Uploaded by Chenzira Martin

Doctoral Studies Workshops: Interviewing, Dissertation, Ethics

Upcoming Workshops
Greetings, College of Doctoral Studies Student.
This message is to inform you of upcoming workshops available to you as a student at the College of Doctoral Studies.
The Research Enterprise group has valuable resources and holds workshops throughout the year. Please visit the
Research Hub to view the list of upcoming workshops and you can also watch videos of previously presented
workshops. Below are some valuable workshops that can help you move through the various stages of your journey
(new student, seasoned CoDS student, and alumna). Please visit the Research Hub or the CoDS Facebook page on
details to join the sessions.
You Have Graduated, Now What—Effective Interviewing Strategies for New Graduates
o November 4, 2021, 4 PM to 5 PM Arizona Time
o Event Description: The transition from academia to the workplace can be intimidating. The purpose of
this workshop is to provide soon-to-be or recent graduates with strategies for effectively preparing for
interviews by examining the most common interview questions and exploring ways to make a personal
connection with prospective employers. Participants will have the opportunity to share success stories
as well as lessons learned from previous unsuccessful interviews.
o Link: https://us.bbcollab.com/guest/a0d7178965324cd99e6b939a1fd2b34b
EDD Essentials
o November 6, 2021, 10 AM to 11 AM Arizona Time
o Event Description: Teams 365 and TK20 will be covered
o Link: https://phoenixedu.zoom.us/j/85055003232
Webinar: How to Handle Requests for Sharing Data: Ethics Beyond Getting IRB Approval
o November 11, 2021, 5 PM to 6 PM Arizona Time
o Event Description: Research Data Management
o Link: https://us.bbcollab.com/guest/a0d7178965324cd99e6b939a1fd2b34b
DHA Networking Call
o November 13, 2021, 9 AM to 10:30 AM Arizona Time
o Event Description: Discussion on Dissertation Journey for DHA students
o Link: Join Meeting
CDS Alumni SIG - Distinguished Speaker - Dr. Kristi Burtis
o November 18, 2021, 5 PM to 6 PM Arizona Time
o Event Description: Dr. Kristi Burtis earned Dissertation of the Year recognition in 2018 for research on
"Intrinsic Case Study on the Influence of Social Media Content on a Zoological Organization.” Dr.
Burtis will share insights on leveraging the doctorate to advance scholarship and create a positive
social presence.
o Link: https://us.bbcollab.com/guest/a0d7178965324cd99e6b939a1fd2b34b
CDS Student Coffee Chat
o November 20, 2021, 10 AM to 11 AM Arizona Time
Event Description: The College of Doctoral Studies Student Coffee Chat (SCC) is a virtual, bi-monthly
event aimed at fostering student success and student support within doctoral studies. Each session
brings a lively discussion, with like-minded people, for inspiration and guidance as you advance
through your program and beyond.
Link: https://phoenixedu.zoom.us/j/83048173654
EDD Essentials
o December 4, 2021, 10 AM to 11 AM Arizona Time
o Event Description: Great Presentations
o Link: https://phoenixedu.zoom.us/j/85055003232
DHA Networking Call
o December 11, 2021, 9 AM to 10:30 AM Arizona Time
o Event Description: Discussion on Dissertation Journey for DHA students
o Link: Join Meeting
Please visit the Research Hub for additional information to include previous workshops and for the coffee chats.
Thank you.
College of Doctoral Studies
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