CLIPPINGS, PORTMANTEAUX, BLENDS, COMPOUNDS, ABBREVIATIONS, INITIALISMS and ACRONYMS We build words in lots of different ways to make new words 1. A Compound Word is two words that have joined to make a new word 1. Compound Words – can you split these words in half? turntable driveway matchbox motorcycle nightfall graveyard carrack doorstop eggshell stopwatch limelight ironwork cattail nursemaid sunglasses wipeout egghead eardrop earthbound daybed earring housework haircut tadpole We build words in lots of different ways to make new words Blend or Portmanteau Word 2. A is two words that have been trimmed to make a new word 2. Blend Words – can you tell what their orginal two words were and what they are now meant to mean? Fantabulous Feminazi fertigate Fleshlight, Franglais, frenemy, ginormous, Grue guesstimate, guyliner, hangry, hotac, motel hubot, UKIP We build words in lots of different ways to make new words 3. A clipping is when the original word has been clipped and is now often referred to in its clipped, shortened form. Different parts of the original word are kept. •biz, caps, celebs, deli, exam, flu, gator, hippo, hood, info, intro, lab, limo, mayo, max, perm, photo, ref, reps, rhino, sax, stats, temp, thru, tux, ump, veep, bants, vet, docs, leccy, car, phone, piano, cello, fridge, flu, gents, specs, pram Can you guess what the unclipped original form of these words would have been? We build words in lots of different ways to make new words 4. An abbreviation is a blanket term for any type of shortening of a word We build words in lots of different ways to make new words 5. An initialism is when the first letters of words become the way in which it is more quickly referred to.. 5. What do these initialisms stand for? U.N A.A. R.N.L.I. D.V.D. U.S.A. R.A.C. B.B.C. P.L.C. U.K. R.A.F. I.T.V. G.C.H.Q. E.U. R.S.P.C.A. S.A.S. C.I.D. R.S.V.P. N.T. T.V. F.B.I. I.R.A. P.T.A. S.M.S. C.I.A. We build words in lots of different ways to make new words What might these acronyms mean? 6. An acronym is a set of initials that can be turned into a new word, making its abbreviation memorable AWOL SWAT ASAP NATO NASA MIA DOA BUPA ASA UNESCO Taken from: