Colors Visual elements (which ones, how much, where) (characters, setting, position on the cover) Words which describe the book’s reception/perception Words about the storyline Cover n°1 Cover n°2 Cover n°3 Cover n° 4 HYPOTHESIS : From all the information you gathered about the book, imagine the story of Animal Farm. Give as many details as you can (characters, hero, setting, storyline, atmosphere, …). _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Colors Visual elements (which ones, how much, where) (characters, setting, position on the cover) Words which describe the book’s reception/perception Words about the storyline Cover n°1 Cover n°2 Cover n°3 Cover n° 4 HYPOTHESIS : From all the information you gathered about the book, imagine the story of Animal Farm. Give as many details as you can (characters, hero, setting, storyline, atmosphere, …). _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________