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Biology Worksheet: Tissues, Cells, Classification

Student Worksheet
Time : 15 minutes
Instructions: Select the correct option from the four different choices given for each question.
Q.1. Girth of the stem increases due to
(a) Apical Meristem (b) Vertical Meristem
(c) Lateral Meristem (d) Intercalary Meristem
Q.2. Which of the following statements is incorrect:
(a) Some tissues in plants divide throughout the life
(b) Animals have more dead tissues as compared to plants
(c) Cell growth in animals is more uniform as compared to plants
(d) There is no demarcation of dividing and non-dividing regions in animals
Q.3. The length of the stem increases due to :
(a) Apical Meristem (b) Vertical Meristem
(c) Lateral Meristem (d) Intercalary Meristem
Q.4. Which of the following are characteristic features of cells of meristimatic tissue?
(a) Actively dividing cells with dense cytoplasm, thick cell walls and prominent nuclei
(b) Actively dividing cells with dense cytoplasm, thin cell walls and no vacuoles
(c) Actively dividing cells with thin cytoplasm, thick cell walls and prominent nuclei
(d) Actively dividing cells with thin cytoplasm, thin cell walls and no vacuoles
Q.5. Some parts of the plant are flexible due to the presence of
(a) Parenchyma (b) Collenchyma
(c) Meristimatic Tissue (d) Sclerenchyma5
Teachers’ ManuOn Formative Assessment Tissues - Chapter 6
Q.6. Which of the following is not a function of epidermis?
(a) Conduction of water (b) Protection from mechanical injury
(c) Gaseous exchange (d) Transpiration
Q.7. Which of the following parts does not have cartilage?
(a) Nose (b) Kidney
(c) Ear (d) Trachea
Q.8. Given below is a list of different types of muscles in human body
(i) Smooth (ii) Striated
(iii) Cardiac (iv) Skeletal
Which of the above meutioned muscles are termed as involuntary?
(a) (i) & (ii) (b) (i) & (iii)
(c) (ii) & (iii) (d) (ii) & (iv)
Q.9. Which of the following elements of xylem tissue helps in sideways conduction of water?
(a) Xylem Tracheids (b) Xylem Parenchyma
(c) Vessels (d) Xylem Fibres
Q.10. In the human body, fats are stored in
(a) Areolar tissue (b) Adipose tissue
(c) Epithelial Tissue (d) Cartilage
Student Worksheet
Time : 15 minutes
Instructions: Study the diagram given below and then answer the questions in the space
provided in not more than one sentence.
Q.1. Complete the diagram by drawing the missing parts (2X1=2)
Q.2. Identify the parts numbered 1, 2 and 3
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
(1/2 X 3 = 1 ½ )
Chapter 6 - Tissues Teachers’ Manual On Formative Assessment
Q.3. What is the term given to the gap between two nerve cells?
Q.4. Name the part of the neuron from which the nerve impulse is transferred to the second
(1/2 )
Student Worksheet
Time : 10 minutes
Instructions: Given below is an incomplete flow-chart on cell organelles.
Some boxes/ spaces in the flow-chart have been left blank.
Complete the flow-chart adding terms / names/ functions as and where required.
Student Worksheet
Time : 15 minutes
Given below are the diagrams representing plant cell and an animal cell. Label
any five organelles
common in plant cell and animalcell.
Student Worksheet
Time : 15 minutes
Given below are outline structures of some ‘Bead Necklaces’ and a list of
characters placed in
different categories. Each necklace is given a name that is actually the
‘term’ for a group of living
organisms. You have to pick one character from each category to list the
common characters of a
group. In this way, you will ‘string the beads’ and the necklace will be
complete when all the beads
have been allotted characters from each category.
The first be
ad has been completed for you from category A.l cell.
Student Worksheet
Time : 15 minutes
Instructions: Select the correct option from the four different choices given for each question.
Q.1. Which of the following statements is incorrect:
(a) Whittaker proposed the five kingdom system of classification
(b) Charles Darwin described the idea of evolution
(c) Woese divided Monera into Archaebacteria and eubacteria
(d) Aristotle classified animals on the basis of nutrition(food habits)
Q.2. The hierarchy of classification follows the following pattern
(a) Kingdom, Phylum, Family ,Order, Class, Genus, Species
(b) Kingdom, Phylum, Order, Class, Family, Genus, Species
(c) Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
(d) Kingdom, Phylum, Family, Class, Order, Genus, Species
Q.3. Which of the following a common feature of Monera and protista
(a) Prokaryotic cell
(b) Autotrophic mode of nutrition
(c) Eukaryotic cell
(d) Unicellular body design
Q.4. Which of the following criteria cannot be used to differentiate between the members of
Kingdom Fungi and the members of Kingdom Plantae
(a) Presence / absence of cell wall
(b) Mode of nutrition
(c) Composition of cell wall
(d) Presence/ absence of chlorophyll
Q.5. If pteridophytes had this feature, they would be placed in the same group as gymnosperms
(a) Seed bearing capacity
(b) Plant body differentiated into root, stem and leaves
(c) Vascular tissues
(d) Well differentiated reproductive tissues
Q.6. Which of the following animals is a true fish?
(a) Silver fish (b) Jelly fish
(c) Star fish (d) Dog fish64hapter 7 - Diversity In Living Organisms Teachers’ Manual On FoAssessment
Q.7. A list of groups of animals are given below.
(i) Mollusca (ii) Arthropoda
(iii) Coelenterata (iv) Annelida
An open circulatory system is present in which of the above muetioned?
(a) (i) & (ii) (b) (i) & (iii)
(c) (ii) & (iii) (d) (ii) & (iv)
Q.8. Which of the following cannot be used as a criterion for scientific classification of living
(a) Height of the organism
(b) Mode of nutrition
(c) Body design and complexity of the organism
(d) Membrane bound nucleus and cell organelles
Q.9. A well defined nucleus is absent in
(a) Algae (b) Diatoms
(c) Blue-green algae (d) Yeast
Q.10. A two chambered heart is found in
(a) Rohu (b) Snake
(c) Crocodile (d) Toad
Crossword Puzzle
Diversity In Living Organisms Chapter- 7
Assessment Time: 15 minutes
Instructions: Read the given clues carefully and fill up the blocks with
appropriate word / term to complete the crossword puzzle given below.
The Clues
1. The group of flatworms
3. The term for triploblastic marine animals with notochord at some stage
of life
4. Corals belong to this group
5. A true vertebral column and internal skeleton are the main features of
this group
8. This common word for certain organisms means 'jointed legs'
9. A kingdom of eukaryotic, heterotrophic, multicellular organisms without
cell walls.
10. Filarial worm belongs to this group
2. Spiny skinned animals with peculiar water-driven tube
6. Open circulatory system, movement by a foot, kidney-like organs for
excretion are the features of this group
7. This group includes animals with holes pores on their body wall.
9. The animals belonging to this group have segments lined up one after
the other from head to tail