Loading Dead Load Own weight of Precast T‐beam = 4.01 kN/m Structural screed (9 cm) False ceiling = = 1.98 0.25 kN/m 2 kN/m Water‐proofing+slope screed+ insulation Total Dead Load on RIP (slab+wt of Finishes (DL) per m2 = = 3.50 9.74 kN/m kN/m2 Live Load Total Live Load +MEP on the slab = 2.00 kN/m Total test load Total test load = 1.15* Dead Load + 1.5* Live Load Total test load = 14.2 kN/m2 Existing load Own weight of RIP screed 9 cm = = 4.01 1.98 kN/m 2 kN/m false ceiling Water‐proofing+slope screed+ insulation Total Existing Load = = = 0.00 0.00 5.99 kN/m 2 kN/m kN/m 8.2 kN/m 119.2 50.0 0.240 208.3 4.02 m kg 2 m 2 kg/m layer Load applied during test Load shall be applied = Total test load ‐ Existing load Applied loading per m2 Amount of cement bags Tested area (8*5*1.49) Weight of a single cement bag Plan area of the cement bag 2 Weight per m from a single cement bag Number of cement layer required = = = = = Layer Number First layer Second layer Third layer layer Fourth layer Total Pressure = = = = 208.3 kg/m2 208.3 kg/m2 208.3 kg/m2 208.3 kg/m2 833.33 kg/m2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 836.94 kg/m 2 say 4 layers Cement Cement bags Tons 496.7 24.83 496.7 24.83 496.7 24.83 496.7 24.83 99.33 1986.7