Uploaded by Rafael Caneo

Bruner's Discovery Learning & Constructivism

Discovery LEARNING
By: Rafael L. Caneo
Born in 1915 in New York, Jerome Bruner is considered to
be one of the most distinguished thinkers in psychology.
In 1937 he obtained a B.A. at Duke University, North Carolina and in 1941 received a Ph.D. from Harvard. He
has been a professor at some of the most elite universities in America and England and has been a prolific
writer over an illustrious and productive career that has spanned an incredible 60 years. During this time he
has touched upon almost every line of thought in psychology and transforming a number of them and in the
process winning prestigious awards and honours. He has an impressive range of interests that span the
humanities and social sciences and his research has been instrumental in the field of both psychology and
education. He is a visionary, a creative thinker who incorporates and assimilates work of other great theorists,
such as Piaget, in his work. Bruner who is now in his 80's is currently Research Professor of Psychology and
Senior Research Fellow in Law at New York and continues writing to this day.
Jerome Bruner
He believe that students must be ACTIVE – they must be
Must identify key principles for themselves rather than simply
accepting teacher’s explanations.
This process called DISCOVERY LEARNING.