Electricity 电 How much do you know about electricity? Scan Me Electricity Watch the video to find the answers to the questions: What is electricity? 电是一种自然现象,例如闪电。 电还是一种能量,在人类生活中被 广泛应用。 How is Electricity Produced? Wind Engergy 风能发电 Fossil Fuel Light 化石燃料 Solar Energy Water Energy 水力发电 Write or draw your ideas on a mind map. 太阳能发电 How is electricity transmitted and stored? How is electricity transmitted and stored? 电池 How much do you know? Show your ideas on Padlet 点击 右上角三个点 找到 最下方Refresh Electrical Conductor and Insulator Watch the video to find the answers to the questions: 你能说出一种 导电体吗? What is electrical conductor? 导电体是容易导电的材料, 能够让电流轻松通过。 常见的导电体有金属、石墨、及 某些金属化合物。 What is electrical insulator? 绝缘体是不容易导电的材料, 电流无法轻易通过它。 常见的绝缘体有塑料、橡胶、玻 璃、陶瓷等。 绝缘体在一定条件下可以转 化为导电体 Knowledge Check-in: True or False 导电体是能导电的材料, 绝缘体是不能导电的材料。 True False We are investigating: 材料的导电能力 We are investigating: 材料的导电能力 Prediction We are investigating: 材料的导电能力 Result of Experiment How to stay safe from electricity ? https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=Pr9YntO7V1U