Module 13_Urban Data Analysis Name:Azeezah Sultana Priyota Student ID:1501051 Task 01:QGIS to CSV Select the structure layer in Qgis and export it as csv file csv file from structure shp file Import CSV file to Grasshopper (building and mouza) csv File Extract own mouza data and create csv file of own mouza data Import Roads of own mouza Create surface of mouza Road shp file from Qgis Project road on own mouza and bake Read data from csv file File and column read Own Mouza csv file Create Polyline Building Data Read Task 02:Rhino to Archicad Urban model in Rhino Make an urban Model in Rhino + GH + GhPython Make surface of mouza map and bake Make surface of Building from polyline and bake Task 02:Rhino to Archicad Connect Model to ARCHICAD by using AC+GH live-link Make surface mesh and mesh to morph Make Building mesh and mesh to morph Export Model to ARCHICAD by using AC+GH live-link ARCHICAD Model Task 3: Urban Data Analysis Land Use Analysis Mouza 244 Land Use Analysis Pie chart Land use Analysis Mouza 244 Building Height Analysis Mouza 244 Building Type Analysis Mouza 244 Module 11_GH + GhPython - Read CSV Name:Azeezah Sultana Priyota Student ID:1501051 Task 01:Read a CSV file and Analysis Data Analytical diagrams 01:Color gradient the polygons depending on area Output from CSV file segregating data of polygons which are greater and less than 20 Color code the polygons depending on area Analytical diagrams 02: Color code according to height Lower value(Green) Upper value(Red) Analytical diagrams 03: Building height according to csv data Analytical diagrams 04: Building Type Analytical diagrams 05: Building Type Land Use Analysis Task 02:Read a SHP File Group 02 Import SHP File and read data Output Task 03:Read the "Structure_Dhaka_simplified.csv" and plot the map in Rhino Output GhPython Script of reading "Structure_Dhaka_simplified.csv" file GhPython of reading "Structure_Dhaka_simplified.csv" file Output Isolate the building data fall into the Mouza Boundary Identify Mouza (31) Task 04:Data Analysis of Mouza Map Mouza 31 Analysis 01: Color the polygons according to their lowest and highest value of area. Lower value(red) Upper value(Blue) Land Use Analysis Mouza 244 Building Height Analysis Mouza 244 Building Type Analysis Mouza 244 Comparison among different mouza Maps based on :Land use Type Mouza 77 Mouza 78 Mouza 244 Mouza 123 Comparison among different mouza Maps based on :Building Height Mouza 77 Mouza 78 Mouza 244 Mouza 123 Comparison among different mouza Maps based on :Building Type Mouza 77 Mouza 78 Mouza 244 Mouza 123 Module 10_GhPython Geometry Modeling Name:Azeezah Sultana Priyota Student ID:1501051 Sketch GhPython Sketch Diagram Rhino Diagram Iteration:Different forms using same script Sketch Diagram Grasshopper Script Grasshopper Steps Point Point to line Points in line Polygon in points Rotated Polygon Loft Polygon Core loft Floor Structure & Facade GhPython Script Similar Workflow & Output in Grasshopper & GhPython Create point Point to line Evaluate Length Polygon in Line Rotate Polygon Loft Polygons to Wall Loft Polygons to core Floors Facade Outer Structure Module 09_GhPython Geometry Modeling Exercise 1 Two base curves ( 1 , 2 ) and two reference curves, count and degree GhPython Script Grasshopper Line on base curve from the distance of reference curve Rotate Lines Midpoints Exercise 2:Rotated Rectangles GhPython Script Grasshopper Diagram Sketch Diagram Rhino Diagram Grasshopper Script Exercise 03:Geometry Modeling Nepalese Mudha Bamboo Stool Module 08_Python GH basic Grasshopper Removing last index from list Split names in their space Taking last index from list GhPython Script Same workflow in Grasshopper and GhPython List Set String Operator Mass Addition Sequence Series Range Remap Numbers Making Background white Module 06_Function Module 04_Dictionary Module 03_Set & List Module 03_List Module 02_String Practice work in Quarantine Python Coding Practice in Quarantine asshopper Script Nepalese Mudha Bamboo Stool er workflow at Gre 100 Sketch Diagram Rhino Diagram Grasshopper Script Nepalese Mudha Bamboo Stool Problem Archicad+Grasshopper Connection Sir,how can I change the top anchor point? Railing am Script Move Draw a rectangle > move it to floor height with series / linear array component > then railing from each rectangle and always keep all images / text inside slide area. at Gre 100 Problem Sir,how can I loft circles and rectangles serially? 8 _ cir 7 _ cir 6 _ rect 5 _ rect This is a good example to learn reordering points / follow next slides Everything is ok to this points, add a Panel to merge component, and check if they are in an order. You need to reorder the ID 4 _ cir 3 _ cir 2 _ cir 1 _ rect 0 _ rect Circles and rectangles loft separately in this. I want to make this. Solutions Key: Sort this Z value lowest to highest. Before Values: Corresponding points of Z value After 1501051 _ SketchBook Key: Sort this Z value lowest to highest. Values: Corresponding Circle and Rectangle of Z value Umbrellas in the Masjid Al Nawabi, Madina German architectural company _ SL Rasch GmbH Special and Lightweight Structures Appreciate your efforts. Thursday ZOOM meeting. Rows of Columns for Frank Lloyd Wright Johnson Wax Headquarters Feedback: 1. Solve in Sketch / diagram 2. Use Icon for GH Component 3. Use Full Name of Component 4. File name > Std ID _ SketchBook A*B Multiply by 12 will be equivalent to Feet 12