course management software.
BlackBoard is maintained by the Center for Online Teaching and Technology
(COLTT). You can access BlackBoard through any Java-enabled web browser.
Suitable web browsers are installed in the Intel computing lab in the Engineering
To access BlackBoard you need an UTRGV e-mail account. Most students should
have an e-mail account as this is the method required to access the computers in
the Engineering computer labs.
UTRGV has a site license for Minitab that allows students to download (on an
annual basis) Minitab on their personal computers. Visit How to Install Minitab
[httpd://www.utrgv.edu/it/how-to/install-minitab/index.htm] for more information.
Students with Disabilities
Students with a documented disability (physical, psychological, learning, or other
disability which affects academic performance) who would like to receive
academic accommodations should contact Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
as soon as possible to schedule an appointment to initiate services.
MANE 6313
Accommodations can be arranged through SAS at any time, but are not
retroactive. Students who suffer a broken bone, severe injury or undergo surgery
during the semester are eligible for temporary services.
Pregnancy, Preganancy-related, and Parenting Accomodations
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination, which
includes discrimination based on pregnancy, marital status, or parental status.
Students seeking accommodations related to pregnancy, pregnancy-related
condition, or parenting (reasonably immediate postpartum period) are
encouraged to contact Student Accessibility Services for additional information
and to request accommodations.
Student Accessibility Services
Brownsville Campus: Student Accessibility Services is located in Cortez Hall
Room 129 and can be contacted by phone at (956) 882-7374 (Voice) or via email
at ability@utrgv.edu [mailto:ability.utrgv.edu]. Edinburg Campus: Student
Accessibility Services is located in 108 University Center and can be contacted by
phone at (956) 665-7005 (Voice), (956) 665-3840 (Fax), or via email at
ability@utrgv.edu [mailto:ability.utrgv.edu].
Mandatory Course Evaluation Period
Students are required to complete an ONLINE evaluation of this course, accessed
through your UTRGV student account [utrgv web link] [http://my.utrgv.edu]; you
will be contacted through email with further instructions. Students who complete
their evaluations will have priority access to their grades. Online evaluation dates
will be provided later.
Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes and may be dropped from
the course for excessive absences. UTRGV's attendance policy excuses students
MANE 6313
from attending class if they are participating in o cially sponsored university
activities, such as athletics; for observance of religious holy days; or for military
service. Students should contact the instructor in advance of the excused
absence and arrange to make up missed work or examinations.
This class incorporates signi cant amounts of online instructional materials. You
are expected to keep up to date with learning assignments and assessment
activities. If you experience an university-recognized event that impacts your
ability to stay current in the course, please contact the instructor immediately
(preferably in advance).
Scholastic Integrity
As members of a community dedicated to Honesty, Integrity and Respect,
students are reminded that those who engage in scholastic dishonesty are
subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course
and expulsion from the University. Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not
limited to: cheating, plagiarism (including self-plagiarism), and collusion;
submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in
part to another person; taking an examination for another person; any act
designed to give unfair advantage to a student; or the attempt to commit such
acts. Since scholastic dishonesty harms the individual, all students and the
integrity of the University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly
enforced (Board of Regents Rules and Regulations and UTRGV Academic Integrity
Guidelines). All scholastic dishonesty incidents will be reported to the Dean of
Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, and Violence
In accordance with UT System regulations, your instructor is a "Responsible
Employee" for reporting purposes under Title IX regulations and so must report
any instance, occurring during a student's time in college, of sexual assault,
stalking, dating violence, domestic violence, or sexual harassment about which
she/he becomes aware during this course through writing, discussion, or personal
MANE 6313
disclosure. More information can be found at the UTRGV Equity website
[http://www.utrgv.edu/equit], including con dential resources available on
campus. The faculty and staff of UTRGV actively strive to provide a learning,
working, and living environment that promotes personal integrity, civility, and
mutual respect that is free from sexual misconduct and discrimination.
Course Drops
According to UTRGV policy, students may drop any class without penalty earning
a grade of DR until the o cial drop date. Following that date, students must be
assigned a letter grade and can no longer drop the class. Students considering
dropping the class should be aware of the "3-peat rule" and the "6-drop" rule so
they can recognize how dropped classes may affect their academic success. The
6-drop rule refers to Texas law that dictates that undergraduate students may not
drop more than six courses during their undergraduate career. Courses dropped
at other Texas public higher education institutions will count toward the sixcourse drop limit. The 3-peat rule refers to additional fees charged to students
who take the same class for the third time.
Student Services
Students who demonstrate nancial need have a variety of options when it comes
to paying for college costs, such as scholarships, grants, loans and work-study.
Students should visit the Students Services Center (U Central) for additional
information. U Central is located in BMAIN 1.100 (Brownsville) or ESSBL 1.145
(Edinburg) or can be reached by email (ucentral@utrgv.edu) or telephone: (888)
882-4026. In addition to nancial aid, U Central can assist students with
registration and admissions.
Students seeking academic help in their studies can use university resources in
addition to an instructor's o ce hours. University Resources include the Learning
Center, Writing Center, Advising Center and Career Center. The centers provide
services such as tutoring, writing help, critical thinking, study skills, degree
planning, and student employment. Locations are:
MANE 6313
Learning center: BSTUN 2.10 (Brownsville) or ELCTR 100 (Edinburg)
Writing center: BLIBR 3.206 (Brownsville) or ESTAC 3.119 (Edinburg)
Advising center: BMAIN 1.400 (Brownsville) or ESWKH 101 (Edinburg)
Career center: BCRTZ 129 (Brownsville) or ESSBL 2.101 (Edinburg)
Late Work
Descriptions of each assignment, including due dates, will be provided throughout
the course. All assignments should be submitted on their due date using the
provided Blackboard drop box. The course policy for late work is a 10% penalty
per day for work submitted after the deadline. After one week, no credit will be
given for late work. No late work will be accepted after study days.
Students who miss graded assignments will receive a grade of zero. If you are ill
or have a serious problem that prevents you from submitting an assignment on
the day it is due, please contact me prior to the due date and we will arrange an
alternative date.
Incomplete Grades
The UTRGV catalog states that incomplete grades are not granted to permit the
student time to prepare course work in addition to that assigned the entire class,
time to repeat the entire course or the opportunity to raise a grade. "Incomplete"
grades are not issued for student or faculty convenience, they may be used for
compelling, non-academic circumstances beyond the student's control.
Should a situation arise that you believes meets this criteria contact me to
schedule an appointment so that we may discuss the situation.
Course and University Schedules
MANE 6313
I would ask you to be diligent and persistent in your studies. Remember the rule of
thumb for time management in engineering courses, expect to spend three hours of
preparation for each hour of lecture. That means to expect nine hours of studying,
reading and practicing statistics per week beyond the three scheduled hours of
Keep a sense of humor. You will be learning new software and mastering new
analytical techniques. Some times the best medicine is laughter.
Don't give up. If you are having problems, look to me or your fellow students for
help. You have a variety of methods to contact me: in person at my o ce, by phone,
by UTRGV e-mail or UTRGV Skype.
Tentative Course Schedule
MANE 6313
Week 1 - Aug. 26
Introduction, Blackboard, Chapter 1
Week 2 - Sept. 2
Chapter 2
Week 3 - Sept. 9
Chapter 3, DOE Project 1
Week 4 - Sept. 16
Chapter 4
Week 5 - Sept. 23
Chapter 5
Week 6 - Sept. 30
Chapter 6
Week 7 - Oct. 7
Chapter 7
Week 8 - Oct. 14
Chapter 8, DOE Project 2
Week 9 - Oct. 21
Chapter 9
Week 10 - Oct. 28
Chapter 10
Week 11 - Nov. 4
Chapter 11, RMS Project
Week 12 - Nov. 11
Chapter 12
Week 13 - Nov. 18
Chapter 13
Week 14 - Nov. 25
Chapter 14
Week 15 - Dec. 2
Chapter 15
Week 16 - Dec. 9
RSM Project Due
Tentative Face-to-Face Meetings
MANE 6313
The table below contains the tentative face-to-face meetings for MANE 6313. These
dates are timed to coincide with major assignments in the course. Additional
meetings may be added at the discretion of the instructor or request of students.
So, please keep the scheduled class meeting time available if at all possible. All
face-to-face meetings will be recorded and posted in the course learning materials.
August 26
Welcome to class
September 9
DOE Project 1
October 14
DOE Project 2
November 4
RSM Project
Important University Dates
MANE 6313
First Day of Classes
Last day to add or register for Fall Classes
Labor Day Holiday (no class)
Census day
Last day to drop (DR grade) a class or withdraw (W grade)
11/28/2019 - 11/29/2019
Thanksgiving Holiday (no classes)
Study day (no classes)
12/6/2019 - 12/12/2019
Final Exams
12/13/2019 - 12/14/2019
Commencement Exercises
Grades due at 3:00 pm