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Social & Labor Inclusion in the Dominican Republic Essay

Ensayo sobre inclusión social y laboral
The issue of inclusion has been very present in recent years, making it possible to
create greater awareness about it and for this reason new laws and statutes have
emerged as a consequence, but are these ideals of inclusion fully fulfilled?
In many developed countries the inclusion process is advanced, making it possible for
their social, work and school systems to take inclusion and its laws into account. But
what about underdeveloped countries like ours? Are we really complying with our laws
on inclusion? At first glance, it seems not to be the case, but the reality is that the
Dominican Republic is still in this process of inclusion and despite the fact that
awareness about it has increased a lot, we still have a long way to go.
Looking at our laws we see that the process has really started, but we still need to apply
those rules more, both in the work, social and school environment. Of these three
aspects, the school is the one that has made the most progress with inclusion but we
still have a long way to go, however in the social sphere not much happens, largely due
to the lack of knowledge and the prejudices that exist in Dominican society. To
understand the only way to change this is to include awareness about inclusion in
schools, universities and other study centers so that this way of thinking reaches
Dominican homes, another way is through social networks, I understand that this has
helped us a lot but we must share even more so that inclusion is not a fad but a way of
thinking, that it becomes part of our culture.
In the workplace we are far below other countries and it is very likely due to a lack of
social awareness but I understand that it may also be due to the difficulties of obtaining
employment, if the companies of our country had jobs that were could insert people with
differentiated needs the process would be easier, another barrier that we can enter is
the few physical facilities that the different facilities have, making it almost impossible for
people with physical disabilities to access them.
In conclusion, I could say that the way in which we can make a complete inclusion
possible in our country is by sharing what we believe about it and making others around
us aware of its importance, now that we fully understand the importance of inclusion. we
hope to share with others what we know?