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Outage Scheduling Considerations in Power Systems

Outage Scheduling Considerations
Outage Scheduling Considerations
Equipment outage needs
Design criteria, N-1, N-2, N-1-1
Load pocket concepts and analysis
Loading considerations
System considerations, load flow analysis
Seasonal considerations for work
Risk vs reward discussion
Outage coordination with others
Outage contingency planning
Equipment Outage Needs
• Outage scheduling is the process of removing facilities from
service to perform maintenance or modifications.
• Electrical equipment require a variety of maintenance and periodic
inspection and testing to insure it is operating as required.
• Removing facilities from service does make them unavailable to
support reliability needs, but can be done in a manner that does
not force the system below its design basis.
• Equipment that is not maintained will become unreliable over
• A balance has to be struck between reliability needs now and
equipment needs to insure reliability going forward
Equipment Outage Needs
• Equipment maintenance varies between different types of
equipment, age of equipment, voltage classification, etc.
• Engineering departments and manufacturers specify
various maintenance schedules for equipment either
based on time, number of operations or based on periodic
test results.
• In addition to maintenance, equipment may have to come
out of service for repairs.
• Outages are often required to replace dielectric fluids, SF-6
gas or other insulating medium.
Equipment Outage Specific’s
Transformers require outages to
– replace dielectric fluid,
– perform tap changer inspections,
– address impurities in the dielectric fluid
Breakers require outages for
– diagnostic testing,
– trip checks,
– periodic maintenance
All equipment is equipped with relay protection systems and those systems
require periodic calibration and operational tests
Feeder systems also have outage needs for inspection and repair of various
– Underground cables require work on the cooling and pressurizing plants
– Overhead feeders require inspection of the string insulators and other components
Various repairs often are required when equipment is damaged by use, failure or
Equipment Outage Planned Vs
• The process of scheduling equipment maintenance means that the work
can be planned in an orderly manner at a time when system conditions
• Often, problems develop with equipment that cannot wait and these
problems may result in hazards to the equipment or personnel.
• These type of issue must be addressed immediately, and then equipment
is removed rapidly on an emergency basis.
• Different classifications of emergency can exist with associated time
frames for removal from service based on the magnitude of the problem
that exists.
– It is better to remove hazardous equipment from service before it fails and
results in an extended outage
– Often the hazard can be corrected with much less effort if it is caught before
Equipment Outage Planning
• Bulk Power electrical equipment operate at very high
current and voltage levels and move very high energy
• Failure of this equipment can be quite significant,
resulting in explosions, fires, shrapnel, injury, and
system disturbances that threaten reliability
• For these reasons a detailed outage scheduling process
that addresses maintenance needs and emergency
response is critical to a successful operation
Design Criteria, N-1, N-2, N-1-1
• Understanding the design criteria of your system is important in
evaluating when and how to grant equipment outages.
• Most companies in the US are required to design and build their
system to withstand the single largest loss without impact to
customers, N-1
– The system is designed to meet peak load conditions, with the largest
capacity loss, and still serve all customer load
– This review is done to ensure that no part of the system is exposed due
to transmission limitations
• Other systems may be designed to meet an N-2 criteria, such as New
York City due to the critical nature of the load served
• Committing to N-1-1 means we put adequate resources on line to
enable us to survive one contingency at a time
Design Criteria, N-1, N-2, N-1-1
• Planning and building the system to these design criteria is the first step.
• Operating the system to the design criteria requires a daily review of
your system and available resources.
• You must know your load level and commit the required generation and
transmission resources to meet your load and reserve requirements to
ensure the design criteria is being met.
• These needs change from day to day as loads change. You don’t put all
resources on every day, because it would cost the customer too much to
do so.
• Careful review of generation needed must be done each day to operate
reliably first and economically second
• Outage scheduling fits right in, as we need to know when and how to
allow facilities to be removed for planned work.
Design Criteria, N-1, N-2, N-1-1
• Generation commitment is the process of assigning generators to
run the next day.
• It is done to meet the forecasted load with the reserve
requirements, design criteria and planned outages in mind.
• If feeders are scheduled out of service, generation requirements
may change as different parts of the system my need more or less
generators on to support local needs.
• A feeder coming out of service may require more generations to
support load or less generation because you cannot access the
energy without the feeder.
• A careful review of all load pockets must be performed
Load Pocket Concepts and Analysis
• When any transmission system or area is viewed as a whole there is a lot
of detail that could be missed
• A basic capacity and reserve review for any area would require adequate
capacity to meet the expected load demand and adequate reserve to
meet the largest loss, plus margin.
• However, there is a lot of transmission imbedded in most control areas
and power has to be able to move through the area to get to the load.
• The basic capacity/reserve review will not find those restricted spots or
bottled spots where load or generation becomes restricted.
• That means the system has to be dissected into pockets so that a more
detailed review can be conducted.
Load Pocket Concepts and Analysis
• A load pocket is any group of stations that can be enclosed
such that several transmission feeders and generators are
isolated as supplies to the load within those stations.
• The pocket could be one station with load and supplies or
many stations.
• It can include generation and feeder supplies or feeder
supplies only.
• A load pocket with no generation resources within it does
not necessarily lend itself to commitment options, but it is
still good to know if limitations exist
Load Pocket Concepts and Analysis
• This pocket
if isolated
from the
rest of the
would have
feeders and
as supplies
to the four
Load Pocket Concepts and Analysis
The feeders
internal to
the pocket
are not
and don’t
figure into
the support
of the
Load Pocket Concepts and Analysis
Supply Vs Load
Keep in mind
that feeders
A, B, C and D
connect to
other stations
and may be
the supplies
for other load
pockets, so
you have to
your system
when using
this approach
Load Pocket Concepts and Analysis
Bottled Capacity
Sometimes you
need to review
the pocket to
see if you have
too much
supply and
whether you
will be able to
get generation
out to other
parts of the
especially when FDR B
a feeder is out
Load Pocket Analysis
To conduct the load pocket review, you must identify those groups of stations that
form pockets and that are known to possibly become limiting.
– You must conduct a basic load vs supply review, taking into consideration the capacity of your
generators and feeders.
– You must discount the facility being considered for outage.
– You must outage your largest supply for an N-1 commitment or your two largest for an N-2
If the pocket still has excess supply above forecasted load, you are good for
outage. If not you must consider committing additional generation resources.
Keep in mind this is a simplistic review and feeders may not load up to their full
capacity equally. Relative impedances between feeders and location of other
generators can impact loading
Example Calculation
• Feeder B is
scheduled for outage
• Feeder A&B are
rated 400MW, C & D
both 300MW
• Gen-1 & Gen-2 each
rated 300MW
• Load forecast for
period is 1100MW
• Can an outage be
scheduled and meet
N-1 design?
Feeder A
Feeder B
Feeder C
Feeder D
+100 margin
Load Pocket Concepts and Analysis
An outage request must be reviewed before giving approval for the facility to
come out of service.
The system conditions have to be right so that the facility can come out of service
and not cause you to operate with less than design criteria.
This means you must be able to maintain design criteria with the facility out plus
with the next largest loss to meet N-1 design or without the next two largest for
N-2 design.
Obviously, this restricts the load conditions that permit outages to be scheduled.
The load pocket review is just a quick review to determine if any obvious problems
A more complete review should be done by performing a load flow analysis of
your system
Load Pocket Concepts and Analysis
Outages are reviewed on an individual basis to determine the impact they have on
specific areas of the system.
However, some outages can impact parts of the system that are quite remote from
their location.
Feeders that are part of a major interface connecting your system to other areas
are of special concern because they have a wider impact.
They can conflict with other interface feeders that are part of other transmission
It is rare that only one facility would be requested out of service for any given day.
On a large system there can be many requests each day.
A detailed load flow analysis that considers a variety of N-1 contingencies must
be conducted because many outages spread over the system may have some not
so obvious negative impacts
Loading Considerations
• Seasonal load cycles are known and outage planning is
usually performed months in advance.
• The load ratios throughout the system are also known, so
that each load pocket can be referenced as a percentage of
overall peak system load.
– For example, if load pocket is known to be 10% of system load,
we can reference what load levels the outage will be permitted
– Load pocket percentages vary from time of year and day of
• It is important to know how your load behaves in all parts
of the system when reviewing outages and determining
Loading Considerations
• Sometimes feeders do not load up equally either due to different
impedances or due to phase angle differences around the system.
• Sometimes parallel feeders are not identical, and one may tap off to
load or another station.
• This can result in one feeder reaching its maximum rating while
spare capacity exists on other feeders.
• This must be taken into consideration, because any feeder
overload is not acceptable when scheduling a facility out.
• Lets look at our load pocket example again.
Example Calculation
• Feeder B is scheduled
for outage
• Feeder A&B are rated
400MW, C & D both
• Feeder C will load up at
twice the rate of feeder
• Gen-1 & Gen-2 each
rated 300MW
• Load forecast for period
is 1100MW
• Can an outage be
scheduled and meet N1 design?
Feeder A
Feeder B
Feeder C
Feeder D
-50 margin
Example Calculation
• Feeder B is scheduled
for outage
• Feeder A&B are rated
400MW, C & D both
• It is known feeder A will
support an adjacent
pocket with 150MW
• Gen-1 & Gen-2 each
rated 300MW
• Load forecast for period
is 1100MW
• Can an outage be
scheduled and meet N1 design?
Feeder A
Feeder B
Feeder C
Feeder D
-350 margin
Load Pocket Vs Load Flow
• The point of these examples are to show that
although a useful tool, the load pocket
method is a rough estimate and you need to
understand how your system works and
responds before filling in the basic calculation
• If things are close, you must perform a load
flow analysis to determine if an outage should
be permitted
Load Flow Analysis
• A load flow analysis will work off a model of your system to
develop a set of equations that represents the voltages, currents,
loads and resources that exist.
• The software also has access to current system conditions and
planned outages for the next day.
• The first run of the program will provide you with the steady state
flows and voltages on the system.
• The program can then be set to initiate the various contingencies
that could exist and provide data on what the post contingency
conditions look like and where any violations exist.
Load Flow Analysis
• This process provides a much more detailed and accurate
assessment of the potential risks for the outage being planned.
• As a rule, these type of load flows are conducted day-ahead to
ensure all planned outages are still good to go.
• To conduct a load flow for every outage request is time consuming
and not needed. An experienced analyst can get by with a load
pocket review for most requests.
• It’s a judgment call. Usually outages of short duration or quick
recall do not require such calculations.
• Outages that will render equipment unavailable for extended
durations should be looked at in more detail.
System Loading Considerations
• Loading considerations play a key role in determining when outages can
be scheduled.
• The higher the load, the less likely an outage can be scheduled.
• Outages are generally scheduled outside of the peak season, as the load
levels are much lower.
• The electric companies basically spend three seasons of the year getting
ready for the one season that places the greatest demand on the system.
• In most places the summer is the peak season, with the winter having
another, yet smaller peak.
• The “shoulder months”, spring and fall are prime season for outages to be
Outage Considerations
• The following is a list of items that come into play
when considering an outage;
The significance of facility
System load levels
Duration of the outage
Can the outage be recalled
How long is the recall
Other conflicting outages
How critical is the work
Outage Considerations
• Significance of facility
– The larger, more strategically located, more impact on cost,
more risk to reliability
• Duration
– One or two days Vs 2 or 3 months, big difference
• Recall
– Is the outage recallable in hours, days weeks or at all
• Other conflicts
– How much redundancy exists, other critical facilities
– Most companies develop guidelines on conflicts
• How critical is the work
– Routine work that can wait? Work needed to avoid a failure?
Regulatory impacts?, etc.
Outage Considerations
• Conflicting facilities should not be scheduled out of
service simultaneously.
• A facility should be considered conflicting when it
either serves a common load pocket or interface or
when it serves a common need on the system
– Example, taking two feeders from a common interface or
two large reactive resources out at the same time should
be avoided
– Exceptions can be made, if a good reason exists or if there
are many other common resources that can serve that
same need
Risk vs Reward Discussion
• A big part of outage scheduling boils down to a risk vs. reward
• In every aspect of outage scheduling we are trying to evaluate the
risk of not having a piece of equipment in service, so we look at
what our needs are and compare that to what our resources are.
• We define requirements that enable us to meet our goal, keeping
service to our customer, while essentially taking only that risk which
is associated with an N-1 or N-2 design.
• Even with N-1 and/or N-2 there is some risk associated with
removing equipment from service. These contingencies do occur
on a somewhat regular basis.
Risk vs Reward Discussion
• The following all contribute to facilities coming out of service as a result of
Equipment failures,
Vehicle accidents,
Construction crews digging into feeders,
Animal intrusions all contribute to facilities coming out of service
• On any given day the right combination of feeders or generators can come
off line unexpectedly and present us with the inability to meet customer
• The N-1 and N-2 criteria help to keep us ahead of these events but does
not completely protect us, so we always have to evaluate risk with our
Risk vs Reward Discussion
• How do we evaluate risk and how do we justify risk?
– Risk is evaluated by determining how much margin you have above
the normal design requirements,
– evaluating your recall options,
– evaluating duration,
– evaluating weather variability and time of the year
• Risk is justified by having a greater overall reward to gain
– Taking a lot of risk with little reward is a losing proposition and
should not be done
– Justifying a risky outage because of a real need or a significant reward
is exercising good operating judgment
• It is very easy to go from a hero to a goat, so risk evaluation is
Risk vs Reward Discussion
• Risk evaluation
– Time of year, only take risk when no options exist in peak
– Recall Time, an outage that can return to service quickly,
hours, is less risky if needs arise. One that cannot be
recalled at all is the most risky.
– Duration, short durations statistically reduce the possibility
of exceeding criteria.
– Work needs, is something going to fail if work is not done
or are there no immediate consequences.
Risk vs Reward Discussion
• Reward considerations
– How reliable is equipment if we wait for outage?
– Are there regulatory requirements that must be addressed and
associated fines?
– Is the outage going to increase system capacity or capability?
– Will the work significantly improve reliability?
– Will the work address important environmental concerns?
Costs and Risk
• In the context of operating reliably we do not generally consider
• Costs is money, risk is reliability.
• That does not mean that costs are not important and do not play a
role in outage scheduling, as they clearly do.
• We just do not associate cost as a risk factor.
• Once we have determined that an outage is acceptable to go
forward from a risk perspective, we then need to ask whether
there are negative cost impacts.
Costs and Risk
• What are the cost impacts of system outages?
– If an efficient and inexpensive generator comes off
and gets replaced by an expensive one.
– When a key interface feeder comes out and reduces
transfer capability, causing congestion and price
increases in an area.
– When a key facility outage results in post-contingency
concerns that require increase in generation levels.
Outage Coordination With Others
• Very often an outage of a facility in your area can have an
impact on facilities in adjacent areas.
– Everything is connected so flows and contingencies can be
impacted in neighboring areas.
– Generation changes alter the flows and phase angle of buses.
– Intertie feeders may be relied on for support.
– Large reactive components coming out can cause voltage
– Bus section outages may render a generator with no outlet.
– Generation outages may conflict with planned transmission
– Market Implications
Outage Coordination With Others
• No system is an island of its own!
• We intentionally have large interconnects within North America to be
more secure
– Eastern interconnect
– Western interconnect
– Ercot
• With this arrangement we must work together to ensure coordination of
• Electrons do not know or respect man made jurisdictional boundaries.
• Two things that determine the level of independence we have with regard
to outage scheduling is electrical distance and control ability.
Outage Coordination With Others
• Neighboring entities coordinate outages with
each other, TOP-TOP, RC to RC, BA-BA as
determined by studies and facility lists for
• Various entities are required to coordinate
outages within an RC area, TOP-GOP, TOP-RC,
• Neighboring RC’s coordinate outages with each
Outage Coordination With Others
• BA’s often exchange power between areas and
have to know what facilities will be available or
limited to address transactions.
• GOP’s must coordinate unit availability with the
BA as the BA has the responsibility to match
generation to load.
• TOP’s have to coordinate with everyone as their
lines connect everything together and impacts all
aspects of operation.
Outage Coordination With Others
• Many Regional control areas maintain lists of required outage
notifications within its region to be made to adjacent RC’s.
• Likewise many RC’s maintain lists of required outage notifications
between TOP’s in their areas.
• Much of this is generated out of necessity and good utility practice,
however, NERC standards do spell out requirements for such
notifications and coordination.
• The southwest blackout in 2011, that shut down San Diego was
partly attributed to neighbors not communicating outage
information to each other.
Outage Contingency Planning
• On occasion outages have to be permitted that ordinarily
would not be allowed due to reliability concerns.
• This can happen because of a pressing issue that develops
during a time of year when loading does not support
scheduling an outage within design capabilities.
• This can result in conditions being such that the next
contingency will result in capacity shortages or overloads
that cannot be cleared without emergency actions.
• Under these conditions a contingency plan must be in
place so that operators know what pre-determined actions
will be implemented.
Outage Contingency Planning
• Contingency plans are important as they coordinate actions to be
taken among various working groups who have a role to play if
things go wrong.
• Contingency plans may call for or rely on the following actions;
Voltage reduction, “brown outs”
Load shedding, “black outs”
Use of temporary emergency ratings
Use of DSM, demand side management
Shifting of load via emergency switching
Recall of facilities
Notification requirement!
Alternate cooling options
Outage Contingency Planning
• Voltage reduction and load shedding are generally the
last resort efforts to protect facilities from damage and
salvage most of the customer loads.
• They directly impact service to the customer, but it is
generally better to experience a temporary short
outage to service if it means preventing damage and a
longer term impact.
• Most entities can remotely activate these systems in
very short time frames, seconds to minutes, to enact
the desired action.
Outage Contingency Planning
• Very often an improved emergency ratings can
be provided by Engineering Departments to allow
emergency operation at higher loadings for a
short period of time.
• These ratings may assume some loss of life and
do depend on the pre-load of the feeders.
• The temporary emergency ratings provide
opportunity and time for restoration of the
contingency or the facility causing the issue.
Outage Contingency Planning
• Demand side management is the use of customer
efforts to reduce loading.
• Most companies offer customers the opportunity to
participate in DSM programs with various prenotification requirements and compensation
• DSM usually has to be requested in advance and can
be used when it is known that loads will exceed
acceptable levels to withstand certain contingencies.
Outage Contingency Planning
• Emergency switching options are sometimes
available on the distribution system, where load
can be transferred to neighboring stations or
feeders under emergency conditions.
• Alternate cooling methods may involve
something as simple as water sprays on
transformer radiators or modifications to normal
oil circulation facilities.
Outage Contingency Planning
• Notifications
– Notifications may seem like a trivial requirement, but it is far from
that. In this day of instant communication people and agencies want
to know things immediately
• Many organizations have a real need to know as they will be
impacted by possible outages to electric service.
Critical customer facilities
• Be sure to get the notifications right, as often you will get more
complaints about the notifications than you will about the outage
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